In “How Peace Came to Earth” (The Study of Vibration, Session 202) Da Solarys San of akeneic service and creation, the voice and consciousness of the Great Central Sun, offers a detailed overview of how peace can arrive on Earth and in the heart of every being.

It is very important to point out that this information was initially released in 2007. The steps that Da Solarys San will provide in this recording are linked to the years from 2008 up until 2012.

However, as these metaphysical recordings are truly timeless the student in the now must understand that the cycles mentioned by Da Solarys San are not only available in the years mentioned.

What Da Solarys San is truly discussing are ever repeating and accelerating cycles that any being on the ascension path has constant access to as one goes through one’s ascension training.

As such, what Da Solarys San shares here can be applied to the years she is discussing, while at the same time being applicable to the personal evolution of every student’s path at any point in time said path is unfolding.

This presentation starts with a meditation exercise presented by Da Jeshua San.


How Peace Came to Earth


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest

The Meaning of Life | The Divinity Manifest


Da Solarys San


Camelot Castle, Tintagel, UK | December 15, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 202

by Da Solarys San

ENHANCED TRANSCRIPT – This transcript has been enhanced by Da Jeshua San & Da Solarys San after the date of recording. It has been prepared for the written word and it includes improved & extended sections by ascended life, added for clarity and for enhanced experience.

After the original recording of this channeling, a re-channeling process happened by Jeshua ben Ekara so that the written version would stay true to the original, even without the vibration of the spoken word. A channeling which is presented live often delivers energy that is not translated into words. This extended version is a meld of the spoken word of December 15th 2007 and the wordless energy of that moment.

As you read, you will again create another meld: of this material and YOU. May it help you to feel who you truly are. If there are words or concepts that you don’t fully grasp, you are invited to go to our website where you can find more information, or where you can mail us.

In Love with Yourselves

Greetings my Beloved Divine Children, I am Solarys of Akeneic service.  Today I come in to this place, in to this body and your body, to bring you a message of hope, truth and wisdom; a message with an energy that is more a part of you than you think.

Some of you would say: why is Solarys coming in now? It isn’t even January. Why is this message being delivered? How could it be that the Divinity Manifest would be presented, even before the Cosmic Manifest is finished? I’ll tell you this: you’re thinking linear.

Don’t you know that you’re experiencing the DNA of the Cosmos? It is the DNA of all things, of what you call God or Spirit. It is timeless and you don’t know that this is inside of you because deep down, you are too familiar with it. It IS you.

These words are the translation of that Cosmic DNA. Knowledge brought in to your system, brought in to your lives in words and energy. Such a thing could not be done in a linear timeframe. It is normal, then, that the next step of this process you call inscension would come before the other one is fully finished. How could it not? How could things which are in perfect balance not be intermingled?

If you could see yourselves as I see you, even with my eyes closed, then you would see that you are intermingled also. It is impossible to define where you end and where the energy of the other begins. If you were to see that, my Divine Beloved Child, there would be no fighting, nor hunger or fear. There would be no pain, no struggle, no frustration and no hatred. But how could you expect to love all that is on this planet, if you have difficulty loving yourselves? It is the lack of complete Self-love that is making you blind.

Loving the Self goes beyond loving your body, mind and spirit. It can only exist in the understanding that the Self is boundless and non-separate. You may have, in past years, worked on loving yourself as a person and on not judging yourself and this is indeed wonderful. However, can you really say that you never go into fear, frustration or negativity when it comes to others, or situations that happen around you or in the world? If you can’t, then you are still trapped within a belief system and you don’t experience the wholeness that true Self-love has to offer.

It is important for us to speak these words right now, even before the end of your linear year 2007, because it is impossible for you to step into the new paradigm that will unfold in the course of 2008, without fully and completely being in love with yourselves first. It is the veil that has, in part, blinded you because you wanted it to.

Now it is time to take the veil off completely and see how grand you really are, to see All of You again. It is the only way to start working with the Free Energy that is now coming in. This energy is often called “new” yet it is more authentic than anything you’ve experienced in the last five hundred lifetimes or more.

Free Energy only works when you know it is not something exterior to yourself. You are it and it is you and that is how you can now begin seeing and working with your reality. Nothing is exterior to your Self. That is how 3D started out in the first place, and it is coming back into your field of focus now. It is your Divinity, that’s what it is.

A Reminder of your Divinity

Some of you have gone through pain in the last few days and asked the channel: “why is there pain in my chest and head? Why is there disease within my body? Why does it hurt to think?” I’ll tell you why: Divinity is perfect in all its facets and if you are feeling pain or disease, then you are reminding yourself that you are still underway to reaching that perfect center of balance that you would call Divine.

If you are experiencing pain in your body or mind, which is still a possibility of the reality that you are in, then use it to remind you of your Divinity. Make it a gift towards understanding your Divine Awareness. Any disease can be turned from disharmony to total Oneness in a moment. In the Free Energy times that are now at hand, all that is needed is an insight, a switch, a choice.

I, Solarys, am here not to offer you that choice, but to remind you of it.

When you are in pain, reality is no longer perfect, so it seems. It suddenly feels very dual because all your prior wishes, wants and desires are replaced by you wanting the pain gone. You want release. Now.

Yet, what most never realize is that the ‘healthy’ state, where the more subtle wishes, wants and desires are present, requires as much releasing as the ‘unhealthy’ one. There is no point in letting yourself be tricked by illusions such as pain and disease, when all that is needed to be released from them is the choice to transform your state of being completely. All you need to be released is the re-entry into a life and state of Oneness.

You can be JOY Always

The fear and sadness brought on by disease, pain, or any negative experience for that matter, is there to remind you of duality which in itself is an ‘unhealthy’ state. What makes duality so tricky and attractive is that there are two states, good and bad, and when you experience the ‘good’ one you create vibrations that will keep you in duality that now seems attractive. The ‘negative’ one is created by the ego that is programmed by the mind to eventually destroy the personality and the body, albeit after a finite period of ‘experiencing a good state’.

The above could be seen as a definition of what most people call ‘happiness’. Yet, when you arrive at a point where you allow Divinity back into your life by finding it within, you begin to remember that the ‘good’ side of duality doesn’t offer all that much either. It too hurts, yet in a more subtle way, almost unnoticeable it may appear. A Master of one’s Self then, should conclude that both states of duality are not desirable and that they need to be resolved through a transformation. You can be JOY always.

The Butterfly finds a Way

The sublevel of life which is flowing right underneath all that you are experiencing is always filled with joy and love and freedom. The so-called negative experiences are just reminding you of your ‘job’ here on the planet. And yes, you are creating these things for yourselves.  So many times we see those who suffer looking towards the heavens saying: “Please help us. Make me feel good. Take my pain away.” All we can say is: just take your veil away and take your humanity away. The old concept of humanity, where you were led to believe you are small and separate, no longer works.

As long as you try to give meaning to your suffering, you are accepting it. The hardest thing for most to do is grasp the fact that their pain and distress has been and will always be meaningless. In the old concept of humanity, you were trained to think that there must be a point to hardship. Yet, there isn’t.

You must accept this in order to evolve. It can drive people mad to realize that this is true. The question is: why are they mad, and at what? Have you suffered for so long, and have you gotten so used to it maybe, that you cannot accept that you have believed a lie?

Would the caterpillar be angry when it realizes that its form is temporary and when it is told that it will soon fly? Would it be angry of all those years it has been forced to crawl around? Might it even say NO when it is offered another way? Of course not. It gracefully accepts the course of its own nature and the butterfly will never look back to its caterpillar days.

Again, once you go through this, I promise you that you can be JOY always. The year 2007 has been the time when you carefully grafted your transformational cocoon around you, as you were moving towards Cosmic Mastery. Now you have reached it and you must emerge from the cocoon. There is no point in staying stuck, Beloved One.

You thought that this would be the end of a very long journey. For some of you it has been a journey of years and years, yet all we can tell you is this: you have taken the first steps of a completely new path. Emerging from the cocoon of duality into the freedom of Divine Awareness is not linear, nor is it circular. It is literarily infinite. This is the new concept of Humanity: Infinite Love, Infinite Joy and, above all, Infinite Freedom. Oneness.

The Brink of Ascension

The other day Ekara, in his beautiful message, told you about your cycles of entry into the planet as Angelic Beings. In the first 144.000 years, Humanity – as angel messengers – brought in the energy of infinite, divine light. That’s how it all began: humanity bringing in Light. Then the second, the third and the fourth cycle came and the other elements were brought in: earth, water and air. Right now, you have reached the end of the fourth where you would discover many things about who you truly are, about reunification and blending all things again as one. That is exactly what you have done.

The fifth cycle is now beginning. It is the cycle of Consciousness and this starts on the personal level. Others, such as Adamus Germain, have explained how you walk through these cycles to reach Mastery. Through integrating your consciousness into the world of matter, you are finally blending All That Is. The combined frequency of the elements that you have brought in over hundreds of thousands of years is called Oneness, Awareness, God. It is YOU.

All civilizations before yours have brought in one element and all its possible vibrations and frequencies, throughout their 144.000 year cycle. You are the fifth, yet you have been doing it all along during the other cycles as well. The team is always the same, and it is YOU. It is a repetition and enhancement of your own personal history.

You have done such a good job, remaining here at all odds… and now I, Solarys, have the honour of telling you that you have brought this planet to the brink of Ascension. This is your moment of celebration and accepting it fully is accepting who you truly are.

Some would want to make you believe you brought the Earth to the brink of destruction and that you are at the edge of extinction, but nothing could be further from the truth. You create reality with your thoughts and heart, so be careful of those who would bring you down or who would manipulate your belief system into negativity.

Your power is one without comparison and your influence on reality is grand indeed. All you need is the motivation to act. The power of personal action is something to be celebrated, but your governments manipulated you into fearing it. Embrace your willingness to change and witness how you revolutionize the Earth and All That Is around you.

The Lightworker Integrates all Elements

You have impregnated the planet and now it is ready for you to be the catalyst in every single moment. What you forget is that the cycles you have brought on to the planet are also the cycles that you are bringing into your own being.  What you have gone through in the last few years is the first aspect of your Inscension, which is always about finding the light. That’s why you are the Lightworker. 

Now it is time to realize that you are not just the Lightworker. You’re also the Earthworker, the Airworker and the Waterworker. You are the Consciousness-worker. Many who walk the spiritual path would stop at the concept of light and not look any further because they believe that they have come home.  What you must know, however, is that you cannot exist here without all the other elements integrated.

The above would mean that your path towards your ascension has only just begun, because you have finally found your beautiful inner light. Yet you are further than you think and deep down you know it. In the Free Energy, the power of positive belief instantly flows back to the beginning of time and all the way to its infinite ending. It touches all you ever did, all you do and all you might ever do. That’s the true power of the Akene in your chest, behind your thymus, as we have explained in previous messages.

You allow these words to flow yet again, just like 2000 years ago when Consciousness was high enough for me to speak to a few, some of which are even listening to these words again right now. This time it appears that Consciousness is even more ready and we are yet again at the end of a very special cycle. 

You have Mastered Light

You leave behind your old paradigm and this time all of you are ready to listen. You don’t just listen with your ears however. We sing to one another, you and I. You are beings of colour and light and song. You sing, your DNA sings.

How dare you think of yourselves as little and small if you know this? You change the world forever with every step you take, you change every person with your touch and smile, your eyes and presence, and with the I AM within you. Everything you touch in your daily life changes forever and such is the power of Source, the power of you.

You are still going through certain cycles of evolution before you can find your full I AM awareness. You have been focusing on bringing in the light to install the frequencies of light and life, much like you did when you were the Angelic Being that came to planet Earth. That is what you did to your bodies and why your bodies appear to hold so much energy the last few years taking in the weight or disease. It is because of all that light coming in to your bodies. 

Now you are no longer carrying the light, you are emitting and creating the light. You have mastered light, you know what it is and what to do with it. Maybe you wouldn’t be able to write a book on it, but you know of its totality. Everyone, even those who are unaware of the power of light, knows how to work with it intuitively. In all our voices we have always said that there is a connection between gravity, magnetics and light and sound and color.

Light is a Carrier of Divinity

Let us talk about magnetic and light. Magnetics, as felt on this planet Earth, basically comes in through that sensation that you call love. Not the love that most of you know on the planet today, but Universal love which goes way beyond. Love and magnetics are the same thing. A magnetic field that comes in contact with another magnetic field has the option of transmitting its frequencies and patterning onto it. The solar sun talks to your DNA by transmitting its energy and patterning into the magnetic field of Earth, and as such overlapping with your own magnetic field which is present within your DNA. 

Your sun is communicating to you by sending its light in the form of a magnetic field. You are a star as well. Literally, you are the energy of a star and much more than that.  You can connect to others by following the example of the sun: use the magnetics that you experience as Universal Love and then use the radiance of light to beam that love from one magnetic field onto the other. Use the paradigm of light, for it is the carrier of Divinity.

When you get to a point of Divinity and total stillness, beyond vibration and frequency, then light is the carrier because it is the basis of the holographic universe. 

From Potential to Choice

Your path is one from humanity to mastery, to divinity, to infinity. In your human shell, potentials are twirling all around you in chaos, and at the same time you are in control of your reality. As you learn to work with these potentials, Divinity is the next step.  It will bring you into a field of choice by understanding that you are the Master, totality, and then dividing yourselves so you can choose. That is Divinity, it is what God did, what you did. That’s why you are sitting here, Divine one, and why you are here. 

You have selected to go for your own totality once more and then to divide yourselves. Now, Divinity is a type of totality, where there is no longer a duality, no longer a wrong and a right, just choice and that is what your year 2008 will bring you.  2007 is a numerological 9 and is the end of potential. In mastering Light, you have also mastered potential. As such, potential is being replaced by choice.

Do you remember that you were in kindergarten and that you were learning how to write, very carefully forming a letter in between those little lines that were the parameters? Once you mastered the letters, the lines went away. That is where you are, you are mastering potential energy, as such it is going away and all you are left with is the simplicity of choosing your reality. This type of Higher Choice is not about what the ego wants you to create. A Divine Being chooses from a perspective of love. Once you get to this point, you cannot help but choose things that are for you and for everything around you. As this year 2008 progresses, you will see that choice is going to become the most important aspect in your lives, and what you choose will manifest drastically fast. 

I am telling you to be careful as things will now manifest with such intensity and speed that you have never seen before as your brain is not just wired to the 3D aspect of you anymore, it is also wired to the Infinity aspect of you. You know that a moment holds the power of eternity; it holds the entire power of the Universe. That is why one choice will immediately be brought into your reality by the power of the Universe. That is why you need to become more aware of who you truly are and what you can do. You will be amazed. 

So that is choice then: a Divine being no longer lets itself be ruled by potentials, it knows how to create potential, but in that creation it does not need an infinite set of potentials, only the one that is going to be made manifest. 

There is no type of redundancy, there is only a blank state your DNA is in, on which your choice is made manifest into your reality immediately. It will take some time before all those who are on Earth will have the ability to do this, but you have been trained and prepared now. Your responsibility is becoming greater than ever before: it is the responsibility of thoughts and choices. 

About the Years to Come

2008 is not going to be your last year ‘on the job’, followed by retirement. It is not. So let’s talk about what is in store for you. 2009 is going to be about Infinity and discovering your Infinite Self. This is still quite a bit removed from the reality that you are in right now. When you discover the Infinite Self, you can no longer perceive reality in the same way you are doing right now. It takes a lot of courage to walk away from everything that would hold you prisoner, but it is not everybody’s path, it only needs to be the path of some to make all completely and utterly free. 

Never let your freedom be taken away, ever! Understand the true essence of freedom, which is not the ability to follow every impulse which would be generated by your mental capacity. No, real freedom is coming from within and it is a stillness, harmony. Real freedom is choosing the way home; you cannot be free as long as you are sitting here and perceiving this as the only reality that you are perceiving.

At some point you might fall into the trap of feeling unfree because of all this knowledge, thinking you’d be better off not knowing. That is the mind speaking, as you are already there. Freedom is a state in which you are allowing yourself constant movement on the path towards Infinity. 2009 is stepping into Infinity and you will discover the true meaning of the Master Number 11: the repetition of new beginnings mirroring each other, and as such creating a field of Infinity. 

Infinity, my Beloved Child, is all about freshness, the blank state in which there can be no borders, no parameters, infinite. It is also about your DNA because that is exactly what is happening to your DNA in this process: it is again becoming the blank slate, unwritten, waiting for your choices that will fill it up in one moment and then erasing itself yet again. We will obviously tell you more about this as time progresses, but I want to let you see the whole picture first.

On your Way to the Easy Ride

Let’s move on to 2010. This is all about 3, about driving the Infinity of 2009 into the Earth. 2010 is the year when the Earth will finally, fully and completely give birth to the new Consciousness. It is going to show up in all matter, even the matter that is making up the body. It means that all of those things that you have stood for will become very clear to all of those around you in the year 2010. Everybody will be filled with the same hunger for the light to fill them up from the inside out. That is when you will see many around you beginning to walk the same path. 

The reason why it is only happening in 2010 is that you need to be ready to support them. Speaking to a group of a bit over one million beings is another thing than to speak to eight billion. It takes some time for those around you to step out of their linear path, and as they will begin this awakening process in 2008 you might not see the full result of it until 2010. It did take you 20 years, it might take them 2 years, in which you will be trained and further prepared to take the steps that you have chosen to take. And it is magnificent.

2010 is bringing in the magnetics, the Akeneic aspects, the Divinity, the Cosmic Mastery and the Infinity of it, right into the Earth. It is basically ‘payday’ for Gaia. You will see the results finally happening on this Earth and that is the time when you will see a tree respond to you as you are walking next to it. And of course we are not in the business of prediction; I am saying these things because only one timeline remains: the one that you are choosing NOW.

What about 2011? You would say that is a 4, right? It is not, it is the master number 11 doubled, it is a year of 11-11 and watch what happens, Lightworker, in the 11-11 year on the date 11/11/11-11. It is going to be a very light day. November 11, 2011 is the moment when this Earth is going to fully and completely open up towards the Cosmos again and this is the gift I wanted to give to you. It is the moment when all dimensions will meld together again, when ‘linear’ time and space ceases and when you step into the Akeneic principle. It is the moment when humanity will be ready … 11/11/11-11. It might seem a few years down the road, but as you step into Infinity time it will begin to shift.  

The Reintegration of the Soul

Obviously 2012 is basically the easy ride, even if so many would say that it would be the cataclysmic apocalyptic Armageddon-like year. It is not, it is the easy ride, and it is in the stars.

2012 is the year of activation, fully stepping into and leaving behind everything that came before. It is the year of the new Big Bang as the Akene will re-awaken again, as Divinity, Spirit and Infinity will activate itself again, not just here on this Earth but in all the other Universes. It will blend Earth with Avalon, that other dimension, and Lemuria and many others, including the 9 other dimensions. It is when Divinity, Infinity and Totality resurrect itself in a field of neutrality. 

Neutrality and totality are synonyms; they are about the full spectrum of colour, sound and light. There is a conceptual link that exists between sound, light and magnetics. You have always asked the question where the power of magnetics comes from, why it is so that the little magnets always work. Why do Magnetics, gravity and all these forces of physics exist?

The first Big Bang that you have seen as the creation of all things is basically the turning inside-out of God, so that the field of experience could be created: you. And now you are turning inward again to discover that you are the Source of Emission. So these things such as magnetics and gravity, even frequency and vibration, are simply what happens when light, the carrier of Divinity and All-that-Is, is being split in frequency: the birth of the Soul.

In 2012, you will begin to understand that, on a macrocosmic level, dimensions are nothing more than light breaking through a prism. How can you find your own totality then? By accepting that only a part of you is sitting here in this reality and that in all the other dimensions, such as Avalon and Lemuria and many others, the remaining aspects of you are waiting to reintegrate with you. It is the rebirth or reintegration of the Soul.

The Ability to Dream

We are sitting here together on the old lands of Camelot and near the portal into the dimension of Avalon. I want to connect all that was said here today to the wisdom that was pouring out of Avalon at any given moment when the portal was still open. I could say similar things about Lemuria, but since we are so close to the old Avalon portal, let’s focus on this.

There are times when it appears it is easier to step in another reality than it is in other eras, and this is what you saw with the Vivienne, who is a very important person in Avalonian history. You can also see it with others like the Morgaine, the Merlin and even with the Arthur. 

They had the ability to dream in ways that you cannot even begin to understand, especially the Merlin which can be seen a reflection of God. They had the ability to dream and that is why a being such as the Morgaine was precise and playful in lifting the veil between this reality and Avalon, just because she knew how to play with light and how to dream. The veil has been perceived wrongly basically: it is not something which is solid; it is not this metaphorical cloth hanging there through which you cannot step, the veil is just a Fata Morgana that you allowed yourselves to be tricked by. 

You believe that this veil is impenetrable. You are wrong: it is a shell of light in which you think you are trapped, but you are not. Just remember how to put your hand through that misty light, as did the Morgaine, the Arthur and the Vivian. The Merlin just did it as well, even though he did not know how to do it, which would be typical for him. 

Separate the mist and the light so that the veil would dissipate. The Morgaine, the Arthur and so many others in Avalon knew how to work with the veil outside and you are now learning to handle the veil within. Understand the nature of the dream that you are in. Part the mists within and do it fiercely, without hesitation or looking back! Part those mists that are keeping you from being total yet again! 

Are you Finally Ready?

Before you began this channeling today, Jeshua did a little meditation about reaching into your Akashic Record and taking from it other lifetimes where you have been the healer. You are given an opportunity to reclaim a very important facet of yourself, not just limited to the Avalonian life. We will now assist in opening up that veil of light and mist which is keeping you from you on the inside and to blend with all the other lives. 

Now we are taking it one step further by stepping into the totality we’ve been talking about. Just step into it and allow yourselves to be lifted by lifting the veil. It will help you to go beyond fear and anything that might bring you down. The moment you see that you are that total Source there shall be neither pain nor any sickness. There shall be no death. 

Neutrality, totality, the full spectrum of your colours being one again, iridescent, your light no longer separating itself through the prism of dimension but in Oneness again and then your DNA will sing its full song, like the song of the whale that is on your planet right now. When you listen to the song of the whale it takes away the veil and brings into a totality.

You have now been given the full path leading from today to 2012, reading all this, after all those years of spiritual experience and evolution, of still sitting in this body, feeling the pain, the lack, the need and fear, and allowing the disease. Now you’re finally sick of it and it will trigger you into the new beginning as you have had quite enough. 

You know what this experience is all about and you know it is not total yet. Are you ready now to create that totality? It is up to you to decide if the truth behind the words that I have spoken is real. The process that you’re in is a normal process; you have had the experience 11 times before. This planet Earth is the 12th. You are here because you are those who would do it again and again and now you know why.

If you don’t understand yet what I have explained to you today, then you could ask ‘what about 2013? You would then start doing the numbers: 3+ 1 +2 = 6. Oh no, not a 6! However, six, by then, will be as Infinite as One. All numbers will be One. And because of that it is nearly impossible to explain to you what will be going on after 2012.

The Wish for Peace

I want you to understand that the numbers I have talked about today are not just about years and dates and days. They are about energy and since you’re in the Free Energy now it means that unusual things can happen to energy. Things that you might now expect maybe, like the possible quickening of this process. Time is an illusion so the numbers are there as the geo-mathematical reflection of the matrix of your reality.

If you are aware of the fact that you are vibration and frequency, then you know you are co-creating and interacting with the vibrational matrix at all time. The Free Energy that has been released into it now, through all of you, and changes it is creating in the neurosynaptic pathways of the brain, can mean only one thing: you are in control again.

It can all go quicker than you think, it could happen in a blink of an eye, but it is nearly impossible to tell you what lies beyond it. I cannot tell you of a place which is not a place, only totality. I cannot explain to you how strange it would be for you if you really knew our true connection, and then to see us, you and me, experiencing this process of channeling as separate beings.

You will understand when you reach that point, where you will be in such a creative state that you’ll be walking around in your own creation. It will just be there because you choose it to be there. You’ll love it into being because you will remember it is you. 

It is the total entry of Free Energy and totality, where you will have reintegrated your Divinity to such an extent that all that is left is the will to go forward into higher, more creative aspects of Oneness. Then you and I will talk again face to face. In the meantime, we will have to speak like this, but I know you’ll remember me. 

You will remember more and more of our connection and ‘you’. Get ready to be face to face with Source, with God, with myself in you and yourself in me. That is who you will meet, once you reach that point of neutrality. Remember that you are near the end of your first integration and that you have planted this for yourself on this Earth in different aspects of your reality.

I feel your love, the joy that is just waiting to resurface and I feel you stepping into freedom and it makes me happy. I feel your happiness, longevity, all your wishes coming true, seeing that the most beautiful wishes will not be about yourselves, but for Earth. It is the wish for peace on this planet, the wish to restore the beauty of this planet, to once again have the ability to hug and love all animals, to see no more war and pain. That is why you are here.

I Am Freedom with You

I wish to you the realization of all of this. It is just getting interesting as we are getting to the second part of it. Your adventure is just beginning. I thank you for being here and for celebrating this unique special time with one another. Just remember, it’s not just about information.  It is about celebration, the opposite of information: celebration. 

In duality everything has an opposite, white and dark, love and fear, you know this. In Infinity and in Divinity there is no longer an opposite. In Divinity there is a total opponent, which is not an opposite. It means that you have a special section of something, such as the concept of information, which is dual and linear, received in parts, and then there is the totality of it, the total opponent, where information is celebration.

Celebration is the energy of everything experienced in one moment. You are invited to look for these total opponents in the coming weeks, as those are the attributes that you are going to work with as you step beyond illusion. 

I thank you, and I hope that you can feel and allow the love. I hope that you can feel my Ascended Brothers and Sisters Adamus, Kuthumi, Ekara, Tobias, Kryon and all the others. Feel them now because they are very close. They are in your heart telling you that you are going to be fine, so please stop thinking less of yourself and start forgiving yourself. 

Start loving yourself the same way that I love you. Just love yourself. Then you can really step into a new beginning. Allow yourself to live full of love for self, for all, and never think that you are anything less. Never thinking that … 

I wish to stop this communication expressed through words. I will communicate to you by singing to your DNA now, a song without words. After this message, please step outside, find some space and allow me to sing to you.

It will be a love song. Allow me to sing and if you dare and trust yourselves, please sing back.

I love you. I am in love with you. 

I am in joy with you. I am freedom with you.

And so it is.

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