The Missing Piece

Da Jeshua San

Eja’i Chi Pah is a Lemurian / Polynesian concept, which can be considered the root seed of all metaphysical forms of movement art.

Created during Lemurian times, the art of Eja’i Chi Pah has been lost to modern-day society and only taught throughout the ages to ascension students.

Translated from akeneic metaphysical expression, which also was last used and spoken during Lemurian times, Eja’i Chi Pah can be considered the art of “stepping into infinity” a.k.a. “being here now.”

As part of the Meaning of Life events, Da Jeshua San brought Eja’i Chi Pah out of the shadows and returned it to the public arena.

Episode 1 – Return to Lemuria, precedes the episode on this page and introduces this metaphysical form of movement art. It can be watched in its entirety here.

In this second episode, The Missing Piece, Da Jeshua San takes the listener on a journey of experience, beginning at the tree kingdom, and on from there.

Presented & recorded on November 18, 2007

Okay. Just take the time. Take the time hug each other again. Take the time to look each other in the eye again. Yeah.

And for a moment now – I know you have a lot to say to each other – but for a moment now, I am going to ask you to go into that stillness, just a minute, and instead of using words to speak to one another, I am going to ask you to use your heart and your eyes and your hugs. Use your body and use your soul and use your heart and look each other in the eye and see how much you have changed. See that change, not in your own eyes, but in the eyes of those others around you. 

A Kodak Moment

Do you see that? There is a new radiance, a new light, a new type of awareness that has come. 

“Beautiful, beautiful I Am.” That’s what you’re saying to each other, “I am that I am that I am that you are.”

Now, I want you to take a moment to look those who have guided you, those of the Fellowship, into the eye as well. Do you see how they have changed because of you? Do you see that they themselves are also no longer the same people? There has been a change in them as well, as they are also experiencing this. And that change in them is a change in you, beautiful, beautiful soul. 

I want you to remember this soul family now. I want you to focus on that central sun in your heart, that which you call the Akene. We are going to take an Akene picture. A Kodak moment. 

What we are going to do is place upon the Akene, on the Akenet, a signature, like a grafting, a signature of the energy of your group. Just like at one point on this Earth, when the Earth was still hot, and the core was still very much molten, like the crust, angel beings, beings of light came onto Earth to graft onto the planet their best wishes, their best hope, their great love that they wanted this planet to experience. That’s what they did. That’s why they came. 

And now, as the Akene is going to start up very soon, I am going to ask you to focus on your Akene, your central sun. This time we are going to go beyond all those phases. We are going to go beyond the triangle. We are going to go beyond the pyramids. We are going to go beyond all the technicality, and I’m going to ask you just to focus on that triangle and that circle and that infinity sign, the geometric pattern that was given to us by Da Pah Ekara San. Feel that right there in your heart. Visualize it, feel it, see it, whatever. And see it spinning around, too. The triangle is spinning. The circle is spinning. The infinity sign is alive. And as that symbol spreads through all of your cells, all of your body, you feel that central sun of the Akene firing up. There it is! And it’s to be felt also by all of those around you in your group. 

In a couple of seconds now, we are going to unify that Akene. But first, place upon your Akene the love you are feeling in your group, and the uniqueness that that love is all about. And the joy, and the freedom. And see the people in your group in their angel form, their light, the pillars that they are. See that in your Akene, see it. Feel it. This is seeing without the eyes. It’s just feeling.

Your Vision of Love

And as that grafts onto your Akene, slowly, very slowly, let the Akene central sun come out of you and go to the center of your group. Amazing power. I can feel it where I am standing, right in between you. Let it come out, and let them, just barely touch, not becoming one yet. But just all these suns hanging next to each other in the center of your group. And then, get ready to let them all blend as one. In three, two, now. 

Graft onto the planet, onto the Akenet, your vision of love and your vision of joy and happiness, liberty, balance, and harmony. Graft onto it what it means to you to be that free energy human. 

And then, when that is done, just imagine that you are pressing a button, and the button says: “send.” Just send it. And there is another button, just below that one. It says: “activate.” Now, together, activate yourself on the Akenet. 

You have just created an Akenet with your group. You now have the ability to connect to one another. 

And as that big Akene in the middle of you, visualize it coming back to you, but it is no longer separating. You see now that this is one energy, and that it is coming into you but also into the other. It is just one. 

This is the heart of you, a space in time you will never forget.

And as you remain like that for a while, let’s bring in the elements. That is the new planet that you have just created. Can you hear it? Can you hear the peace and the tranquility? 

It is so pure, and it is inviting you. Through the Akene it knows you, for the planet has an Akene itself. It knows you. Ha me’ya ne’ya’i ka’ray’i e oja’ne i’ka’raya. It is in the core of your very hearts. 

And we are getting ready now. You are like a tree, a family of trees. So old, so young, wise. Eja’a ni’ha’ke ha’ke’i a’e.

And start to move, start to move and touch each other’s hands. Just touch. There we go! The elements through the fingertips: water and earth and sunshine and the wind. Consciousness, consciousness, through the fingertips. 

Your fields are merging. Gravity, gravity. Geometry, geometry. And magnetics flowing as one through the fingertips. 

Oh! Your DNA wants to open up, open up. “Hello! I am your DNA. I want to be again, to see again, to touch, to feel, to hold, to create, to master again. I want to live. I want to be. In infinity, infinity, infinity, infinity.”

The Dolphin, the Whale and the Turtle

The dolphin is coming. You invited it. “Hello! I am here for you. I have been holding on to your energy for such a long time, and now, it’s all for you again. I give it back to you again. That joy, that wisdom, that healing, perfection, coming back to you again. I’ll stay here in front of you for as long as you need. 

Don’t worry, I am here. I am the dolphin. Feel my love. Feel my now, the power of now. 

Is there something you like to give to me? A memory? A thought? A pain? Something that you no longer need? Give it. I can take it away for you into the blue of the sea.” 

And feel that water through your fingertips. The ocean, the waves, your fingertips. 

And let’s call the whale. Hear the call of the whale. The size, so lovable! Such a heart! It’s looking you into the with that big blue eye. It’s singing your song, the song of fantasy, the song of your DNA. Hear it sing! It’s singing about your DNA and how you are always whole, always whole. You’re always complete. 

But, I know some pieces were missing. Here they are! There and there and there. Can you see? Do you know that there is someone, a creature holding on to the key? For there and there and there, you need a key. 

So, let me step back behind you, and let the other, the turtle, come in. And there it is.

“I bring you frequency. I bring vibration. I bring it there and there and there.”

And you want to move, as you are whole again, complete. Move around. There is geometry all around you. 

The turtle now taking its place behind you to the right. And from above, the higher, higher self coming down. Do you hear its song, its name? It’s your name. Go figure! Who’d have thought it was you all along? It sees perfection in you. Its cells are becoming one with you. And it makes you want to move.

And breathe, breathe it in, the higher self. It was always the wind and the trees and the light and the water. That is your higher self blending, creating, like a magician creates a world. Like an angel creates a miracle. That is you. You are the miracle. 

You breathe in that DNA. Activation! You’re complete again, complete again. You can see again and touch, taste, smell, feel. You can fly again. 

Gravity is yours. Geometry as well. Magnetics and photons and tachyon is yours. Creation is yours. Welcome to the new planet Earth! 

And now, we blend the dolphin and the whale and the turtle and the higher self. There’s a pyramid, a pyramid and inside, a sphere. That’s you. That sphere is you and you and you. And inside, infinity, infinity.

A Star with Your Name

That’s your heart, your gateway to the stars, the stars. 

There’s a star with your name. Let’s go there now. Just go. There’s no time and there’s no space. Just go. And you’re there! 

And from there, can you see? There’s still Earth. There’s still you. Can you see? 

So now, in this stillness of space, we bring back your creative power. In the distance you hear the Earth. It is night, and the day is waiting to begin. You know you are still in the star, but you know that you are on Earth as well. 

Listen to the vibration of your heart. It is so deep, and it’s ready to create. It’s ready to create a unity unlike any that you’ve ever felt. You are on Earth, you are in the star, you are in the pyramid, and you’re here. You are everywhere, human, master. 

Let it build up now. Let it build up. It wants to build up. Do you feel how your energy is raising itself, and it’s so natural? Now, you know that the song of the bird has always been about this. This is what it has always shown you. 

Now, we’re getting ready. We’re getting ready. With your DNA now complete, fully complete, I invite you to let the elements flow through your fingertips once again. This time, this time they are pure, pure energy, pure energy, pure energy.

Feel the energy of fire and the energy of the wind, the sky, and the energy of the water. Feel your consciousness flowing, and let that consciousness bring all that energy back onto this Earth. The energy of that entire star that is you coming into you now. Coming into you.

And you have never been so filled with light. So fulfilled. You feel there is nothing outside of you that you could ever need. Nothing. 

And you are sitting somewhere, somewhere on a stone. And as you are pondering, in fulfilledness, the sun starts to come up. Its rays touch you, and you feel life flowing through you. 

You’re looking at the birds, feeling them. They’re looking back. And in that moment, you connect, flying with that bird looking at you. You’re the hawk, looking at you. Forever will your frequencies be changed because of that bird.

And as the sun gets higher, the trees around you find its light. With that light the trees send frequency, touching you, entering you and you send it back. And you know, you are that tree. And you see other trees around you. You know those. You know them. It’s this group! 

Traveling the Rainbow

You start to float. Your roots coming out of the ground, and you know you are going to dance the dance of the tree. Remember how it was when you were a tree, when you are a tree? Remember when the Earth was different like it will be again? And the trees in the morning would dance, like you are dancing right now, in the wind. 

There’s rain, rain, and the sun. There’s a rainbow! And all the trees around you are going to the beginning of that rainbow. Go with them now. You can. For you know, you know, your home is there.

In the rainbow now, the light of the rainbow, its colors now touching you. And the trees, they speed up their dance, and in the light of the rainbow you see other things. You see people in each color a different world, another time, another place. Traveling the rainbow.

One color opens up, and you see a place where you are standing in a group of people. And you recognize that body, that divine, divine body that is yours. Can you see how reality was changed, and that your body now is complete? All that was missing was that light within to shine. 

If you choose, travel that light, that color of that rainbow tree. It will go right into this body, this body. 

Let your tree-self enter into this body, and continue your dance. Feel how your roots are drinking and loving this Earth. Now you’re home. And you see all those others. You feel them. They’re around you. The trees that you knew, people now. And you want to connect. 

This journey told you that you are one. And around you, between you, all those others that are loving you: Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, Da Pah Ekara San, Da Satya San, Da Pah Kwan Yin San, Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San. They are dancing around you. Do you hear what they want? 

Just blend, just blend and open up to another group, another group, another group, another part, another part of you. 

Change That World

See how big you are? How strong you are? You have the strength, the power to change the world. And it’s looking at you, through you. You have that power. Change that world. Change that world. Just do it. Nothing can really go wrong, ever, ever. Never go wrong. 

There is nothing to fear. Nowhere to hide. No place, no thing that you need. 

And now, slowly, slowly, become aware why you are here. The journey that you took has brought you here. The lessons that you learned, they are yours. You are an angel. You are a star come to the Earth to heal the Earth, to make it whole, to make all as one. 

And I ask you to remember your home. It’s inside. Remember your home? Remember heaven! You’re here to bring heaven, to bring love and joy, and liberty. Don’t you know? You are the heart of all things. You are beauty, and you are dancing, dancing on your energy.

In a few minutes, I am going to ask you to be here now. And as you come here into this Earth, changed, complete, remember, always remember that space within where there is meaning, a meaning to life. That space. Find that space. 

And as you do, get ready to be the ambassador of free energy, the warrior of the light, born from the stillness of the heart. Made to speak and to create, in its own image, to create. 

From now on, all of reality is your creation. And I am asking you to touch the sky. That’s fine, too! Touch the sky. Remember your branches and touch the sky. Take that sky to the Earth and let the sun go down. 

You’re near the ocean now. The sun is going down. As it touches the water, a golden path is formed. A golden path. Do you remember, as a child when you thought you could walk on that water, on that path, on the light of the sun?

We are going to do that now. We are going to walk on the light of the sun as it reflects its light on the water, on that golden, golden path. Take a first step. Good! You’re not drowning! The golden bridge. 

And as you get ready to walk straight into that sun, into your destiny, I thank you for who you are, for that you are here, and I give you a piece of heaven to make manifest onto this planet Earth. 

And so it is. 

Now, walk towards each other as you walk onto the sun, and see where you end up. That person has a gift for you. Accept it. Whatever that gift is, accept it. 

Welcome home. 

We are going to break for just a few minutes, just a couple of minutes so that everybody can go get a cup of coffee or tea or something. And in about five minutes we come back here, we are going to go on. Thank you for creating this. 

And so it be. 

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Da Ton Hendriks San
Da Ton Hendriks San
2 years ago

What an amazing session. Its give me a lot of positive energy and at the same time rest in the head and hart. what I experienced after that is a long story. I was a little shocked myself . Da’ka’ya for sharing this. Shi’ha’lyn 💖💖💖

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
2 years ago


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