This reality creation exercise – presented by Da Jeshua San, and once a practice that was taught to young Lemurians – offers a simple, metaphysical methodology that allows the ascension student to focus on three of the main fields of the human energy body:

1 – Magnetics field, which is the furthest removed from the physical body, which is unstructured, and which is the experience of feelings, which are unstructured, such as Love (Da), Joy (Ba), or Freedom (Ra).

2 – Geometric field, which is the next field after the magnetics field, closer to the body, which is structured in geometric patterns, which takes the unstructured field of magnetic potential, and which locks it into structure in the form of thoughts and emotions (Savhok).

3 – Gravity Field, which is what we experience as the human body, which takes the structured feelings / geometric patterns / thoughts and emotions, and which compresses them from energy into matter, which is what we experience as our base reality.

Although explained in great detail in some of the 187 Sessions of the Study of Vibration preceding this one, this 188th Session offers a practical window into what is a very simple and empowering reality creation practice.

Recorded in 2007, you are about to step into a timeless moment and join this Session and the larger imzaia live event it takes place in. Like the sessions and supporting videos surrounding it, this presentation is an important part of the runway leading up to the core presentations of the Meaning of Life events, a 14 part series called the Mastering the Grand Illusions.


Reality Creation Exercise


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest | The Meaning of Life


Da Jeshua San


Retie, Belgium | November 24, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 188

by Da Jeshua San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

[the gravity field]… if you want to define that, obviously, which you don’t need to.

And then if you go into the second field, that is the field of geometrics, geometry. Now, geometry is similar to magnetics, only the big difference is that geometry provides a structured field, and it structures your potentials in vibration and frequency. 

And you might ask, “What is vibration and what is frequency?” We are all made up of 12 rays of vibration, and each of those 12 rays are made up of 12 frequencies, 144 frequencies in total, corresponding with our 144 strands of DNA. So, that is what we are going to work on now. 

So, you got the magnetics field right here, the geometrics field right here, and actually, what is happening is that the energy of you, of I, is always being more and more compressed. So, the magnetics field is still very open, the geometrics field is more condensed, and then you get it all pushed together, and that is the field of gravity. And that field of gravity is making up our body, obviously. So, that is the vibrations and the frequencies, all structured now in matter. 

And I just told you this because we are going to work a little bit on that because you can actually feel the magnetics energy of you very strongly if you allow that. It’s one of those things that’s always fun to do because most people, when we are doing energy exercises, they don’t feel anything. They don’t feel the fields. And what you can do with magnetics is you can actually feel it in between your hands. 

So, I want to take all of you through that now, just a couple of minutes. And then we can all create a ball of energy, and we are going to work with that ball in a bit. Okay?

So, I’m going to change the music here.

Becoming the I AM Awareness

So, just breathe in… Become that “I Am Awareness” as you breathe in the ‘I’ of all that is around you. You take that into your Akene, and as you breathe out, you create the ‘Am’. So, you breathe in all that is you, and you create all that is you as you breathe out. 

So, breathe in, and breathe out. 

We are going to put our left hand in our magnetics field right in front of us here. You can imagine little balls of light, of potential, going round and round and round and wanting to link up to your hand because they want to manifest in your reality. 

Put your other hand in your geometrics field. If you want to imagine something on that hand, imagine the 12 vibrations, the frequencies. And we start turning, mixing those.

As we mix them, you feel that they are responding to the gravitational field. They want to come into your heart. So, let those potentials come in. 

When you are in this state, you might want to create your day. Focus on love, and on joy, and on freedom. Feel those potentials locking onto your left hand and attaching to your right and coming into your heart. And speed it up,  speed it up, speed it up. 

It’s like a spiritual cooking class. It is getting the ingredients together. Speed it up even more. Yes. 

At a certain point, I am going to ask you to reverse the process. So, you are going to reverse the movement of your hands. 

Let’s go the other way around now. Now, we are taking everything that we put into our heart and we’re just beaming it outside.

In about 30 seconds, we are going to stop that movement, and you are just going to put your hands almost together. You’re going to feel the magnetics. Okay.

And let’s stop. What is happening to your hands now? Do you feel that field in between? It wants to open up. 

Let’s do it again. So, we put our left hand in the magnetics field, our right hand in the geometric field, and we start moving. Building it up now. Building it up.

This is a wonderful exercise for creating your day, by the way. Imagine that you are standing somewhere in an ocean of Hawaii, waves crashing.

Okay, let’s reverse. 

We are going to do it one more time after this one because then we get to the big one. 

And stop. Okay. Okay.

Now, now, this time – still keep the fingers apart – now, this time, we are going to put our left hand again in the magnetics field, and in the geometric the right hand, and in between your hands let’s imagine the I Am geometry you see right there [pointing to sketch on flip-chart]. Just imagine that energy. 

Okay, and start moving around. Start the process. Start the process. 

And as you start doing this, you’ll notice how the triangle starts to move around as well. Maybe it does something especially for you. And the circle will start moving around. The infinity gets into 3D, gets into 4D, 5D, and from there on infiniD. Infinite realms of dimension in time and space. 

Let it build up, build up, build up, build up, build up. And turn it around. Turn it around. Yes.

And stop. You feel that your hands want to move apart? That’s the magnetics. It can be very subtle at first, but after a while you’ll get the hang of it, and it becomes very clear. 

See within your hands, between the palms of your hands, see the geometric symbol now, fully realized. It’s your I Am Awareness. 

Your Divinity Pyramid

And we are going to connect that to reality by letting the hands come closer and letting the little pinkie touch. It’s the earth connection, connecting the element of earth to your creation. And then connecting the element of water, and the middle fingers, the consciousness, and then the following fingers for the air and then the fire, the light. Press those together and bring it to your heart. This is your own divinity pyramid. 

Feel that there aren’t just things going into your heart. It’s not just energy going into your heart. There is also energy coming out. Let that energy come out now. These are frequencies that are naturally coming out of you now. 

And we are taking it away from our heart again. There is a sphere in the center of your hands. We are going to make that one bigger. Yes, just make it bigger. The sphere of your energy, your unique expression of I Am. 

That unique expression, let that build up because we are going to fill it up now, fill it up with love. Fill it up with images of nature, animals, loved ones, the most beautiful moments of your life. Fill it up. 

Let’s move that ball around a little, let’s see where it goes and see how big it is. Fill it up with your joy and your expression of life. Okay. 

In a minute, the music is going to change, and I am going to invite you to find someone, anyone, to exchange that ball of energy with. But at first, we are not going to do it by actually touching each other. Just find somebody, wherever in the room – and you can shift after a couple of seconds from person to person – and just connect to the eyes and start the process of transfer. 

And as the energy of your ball is being transferred to that other person, just a little bit, not all of it, and the other way around, you just make eye contact with the next person and the next person and the next person. 

And as you feel the energy is shifting, you will feel that ball getting bigger. And at a certain point you feel that you will want to take it all towards you, then do so. 

Okay? Let’s get ready. 

So, start, start connecting to someone through the eyes. Share those frequencies, people! Just share those frequencies! 

Yes. And it’s going to build up now. You can change your partner if you want. It is going to build up. The more you share, the more you receive.

The Energy of Unity Consciousness

And the balls are becoming one. Filling up, this entire room, with the energy of unity consciousness. I Am that I Am that I Am. 

And change partners again.

Okay. You might even want to move your hips in an infinity sign. It’s actually going to start the energy up. This is not a dancing class, but then again. It is going to start the energy moving around you. 

And we are going to take it higher, in three, two, one! And take it up. 

And let’s put that field all around us now.

Yeah, yeah, and get ready to take it all in. Start breathing in that energy: I Am. I Am. Breathe it in.


One more time, just breathe in all that energy… Hhhhh…

And just feel, feel around you like… Do you feel that in your magnetics field, are there still negative potentials left? And by ‘negative’ I mean, I don’t mean it judgmental, I just mean, are there still potentials that you don’t want to see manifest? Become aware of that right now. 

Just, if they’re there, you’ll see them light up. And if you see those potentials, I am going to ask you to use all that energy that we have built up now and to use potention. And that means that we are just going to replace a negative potential with a positive one, and like a black hole would pull a star towards it, let the positive potential pull all the energy from the negative potential towards it. 

You can do that as well by breathing. So many light workers and people keep asking, “How can I visualize everything? How can I see everything. I don’t see anything. It’s not for me.” Yes, it is. If you can’t see, then you can feel, you can breathe. So, just breathe and feel and let the energy shift until all that is left is one completely balanced field of magnetics. Still chaotic, but all potentials are now moving in the same direction. 

Do you feel that? Do you feel how powerful that is? What is happening now is that your magnetics field is no longer fighting itself. All potential in the same direction, wanting to get closer to you, an inward spiral coming into your field of geometry, and then, eventually, coming into your body through your heart, through your Akene, and from the Akene spreading its love and spreading its neutrality as well to all things around you. 

When you are done with that, just find the first person that you see and give them a big hug! We forget to do that sometimes.

Now, before we go on, I want you to look around and see if there is someone here in this group that you haven’t talked to yet, that you haven’t communicated with yet. Let’s find that person. Let’s give a big hug to that person also. If you find the person that you haven’t really connected with before, just tell them, “Hi,” or don’t use any words at all. Just give them that hug.

I am going to be walking around with the mic in the meantime, and if there is something that you want to say to the entire group like, “I love you!”, you can just say it. 

Is there something you want to say? 

Akeyasan 1: I Am.

Akeyasan 2: I Am.

Da Jeshua San: I Am.

Akeyasan 2: That I Am that I Am.

Da Jeshua San: Thank you. 

English audio version

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
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