Virtual Seminar 3 - Releasing Seed Fear

23 November 2007

Releasing Seed Fear is a 1.5 hr presentation by Da Jeshua San, part of the Meaning of Life Virtual Seminar collection.

The first 35 minutes features a lecture by Da Jeshua San, which introduces the viewer to the experience that follows in the hour afterwards: a guided, metaphysical journey that will take you right into the very heart of the core fears within your belief systems, your personality, and your psyche.

It will reveal to you the hidden truths and fears that are pushed deep into the subconscious, in a safe way that will allow for healing, transformation, and rebirth of the self into a love-based, heart-based reality.

The experience, as a whole, prepares the viewer for the study collection that follows this recording: the Mastering the Grand Illusions presentations.


The Meaning of Life Virtual Seminar collection consists of the recorded video archive of 3 multi-day seminars that were hosted and presented by Da Jeshua San in the Netherlands and in Belgium.

Until this moment of its release, in 2022, only 14 of the 60 videos had ever been published and distributed, in 2007, which at the time were known as the Mastering the Grand Illusions series.

Now that we have the opportunity to restore and release these 3 seminars in their entirety, we are thrilled to present them to you as Virtual Seminars, giving anyone at any point in time going forward, the ability to attend these magical weeks and join Da Jeshua San and all attending.

Many of the videos that were previously unreleased ended up that way due to the fact that they had been recorded in Dutch. We have now been able to fix that issue through English subtitling and making an English translation available as a transcript.

As you will come to see, the many hours of recording, prior to, during, and after the registration of the 14 parts of the Mastering the Grand Illusions videos, offer vital metaphysical information, which will deepen your understanding of the earlier releases.

Good morning! I guess you’re all a little bit tired. And welcome to another journey, another step in the process. We are all very happy to have you here, to welcome you here, for a second time for most of you in a row. 

It’s only been a couple of days since we were last here, and Da Ambika San, myself, and all of the Fellowship have worked very hard to make the coming days into a very special event.

Again, it is a joy to have you all here. The last few days for us have been very intense. I can imagine that those who have been following the seminars in the last weeks actually, since we’re back since the beginning of November, are going through a similar process because it has been a lot about changing yourself. It hasn’t been so much about adding new information, adding new stuff to you. It has been about peeling away old stuff, stuff that was put on you because of the rules of engagement that society offers. 

You are told to do so many things, to rise to so many expectations, and in these seminars, The Meaning of Life, it is our intent to show you that those expectations are conditional, that those expectations are made not for you, but are made for a group of people that would bring you down. That have been bringing you down for hundreds of years in fact. And these people – or should I say ‘energies’ – are present within our government, all government of planet Earth. They are present within the political system, in the economical system, even in the religious system. These energies are all around, and we have been taught to live lives that are based on what they need from us. 

Sovereign Servants of Free Energy

Now as Da Pah Ekara San has been coming in, in the last few weeks and has been speaking a lot about sovereign service-ship, about what it means to be a king, what it means to be a president within the concept of Lemuria, we have all found out that there isn’t just one king or one queen or one president, but that we are all kings, and we are all queens, and we are all presidents. And those that would bring that quality within themselves to a higher level, to step up to the needs of other people, those are the ones who you would call sovereign. ‘Sovereign Servants of Free Energy,’ where decisions on a global scale, on a scale for all people are not made based on the need of the few, but the need of the many, the need in fact of the one because the many is the one. 

So, bring out the queen and bring out the king within you in the coming days. Don’t hold back. Show yourself who you really are. Take away all of those layers and make sure that in a moment from now you can be completely here. That’s what this is all going to be about.

I have been informed, of course, by Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, Adam G. as he is calling himself these days, and by Da Pah Ekara San and by so many others that the teachings are going to continue. Last time I, I would like to point out this I Am geometry right here, last time Da Pah Ekara San in Mastering Your Illusions, Part 1 [Study of Vibration Session 182] a very important and revolutionary Ekaraia in fact because it brought about so much new information, talked about this very simple symbol. It was already spoken about in Hawaii, I remember, it was a couple of Trinity Talks and also a beach that we were on where that information was coming in. It was a beautiful, beautiful day. So, but that sacred geometrical figure [the triangle with a circle and the infinity sign in the middle] was spoken about back then. 

We are going to do a lot with this because obviously you are now seeing this in a two-dimensional representation, as it is just a flat representation of energy. Like this, this is just a figure. Everybody could draw a figure.

Free Energy brings with it the ability to give life force energy to everything and to connect everything through the Akenet, through unity consciousness, and to I Am Awareness. So that is what we are going to be doing with this figure also in the coming days. We are going to ‘un-flatten’ it, make it not three-dimensional, but infinitely dimensional, so it has layer upon layer upon layer upon layer interacting with itself. And in that interaction, that’s also the reason why that music is playing, obviously, the dolphin is very important, the whale and the sea turtle as well, as these three grand beings stand for the energies of universal love, universal joy, and universal freedom.

These might all be very theoretical concepts right now, but in the coming hours and in the coming days, we are going to turn them into practice. 


Da Ambika San: I just wanted to say, I heard some of you talking about the things that you went through in the last week and I am very proud you are here anyway. It must have been difficult and I am proud of all of you. So, let’s go for it! 

Da Jeshua San: Let’s go for it, yes! We have been receiving a lot of email by everybody who has been to the prior seminars, and actually, if you read through it, if you go through it because some of the emails kept coming in, in levels, right? 1st phase, 2nd phase, 3rd phase, 4th phase, and in the end we saw that everybody was going through their process and that everybody actually made it happen for themselves. That, okay, there were maybe some minor setbacks, fallbacks, that sort of thing. Doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. As long as you just keep on walking, as Da Pah Ekara San would say it. That is the most important thing. 

I can tell you that in the days before the seminar, the energies of Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, and Da Pah Kwan Yin San, and Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San, and Da Satya San also, who came in last time and all of the others have been working with you because they are all part of you. They are aspects of you and you are aspects of them, just like we are all aspects of one another. There is no separation. They have been working with you, preparing you. You have been preparing you, I should say, to make sure that this event that is going to be happening here is going to be brought in, in the right type of energy. 

The Mind as a Translator

So, illusions and mastering them. How do you do it? It’s very simple. It’s all about becoming aware of them. It’s all about understanding what they are about and seeing, finding out, how your mind in the past has trapped you into believing that these illusions are necessary. They are not necessary. 

As I was asked to write in the introduction to ‘the Meaning of Life’ book that’s going to come out soon, you will learn to see that the mind doesn’t matter at all, that the mind is a translator energy, translating consciousness into Free Energy experience. And that is what it is all about. So let the mind be not a driver, don’t put it in the driver’s seat, but let it be part of your engine. Don’t give it all your power. Just let it be part of the engine that is making up your car, so to speak. And you need that part just like you need your – I don’t know anything about cars – your carburetor for instance. Is that in a car? Okay. Thank god! That’s in a car. Like you need your carburetor for instance, but you are not going to ask your carburetor, “Hey, could you get into the driver’s seat and drive me here to ‘De Linde’ today?” You do the driving. You make the decisions. And that is the most important thing that you need to remember, as we step into this process. 

So, it’s not about completely killing it off, completely disconnecting from mind because that’s what Atlantis tried to do, and if you do that, again, you get the illusion of separation. Because then you would start separating from all those people who you see as being trapped in mind energy. And that will bring frustration and irritation and discussion, so much discussion. 

You know, I have learned in the course of the last few years as I was sitting in many bars, just drinking a coffee obviously – maybe just one glass of wine over all those years – as I was drinking a glass of wine, that speaking to people, trying to convince people that they are in a position of mind is never ever going to work, ever! 

Last time I tried to do that was Hawaii. We were sitting in an Awa bar somewhere. It was very late. Awa is a special root in Hawaii that is made for ceremonial purposes. So we were drinking a glass of Awa, Awa juice, and there was a conversation that was happening with two local people from Hawaii. And this guy was so convinced – I didn’t even intervene in the conversation, just the party I was with was intervening in the conversation – that guy was so convinced that he was guilty towards his god because at some point he had sinned. And now it was impossible to ever repent for those sins. So all he could be grateful for was the fact that god, even though he was a sinner and very bad, bad, bad, that god would allow him to get to heaven anyway. So he had created for himself that all of his life was going to be about repenting, about paying for the sins that he had done in the past. 

So, at that point I did intervene, I couldn’t help it, and I said, “Okay, what are your sins? What have you done supposedly? What have you done wrong?” 

And this is a Hawaiian person, so you need to know that in Hawaii, a little while ago actually, several years ago there was a little revolt, revolution happening of the indigenous people. Because obviously, like they have done with your mind, they have also conquered, the United States have also conquered Hawaii. It’s ridiculous that. If you see that you have to fly 5 hours over the Pacific Ocean before you actually get to Hawaii, and then it’s like stepping into the United States all over again as you get into that airport. It’s insane that they did that. It was at the end of last century that that happened, actually the century before that because we are already in the new century right now. Time goes so fast. 

And that person was a person who used to go out in the streets when he was very, very drunk and beat up some Americans. You know, he was very guilty about that, he was feeling very bad about that and he thought that he could never get away from that sin, from doing that. Nothing was going to help him. Not even if he was going to go to church every day, if he was going to pray every single moment. He would always be that sinner because obviously, as he said, “We are all born in sin, aren’t’ we?” Ridiculous concept, but still. We are all supposedly born in sin. And he can’t get away from that. 

Even though I, and then especially the rest of the party, tried to speak to that man, there was nothing we could do for him. All that was happening was a buildup of frustration from a supposed lightworker who wanted to jump in to help. After that, this person learned that helping in such an instance is just allowing the process to happen. 

Nobody in the coming days here is going to push you beyond certain boundaries. You are the only one who can choose to step over boundaries. And not just to step over boundaries, but to erase boundaries. Boundaries based on illusion, on conditionalism, and on all of those things. Illusion.

Taught to Fear

One of the things that is keeping us in illusion, and that’s an exercise I want to do with you right away, the very first moments of this seminar, one of things keeping us there, neatly tucked away in that box called ‘the mind,’ called ‘society,’ called ‘daily life,’ is the fears that we were taught to have. 

As a child, as you come into this world, there is no idea about fear. There is nothing going on in your mind that has anything to do with fear. Your body hasn’t yet been programmed. Sometimes you do take upon you some aspects of your old life, a previous incarnation that you bring with you to work out. Not just because you need the karma to be resolved because that’s old energy. Karma is no longer there, on this planet Earth, but because it might help others to see your process. That’s why some people are born invalid and all of those things because they can come into the Earth and show especially their parents at first and the people that are going to be confronted with them, what life is all about. So these are usually Love Angels or very blessed beings who come in with that type of energy. 

Most of the time, the fears that we have in this life are built up through experiences from this life, you see? Sometimes those experiences occur due to past incarnations because we have told ourselves to be very afraid of our power. First of all of what happened in Atlantis. Because a group of us, one third of the population chose to start the ascension process without waiting for the others in an attempt to separate themselves from that which was then called ‘the lower human being.’ 

That brought with it, obviously, a lot of seed fear because it created a ripple – or should I say ‘a break’ – within unity consciousness. A separation within unity consciousness, where about one third of unity consciousness was going to be used for mental energy after that because it believed in separation.

If there is any type of original sin that we still believe in, it dates no further back than 50’000 years, or actually shorter than that, maybe even just about 40’000 years or 35, if you are looking on a large scale, back to that period in Atlantis. That’s where the original sin comes from for most people because that’s where they believe an authentic separation from divinity, which would be unity, occurred. It doesn’t come all the way back from the beginning of creation. It just stems from there. And then obviously, there are so many other things that we feel guilty about in this life.

About the Exercise

What we are going to be doing with you now is a very simple exercise to start off the gathering. It’s called ‘the Seed Fear Exercise.’ It is not an exercise that we have ‘invented,’ so to speak. It is one that was invented by my spiritual brother and father, Steve Rother from So let’s bring in the energy of all lightworkers as we are doing this, and why not bring in the energy of all Shaumbra, and of all consciousness that wants to raise itself on this planet. 

So, the Seed Fear Exercise was created by Steve Rother, who understood what I just told you that sometimes we build up, we build up fears, we build up things based on our past, either this past or another past from another lifetime, and these fears keep us away from our true power. 

Why does it happen? It is very simple. Most of the people that are here…(yes, I am going to be doing this to my ears sometimes. It is not because I want to do a funny duck or something, it is just because this thing won’t stay on). Many people in their previous incarnations or in their other lifetimes or in this lifetime have learned to be afraid. To be afraid when they speak up, for instance, to be afraid when they come out into the open and show themselves who they really, really are. Most of us in the past have burned or have been drowned as witches, as we used to be called back then, or have gone through other experiences. 

There are so many in Atlantis who knew what was going to come when at a certain point the separation would be complete between the so called ‘ascended’ Atlantean and the lower human being. They tried to speak up. And as they wanted to speak up and bring the knowledge out, they were killed for it so that the process could take place. You see? 

It was a very different meaning back then about the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. This is always about equality, not about destruction obviously. People who would think that are people who are very stuck within the illusion of separation.

So we are going to go back in a minute, we are going to start the exercise soon. We are going to go back to those moments that happened in this lifetime and in other lifetimes. And we are going to see that in those moments, as we are forced to shut up, forced to not come out with who we truly are and what gifts we brought to the planet, that in those moments between death and the supposed reincarnation of the soul that we made an agreement with our own higher self, with our own energy. An agreement that we would not do that again.

We told ourselves, “Look, very good that you tried to come out. Very good that you tried to speak up, but look what happened to you! Your throat was cut or you were burned on the stake or you were drowned or this happened or that happened and you were shot maybe even,” because sometimes these memories date back from the 30s or the 20s or whatever or the 1800s. 

So, we told ourselves then, “This is not going to happen again. So next time when I am going to reincarnate and I might be in a position again to let my power come out, to speak, to do all of those things why I came to the Earth in the first place to do, I’m going to shut myself off. And it’s going to happen with such a fear, I’m going to generate such a fear that I’m unable to speak, that I’m unable to act out.” And a lot of people are going through that, even today. All of you here, in a certain way, are going through that. 

And it’s not just about that you are shut down when you are trying to speak because those are just the real clear examples. It can also be about the fact that you try and you try and you try to set up your practice or you get away from an old energy pattern, such as a house, or you do so many different things, and time and time and time again, whatever it is that you’re trying to do, you fail. Something comes up. A financial interruption, a personal interruption, a disease. No matter what, something will come up to stop you. And you need to reclaim responsibility again because you need to know that you have been creating that. You have been creating that bump in the road, because that’s all it is. 

The Seed Fear Exercise is going to help you to take away that bump so that once again the road can be clear, and all of us here can work through the illusions on a much, much deeper level so that we can go higher than ever before. That’s the point of this seminar. 

I wanted to start out with that exercise because it’s going to help you. It’s going to help you recognize parts of you that you don’t even know are there. 

But before we do that, I want you to become aware again. We have talked about the Akene obviously in the last few weeks and you have been hearing about that during the Ekaraias. 

The Akene – I’m just going to quickly repeat – is built up in three steps. First of all you have the creation of the golden triangle. I am being laughed at, right now because I am saying the Akene is a step by step process, but anyway. Just you come in Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, and do it yourself. Anyway, a three step process. It starts at the thymus, and you create the line from the thymus going all the way here, to the back of the brain, and you create the line from the back of the brain, going all the way up here, to the top of the brain and all the way back to the thymus again, right through your head. 

So, if you were looking like this at me [from the side], you would see the triangle going like this [showing what triangle looks like seen from the side], you see? Everybody has this triangle. It’s based on divinity. That’s all I’m going to say. I don’t need to talk again about the 144 cells and how the electron goes through the atom core [in an infinity sign]. That’s just spiritechnical information. Just feel it. Just feel the triangle.

The Neocortex and Conceptual Thinking

And then in the second stage, what you do is you take the neocortex, which is your place beyond time and space. The neocortex is based on conceptual thinking, not mind-based thinking, not linear thinking, but conceptual thinking, creation. It’s based on creation. You have the power to create your life. Duh! Of course you do! But do you do it? Yeah, you create your life so many times based on fear. 

You say, “Oh, I’m never going to be able to do that.” And so it is. You won’t be able to do that. “Oh, I don’t have that power! No, I’m never going to work myself out of this situation.” And so it is. 

Conceptual thinking helps you to go beyond that because it is not based on what your memory is telling you. Your memory, which basically is 3D, linear, based on a previous set of experiences. We don’t need those experiences. They were interesting as an experience, but leave them undefined, leave them the way they are, a thing that happened to you, and that you can draw energy from as you need it, as you choose it, as you want it. 

You don’t need to let energy of anything that happened to you in the past interfere with who you are today. That’s why I thought that man in Hawaii, even though he beat up some Americans, was a fine friend. It’s an experience that happened in the past. And as Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San has taught us above all others to see each other as a new set of vibration, a new set of frequency every single time we meet. Therein lies the power of creation and of self recognition, the recognition of our self in the self of the other, which is our self. Therein lies that power. 

Conceptual thinking, not needing to go back to the past, but to be in the memory of the now. It’s very important. 

Da Ambika San: The funny thing is, that mostly we know what we are doing. We know that it’s just something coming over us to stop us. And still we let it happen. That’s the funny thing about it, and we know we can step out of that emotion but we give into it. 

Da Jeshua San: Yes, you just give into it every single time, like an addict. Like people who want to stop smoking, if you would want to stop smoking, there is no judgment about smoking, is there? There isn’t any judgment about anything, really. But anyway, like somebody who would want to stop smoking and then say, “Oh, it’s so difficult for me to stop because there is cigarettes lying in my house or in my car or whenever I go into town there is cigarette stores wanting to seduce me again.” If you don’t want to do it, then just say, “No!” 

Same thing happens with your mind. It’s always trying to seduce you, like you said, in being triggered again and again and again with the very same emotions, the very same pain. The neocortex won’t allow that to happen. Conceptual space. The space of creation. 

What you do with the neocortex, is you bring it right into the center of that triangle in your head, which would be the pineal gland, right? And then you open it up. You take it in the center of your head and just open it up, so you get two pyramids right here. 

What you do then, the third stage of the Akene Activation is press those pyramids together again, so all that energy buildup and press it together again. And it all just implodes back into the thymus, into the center of the heart kakra, and it creates the act of emission instead of the law of attraction. It is about the act of emitting energy, of being that Central Sun at all times. All times! 

It’s so important to realize, as Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San has said in Pathways and Potentials Part 1, that we never need anything, anything. We would think that we are trying to get things to come to us, and that that is abundance, but abundance is really found within. It is just about pushing energy outside of us, you see?

There’s a very good article on abundance that Da Komaya San wrote the other day. It’s going to be up on the Imzaia Magazine when the Imzaia Magazine comes up on the website when the website comes up on the internet, but it will, eventually.

So that is the Akene. And as we are going to do the Seed Fear Exercise, and we are going to do Akene Activations later on, all that you need to focus on of everything that I’ve told you about the Akene is the neocortex. You don’t need to activate the complete Akene yet. You just need to focus on this space in the head right here, the neocortex, your place of creation. 

So, as you are going to go through the Seed Fear Exercise and I am going to regress a little bit, you might think that you are imagining things. You might not see anything at all and you might just have a feeling. Please understand, you are not imagining things. You are just using a space in your head that goes beyond the limitations of time that is going to show you that part of your lives where you were once stuck, okay?

And then I would invite you to either stay in the chairs or for those who would feel more comfortable, to find a space to lie down. You can lie down on the floor. It’s a bit chilly maybe, but that’s your choice or you can stay in the chairs. Da Ambika San and myself are going to make sure that you are going to be fine. 

So, if we see you at a certain point go deep within a fear or deep within an emotion, we are not going to come rushing to you to hold you and to caress you and to hug you and to love you. We are going to allow you to go through that because that is the only way that you can ever find that seed fear, the basis of all fear that you find appears in your life over and over and over again, okay?

If you choose to stay seated, make sure you’re comfortable. Maybe put away your pads and your pens and everything so that you are comfortable. I am going to look for some music in the meantime. It’s going to last about 35 minutes, but what is time anyway? It’s going to be a very personal experience. 

Da Ambika San: I hope you all allow yourself to go deep within. We are here, so you are safe. 

Releasing Seed Fear

Da Jeshua San: So then, I am going to ask you to close your eyes and to get comfortable, comfortable with the chair you are sitting on, or the pillow. Comfortable with the clothes you are wearing, the space that you are in, the space that has been filled up with so much energy already since last time. 

I am going to ask you to just let that space come in, the chairs and the movements around you and the sounds. You don’t need to fight any outside space. All that you need to do is let it flow in harmony, in harmony with your blood, the beating of your heart. 

The space around you is as much yours as the beating of your heart is yours. That beating is created by a part of the brain. Let the beating of the things around you also be created by another part of the brain, the neocortex and the energetic brain, which is the Akene. 

And as you feel comfortable, just take some time to feel the energies of the people around you. Just feel them for a moment. Some you know, some you don’t, yet you do. Because you have looked each other in the ‘I,’ which is a one letter word, not a three letter word. You have looked each other in the ‘I’ already. This is your agreement to be here now with all of those people to work and build on a reality of balance and harmony.

Focus now on your breathing. As you breathe in and you breathe out, with every breath that you take, breathe in the ‘I’ of all things around you, the aspects of all things around you that is representing you: the chairs, the tables, the people, the candles, the streets outside, the country that you are in. All part of your I Am. 

So as you breathe in, take in that ‘I,’ and as you breathe out, create everything that is around you with the ‘Am.’ So you go I Am. I Am. I Am.

I am the one creating everything. I am the lava flow creating New Earth, new sky, a new sunshine, and new water every single breath, every single moment. 

And as you get ready, stay in this room. Stay in the room, but let there be an aspect of you that is going to go further, beyond the room. And I will be your guide. This voice, this energy. I will be your guide to go beyond.

As the space starts to move around you, you notice that it is not the space. It is not the space moving at all. It is you that is moving. And all those things within you that have been stuck, your organs, your veins, that you have called the body, your flesh, is becoming liquid, liquid like the air and full of light like the earth.

You are being invited now, invited to go beyond the flesh, beyond the body, to take a journey. And we are taking the journey right back to the beginning of all creation. It’s a long way back. Feel how the universe around you is getting younger, how the planets are just taking shape. And then beyond that, the light that you see as stars coming closer together again until there is just one big ball of light and life. That is you. That is you. 

That is god and it’s in the center of your being. It is the center of your being. 

Look in the heart of that center. Do you see a signature, an encoding? Something that is telling you: this is why I am here. Understand that you have lived no lives at this point. This is right before it all began. Right before it all began. This entire thing called 3D and the universe and everything, right before. You are one again. 

You are going to play a role, you see. It’s going to be a role that will take with it many different parts, many different outfits. You feel like an adventurer, like you are about to explore a strange new world, and you are. You are going to find out more about you, as you will start living those lives. 

The Agreement

But before you do, do you see the agreement? There are so many reasons why you are here, what you would do on this planet Earth and on all the other planets.

And then it begins. Didn’t even know it was beginning, did you? You fell right into it, right into the stream. Feel it come up. 

The very first time you see a star. And you know you created that. Beautiful! Such dazzling light! Such power! And just one of billions and billions and billions within this universe created by you. 

Then the first time that you see a planet being formed. The first time you run into yourself in the form of another energy being. And you see there is a cluster there, a cluster of others, other yous, and you decide that you are all going to work on this one project, this one planet. It’s called Earth. Funny name.

And you make agreements about who is going to reincarnate when and what body you will have, and agreements about not recognizing yourself and not recognizing the other, but being born in darkness, moving towards the light and all those things.

All those agreements, beloved ones, have now been fulfilled, by the way. All of them. All of them but one: the agreement to end all agreements, to end all definition, to make everything free again. That’s the one that still remains. 

And see how you were going to do that in your top life, which is this. 

So sit here now quietly because, as we went back to the beginning, I now invite you back here, but keep your eyes closed. Recognize the body again. We are going to make another journey. 

We are just going to journey back, back to this morning. You had just opened your eyes and the day began and you were going to come here. 

We are going to go further back into the dream that you had last night. Maybe it’s oblivion, maybe you know nothing about that dream. That’s fine. Just go through it. And go through yesterday and all the other yesterdays of this year. 

There you are, celebrating the beginning of 2007. 

And we are going to go further back. It’s going to be an individual journey now. Travel back to all of these important experiences that you have had in your life. Experiences with people, jobs, loved ones, pain. They don’t matter. We are going to go beyond. 

See yourself as a very small child, just a newborn on planet Earth. You can’t walk yet. You can’t talk yet, and that in itself is a blessing, for the memory of who you truly are is so nearby now. 

Now we are just two days old. We can’t see where we are, we know that we are safe and that we chose for this. That we’ve got so much to tell but… if they only would listen! You cry sometimes to make them hear because you learned that sending that beam of love isn’t going to do it. You have that beam of love as a small child, but it isn’t going to do it. They don’t understand. 

And then you learn. Then you learn that you need to go further back. 

Stars are Singing your Name

We are going to take you through the process of birth now. You’re no longer in a body. You are energy, much more exciting, isn’t it? Feel the movements that you can make! Feel the way with which you can expand. Ahhhh…. haaaa. You expand! Expand! 

And you fly through stars. There is balance now. Everything is in balance. Go through those portals: Andromeda, the Pleiadeans, Orion and others, Sirius, and so many others. 

And you pick up speed, faster and faster like you’re weaving your energy throughout the galaxy. It’s all you. And stars are singing your name. 

I Am. I Am. I Am! 

And all of a sudden, you’re in another life. Focus on your feet. What do they look like? Are they male, are they female? Young or old? Hairy or not? Dirty or clean? Are you wearing shoes, barefoot? What do you look like? Are you lying down, standing up? 

You have chosen this life that you are experiencing right now, even though you may not see it, but just feel it, for a very good reason because this is the space where fear came into your life, the very last time, the very last incarnation, maybe even this time. 

We are going to speed up that life. Look at yourself completely now, not just the feet, but find something around you, a mirror or a lake, a stream that can reflect who you are. What you look like. Male or female? What do you look like? Recognize yourself again. This used to be me! Interesting. Do you look similarly to back then when you were here in this room or is it totally different? Funny that.

Do you feel it? There is an urgency around you. Even though you are in a past life, there is an urgency. You know, you know something is going to happen to you because you carry a power, you see, and this is a lifetime where you have used that power. 

Feel how natural that feels, using that power. So natural. What did you do with it? Where is it coming from in your body?

I know one thing, you only did what you thought was right. You used it to help others in your own right. 

But, but something went wrong. Others got scared of you. They got scared of what you have to offer. They make their own stories about that and they are scared. 

So… so… so… let’s change that. Whatever is going to happen next, you are safe, protected. It’s just a memory. You’re here. You’re safe.

But I want you to go to the moment of death in that life. That is what the urgency was all about. Something is going to happen to you. As it is going to happen, just keep on breathing. Stay present here. 

Where are you now? What type of situation? What do you see? Are there people around you? Are you all alone? “It’s so unfair!” That’s what you’re feeling. “It’s unfair! I came here to do good, and now, is this how I am going to be repaid, how I am going to be paid back?”

Ah well, all of a sudden, there is a calmness. It’s going to happen. You did what you could. And if they don’t want to hear, then you’ll just come back later. And you with all that power that you carry decide that there will be no pain. It’s just going to happen and it’s just going to be a story. There is not going to be pain. 

And you come closer to that moment of death. Feel the energy of the music because this is not such a bad experience at all. It’s just about letting go, about going back to a place of infinity. Infinity.

And then, then…it happens. And sound fades away.

“Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?” “I can.” “But aren’t I supposed to be dead?” “Mh. Well, congratulations. You’re dead.” “What am I hearing then?” “Oh, that’s just you.” “Okay, hello, me! So, is this what it’s going to be like then, this dark space or whatever it is? And I talking to myself for all eternity?” “Nah! Don’t be crazy!” 

Feel the energy of the music building up again and creating new visions. There is something authentic, original, the heartbeat of space. 

There we go again! We’re flowing again, alive in death. Expanding again. That past life is now just a memory. Connect to All That Is around you, all space, all time. 

And you take a moment to reflect on that life. 

Creating a Gatekeeper

“But wait,” you say. ”But wait. I used my power, and look where it got me. I died. Couldn’t do what I came here to do. So maybe next time when I come back, it’s better not to use that power again. Maybe I should shut myself off completely. Can you do that for me?” you ask the voice. 

“Well, I am you,” it says, “I can do anything that you want.” “Well, okay then!” And you make an agreement at that point that you will take a part of your energy and separate it from yourself. It is your power, and you are manifesting it as a gatekeeper. A shadowy figure made of your own energy, standing in between you and your power, created in such a way that you will fear it, even though it is you. 

Look at it! Its face… You’ve created that. That’s your power, too. Is it ugly? Fierce? To be afraid of? If you can’t see it, then feel it. 

But at the same time, all around you, there is that love. Remember that love? Because you are here in this room now. And you give that gatekeeper instructions. You say, “Next time I come so close to using my power, stop me! Stop me with a fear! Stop me with a situation that is going to come up! Stop me with any means that you have! Just make sure it doesn’t happen again. The world is not ready for my power,” you say. 

And what else can that aspect of you say but, “And so it is?”

And you get ready again to go into the life, the stream of rebirth, rebirth, rebirth. Into this body, the one that you carry now. 

But behind you, around you, as part of your guides, there is the gatekeeper, watching, waiting, wondering if you will do it, find that power. 

And look, there you do find it! But stop! You’re stopped. You’re blocked. A fear comes up. A thing, a person, an illusion, dependency on something comes up and you can’t go to that space, that heart, that center of power. It’s what you wanted, Imzaia. 

But, good to know, isn’t it, that time can be changed? So we’re going to make a third trip from this space again. We’re going to make it again to yourself as a small, small child.

You’re five, in your room at night, looking because you can’t sleep. And in front of your bed a figure rises. Dark, black, scary! You invited it this time, and there it is. 

Now see that this is just a shadow. And always the love around you, weaving your world to make sure you’re staying here as well. You can’t get lost. And see that shadowy figure. We’re going to ask that figure now to take off its mask. 

Oo… that’s strange. Scary. You see these dark eyes, these glowing dark eyes, just like any horror movie would create it for you. 

“Ah! Ah,” but you say, “that’s not the real you! That’s not the real you!”

You ask that figure to take off another mask. And as it does, you look into the eyes of people in this lifetime that you know. It could be someone real close like a mother or a father or a boss or anyone, anyone that you have asked to be there when you would step in that power and to stop you. See that person. It’s built from your energy. Has been defined in your energy, in your image, what you wanted. 

But, but, we’re going to ask that figure something very important. Before we do that, however, you get up out of bed and you get ready to hug that person because it has been fulfilling its duty so wonderful, so very well. Done exactly what you wanted it to do, Imzaia, to hold your power away from you, until you were ready, and the Earth was ready. 

Well, what do you think now? The Earth is ready for your power! 

From Gatekeeper to Gateway

So, we’re getting up, we’re walking to that scary person and we’re hugging them. We’re hugging them. And more faces come up. It turns into more people, more faces. All these people that supposedly tried to stop you, that gave you fear, and you that gave the command are going to take it back. You’re going to say, “Thank you! Thank you for what you did! Good game! This time, things are getting a wee bit too serious. I need my power back. I know I manifested you. I need my power back now. There is a lot of things I need to do on this planet. So how about you and I make a new deal, gatekeeper? How about you become not a gatekeeper but a gateway? How about you and I, we blend again? We become one again. 

And even before you have a chance to speak those words, there is a sigh! Haaaa. Thank you! Thank you for letting me go! 

And you see this gatekeeper becoming undefined again, becoming energy again, filled with the most pure of light, ready for a new world, a new planet Earth.

And you get ready, little one, you get ready to inhale that energy. We’re going to do that four times. We’re going to inhale that gatekeeper four times. And every time we do, as we exhale, we are going to make that gatekeeper into a gateway, that gateway that is your power. Find a space now on your body that has hurt whenever you wanted to step into that power: it could be your head, could be hour throat, could be your heart, could be your belly, could be anything. Find that space and get ready to inhale. And every time we inhale, we say, “Thank you, because I am becoming myself completely.” 

And we breathe in…. ahhhh… and out… haaaa… Feel the gateway that is opening now. There is a source that begins to flow again. Hmmmm. 

And we are going to do that a second time as we stop all time and space. Get ready to breathe in, get ready to breathe in. And there we go… ahhhh…. haaaa… and the little flow turns into a stream, a river of energy, and you feel more free. 

And we are going to do it again…. ahhhh….. haaaa…. And passion comes into your existence, into your being as that river turns into a sea, a sea of potential that was previously tucked away in that gatekeeper, now turning into a gateway. Yes, breathe, let it come out.

And we are going to do it one last time, as you are going to explode fully into the ocean of consciousness that you are. The gatekeeper is never going to go away completely, he’s just going to be part of you. 

And the fourth time that you breathe I am going to put on some music to remind you of who you are, the statement that we all made as we came through the sun. So breathe…

And as the music will fill you up in a minute take the time to come back from that room into this one and find that space in your body that used to be blocking you, like your throat or your heart, that is now going to be turned into a power center. Every time you’re going to want to use your power, it’s going to come from that space. And so it is. 

Feel that power center build up as you come through the sun and your life is started up yet again, all those experiences that you are experiencing again, different this time, in your power this time.

And we come back to the present moment. See all the potentials in front of you and live! 

Song: Children by Twarres

Welcome back! I invite you to take the coming minutes to reintegrate that experience into your body. We are going to put on some sweet Hawaiian music that is so full of creation. And as you take the time to reintegrate, I also invite you at a certain point to go outside, breathe the air and find a tree or anything to commit to your plans for this Earth. 

We’ll see you all after lunch and we will stay here obviously as long as you need us, so take your time to come back. 

Maybe it would be a good idea to move that body of yours and do some dancing, at a certain point, undefined. 

And so it is. 

A link to the Virtual Seminar Study Index page will be made available here soon.

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
2 years ago

We are one
oo Da’ka’ya oo o Da Jeshua San
Eja’i ohami imzaia’e
Eja’i o Da JoY’Ya San
And so it is!

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke 🙏🏻
Listening to the session has been a very transformational experience indeed. The memory came back very quickly and very vivid. Fear was surely there… It was hard to see it just as a shadow sometimes. I was her, she was me… I saw clearly my face in the mirror, feeling the connection somehow with both incarnations.
The liberation that came with the help of Da Jeshua San is the most powerful releasing of a fear experience I ever witness for myself.
Infinitly grateful for this.

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago
Reply to  Imzaia World

San’a’ke ❤️
I am deeply touched with this beautiful answer to my comment most beloved Da Jeshua San and the rest of the teacher body. 🙏
No human words are available when the heart speaks and I am speechless. 😍

Imzaia World platform is a magical place for Love to expand and “miracles” to happen, for real!
San ❤️🌈

Da Amber San
Da Amber San
2 years ago
Reply to  Imzaia World

Da’ka’ya o Da Pah Kwan Yin San o Da Jeshua San for this beautiful, transformative experience. Loved it! ❤️🙏

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago
Reply to  Imzaia World

Happy and lovely day to everyone 🌸
Enjoying the virtual seminar very much💕

Da’ka’ya 🙏🏻

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago
Reply to  Imzaia World

Ohami to you and all beings.
Da’ka’ya for the update! Looking forward to listening to the next episode 🌹🙏🌹

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