“To Begin Again” (The Study of Vibration, Session 196) is an intimate metaphysical discussion between Da Jeshua San and ascension students that were, at the time of recording, working on coming to terms with and practically understanding their experience of the mastery of the Grand Illusions of Form, Time, Space, Exchange, Death, and Separation.

Da Jeshua San offers those present and those watching in the now the experience of deepening their relationship with the concepts that have been discussed so far in the Meaning of Life events, during which the Mastering the Grand Illusions collection was recorded.

The Meaning of Life events took place in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, in November and December of 2007. The full series and videos of these events are available and are streaming free forever on this Collections page.


To Begin Again


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest | The Meaning of Life


Da Jeshua San


Retie, Belgium | November 27, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 196

by Da Jeshua San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Da Jeshua San: So, it goes as follows: Mi’eh neh’ni pah cheneya’chi poh’neh chineyo e’karaya. Mi’eh neh’ni pah cheneya’chi poh,neh chineyo e’karaya. “May this moment be the moment of your first heartbeat.” That would be the direct translation of this, but actually, what it would mean in this language is, “May you remember to begin again.” 

It is a reminder, as it is a greeting, to start each day, to start each moment anew, again, fresh, with a blank state DNA, as we have been learning in the last few days. So, mi’eh neh’ni pah cheneya’chi poh’neh chienyo e’karaya. It’s a beautiful greeting, one that I love very, very much. 

We should start a Lemurian school or something, teach that language again because that would be wonderful for people to speak that language again because it is not just words. It also opens the heart. It is a language that knows no gravity. It knows no negative words. It knows no fighting. There is no fighting in Lemurian. There are no words to call each other names. There are no words to fight with each other. So, it is usually pretty beautiful.

Mi’eh neh’ni pah cheyeya’chi poh’neh chineyo e’karaya. It’s beautiful. Yes, I know. 

So, anyway, family, we’ve gone through quite a lot of things in the last few days. Not just the last 5 five days, but actually the last 13 days, and I believe that the Ekaraia from yesterday, the one with dragon energy, and later on, Da Pah Ekara San – that was yesterday, right, yes? – has brought us to a point of more insight than we had before. We now know what we have been doing in the last 13 days. 

A Burst of Energy Flooding Earth

I would also like to remind you that we are coming to the point when the bubble that we have been in is going to burst open and going to flood its energy over planet Earth. So, that is going to be a fascinating experiment. I hope that it will make sure that Belgium will remain without a government because it has been without a government now for about 180 days already I believe, which is very fascinating, isn’t it? Especially to see how that so many of the politicians’ masks have come off because at first, people believed that these politicians were very wise people, and now, for the last 150 days almost, they have been calling each other names on the news, like, “It’s his fault! It’s his fault! He did it! He did it!” And they start accusing each other. So, the political system is attacking itself, basically, from the inside out, which you could call a virus. 

Now, I remind you that, actually, we were forced, we were in England at the time, and we were forced to come back because we had to vote. And nobody, actually, felt like coming back if you remember. We wanted to stay there. Especially the last two days were terrible because we needed to leave Glastonbury. 

But anyway, we had to come back because of the voting. And I remember, as we went to the voting office, we said, “Oh, we are just going to plant an energy virus in there, so that the government will never be formed.” So, I don’t know when your next period for voting in Holland is going to be, but we will be there! 

But it is very beautiful to see that these things actually do become manifest, if you just have a 100% solid belief system. And that is so very important, to have your belief system completely and utterly ready, at hand. 

We were talking last night in the room. We were trying to… We were trying to talk about manifestation and the like. And one of the things that also came up, if you want to manifest something, if you want to create your own reality, there is no recipe to follow. There is no trick to learn, except for the Akene, and the elements, and that sort of thing. But for the rest, there is no trick to learn. All you need is a 100% conviction that it is going to work, and you leave no space, no space at all for any type of doubt. But that means that you have to dig deep into your subconscious, which is the territory of the mind as well, because there will always remain a certain aspect of doubt. And that’s why you have to let go of those illusions. You have to let go of the mind-based thinking and everything so that you can make manifest all of these things. 

Anyway, today, we are at the last day of our 13-day cycle, getting ready to go out again, to start again, basically, to begin again also. I hope that everybody has had a chance to integrate all the information, all the things that we have done in the course of the last 13, or 5 in this case, days. And I would like to take this opportunity for like half an hour or so to see if you have any questions left about anything that we have covered in the last couple of days – and I am not just talking about these days, I am also talking about the other days. 

Now, are there any questions? . 

Akeyasan 1: Can you please explain the bubble thing again and afterwards, about the importance to keep our thoughts pure?

Da Jeshua San: Yes. Okay. Well, the bubble thing is about the fact that 13 days ago – or actually a little bit longer ago, when the first seminar started in Den Helder – a type of bubble, a vacuum of energy was created, based solely on free energy, akeneic energy – everything that that has been about. And we have been building that energy for all those days now, getting ready now to release that. 

And it is a different way of working. You see, you can step into the world, and you can work with people one on one on one, trying to change their attitudes and everything, or – and that is what was said back then – you could come together with a group such as this one, build up a lot of energy, prepare that to let it loose upon the world. And that is, basically, what we are going to be doing, but, obviously, that energy is based on what we hold in our hearts. 

The Purity Required

So, that is why (I believe it was) Da Shasaya San at that point who was speaking about the purity of our hearts, to make sure our hearts are as pure as possible. And with pure… It is just a concept that you are without fear, that you are without any type of duality, that you are in a neutral state as you leave here because that is going to be very important. Because as I visualize it, as I see it, it is more… Everybody… It is not like we are going to hold our breath and in 5 hours, the bubble is going to burst. I see it more that everybody is going to go out, one by one, and each time, there is going to be a floodgate of energy as you leave these areas. So, as you leave the group consciousness you are going to be taking a lot of that energy with you, but also, you are going to be flooding it, and it is going to begin with the people you know, you see? And from there, it is going to spread out. 

And that is a different way of working. It is basically a soft way to revolutionize the world. So, that is what we are doing. And at the same time, as you step away from here – it is also one of the things that Da Pah Ekara San said yesterday – you will become less influenced by mind control because it is happening all over the place, mind control. It’s even in food…

I remember when we were, I think it was, in Las Vegas. We were in Las Vegas. We were still planning to go to Sedona at that point, with our camper. You see, we wanted to drive on, the eight of us, to Sedona, which again would have been a 5-hour trip at least. I think even more than 5 hours, no? Yeah, it was a long trip, and we would have been there for a while. However, we got a communication at that point about the depth of mind control and how it was influencing everything, even our food. The food, and especially the American food is so genetically manipulated all the time that you have no authenticity left. So, that always influences us. 

And I am not saying that it is only happening on a level of thought, but also on a level of physical existence, so that your body cannot handle higher vibrations. It is happening to so many people constantly, all the time. 

Now, you could ask at that point, “Where can I find food that I can eat? Where can I find pure, pure food, pure drinking?” But, actually, almost nowhere at this point. It is nowhere to be found anymore on planet Earth. So, we’re going to have to purify it within ourselves. That’s the only way at this point. 

I am not saying that it’s never going to come back, the purity of the planet. It has to come back. It will come back. It is coming back, but we are going to have to be the ones now, the human race, that is going to be purifying things from within for a while because on the outside… I mean we will be…after the seminar is over in two days, we will be leaving for California – a group of us at least – and we are going to step right back into that whole food chain thing, which is also happening here. Actually, we noticed, as we came back after those couple of months that we were gone, how radically things had changed here as well. You don’t notice it when you are in here. You don’t see it when you’re living in your daily lives, but if you step out and you step back in, you just see the change. You just see how many things and how quickly these things are changing. 

Akeyasan 2: But what about the food that has the label ‘biological’?

Da Jeshua San: Yes, that is a little bit better, but still, don’t forget that biological food and bio things are also turning into an industry today. It is also becoming an industry. 

You have to remember this: people would not ever set up an industry if it wasn’t about profit, yes. So, what they have noticed is, “Oh, there is a group of people who want to live differently, who want to eat differently. We are going to play in on that trend,” you see?

So, it is a little bit better, but it is also grown on Earth that has been so…

Akeyasan 2: Poisoned. 

Da Jeshua San: … poisoned, yes. So, actual authentic food is very hard to find. It is maybe growing in some places. I know about a couple of biological farms in Hawaii, but even those people are saying, they have to do a lot to keep the food really clean, and that the soil has already been damaged as well.  

So, it is not really a nice prospect if you think about it, but it will become better. Because as we change, so will the Earth again. 

Akeyasan 3: Travel in the area…

Da Jeshua San: Hm? 

Akeyasan 3: Through the gardens, and everywhere…

Da Jeshua San: Yeah, the more we travel the planet, we will purify it again. That is also something that we learn, as we were going through these ekaraias. 

You wanted to ask a question, honey?

Children and Food

Akeyasan 4: Yes, about the children. A lot of children are allergic for the food. How can they manage? 

Da Jeshua San: Well, my opinion would be… Because it is true. Many of these kids can’t even handle vegetables anymore, certain types of vegetables that they react to very strangely, but what I would suggest is allowing these children to eat what they say that they want to eat because they have like an inner compass, you see, a built-in navigational system for what is safe to them and what isn’t. And it is only when you allow these children not to follow their heart, and when you force them – like we were talking yesterday during the ekaraia, right, about vaccines and vaccination – when you force these things on them, then you create a problem. But as we know from somebody we know very well, who actually used to have a 4-year-old daughter, and she always let her daughter choose what she wanted. Because if the school said, you need to be vaccinated, and the girl said, I don’t feel… I don’t want to do that, then she said, “Okay, my kid doesn’t have to do that.” With the result now that the government took her child away because, apparently, she wasn’t taking care of it. You see? So, that happens. 

You will know as a mother. You will know as a parent. You will feel what the child wants and what it doesn’t want. It will make it very clear.


Akeyasan 5: To start with, when can we personally experience the time…uhm…

Da Jeshua San: The time shift?

Akeyasan 5: … the lengthening of the time? 

Da Jeshua San: The lengthening of the time? Like we did last time? We still have to wait a little bit for that to occur, but you can start playing with it. If you start playing with it already, you will have an impact. It is just not going to be as big an impact as you will see after January 28th when the 1-1-1 gate closes. 

But let’s just say that December is like a training month of really starting to live your life in a different way. Again, so many people that are now traveling with us, they thought at first that their lives would be over if they stepped away from their jobs and if they quit their apartments and the like, you know? But, things are still going on. It is just that we are trained to believe that we are going to end up under a bridge somewhere, you know, in a carton box if we can’t pay our bills or we are going to be… Like, really, isn’t it, in this society, one of the worst things that you can imagine, is that you can’t pay your bills anymore? That’s like a tragedy! That’s like a taboo! It is like as bad as having a deadly disease or something. And then people will say, “Oh, yes, that one!”, you know?

And that’s also always very interesting because you see the jealousy of people there, right? You oftentimes see somebody who kind of lets himself go or herself go and starts buying all these things, and people become jealous. And then, when that person crashes or when that person goes down because there is a problem financially, the whole town will start going like, “I told you so! He wasn’t very wise. He was just letting himself go.” You see? It happens so much. 

What is very important in the month of December – and I have witnessed that in the life of people around me as well – there is two things that you can do. You can let go… You can take that month off, but you can actually also let go completely and take the mind off. 

Leaving Old Paradigms and Patterns

Because you see, if I think back to people I have worked with during sessions, there was a person who actually wanted to be an entertainer. She wanted to work with groups of children and everything. And she had a partner. They weren’t living together. And at a certain point, she calls me for a session, and she says, “I am working in an office right now, and it is actually killing me. I need to get out. Every weekend, I am working with children. I am doing parties. I am being a clown and, you know, I’m going to these parties, and it makes me so very happy.” And I told her, “Well, if that is your passion, you know, go for it!” Okay, so well, the session lasted a little bit longer than that, but you know?

And after a couple of weeks, I get another session from that lady. And she calls me back, and she says, “How could you tell me to do this?” I said, “Why? Why, what’s wrong?” She said, “Well, I left my house; I am living with my partner now, so that I could save up some money…” There was a light going on right there. ‘So I could save up some money!’ And she said, “Now, I quit my job, and I am doing this, but I am freaking out when I don’t get an appointment to go to a children’s party, and I am totally paralyzed, waiting for that phone to ring now because now I am independent, and I changed my entire life! And now, I am stuck with this, and the money is still not coming in.” And I said, “ Well, yes, but you see, what your problem was? You choose to go for your passion, but you can’t choose while still keeping alive all those old paradigms, all those old patterns.”

You see, she was working in a job before that, in an office. What were her problems there? She didn’t like the work, and she was always short of money, although she was in a well-paid job. And then, she goes into this passion, supposedly, where she is still creating the same patterns, namely that she didn’t like the work. Well, she likes the work now, but now there is another frustration about the work, namely that she has to wait for phone calls. So, again, she creates imperfection. And the same thing was happening to her financially, you see? 

And when we talked about that one… About 5 weeks or 6 weeks down the road, I received an email from her, saying that now that she saw those patterns, she had broken them, and now she was really a successful kindergarten or child’s party entertainer, and she had calls every couple of days. And things were really good for her, so…

So, December isn’t just going to be about taking a month off, but it’s also going to be about letting go of those patternings completely. Because if you don’t… I mean, we were talking about that yesterday, you can step into a new life, but if you keep the old patterns alive, then it’s not a new life. It is still the same. But only you think you have let go on a mental level, you haven’t let go on an energy level yet. So, work on that in the month of December. 

So, I think – to round off the question – I believe that especially by the end of January, the free energy will completely become available. But before that, play around with it. See how far you can go with it. Maybe you already have full access. You never know. 

Another Point of You

Akeyasan 6: Almost always, I do the exercise to having another point of view to me. So, always, I blend my environment with myself. And people could think it doesn’t have so much influence, but the influence is very, very on it. 

Da Jeshua San: If you do that, you mean? If you do that exercise? 

Akeyasan 6: Yes. 

Da Jeshua San: That is true. 

Akeyasan 6: So, now my environment remembers my Self, remembers me, my Self. Not my identity, but really my Self. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes. Yes. What do you mean exactly when you say, my environment remembers my Self? 

Akeyasan 6: I see letters, and I see my name everywhere. 

Da Jeshua San: Really?

Akeyasan 6: Yes. 

Da Jeshua San: Ah, okay! Okay.

Akeyasan 6: And also the walls. All things reflect my Self. 

Da Jeshua San: That is beautifully said. As you were saying, as you were starting to talk, and you said ‘point of view’, I was reminded… I saw in my mind – not in my mind, in my brain somewhere, in my neocortex – I saw… you said, a point of view, and I immediately heard: a point of you. 

Akeyasan 6: Ah, yes!

Da Jeshua San: It is a really nice way of saying that. It’s a point of you because that makes it quite different, you can another point of you through somebody else. 

And that is the beginning of everything. You need to recognize the world around you as your own, as your own complete creation. And this is what is being said ever since the beginning of the Manifest, of this year, basically, of our insights that we have been offered this year, this is about… This is what the sovereign universe is all about. This is what the fact that, “there is no world, and you are all that is,” is all about, you see? It is all about your own point of view. It is you showing up in everything around you. And when that starts to happen… Well, yeah, there is no going back, is there?

I am very sure because I guess in the last times that you were here during last seminars, you were speaking about your home situation, right, that it just kept following you all the time. And I am very sure that that is going to be completely different now. You already feel quite different. There was always… You were like carrying a burden with you every time you walked in, you see? But that is gone now. It is so beautiful to see that changed. It is wonderful. 

Akeyasan 6: I am happy, too. 

Da Jeshua San: You are beaming. It’s beautiful. 

A State of Neutrality

Akeyasan 1: If I remember correctly, the state of neutrality is simply to be in the now moment? 

Da Jeshua San: The state of neutrality is about being in the now moment, but also having no type of duality at all present. And also, and this is going to be the most difficult, duality shows up in so many different things. Duality means judgement, defining energy. That is what duality is all about, right? “That is a chair.” Actually, that is a judgment. The fact that you call that a chair is a definition of energy. So, you are basically judging or defining that energy. 

Neutrality doesn’t do that. Neutrality recognizes the object, but it actually recognizes the fluidity of the object as well. It doesn’t hold onto it. 

And that is what we have always been talking about when we were speaking about the memories of the now. You can allow energy to take shape, but you don’t have to hold onto it. And if we start collecting stuff in our lives, and we start having possessions, right – imagine no possessions – all those possessions that we have are all about judgments, all about definition. We are keeping that energy in that box. 

And actually, as Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San yesterday was talking about the prison of the mind, remember, how we take every second and we just take a little bit of our own energy, and we put that in a prison every single second? We also do that with the things around us because that is our energy right there. 

You see, that car that you have to work for, for twenty years, or that house that you have to work for, for twenty years, is you that you are continuously defining further and further and further, as you are working to keep it in that form. Because if the house goes, all that energy becomes available, and it is back to you again. 

Akeyasan 1: Yes! 

Da Jeshua San: Only, you have to make sure you don’t keep the energy still in the same pattern, that it becomes neutral again. And that is what neutrality is all about, you see? 

Akeyasan 1: But before, you have to, somewhere in the brain, assemble all the channeled pieces of myself? Do you have to do that before you…?

Da Jeshua San: The top life you mean? Or the shattered pieces? Yes, yes, that is very necessary. 

Akeyasan 1: Before you can reach the purest state of mind? 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, yes. 

Akeyasan 1: Mind…

Da Jeshua San: Yeah, I will let that one go! But, yes, basically. Basically. You have to do that, all those little pieces, put them back together, and you will see how full, how complete you will become again, and you won’t need anything. That is the beauty of it. 

Akeyasan 7: I wanted to ask you about that.

Da Jeshua San: Here you go. Good morning!

Akeyasan 7: Good morning! Is it like retrieval of the soul parts? 

Da Jeshua San: You could call it that. What is that friend of ours? 

Akeyasan 7: Hosie.

Da Jeshua San: Yeah, Hosie, Hosie Steinbergen…

Akeyasan 7: I have an exercise…. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, she actually… Retrieving the soul parts, you could say that. It is about that. That is what she was talking about. 

Akeyasan 7: So, you don’t have to necessarily know what it is? Just call them all back?

Da Jeshua San: Retrieve it, yes. You can know what it all is, but it is impossible for the mind to have an instant recollection of everything that you have gone through in your lives. So, that is just going to take a moment of deciding that it is going to happen. 

Akeyasan 7: Okay, thank you. 

Da Jeshua San: Anyone else still has a question? Yes, over there, Wilma San.

Akeyasan 8: This night, I had a strange night. 

Da Jeshua San: Don’t we all?!

Reclaiming Energy

Akeyasan 8: I had a feeling about the environment. It was Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San with whom was talking about it. I had a lot of tears, and I stood in the room. And I had the feeling that I was standing in my parents’ house, and I reclaimed the energy back. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, yes. 

Akeyasan 8: I am very tired, but I also I also relieved, Is that possible?

Da Jeshua San: Yes, it is. I know, we didn’t get around to talking again after the Da Kuthumi San’s channel, but that is exactly what he was talking about. Yes. That is exactly what he wanted you to do, basically, to reclaim that energy. And, obviously, you should be feeling tired because how long… That energy has been struck there for so long, so, it is tired. It needs to regenerate, you see? So, this is a good thing that happened. Yes, definitely. 

Well, it’s nice to see everybody so… changed. There is a lot of… I know there is still some questions and I know there’s a lot of questions with everybody probably about, “How am I going to go on now? How do I actually need to put this in a practical way into my life?” But so much has happened, and I see everybody’s faces so very different, especially if I look at the energy. 

Is there anybody still who feels uncomfortable with all of this? Who feels afraid a little bit about doing it all? Yes. I thought there were still some people. So, yes. 

Akeyasan 9: Last night, I didn’t sleep at all. I was so fearful and so… But I already have this all long time, so, I don’t know what happens. It’s just like it goes deeper and deeper still, instead of… And in my bed it was so warm, and so hot, and I thought I would explode. I became fearful.

Da Jeshua San: So, what creates fear? 

Akeyasan 9: The way… How my body reacts now. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, but the bodily reaction isn’t creating the fear. The bodily reaction is just a reaction. The fear is coming from someplace else, isn’t it? 

Akeyasan 9: From the mind. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes. 

Akeyasan 9: The mind is afraid that the body will explode. 

Da Jeshua San: Why is the mind afraid that the body might explode? Because it is a metaphor what you are saying now. “The mind is afraid that the body will explode.” That is not, of course, an actual explosion because that will never happen, but the body might explode energetically. It might open up completely, allowing to have that complete sense of flow again. And naturally, the mind will be fearful for that because that means the death of the ego. 

Akeyasan 9: Yes, it seems like the ego…

Da Jeshua San: Yes. Yes. Who spoke to me? I think it was you, right, yesterday or the day before yesterday when you said, “So, letting go of all these illusions and stepping into all of that is like dying.” Yes. You said that. Well yes, there you go. So, it is a death. It is a death of personality. It is a death of identity, and a death of ego, without actually killing the ego completely. It is a death of the triumph of the ego over the consciousness. 

So, what is happening to you, basically is good. If you let the fear go, then the process can actually take place. If you keep the fear alive, then you will keep the process stagnant. It can’t move then. 

Akeyasan 9: I can do that, and then I remember the Akene, but then after a few minutes, it is there again. 

Da Jeshua San: That might be for a while, yes. Then you have to do it again. Then it might be gone again, and after 15 minutes, it’s back, and you do it again. It is like teaching, training yourself a new pathway, allowing a new process to come into you. So, you just… At the beginning it’s very…

You know, you must remember, you have been stuck in this way of living for many, many, many years. So, you can’t just expect it to change overnight, well, you can, but, usually, in most cases, it doesn’t happen that way, and you are going to have to train yourself again. It is like somebody who has had an accident and who has been lying in the hospital for many months, and he has forgotten how to walk. And then he has to learn how to walk again. At first, it’s like really hard, but then after a while, it gets better. 

It will get better. Don’t worry about it. 

Anyone else? Ah, yes, Da Inana San. It’s a beautiful name, by the way. 

Akeyasan 10: Yes, thank you. These days have been quite a process. 

Da Jeshua San: These days? Yes. 

Divine Mission

Akeyasan 10: In the beginning, I knew I want that, with the game of duality. And I always… I was not awake enough early to do some integration. This morning, I had three quarters of an hour before I had to get up, so, I was putting it on paper. And I had one question: How can I serve my divine mission the best way? And I had two solutions – duality! And I had the solution. When I do it here, the way I was doing it before, but doing it always more and more, or…

Da Jeshua San: Or?

Akeyasan 10: … Or… Can I join and find a group and do what I have been wanting to do for 20 years with that group, this group. 

Da Jeshua San: This group of people you mean? 

Akeyasan 10: The group of Hawaii. 

Da Jeshua San: Okay! 

Akeyasan 10: In the beginning, I had a lot of questions. Therefore, I said, yes… Because I thought, it’s not a problem. My son could sell my house, and my grandchildren will come to Hawaii. They can travel there. So, I made solutions, but nevertheless, many questions stay. It’s a pool of questions. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, there is a lot of questions. I understand. I understand because you see, what you are getting is… Let’s go back to the beginning. 

Akeyasan 10: There is so much energy. That’s a good sign. 

Da Jeshua San: Let’s go back to the beginning. How can you serve, as you said, your divine plan? Well, you serve your divine plan by your existence on planet Earth, and especially by your conscious existence on planet Earth. You’re not serving the plan by allowing the Earth and society and the mental energy that society offers to wash over you and to… Well, how can I say it? To basically destroy your mission. 

Akeyasan 10: That’s not the question.

Da Jeshua San: That’s not what  you are doing. I know that’s not what you are doing.

Akeyasan 10: That is not the way…

Da Jeshua San: I know. I know. I know who you are and what you have been doing. I also know that you have been working a lot… I know that the question is, if you should continue the way you are working now, or if you should make it into an entirely new path, like Hawaii, for instance, and to do that. 

Well, I can tell you this: although Hawaii is a base for us – it is a base, it is a space for us to live – we are continuously moving all over the world because that is what we want to do. That is our calling. That is our highest passion. 

Creating Centers

What we are also wanting to do is set up spaces, like the one that we have created now in Hawaii, on many different places o the Earth. New Zealand is one space. Peru is going to be another space. I see Shasta as another possibility where we are probably going to be doing it, in California. I also see it happening here. 

This morning, Da Magdalen San and myself, we were talking that we have been listening to so many people that have had ideas to start something, you see? And they want to start a center, or they want to turn their ground into a center or whatever. And we were talking, just this morning that it would be possible to take all of those ideas, take all of that energy and create one big one – also here because it is going to be very necessary, as it is one point of the nexus. 

So, I would encourage everybody who wants to be a part of that, who wants to step into that and do that here, to contact us through email. And probably, once we get back from California or after our seminar in Tintagel, we will probably call a meeting or something together, a very informal meeting, to see what we actually can make manifest in that respect. 

As far as Hawaii goes, everybody is open to travel with us. You see, everybody who wants to join in, who wants to travel with us to do those things, is always very welcome. 

That is all I can say about that really. 

Akeyasan 10: That was one of the questions. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes. 

Akeyasan 10: If I should do that. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, well, as far as you are concerned… You see, you are holding a lot of energy here. You know that. You have been holding a lot of energy in this nexus that is the Benelux, Belgium and Holland, and Luxemburg, but let’s just focus on Belgium and Holland for a second. You have been holding a lot of energy here. And if I am really honest, I don’t see… I don’t see that you are quite finished with that yet, actually. I see that there are still very powerful people needed here as well, who have been holding the Lemurian energy, in your case, for a long time. 

Right now, the gates are just opening. And I know that in the course of 2008, many things are going to be different. A lot of people are going to finish energy projects, projects that are working on a spiritual level, a higher self contract, are going to be finished by February, March 2008, when a lot of new space is going to open up for them to step into a new paradigm. And I would advise you to hold on until that point because there will be people here that need you. But then, after that, I believe in your case – at least that is what I am being told right now – you are going to have more space available to do travel because travel is definitely in your stars, as they would say. There is definitely that, but you need to come out with your material as well. You need to come out with your wisdom and your knowledge as well to make that happen. 

Akeyasan 10: Yes, I have been doing it for a long time. My wish was always to do it together with people, a group of people. 

Da Jeshua San: Mine, too! Mine, too! It has always been my wish to unify all the groups. 

Akeyasan 10: And I have already a place here. I have a place that started out in the 70s with a lady who is now 99 years old. 

Da Jeshua San: Really? 

Akeyasan 10: Now, I take a little bit her place, and I am doing… I have place my in nature here.

Da Jeshua San: Okay! 

Akeyasan 10: That was the first…

Da Jeshua San: Well, hold onto that place still. It is going to continue to exist probably, but you will, after a fashion, step out of that. That is very definite almost. You wont be holding onto that for much longer because there is going to be somebody else stepping in there, for you to allow you – your choice – to allow you to step out and do the things you need to do. But I am very sure that we will see you in Hawaii. 

Akeyasan 10: Okay. Because that is a dream to go there. Thank you.

Da Jeshua San: Yes, but I am also very sure that you won’t be staying there. I am sure that you actually will move on to Africa. 

Akeyasan 10: Africa?

Da Jeshua San: Mhm. Yes, and there is somebody else here who will do the same thing. Yes. Yes. 

Akeyasan 10: My daughter-in-law is organizing of traveling to Africa, and I have always said: “Africa?”

Da Jeshua San: I can understand that. 

Akeyasan 10: I have to turn that I think. 

Da Jeshua San: No, it usually just remains closed until the potentials literally open up. Don’t worry about it too much. Work on the place that you are now. Finish that work, and then traveling will begin. But I know it will begin in Africa. Maybe you will end up a month or two months in Hawaii to get some things started up, and then you will probably move on. But Africa keeps coming back, so. 

Akeyasan 10: Oh? 

Da Jeshua San: Yes. The hunger is going to be turned around completely, and people are going to get empowered, which means there is going to be a lot of spiritual awakening going on. Because right now, in Africa, people are still… most of them are still in survival mode. We, here, even though some of us might be complaining about – I don’t know – about houses and living situations, we are in a much more comfortable space than the people back there, you see? So, that is going to change, and it is going to need a lot of work. 

Akeyasan 10: I don’t know I can ask this… because I had a feeling. My daughter- in-law, so she is organizing traveling to Africa. And she was going there for her work to find hotels and stuff. And I saw a picture of her with little children. And I saw in her also a change in another way, not for rich people traveling, but for those children… 

Da Jeshua San: Yes.

Akeyasan 10: I saw that, and I saw that picture. So, maybe I do something together with her. 

Da Jeshua San: Well, I guess you are going to be surprised. You will be surprised when you step off that plane. 

Akeyasan 10: What a change! What a change. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes. You will be surprised when you step off…

Akeyasan 10: Because I really want to do what is asked of me. 

Da Jeshua San: And everybody knows that, don’t worry. 

Akeyasan 10: Thank you. 

Da Jeshua San: So, I guess that we are going to have a 15-minute break. And we will see you back at 11:30. 

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Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
10 months ago

Da’ka’ya so very much for restoring this beautiful piece from Da Jeshua San 🙏🏻

The Dah’lyn expression Da Jeshua San is explaining in this Session, and the translation of this in English:

“May you always remember to begin again,” is in the top of my favorites, although of course this can be said about all the pieces of information on here 🌹 It is a very helpful message to remember ❤️🥰❤️

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