How Real Is Your
Metaphysical Experience?

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

July 29, 2014

How do you experience the practical side of your spiritual nature? Do you feel that you apply your metaphysical principles to your life in a direct and empowering way? How far are you willing to go? And what could be holding you back still, if anything?

Let’s take a look at the following statement, for instance:

"Everything is already inside of You.
You are already inside of Everything."

Many may be aware of this simple yet impactful bit of knowledge, as it is often used to explain away a lot of different notions of esoteric and cosmic studies. But most do not know what to do with it or have no idea how to apply it to their lives in a practical way and on a consistent basis.

To tell you the truth – and it might not make me very popular in your opinion – I personally do not feel that the larger community of esoteric seekers that is out there actually welcomes the practical application of metaphysics. At least, not all of it, and yet metaphysics is an ‘all or nothing’ type of deal.

As those with some experience under their belt will know, it can be quite the trip to step away from theoretical words in a book and into the full-blown practice of the metaphysical adventure of personal ascension while remaining a neutral witness to your necessary choices impacting and forever changing your daily life.

You Can Change

Once on the practical path, “change” will become a key factor in your life, for a while at least, until you are finished re-arranging your entire way of being and your universe around you. This is exactly the type of change that most seekers, who tend to keep themselves entangled in the theory of it all, truly are wary of.

When change comes and you do not resist, when you embrace it and meet it halfway with the most positive attitude you can imagine, a momentum is generated quickly. This momentum will increase and ultimately overtake you like a rapid river leading to a massive waterfall of release and transformation.

This momentum of change can take you away from many circumstances, people, events, and situations in your life and propel you forward into the great unknown, if you let it.

Release from 3D bonds is what many crave, but at the same time, fear so vividly that they create the very situations that will hold them back by keeping them in the so-called safe zone.

Still, the knowledge contained in the quotation at the top of this article implies an enormous opportunity for creation through a change that might just be as easy as a simple change of perspective, not just for yourself, but for the entire world. Let’s explore.

Into the Heart of the Mind

Your mind, especially given the way it is currently programmed, does not like that which it does not know.

You can easily test this when you travel. It doesn’t have to be far. Just go to a city you have never been to and try to make your way to a destination of your choice.

Even with Google Maps and Smartphone in hand, you can – if you let yourself be sensitive and aware enough – feel how your mind is uncomfortable right up to the point that you actually arrive at your chosen destination. On the way, it will make your eyes move rapidly around the new landscape while the rest of your physical senses are working overtime to register and catalogue all that is going on around you. Of course, all this time, if you are not paying attention, which most people usually don’t, your mind is trying to make this happen without you actually noticing.

Then, as if by magic, on the walk or drive back, you can feel how much more comfortable your mind will be. It will even make it appear to you that the distance on the way back is shorter than the distance getting there, even if you take the exact same route back.

The next time you will take this route that has now been mapped, you might notice that your mind is now barely interested in what is going on around you, as it has now become part of its known universe.

Vibrational Mind Mapping

But it goes even further and this is where it gets metaphysically interesting. Once you have traveled the known path enough times, your mind will not even bother engaging your senses for the journey.

Instead, it will replace the vibrational landscape you are traveling through with a version that it previously recorded and translated into matter for you. This is the reason you often miss that new store or that road sign that has all of a sudden popped up. Your mind was not paying attention – it did not feel it needed to. Instead, it presented you with an earlier copy of the vibrational universe that it had previously stored as a successful and completed experience which it has deemed safe and therefore repeatable.

Your mind is now running the program of separation for you at full force as it disconnects the real vibrational experience of the now from the illusory mental attributes with which it recreates your environmental map, creating a past/present/future tension as it does. Thus it narrows and segments the parameters of your expression. It also does this for everyone else around you and, in this way, locks you into its matrix reality feed.

Individualized experience — let alone expression — is made almost impossible this way, as your mentally monitored version of reality can quickly adapt whenever you try to set yourself off on an original (and upward spiraling) trajectory. This can be done by injecting thoughts into you, or by triggering certain disempowering belief systems, or even by engaging others around you who are stuck in the same field and then using them to cause the necessary interference for you to fall back in line.

Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with energy preservation, efficiency, safety or survival instinct. Instead, it has everything to do with the narrowing of parameters and an entry vector into a repetitive reality. What your mind would call a repeatable and ‘safe’ experience is not necessarily what your consciousness would call a desirable one.

This is when your mind has you exactly where it wants you.
It is called Vibrational Mind Mapping.

Repeatable Realities

To your mind, it does not matter whether you log the experience as being positive or negative. What matters, ultimately, is that it is ‘successful’ in such a way that it allows your personality (not your consciousness) to believe in the reality that it translated from vibration into matter for you. That is its goal, for that is the factor that distinguishes it from a reality that is not repeatable.

This does not only happen during your waking times. Even in your dreams, the mind will still continue to pull up dreamscapes and experiences that it had you previously (temporarily) convinced were ‘real’ before. This is why you sometimes find yourself back in the same locations in your dreams on a regular basis. These are, and can be considered, in effect, alternative mental realities or universes.

Thirdly, in addition to the mind’s application of this mapping technique in physical and in dreamtime situations, this most certainly also happens within the inner waking realm of repetitive thoughts, belief systems, and other types of mental grooves.

Being in Conscious Resonance

Reading these words, you might think that your mind has you in quite a stronghold. But luckily, there is a way to change the trapped pattern in both the waking and the dream states. It does not have to continue to be this way, not if you don’t want it to.

Take some time to reflect on this information for a little while. Meditate on it, take a walk or talk about it with your friends. Feel free to share this article with them if you feel inclined to do so.

I have released a meditation called Being In Conscious Resonance, which I encourage you to consider should you feel any constrictive or debilitating thoughts come up as you contemplate the possibilities offered in this article.

It involves an exercise called Vibrational Re-sequencing, which could offer you a powerful first step in taking charge of your experiences, your expressions and your mental landscape.

Coming Up

In the next installment of this article series, The Metaphysical Point of No Return, we will explore why it is pointless to continue letting your mind run the show the way it does.

We will discuss how mental activity – of any kind – effectively keeps you away from practical metaphysics and how it blocks you from transferring what you know to be your truth into your direct life experience and therefore apply it to your personal ascension path with impactful, empowering, and transformative results.

Most importantly, we will examine how to make the change.

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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
4 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

Mind mapping… Reading this article again brought me back to a profound teaching I was given by Da Pah Kwan Yin San a few years ago.
A few members of the crew had driven to a place none of us had been before. When we crossed some railroad tracks, however, mind triggered a memory of having seen this place during a train ride on those very tracks – or so I thought. “Oh, now I know where we are! This road leads to…” I said.

Da Pah Kwan Yin San instantly took this opportunity to teach me, and everyone present, a very important lesson. By identifying with what the mind had mapped for the personality during a (supposed) previous experience, I had willingly destroyed any potential of creating a new and magical reality for us all. That place could have been anywhere and anywhen if I had allowed it to be so.

Quite the wake-up call…

I am very grateful for your meditation ‘On Being in Tonal Resonance’ as it helps me to get my focus back to where it belongs.

Da’vish’ka i ohami imzaia’e
Da Hana Akeyasan Chachi Ram San

Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
4 years ago

San’a’ke 💖

It has been said in the Study of Vibration that change is all there is, and as such, we better get used to it. Not only getting “used to it” but embracing it within a clear conscious choice for personal ascension by putting the metaphysical theory and truth of the Study of Vibration and the Study of the Pah into practical continuous and consistent application. Even with this choice and intent to do so, the mind, along with the ego and personality, can be quite the tricksters, and we find ourselves back into allowing ourselves to be caught in the limitations and trap of this construct, again and again.

In my experience and as it has also been taught, it really does take a second to second choice and conscious practice, where even a seemingly benign thought or experience can trigger an avalanche of unconscious aspects, thoughts and actions identified with what is neither true or real, and we let our reality be passively created for us based on illusion rather than consciously and actively by us, in San, as this student has experienced many a time and recently, did not see until it was pointed out by Da Pah Kwan Yin San.

And yet, It is not the thing I know I came here to experience.

As you said in this article, Da Pah Kwan Yin San, and why Imzaia World exists, and what I “hold” inside, no matter what, “It does not have to continue to be this way, not if you don’t want it to.”

Da’ka’ya for this awesome article, for Imzaia World, and being here with All of Us, with all that I Am.

San’a’kaya i ohami imzaia’e,

Da Hana Akeyasan Amber San

Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
5 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

I love this article for its clarity. When you want to move forward for real it is of utter importance to be honest with yourself. As Da Pah Kwan Yin San says ‘metaphysics is an all or nothing type of deal’. This message comes back in the Study of Vibration many times as well, and it has come up for me to look often already. Recently I have encountered a situation which, with the help of Da Pah Lao Tze San, Da Pah Kwan Yin San and the Pahdasan’ka, made it clear to me that I was still trusting the physical plane of existence more than I made myself believe I was. Confronting, at least for the personality.

Acknowledging that I was still fooling myself (the spiritual mind game) however, has created the space to choose again and to practice and move forward in a real way. Da’ka’ya ❤️🙏🏻❤️

San’a’kaya i ohami imzaia’e

Da Hana Akeyasan Amy San

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
5 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️
What I understand is: The mind programming is never going to play fair. Better make a better choice, fold and change the table to have a real game with Consciousness, if one wants to of course.

I am very much noticing what you say here Da Pah Kwan Yin San : …in addition to the mind’s application of this mapping technique in physical and in dreamtime situations, this most certainly also happens within the inner waking realm of repetitive thoughts, belief systems, and other types of mental grooves.
We have work to do

Enjoying the ending of the article with the suggested meditation for possible “side effects” of the truth being told ❤️ interactive and nice.
Da’ka’ya 💐

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