“A Pleiadean Meditation” (The Study of Vibration, Session 197) is a beautiful gift to the ascension student, and to the world, by Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San.

Presented as a metaphysical journey of free energy rebirth, this energetically intimate experience between Da Adamus San, the Pleiades, and yourself, is one of which the resulting expression will remain with you forever.

It will be of service to you and the whole in ways that words cannot explain.

The Session was recorded during the Meaning of Life events, which took place in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, in November and December of 2007. The full series and videos of these events are available and are streaming free forever on this Collections page.


A Pleiadean Meditation


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest

The Meaning of Life | Mastering the Grand Illusions


Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San


Retie, Belgium | November 27, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 197

by Da Ojadasan'ka Adamus Valen San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Da Jeshua San: Well then, let’s… I know there are two more ekaraias lined up for today. One we are going to do right now and the other one we are going to be doing right after lunchtime. And again I would like to remind you, if you haven’t already done so, I’d like to remind you of your ascension stories because we are going to make some space available this afternoon for all of you to go through that story, and not just to read your ascension story, because that is just school acting, but we are going to allow you, you are going to get the chance to actually speak about your life. 

So what we are going to be doing in this afternoon, as the ekaraia finishes or before the ekaraia, we will see how that one works out after lunch, is allow you to stand in front of this group of people as though your life has been over and you come to speak about your experience on Earth, you see? Like an afterlife kind of gathering, where you talk about Earth and what it was like, and how you felt it. How it was experienced by you to be a human person in an old energy world, moving onto a new energy world. 

So, you are going to get that chance. I am not saying that everybody has to come to the front, obviously, because it is free. If you want to do it you can do it, if you don’t want to do it, then you can still work on your own story and you can do that for yourself, okay? 

And then, let’s move on to the ekaraia. Are you going to be singing or are you going to do this this afternoon? 

Akeyasan 1: This afternoon.

Da Jeshua San: Afternoon? Okay. So let’s go into it then. 

Aah, the music of Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San. 

Da Ambika San: I invite you to close your eyes for a moment, and to go to the I Am breathing. Breathe in all that you are, and then emit all that you are. I Am. I Am. And see how it gets stronger, breath by breath. And feel how it connects you because all is you. Let this being one, this unity, let this bit… let this be the space where everything can come in, and enjoy the words. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San

Did we feel a little bit frustration there, Keeper? 

Greetings, everybody! I Am that I Am Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San. Very good to see all of you again, especially sitting here in those changed energy bodies that you are now carrying. 

I wanted to come in to give you a last speech – let’s call it a ‘speech’ – before you all go home again, before you step into your old life, or should I say into your ‘new’ life because that is what it is. As the Lemurian saying over there is reminding you: ‘May you remember to begin again’. I am not even going to try to speak Lemurian, but ‘may you remember to begin again.’

This is something that you should hold onto at any given moment of the Now. Every single second is a new beginning. And if you look at it this way, then you will follow the insights that my good friend Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San has offered you yesterday. Then you will not put yourselves in prison. It is impossible to do that then. 

But I am very happy, Imzaia, to see all of you gathered here, preparing yourselves as you do. Remember two things: the purity of your heart is going to be very important in the time to come, and the bubble of energy that you have been building here. The reason why I wanted to come in is to take you through an exercise, or let’s call it an ‘experience’ that would allow you to feel what has been happening to you in the past few days and what is to come. I want to prepare all of you to step out of that bubble energy, that new type of energy that you have all created here together, to prepare you to step out of that, and at the same time, to hold on to that energy, so that you may not lose it. 

So often this happens, so often humanity steps out of a new type of energy, only to drop back a few levels, to go down. We don’t want you to go down on anything. We only want you to go up on everything. Anything is available to you, anything, to raise your consciousness, to raise your vibration. In the course of the last year alone, and especially also the years before that, we have come in in so many places on planet Earth to assist you, to help you. Now it is time that you start helping yourselves by looking into the exercises that we have given, looking into the methodology, the insights, and to make those into a practical daily life experience. That is all you can do really, to turn that into a daily life experience.  

But to help you one more time, let’s go through a special exercise that we have put together for you. In order to do these things that we are going to be doing in these next minutes, I have invited, this morning already, the Pleiadean energy – not Da Hana Satya San herself at this point, but many, many other Pleiadean energies – to be present here in this room, so that they may assist you in the completion of the rewiring process that you have been going through for all those days. Some of you might have already felt their presence last night because when a Pleiadean comes in, obviously, it doesn’t come in at the timeline that you are used to, it comes in throughout time and space. A Pleiadean that comes to this Earth – and that will be for you as well as you start picking up these traits – the Pleiadean that comes in doesn’t just pinpoint him or her or itself in a timeline at a certain point like you do, it becomes present throughout the entire timeline of Earth and your very existence. That is the power that comes with circular thinking. That is the power that comes with infinity thinking, basically. 

So, let’s get ready. Waiting for a couple of seconds here to allow the Pleiadeans to set themselves up behind you. Know that this is an inter-dimensional concept because you don’t have to move your chair to the front. They can find a space on a needlepoint, so to speak. 

So, let this happen now. Let these Pleiadeans take up their space behind you. And I am inviting you to open… to open this time not the front of the kakra, which is the heart, or the Akene; I am asking you now to open the backside because what we are going to be doing is going to be going back through time, you see? Open your akeneic energy, open your heart to the back… Goes right through your spine, do you feel that? Great. 

The Power of Love & Magnetics

So, Imzaia, are you ready to ride with me? Because we are going to take you on a journey. It is going to be a journey about love. Let me tell you about love. Let me tell you about the power of saying ‘goodbye’ to all things. Let me tell you that you have been living in a tiny bubble, and as such, we have created another tiny bubble. You have felt that bubble in the last days especially, the bubble of free energy, and you weren’t quite used to that, so it felt strange. You felt alienated. You couldn’t quite get your coordinates going in every direction, but now… now we come to a standstill. 

The power of love is something that is incredible. As a thought of love is emitted within yourself, it reaches the far reaches of the galaxy, the universe of All That Is. And it doesn’t need any time to do so. It doesn’t need a travel plan. It doesn’t have to cross boundaries. It doesn’t have to check in at the gate. It just immediately is everywhere. 

Remember that the power of love is the power of magnetics. That means, my beloved Imzaia friends, that if you emit love, your magnetic field is no longer linked solely to your body, it is linked to everything in this universe. Fear and desire do the exact opposite, as Da Pah Ekara San has told you yesterday. They bring everything back to a small space – fear and desire and emotion and pain – but we are focusing on love now. Your magnetic field can shrink and stretch, stretch all across All That Is. 

So, focus now, simply focus on love….love….love… It shows up in the body, makes the body want to move, makes the body want to step into action. And as the entire world and all that is around it is your body, you must feel the power of your love and how that can be put into action. 

And as we continue to focus on that love that is not linked to anything. It is just love. It is not linked to a person, a place, an event, a situation, an object. It is not even linked to you. It is just love… Your magnetic field showing up. Can you feel that? That is your normal state. It is always around you, if you allow it. Just feel that love. Where do you think that it is coming from? Well, let me tell you this: it isn’t coming from anywhere. It is, however, that which is creating this universe. It is that which is creating this body. It is that love, which is creating these words. It is creating everything around you. 

And then you might think, “Is it also creating the negative aspects of my life?” Yes. Love is simply the energy of creation. It is neutral, as it is universal. And as you choose to exist in a particular way, the love will show up in a positive or negative manifestation, but it is always love. And as everything negative, every type of pain as well, might show up, we so often have judgements about it and we identify with it. It is not necessary to identify with the pain. It is, however, necessary to recognize the pain as love and then to neutralize the pain. Think of it as a ray of sunshine, a ray of sunshine that is you. What happens to the negativity then? What happens to the pain then? I am not saying, it is going to go away immediately, but I am saying is that it is back in your control, and you can change that energy now. 

So, let’s continue to build it up. I am inviting you to breathe the ‘I Am’ breath. With every breath that you take, take in all that is around you, all that is ‘I’. Now with every exhale create all that is around you because it is the ‘Am’ that is you. And in that breath, focus on the Akene behind your thymus. There is a purity there, a softness, the sensitivity, authentic energy. Your soul is there, that which you came into the Earth with. It is there and it hasn’t yet been transformed by so many, so many things that you wanted or desired or that you feared. 

There is an aspect of you there that hasn’t been separated by anything yet. It is whole. It is complete. It is you. It is ‘I Am’. That energy right in your chest is like lava, creational force. You can create that, anytime. Let that lava now, let that energy now spread all through your chest and remember to keep breathing.

If you are trying to feel something, stop doing that. Whatever you are feeling is fine. You are in the Now, and all in the Now is about perfection. 

So, as this energy spreads through your chest, it touches your human heart, and as the heart takes this energy into it, it starts pumping the energy through your veins, through your blood. And in doing that, it is touching your entire body, all of your cells filled with that energy of love that is neutral. And it goes right through the flesh now, right through the skin, surrounding you now. It is linking you up with the Pleiadean energy that is behind you. Do you feel that? Do you feel the love of the Pleiadean? It has come here especially for you, not for anyone else because it knows you, you see, it knows you. This is the honoring of an agreement. It was made in a time before time began, so let it happen. 

Releasing Layers & Aspects

As this Pleiadean energy is going to start working with you, I am going to take you on a journey, but we are not going to go anywhere. I want to take you through all that you have been in this lifetime, all of it, all those lives that you have lived in this lifetime, all those people that you have been in this lifetime. And maybe you can see now, depending on the people that you are with, that you used to change yourself. Other aspects of you coming up, creating layers, layers after layers after layers. Sometimes, the layer was about protection. Other times, the layer was about being liked, wanting to be liked, but every single time the layer had to do with separation and fear and wanting to be loved. Maybe you can see that you have taken away many of those layers already. Some still remain, the oldest ones, the ones that have been with you for the longest time. 

Now, I am going to invite you to make use of my energy, the energy of Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, and purify, purify those layers. I am here with my arms wide open, Imzaia, and I am ready to receive the layers that are no longer serving you. This will allow you to start creating new pathways. I have been around for such a long time, give them to me. I know what to do with them. You don’t have to be afraid. I know what to do. And I am not taking anything from you, I am just taking the pattering of the energy. I am not taking the energy itself, you see? The energy remains yours. All I am taking is the pattern that the energy showed up in because that is definition. You can’t do anything with definition. 

Come on, Imzaia, give it to me! Part of you wants to hold onto this, don’t they? Oh, I see those people that you used to be in this lifetime that are wanting to hold onto it. And yet, with the universal love of the Pleiadean behind you and me in front of you, you are bathed in a type of love that maybe for the first time gives you the chance to fully let go. Because you see, there is somebody inside of you. It is the energy of Christ, the Christ Consciousness, which is the human identification of that which you call ‘source.’ And this energy has a message, saying, “I live through you also. I and you are God. And when we are one, there is nothing else.” So, let me take those layers for you, as you feel the Christ energy, the consciousness, the ‘I Am Awareness’ flow through you now. Don’t forget to breathe. 

And meanwhile, when these layers continue to break away, let us become aware now of the free energy bubble that you, as participants to these events of the seminars, have stepped into at either point when you started this journey. It doesn’t matter when you stepped into it, you are in it now. Do you feel how different this space is and how anything is created here? The freedom, the joy, and the love… The love…. 

The love should begin to flow more easy now as the layers are being taken away, and the DNA starts to tingle in your body. Little itch here, little itch there, little tickle here, little tickle there. That is the DNA waking up again. 

And I am telling you now: There shall be no death because you see, once you step into that divine energy and duality is over, and that which is divine does not recognize its possible counterpart. That which is divine is absolute. It is total, so it knows no counterpart. It is the ego that has created the life of Earth and death, but the divine life, the life that you live with the one, knows no beginning or end for it is perfect. You are perfect. You are pure. 

Let the mind do its thing. It is not important. Thoughts might come in. Let them come. In this energy, in this neutral universal love that you are in right now, the thoughts will be purified before you know it. They will fall into the lava like rocks and melt away. I want you to continue that lava flow every single moment of your existence. With every breath and with every thought that comes in, let it just fall into the lava.

And as the Pleiadean is continuing the rewiring process, they will stay with you. This Pleiadean energy, which is also a reflection of God, will stay with you. It will form for you a shield, so that mind control, which is government based, economy based, politician based, can no longer enter into you, but you need to allow it to happen. You need to allow it. 

And you are still holding onto some of those old layers, Imzaia. Come on, give them to me! Don’t make me take out the old garbage truck again. Or let’s do that; let’s bring in the garbage truck. It is orange, it has a little flashlight. So, if you don’t want to give it to me, maybe you just want to throw it in the garbage immediately. Well, here it is! Here is your chance! Throw it away, throw it away. And then allow that Pleiadean love that you have felt earlier through Da Hana Satya San to surround you like a shield. This Pleiadean energy will continue to allow you to be in that free energy bubble. Can you hear its name? It has got a name. It will remain with you that name, for you know why you have this agreement with this energy, with this Pleiadean energy because this is you. It is an aspect of you that has lived a life in between the Pleiadean stars for all that time and that now is unifying with you again. So, you will hear the name. It is your name. It is a name of you. 

So, there you go! Your mind control shield has been installed. The layers that you wanted to throw away have been thrown away, and you are getting ready to step out into the world yet again, ready to shine your light, to let your energy flow in the awareness that you are Christ. Christ is not just a person. It is an awareness, a type of consciousness. It isn’t limited to one body. It flows through the Akene, so it is in All Things, just like you. 

Preparing the Bubble to Burst

And now, I am going to ask you to fill up that free energy bubble to the brim. Fill it up as you breathe, as the lava continues to flow, fill it up. Fill it up, until you think you can go no further. You are source after all and you cannot be depleted. There is infinite energy flowing out of you. 

We are going prepare you now. As you open that stream, as you open that flow, we are going to break the handle, so you will never be able to close that flow again. There we go! You are the continuous flow of energy, always emitting free energy, always emitting love and joy and freedom all around you, as you create the things around you, always emitting.

Any type of pain that you will feel, any negativity that you will feel is coming from you. So the question is, “What are you still holding onto?” Might it be your past? Well then, just understand the unique position that you are in. You are able to help the world ascend and you are aware of it, while so many people at this point aren’t. So, let go of your past! Don’t think back to what was because what was is not, not anymore. It is gone. All those names, all those places, all those events, all those memories, let them go, Imzaia! That is where any pain right now is coming from, and any fear and any sense of discomfort, from there. 

The Pleiadean, which is you, will continue working with you, so that you can make sure that this past of you is let go of completely. And as always, I will remain as well, so will the energy of Christ and so many others who don’t need time and space to touch or contact you, can do it throughout infinity all at once, all at the same time. 

And as this flow that you are now emitting will continue to get bigger, in the end, as you go out of this seminar and you go home or you come out of this exercise and you continue on with your day, the bubble will burst. 

So, we are going to do something now. We are going to make things maybe a tiny little bit more uncomfortable for the coming hours. We are going to make that bubble that is all around, all of you, we are going to make that smaller. We are going to give you an individualized bubble now, so you might feel a little bit more alone. But then remember that you are filled with the love of God, which is you, the love of All Things around you. We are going to give you that individual bubble, which is not infinite, it is finite. So at a certain point the stream that is coming out of you is going to be too much for that bubble to handle, and you will burst.

And this is going to be an ecstatic event. It is a climax, much like an orgasm, a cosmic orgasm. It is not going to happen right now. I know you want it to happen right now, Love Angels. It is not going to happen right now. We need a little bit more build-up for this. So, as you continue to breathe, feel the continuous build-up. It will take several hours for this bubble, this individualized bubble now to be complete. But when you go, when you explode, there is going to be a completely different world, created by you, that is going to be available to you. There you go. There you go. 

Beautiful to see all of you here like you were a flower. What you are feeling now, the stillness that you are feeling now, this is what it is like to be a tree, you know, or to be a flower or to be a star or a planet with no appointments. Just this moment and your voice being reflected back to you. Everything that is around you communicating with you and communing with you, becoming one with you, making love to you. That is why you all love to come here into this realm of 3D because it allows you to make love to everything, if you just were to remember. 

That word alone ‘making love.’ Making love. You know what that is? It is increasing the field of magnetics that is around you. It is becoming one with the things around you. So, make love to all matter and be prepared as your energy will continue to flow that you are going to burst and that your free energy is going to be let loose upon the world. Get ready to handle your thoughts differently because it is going to be different. Your thoughts are not going to be attached to the things around you anymore, they are just going to be attached to the self, to the ‘I’.  And there is going to be no more fear and no more desire, if you allow it!

Just remember that nothing ever fails, that you are a source and that you are infinite, divine, total, and complete. And from that space, the opposite of your love cannot manifest. Your fear or your desire cannot manifest because you are total.  

And with that, my beloved, beloved family, I am going to leave you and I am going to stay with you at the same time. Know that I burn within you. I burn within you like I would be the center of the Earth, and you burn within me. It is my honor that I would be trained for ascension such a long time ago in your linear perception, so that I could be here guiding you, assisting you and being of service to you as you make this grand adventure a reality. 

What else can I say but ‘hasta la vista, baby!’ 

And so, I Am that I Am. Goodbye.

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Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
6 months ago

San’a’ke 💕🙏🏻💕
The exercise given here is again very powerful in terms of Love and beauty felt from the heart.
What I notice again, is that this exercise that would lead to the burst of the bubble is again base on the principle of the Infinite Sphere exercise given by Da Solarys San ☀️✨💕.
Related to it as well is the information at the start, when it is mentioned that Love, the magnetic field that can shrink and stretch across all that is.
Da’ka’ya for this amazing journey through the practice of Da. Love it!

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
6 months ago


Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
9 months ago

o Da’ka’ba’ya o Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San’a’ke

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