Session 190 – originally titled “DNA, Infinity & the Soul” – is a presentation by Da Pah Ekara San, in which highly metaphysical information is shared about the concept that science refers to as DNA.

Da Pah Ekara San explains how the 2 biological strands of DNA that science is aware of today are metaphysically connected to 71 energy-based strands and another 71 infinity-based strands of DNA.

He teaches how DNA is projected into space/time, from the end to the beginning of time, and explains how the expression of the DNA of all beings is connected – and how this connection can be activated into practical experience. This, and much more, on the topic of DNA, infinity, divinity, and the soul, is shared.

In Da Pah Ekara San’s signature approach, the theory is taught in a practical way, and the direct, the immediate, and the vast implications of taking this teaching from theory to practice, is discussed in the second half of this video, in the form of a trinity talk with direct students.

This video is part of the Mastering the Grand Illusions series that was recorded in the Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK, in November and December 2007, as the core of a series of events called The Meaning of Life. The full series and videos of these events are available and are streaming free forever here on Imzaia World.


DNA, Infinity & the Soul (Mastering the Grand Illusions)


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest | The Meaning of Life | Mastering the Grand Illusions


Da Pah Ekara San


Retie, Belgium | November 24, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 190

by Da Pah Ekara San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Da Jeshua San: So, some hours down the road, some steps that we have taken, we are getting ready for a trinity talk. I don’t think we ever did a trinity talk at one of the seminars here in Belgium. A trinity talk is a very simple concept. It is where we create a triangle of energy, and whatever energy wants to come in and work with you guys, is going to come in. And the point of the trinity talk is to get the energy flowing. It is something that holds the middle between a Q&A session, a private session, and an ekaraia. So usually the energy that comes in, it starts by doing an ekaraia, but then quickly, after 15 minutes or so, the wheel gets switched to everybody who wants to sit in the chairs. Just to put your input there, to give your questions, to reply to the answers, and when you feel you are done you just go back and the room is open for anybody else to step in. 

By the time that both chairs are empty is obviously the time that the trinity talk ends, but it could go on for a pretty long time, and I have found it is a very direct way of giving very fundamental type of information. 

I don’t know if you remember the trinity talk that we did on sacred geometry, when we were still living in Kealekakua Bay. It is on the website and you can find it there somewhere in the third or fourth part of the universal manifest. 

So let’s just take a moment, just one moment. A moment to find that stillness. And I want you to know before we go into it that you are here for a very good reason, to master all of the frustration, all of the things that you don’t fully grasp yet. It’s a good thing. And I invite you to just let that process happen. 

See you all on the other side. 

Inviting You to My Space

Da Pah Ekara San: And so it is, or it isn’t. 

Greetings, beloved Imzaia, I am Da Pah Ekara San, Cosmic Being and Sovereign Servant of Free Energy. I am here to bring you a message, a message which is not the third part of the ‘Mastering the Grand Illusions’ Series. At this point, let’s call it ‘part 2b’ because you like to classify things. 

If you haven’t mastered a step, it isn’t interesting for us to go on. It isn’t interesting for us to take a next step, if you are not taking the step, you see. It is very necessary for you and us to step into this energy together. 

I am speaking to you now from a different space than I was speaking from yesterday. I am no longer counting myself as part of this reality, no longer seeing the same things that you are seeing. I am in that other space, that no-space, that space that you would call ‘divinity’. From that space now, I want you to know that I am not here by myself. Actually, I am not speaking in the same way I normally speak, come into this body, fully embody it and to give you these words that are coming to you right now. Actually, I am doing the exact opposite. I am inviting you into this space, the space, which is no-space. The space without a name, without time, without boundary, without matter, without energy. A space to which the door would be the ‘I Am Awareness’ or the ‘I Am Presence’. 

So, I welcome you now here. I am not speaking to these aspects of you sitting here in the room right now or listening to these words at a later time. I am speaking to you directly within that space. And you are actually hearing those things that this aspect of you can understand. 

So, I thank you. I thank you for keeping an aspect of yourself here on this Earth, and at the same time, to make a major leap forward, as you have done. 

Oh, I know, I know that most of you think that you haven’t taken this step. Most of you think that it didn’t work. And therein lays the problem, the fact that most of you think. As long as you think, you are not going to be able to fully inhabit totality, to fully inhabit that wholeness that is waiting for you. Or is it the other way around, and are you waiting for it? That is a choice that you need to make. Who is the center of your universe? Is it, like scientists would say, some black hole, huge energy sucker basically, or is it your Central Sun? That is a choice that you need to make. 

I hope that as this transmission is taking place that you can experience the no-space that I am in, the total stillness. It is that space that you have called ‘God’. It is that space that you have called ‘Spirit’. It is you. It is within your DNA. It is within your very cells, and I am grateful that I can be the guide to bring you to that space. 

So, do understand that all of you have an aspect over there, which is in here. You do have a totality already living a reality or many realities over there. The only thing that is stuck is this aspect of your consciousness, which now calls itself ‘human’, which calls itself ‘ego’. That is all. You might think that divinity is showing up in the way you are thinking, but it isn’t. Divinity based thinking is infinity based thinking. Dualistic thinking has only two poles. Divinity, as you know, has three, but in the third pole lies the totality of all potentials, of all the poles, of everything, everything that you will ever need. And, my beloved Imzaia, although I am now on the other side, there are so many of you that are waiting here and there are many for you waiting here. All I can ask of you is not to hold on too long because you might see that you will create that very thing that you are afraid of: further separation, as you let go of all the things. 

You must know that our love for you is so grand. You must know that the joy that we are feeling right now to have the chance to speak to you in this fashion, to have the chance to give you this information is our highest calling. It is our highest passion. There is no other place in the world that we would rather be than here with you right now, just as long as you get ready to move at one point. 

Before we turn this into a trinity talk, I would like to offer you some more information about DNA because this is going to become so very important to you in the near future. Actually, that future is already happening. You just don’t see it yet. 

DNA is a Spiral

So, let’s begin where we ended the last time that we spoke. We had told you then that DNA is not linear. It is not a loop, it is a spiral. A spiral beginning at the very end of time, and ending up at the beginning point of time. Do you understand this? This would mean that at the very beginning of time, where you saw your big bang, all your completely realized DNA, your very essential matrix, not as a human race, but as a totality of races throughout this cosmos, was already present. And you are unraveling this process, as you are going back to the very beginning of your own self. 

I am going to draw it for you. I seem to be the only one to do that these days. Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San is too lazy to get out of his chair, so I will do it for you. 

Look, if this is the linear timeline, and this would be the beginning of your linear timeline and this would be the end of your linear timeline, right, then you could say, if you look at your DNA now – I am just going to make a quick sketch – that this would be the DNA running through time and space, only this point [end] would be the beginning point of your DNA, and this point [beginning] would be the end point of your DNA. 

Now, what does this mean if we look at this? It means that at the very beginning of time and space, you had a fully realized DNA strand, complete within the boundaries, or the unlimited boundaries better, of divinity. At the beginning here of your DNA strand, which is the end of the supposed ‘time/space field’, you have a fully non-realized set of DNA, non-realized. 

Non-realized. What does that mean? Does it mean that you just have an empty case of DNA? No, no, it doesn’t mean that. It does mean, however, that at this point, your DNA is still filled with all the potential that you could have for manifestation. Here at the end, when time began, you basically had all the encoding of all that would manifest in the universe. 

To fully understand this concept, I must let you know that your DNA is not yours. There is DNA activity that runs through all things, all things. DNA isn’t a part of you. It isn’t limited to you. Within her body and her body and his body and her body lies the same DNA, only the two biological strands are not similar. You understand this?

DNA. All things. All things are within you. At the beginning of time, which is the end of the DNA strand, the full DNA strand, you have all realized DNA present within the cosmos. It goes so with any universe. And as time goes on, you start unraveling all that DNA again, and potentials start to be filled in, and races come into the universe. Life comes into the universe, but what you don’t understand is that this is the life that has built up ever since the end of time, which is the beginning of the DNA strand. It is very important to realize this. 

What does this mean exactly? It means that by the end of the supposed ‘linear’ timeline, you have what would be called ‘blank DNA’. Now, this is a concept that your scientists are soon going to discover. It might take them about another year or so, but at that point, look in your science journals to find out all about blank DNA.

Blank DNA

What is blank DNA? I will show you. I like drawing. I am just going to use one DNA strand, okay? Let’s say the 72nd one because this is the one that we were talking about yesterday, which, by the way, is a 9. I am just going to draw it here. There we go. 

Let’s imagine this is a partial DNA strand. I am just going to use a part of it because otherwise, it is going to get too difficult. You think that you need to travel through the DNA, that all of this DNA is filled with information basically, information that will help you to create your body. Of course, this is the 72nd DNA strand, that would mean that this is energy based. So, this strand actually helps you to create time across space, alright?

Now, if this is a point of information on that DNA strand and this is another point of information on that DNA strand, how then would you get a set of blank or infinite DNA? It is actually very simple. There we go. It happens here as well, and here, actually everywhere. Your entire DNA, including your biological DNA, talks to each other this way. 

Now, you could say, “Why is that?” Why do two points of information on the very same DNA strand need to connect to each other using infinity? Because, my beloved, infinity is the key. Within infinity, if you are just looking at one strand, you have the connection to all other DNA, and it runs through this way, you see? And that one again creates connection points, and again, new connections. And at that point, you would get another strand, and that one will create an another set of connections and another set of connections and another set of connections. 

The most important thing again, here to understand is the infinity symbol. It is the connector of all things. It gives you access to the Experience of All Things. It give you access to the Heart of All Things. Activating 144 strands of DNA is not done by doing some exercises. It is done by creating a blank state. 

What is a blank state of DNA? It is the opposite of linear. You could say if you have linearity that the opposite would be non-linearity, but that is just a negation of linearity. The opposite of this would be blank. Blank why? Because the DNA strand is not forced to read its information one point after the other after the other after the other after the other. It can actually jump. 

Let’s say, for instance, that on this point on the DNA strand lies say your skin development and let’s say that on this point here lies 72, DNA strand 72, the access to it. How then would it be possible for you to create an eternally… Yes, indeed, you just connect these strands together. And what you don’t realize is that within that connection here, the blank state is born. What is activating the 144 layers of DNA? It is very simple: it is connecting all the information to infinity. And when you do that, when you connect all it to infinity, you get an eternal state. This is, what I have just given you now, the key to passing through that door that you want to pass through that I talked to you about. 

So, your DNA is connected on so many levels. And as the DNA goes, so goes the universe. The DNA, the pathways of the universe are connected in the very same way. Can you feel it? Okay, that is very good. 

The DNA Strand of Time and Space

Because you are used to seeing DNA as it shows up in your body, you see? Only two out of 144 strands of DNA, as you know, are biological. Then you would think that these 142 strands are all about energy. It is not true. This separates. This one would be about energy. That is why the 72nd strand is basically about time and space, you see? Because it still is within the field of energy. This one then is about infinity. We haven’t yet begun to discuss these strands. If we were to discuss this, it would take us probably a month to bring it into linearity. To get a group of people together and do that at this point, to find people that are in their passion to do that is nearly impossible. Science is still discovering that there is more than 2. All of this for science is called, as you know, ‘junk’. 

That means that science is considering energy and definitely infinity, the way you are seeing energy, as ‘junk’. Energy and infinity are married in a way that humanity has not yet seen. The way you are looking at energy is still a linear perception. You still see energy as a package. Energy is not a package. Energy is a totality. Energy is a universe unto itself. 

Now, talking about the blank state, it is in this section of DNA that you find the blank state, and only in that section. A blank slate of information, what does that mean? Blank. It means, as you know, infinity. Pure. I am going to write these words down. It means pure. It means, indeed, potential. 

So, where… Creality? Free energy. So where within your reality then do you think you can find your potentials? I wrote it on the board. Yes, it is right there. So, my ladies and gentlemen, there is almost half of your DNA that is waiting for your input, that is waiting for you to fill in the blanks, for you to fill in the potential, do you see?

It is interesting that some would think that we need to do separate things, that we need to look at science from one angle and then at spirituality from the other angle and then at ecology from yet another angle and then at psychology from yet another angle, while you know that it is all blending as one. And where is it all blending? It is all blending inside of you. I will show you. 

And it was said at your lunch table just now, ‘finite’, as you said before, finite. The body, all matter is finite. And then you have another word, ‘infinite’. Isn’t it interesting that the word itself says to go within the finite to find the infinity? Isn’t that interesting? That is why I was referring to your DNA. It is in your DNA where all of infinity and all of the universe and all of all creation is to be found. I am going to ask you to remember this because we are going to bring it back very soon. 

Where then within your DNA can you find the human stories? Right here! That is all the humanity that is within you, in two sets of a total of 144 strands of DNA. Knowing this, do you think that your human stories are so very important? Do you know that if you had a full 144 set activation that you would even think back to the human stories? Because you see, my dear human – I am going to go back now – this is where all of you are connecting. I am going to draw this again. If you have a connection through your DNA and somebody else’s DNA, it is happening right here, right here on the intersection of your own infinity. Because there you will find a whole complete set of DNA run through of ‘another’ person, supposedly. And within that, if you create infinities here, you will yet again find another person. 

And so, it is just the concept of your two strands of DNA that is telling you that you are separate. I am telling you that DNA is a total package, not just limited to the human race, not just limited to the animals on this planet and the minerals and what-have-you-not. It is stretching out into the fullness of all life and all universes. So, like there is Akene, there is one DNA. 

You had a question?

Akeyasan 1: You once told me that I am very multidimensional and that I don’t jump from one dimension to another, but from dimension to dimension to dimension, is the key in the DNA?

Da Pah Ekara San: That is the key, yes. That is what you do. You jump, not from… Well, I should say it like this: if all of these strands here are people, then what do you think a reality is? A reality is very similar to a person or a personality. So, jumping dimensions, jumping realities, is jumping people, jumping personalities. And that is what you do. 

Akeyasan 1: But does that mean that my DNA, a half year ago, was already like this?

Da Pah Ekara San: Everybody’s DNA is like this. It is just not active. 

Akeyasan 1: When it is not active, how can I do it then? 

Da Pah Ekara San: With you it was active. With you it was active, like with her over there. It has always been active. 

Akeyasan 1: Always?

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes. In essence, it has always been active in some people on this planet Earth, and that is oftentimes the problem for most people. That is one of the reasons why they can’t be followed or they can’t be understood. And either they go high up or they go very low. It is either one. It is always happening. 

I know you might think that this is all very scientific. But I am telling you, it is not scientific, it is cosmic. It is infinite. It is about dimension. It is about you. And if you fully want to grasp the letting go of all illusion, there is not one aspect of you that you can completely let go of, you see. It has to be all there. 

Yes, Da Begga San?

A Natural Process

Akeyasan 2: Is it so that in the two biological strands of DNA when we connect two points with the infinity sign, that then the point in the middle gives all the other strands of DNA?

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes, but the thing is that you don’t need to do the reconnection yourself. This process is occurring because of neutrality, you see. And what is neutrality other than the triangle again? The neutrality that is coming on planet Earth is bringing in the neurons in the brain that is stimulating the junk DNA to wake up. It is the junk DNA that is being stimulated to wake up so that it might again reinvent infinity because that is what the DNA is going to be doing. It is going to reinvent itself. It can never rebuild itself, it needs to reinvent itself. And that is the process that is happening. It is a natural process, but it is happening as these neural connections within the brain are actually going to become neutral again, you see?

So, that means that if you have a synapse right here – this is the brain – and you have another synapse right here, you see, and there is a neuronic pathway and you need a thought, that would be these two things connecting, an electrical impulse that makes it so that these two things connect and a thought is born. What a neutral neuron is, is  that instead of these two connections here, there is a third one going to come with it, taking shape, being formed from these two points. And the connection will no longer go like this, it will go like this. 

So, every single time a thought is fired up in the brain, it goes through this, which would be divinity, which would in itself again be infinity. Do you see how much thoughts are changing? Do you see how much thoughts, DNA, divinity, infinity, neutrality, all of these things, actually interact with each other? That it is all one big mosaic, generating reality as you think. 

And there is the interesting key to finding your own salvation. But anyway, I could go on with this, and I will go on with this very soon, no sooner than tomorrow, but in the meantime, I would like to keep my promise and open this Ekaraia now into a trinity talk.

So, what can I do for you? We could talk about these topics or we could talk about anything. Let’s take it in the direction that you want this to go.

Akeyasan 3: So, actually there are 142 DNA strands.

Da Pah Ekara San: 144.

Akeyasan 3: Yes, but I will do this from the point of separation. Because that is the point of view of the human system. You can say ‘I am that I am’ but we do not believe it.

Da Pah Ekara San: You don’t believe it, yes. Therein lies the problem.

The Meaning of Life

Akeyasan 3: Mhm. So, I was talking about… the value of this realm, the value of creating you guys, if we are all energy, if we are all an expression of All, what is the value here?

Da Pah Ekara San: The value?

Akeyasan 3: The purpose, the meaning of life, actually, everything, why we are here. And I thought because of many, many channelings and books, it is about experience, the experience that can happen in such a way over here, you know? And because I want to do it from this point of view of separation, I just thought about that we all carry some kind of energy signature that defines actually who we are in the whole. Steve talked about the core self, but it doesn’t normally get experienced over here, like DNA, shows, it is experienced by All That Is. And what I was thinking from this point of view of separation, so what then is the authentic experience. And Da Jeshua San said it was the point of view; that is the authenticity. But if Da Thea San, for instance, she is her point of view within me, she actually in that moment of time that she chooses to make this connection, she really should experience things equally at that moment without any exception, without separation. I wasn’t sure about that. 

Da Pah Ekara San: What would happen if the both of you were to change your perceptions with each other is not that you would go into her and have your realization there, and that she would do the very same thing. You both would be perceiving from both bodies. So still, the added value of her signature to your uniqueness and your signature to her uniqueness would enhance your both types of uniqueness, you see? So, they would not be a similar experience. It would still be different because you are experiencing something from your point of view. She is from her point of view. If she were to experience things from her point of view and within your point of view, it would be different. 

Akeyasan 3: Okay, but if I would like to experience something… Let’s make the assumption that we are only with five people on planet Earth. And we all decide to make one… We have all this singular perception. We all decide to make one perception of it all. So, actually, we would all experience things equally because we would carry all perceptions together. 

Da Pah Ekara San: At that point, yes. But now you are talking about something completely different. Now you are talking about an entire race of people experiencing the same thing because they are sharing. And that is the oneness that I am talking about all the time. That is the totality that we are talking about all the time. So, yes, then all experience would be the same, but you need to remember that you could not compare it to a singular experience like the one you are having now. 

Akeyasan 3: Of course. It is just a good choice.

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes, but the value of this 3D world lies not in that. The value lies in the experience. Now, what is experience? To experience is to live something outside of you, ‘ex-perience’. See? You see something, which is not related to you or seems to be non-related to you. For instance, if I were to take your hand and you were to look at it, it would be a totally different experience than all of a sudden, I were to take your hand, cut if off with a butcher’s knife and throw it on the floor and say, “Look, your hand!” You would have a totally different experience. That hand and that hand, although it is the same hand, would feel completely different to you. 

In this field of reality, we are allowed, all of us, to experience my hand, for instance, completely separate from me, seemingly with no control over it. 

Akeyasan 3: So, it is more about the choice then to have control over it?

Da Pah Ekara San: No, no, what we have learned is that it adds another layer of totality onto the All That Is experience. You must remember that at one point, the totality of All Things, a circle, that there used to be no field of experience. So, the field of experience is relatively new, although there is no new or old within the All That Is. Let’s just say it this way: there used to be a time within the All That Is when there was no field of experience. But since there is no time within the All That Is, there was never a moment when there was,’t a field of experience. So, because of the fact that it has been created, it has given added value. 

It is the same thing like saying, all of a sudden, you have a child. And at one point in your life, that child wasn’t there. But then you grow older, and the child is seven years old, and you cannot remember a time when the child wasn’t there. It seems people even have the tendency of saying, “My life had little value before the child was there. Now I understand about life.”

So, see this reality as ‘the child of God’. I have always told you, and Da Jeshua San has always told that we are ‘the son of God’, but as I told you that your body doesn’t end with your flesh, but it is everything that is around you, then you understand that the supposed ‘All That Is’ or ‘Babaka’ or ‘God’ or ‘Spirit’ only has one son, and it is the creation of this reality, which is the sun of the totality. Not the ‘sum’, but the ‘sun’ of the totality. And that is what this all is about. 

Reinstating Neutrality

Now, as we have discovered that this adds so much, if it is in purity and in neutrality, and not in drama the way it is now, it is the point to bring the All That Is energy into this space, so that it is possible to let the All That is be perfused with this space as well. But before that can happen, the neutrality that ‘is’ this space needs to be reinstated. And that is happening through the carriers of consciousness, and that would be humanity, no? 

That is why the neurals – the neurons, the ‘neurals’ actually if you have the neutral neurons – are showing up again, so that the neutrality can be reinstated, so that the experience can once again be whole. It is not logical for one person to have ‘a’ experience and another person to have another experience in the same set of circumstances. It is illogical. The Akene alone should make sure that that doesn’t happen. But the Akene hasn’t been fully activated ever since the DNA was cut off, you see. So, now it is all about bringing all of that back together and making sure that it happens. And that is what all of you are doing, in the first place for you, but also for the rest of this world. You understand? 

Let’s go to her for a minute.

Akeyasan 2: There was the request to write what is our deepest problem. So, I didn’t see a problem and I have written: Of course, I am creating now. In Dutch it is ‘natuurlijk’, it means ‘naturally’. So, what is the problem with ‘naturally’?

Da Pah Ekara San: Let’s say it like this: you say that you are going to let go of all your stories. 

Akeyasan 2: Yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Why haven’t you done so? 

Akeyasan 2: Because I wasn’t at the end of the training. And yesterday I saw, yes, I saw the point. The point is that I as a creator, as the ‘I am’, I am the middle, and all the circumstances and the stories are around. And if I say, “Yes, I will let go of these stories after this or this time or in these or those circumstances,” then I will never stay in the middle. Then I go in the time of space and I cannot make the decision to create from the middle. So, there is only one way, it is the moment of now. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes. 

Akeyasan 2: So, there is no other way. 

Da Pah Ekara San: That is true. Do you know what I mean when I say ‘story’?

Akeyasan 2: I think it is all the circumstances of our personality.

Da Pah Ekara San: So, what is your story, if you had to say it in five seconds?

Akeyasan 2: It is not interesting at this moment. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Ah, and it isn’t interesting why?

Akeyasan 2: Because at this moment, there is no story. There is only what is my wish to make a story, a new story, but it will never be a story. It will always be in the moment. 

Da Pah Ekara San: So, what are you going to do to make sure that once these couple of days that you are here all together, once this is over that you don’t fall within the story again? 

Akeyasan 2: Take a step to stay in the moment, take one step after the other to remain in the moment. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes, but remaining in the moment isn’t enough. You can’t say that you are going to let go of the story and then you go back to the story. 

Hang on, I am going to say something before you go on because I feel that it is something that is very much alive here. When I say ‘letting go of the story’, I mean letting go of the circumstances between the players. I don’t mean letting go of the players completely, the others within the story. 

Akeyasan 2: Yes, so you say… Can you repeat the last two sentences?

Da Pah Ekara San: Obviously. If you let go of the story, it doesn’t mean letting go of the players of the story. Actually, it just means that you will now again see the players within the field of neutrality…

Akeyasan 2: Yes, of course.

Da Pah Ekara San: … so that you can experience them totally. 

Akeyasan 2: Yes, of course. 

Da Pah Ekara San: But to do that, you first have to let go of the story that exists between you and the others. 

Akeyasan 2: So, I see it that I let go of the emotionality and rationality about these things. 

Da Pah Ekara San: And definition. 

Akeyasan 2: And definition, yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Your daughters aren’t your daughters. They are people.

Akeyasan 2: I know.

Walk Away and Keep on Walking

Da Pah Ekara San: Your house isn’t a house. It is energy. It is a situation, a happenstance, a definition. How to undefine it? Well, you don’t have to break it down because even if you break down the house, you would still carry the energy of the house. To undefine it you just have to walk away from it. That is what Da Jeshua San was trying to tell you the other day, to walk away and to keep on walking after that. 

That is the only way you can ever step out of a story. Even within 3D, if you try to let go of stories, you are told that at a certain point you need to finish things off, right? ‘Leave no unfinished business’. Well, that is crap. You can’t finish up something that isn’t real. And it isn’t because other people are believing in something that isn’t real that you need to treat that non-reality with respect. That is one of the biggest problems that humanity has. They say, once they start evolving, and they say that now they have come to a point where they understand that nothing around them is real, but you have to take into account the feelings of others that don’t know that. And I am very sorry, and it may be hard to say this, but you don’t need to take into account the feelings of others that don’t know it because they are living a story. And as long as they are living a story, ‘they’ are not real. There is an aspect to them that is real, but the personality around them is just a character, you see?

Akeyasan 2: Yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: And you are very close to that point. I can see, you are very close to that breakthrough. I just wish you all the best in making sure that it is actually going to manifest and stay manifest within your environment. 

Akeyasan 3: But, sometimes, and I say this also for many, almost everybody, it sounds like a paradox, to leave your house, the situation of your house if you go there to sleep again, and you can do it through intention. But when will you know for yourself that, okay, my intention holds the moment that is the entire universe at that moment. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Mhm, that is a good one. Actually, what you just said about her house is not completely the way I meant it. I didn’t mean letting go of the story and then just go back to the house and then to continue living there. That is not what I mean because the house is still filled with that energy. The only way to know if the intent holds is to see your actions for real, to really, from a place of neutrality, to look at your actions. That is the only way, the only place where you can see if that which you want to do is actually being done. 

For instance, an artist wants to make a painting, and this is an artist that has been making a painting for 40 years. And he goes into a bar every night. And every night, he is talking to people there and talking about his wonderful painting and that he is such a good painter and that at one point, people will discover him. They are going to see his beautiful work and he doesn’t. And at a certain point, he gets frustrated with society because he is asked to pay so much money for his meager home. And at a certain point he says, “Why is it that nobody recognizes my artistry?” And the bartender says, “Well, maybe it is because you have never painted in your life.” You see? He was always ‘thinking’ that he was a painter, but he wasn’t. He was just dreaming he was. He was just wanting to be a painter. 

So, that is what I mean. If you want to tell that man, “Why aren’t your paintings selling?” The answer would be, “Where are your paintings?”

So, if you want to look at your actions to see if you really can hold your intent, then you should see that you are still living the same paradigm. Even though the mind is slightly letting go and the energy patterns around it and the interpretations that you have in your life are changing, you are still holding on to the same situations, and that is where the action is. 

Sometimes, it is very good to step away from the story, to really let go of it and then later on to reintegrate the players within that story back into your neutrality. But as long as you keep holding on to the same situations, there is no real change. And then you can fool yourself by saying that, “Well, I am thinking differently, so I am probably acting differently,” but that is just spiritual mind.

Akeyasan 3: Well, many, many people think spiritually and they will translate it often as, “Actually, an energetic behavior is also needed,” but the danger of it is that you are fooling yourself 100%.

Da Pah Ekara San: Oh, yes!

Akeyasan 3: So, actually, there is one way: that is really stepping away from it. If you want, for your house, and the energy of your house, just get away from it, for the time to hold this energy.

Da Pah Ekara San: But if you say to get away from it, you also mean get away from it, also here [mind]. 

Akeyasan 3: Yes, sure, everything. But also here, up here is not enough. Because then you easily go into spiritual mind. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Oh, yes. 

Akeyasan 3: Because then you see that you actually haven’t done it. And you might have done it for some bits or just for everything but not totally. But then that counts for everybody. There is just one possibility, and that is stepping away from it to be sure. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Well, actually, the only possibility is to actually go to that blank state that is within you. That is why I also say to step away here [mind], you have to step away here. But as you step away, you need to find that infinity within. You need to find that blank state, in which lies all potential. 

Creating Neutral Centers

And that is one of the things, I am going to be talking about this pretty soon, I guess it is now, one of the things that are going to be very necessary on planet Earth is some sort of neutral centers where people can go to, that are kept within a total state of neutrality with no stories. Can you imagine such a place that you can go to with no stories and just people wanting to create in the same way that you are creating? That is one of the things that is going to come to planet Earth. I have always told you this, in other bodies, but I have always told you this. 

So, if that were to be there and if you could give people that, that they step away from the actual physical reality, they also step away from the mental reality, but then they step away from the energetic reality as well. And then they come into a total place of neutrality. 

Of course, even in such a place, you cannot force people not to think about their situation or their story, but you could set such a place up in such a way that people can find their neutrality again. 

Why, for instance, have we asked your group to go to Hawaii? Because right there, you have a complete semi-continent – small continent, but still very powerful – that is in a total neutral state. And that is, my dear, why the power of manifestation is so big there. That is why what you are thinking will manifest so very quickly because there is no energetic situation around you, except for a neutral one. So, all the thoughts that you are sending out are immediately finding ground within that blank state, which basically is your DNA. And as such, your reality is created around you very quickly. That is why that space is the heart of the New Lemuria, you see, of the New Planet Earth. And that from that space, it all begins. Well, actually that space, and at the same time Peru and New Zealand. 

But anyway, it will all end up here. And within the old world, which is what we are sitting in now, this is the Third Wave. This is the supposed ‘portal energy’ where the energy of Mu, or Lemuria, will come in again. You see? But that is where it happens.

The Body is Not Real

Akeyasan 2: This afternoon we talked about the experiences of the night. And I and others found that they couldn’t trust their body. So, when there is a disease and you want to let go of the disease, the body, as it is now, cannot give you trust to find the lack of the disease. So could it be possible that when we create our Akene, we do it in this [top] half of the body, could it be possible that it would be necessary to take the other part of the body in this Akene, so that we have more feeling with the body? 

Da Pah Ekara San: Well, the body… You don’t need to have more feeling with the body because the body isn’t real. But what happens as you activate the Akene, and at a certain point, you activate it like this and you come back to this space, when it really implodes and starts to send out, you will start to understand that again you are connecting to all of the body, and there is an energy flow that is happening around your energy field, which you see as a ‘body’. But the energy field then is that space that is so filled with possibilities that it is impossible not to heal your disease, you see? But the reason that the disease isn’t going away is because you believe the body is real. Therein lies the problem. 

Akeyasan 2: Is it also a possibility to go to the beginning of the body and the beginning of creation because then we are at the end of our DNA? So, is it possible that at the beginning of creation and our body is sort of plasma, and then when we feel our body without the form in a sort of plasma, we can start with a new body in its beginning state?

Da Pah Ekara San: You are still seeing the body as a necessary equipment for survival, and that is why disease can show up. The body isn’t necessary for survival. The body is a tool, it is an instrument. And if it is broken, then you can fix it, but you don’t fix it with going back to the start of it. You just fix it because you are the creator. And one thought in a neutral space energy will activate the blank slate of DNA within you and totally regenerate the illusion of the body within a nanosecond. 

Akeyasan 2: And how can we do it to start with this blank infinite state or DNA. Would it be good to have a trinity talk, for example have a talk with another, with a friend, and put  in the infinity sign, so that you have the Christ consciousness between, so you have a trinity? Is this easier to find a neutral point? Is this easier than to do it on your own?

Da Pah Ekara San: Do you see that in the way you are asking questions, you still see parts of your story taking place? 

Akeyasan 2: Yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: If you listen back to that moment now, then you will find the spaces where your story is still alive. And as you notice now, it is not on a very practical level, it is alive on a very abstract level. 

Akeyasan 2: I see the difference, yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: So, it is right there within the neurons, the neuro-synaptic pathways of your brain. 

Akeyasan 2: Okay, thank you. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Thank you. 

About Stillness

Akeyasan 4: I feel very quiet. 

Da Pah Ekara San: We noticed. 

Akeyasan 4: So, I sit here and sometimes I don’t even understand the words. That makes it difficult sometimes. When I don’t panic about it, I can just be here and be quiet. My question is what to do about what to do with the stillness in a world with loudness. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Be in it. Inhabit it fully. Be fully present within that stillness because it is unique. It is a unique pearl, your stillness and – how shall I say it? – it needs to be treasured. It needs to be cherished because many people are going to be looking for that sort of stillness. And in the end, they will find it with people like you. As they find it, as that stillness is going to become more important in the coming months, not in the coming years, in the coming months, it will help people go to that neutral state, you see? And there lies the beauty, the beauty of what you can do. Only right now, it is very difficult for you to see the value of that space since you are saying that all the world around you would want you to be busy and noisy. Just remain where you are, you see?

Thank you.

Akeyasan 1: We were asked, you asked the group, to put a question on paper. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes. 

Akeyasan 1: Can you feel it? You are in my heart and I am in yours. I am in the Heart of All Things. You are in the Heart of All Things. We are in the Heart of All Things. I am that I am that I am that you are, the Expression of All that Is. Can you feel it? Can you really feel it? So, how dare I choose for just a few? So how dare you choose for just a few when there is the whole universe to choose for? Can you finally feel it?

Da Pah Ekara San: Two totally different people, so it seems, sitting here. What has brought them together? 

Akeyasan 1: Trinity.

Da Pah Ekara San: And wherein lies the trinity? The neutral space that you carry [to Akeyasan 4] is something that you [to Akeyasan 1] would benefit from, and the action oriented behavior of creation that you carry [to Akeyasan 1] is something that you would benefit from [to Akeyasan 4].

Akeyasan 1: We all have a piece of the puzzle.

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes, everybody does. Everybody does. So it is. 

Akeyasan 5: About the question this morning. I thought, the last days I was going on in the process for myself that though I was doing it in a good way, and when you told this morning, before lunch, I thought to myself: am I again wrong with doing what I am doing now? So, when I was on my own in the room, I felt in myself that I was a little bit busy outside, I was a bit out. What was going on with myself, I was not myself? I was going outside a bit to spread this mission, but there was something in myself I didn’t see anymore, again. So I was doubting again about my own health. Was it this what you meant with everything this morning?

Da Pah Ekara San: Exactly. That is it exactly. There should be no more doubt because there is no doubt necessary. Looking without and looking within should be the same thing. At any given moment, you should be in that total universal love because that is all there is to it really. And what is keeping you? Your eyesight because you want to see a different world really. And that is what you are trying to stop you from seeing. You understand? 

So, so if you want to get back into that ‘good space’, as you are calling it, or the ‘God space’, as you might also call it, you need to stop that type of the story, that part of it. 

Akeyasan 5: Yes, I was thinking about it. When I come home, and then I am in my home, then I don’t feel this energy, so when I come back here, and I am here, out of the car, then I come back into this space of energy. That makes it very difficult to go home. I think I have to move there. 

Da Pah Ekara San: No, the answer doesn’t necessarily lie in moving out. The answer lies in moving in. 

A Portal Within the Illusion

Akeyasan 5: I am dreaming about a neutral space also for other people, so maybe that is one of the things I have to do.

Da Pah Ekara San: Now you are talking! Now you are talking, and there are others here that have similar dreams of creating such spaces. Maybe you should get your heads together or maybe even your hearts. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Akeyasan 5: I was thinking in the last days also maybe this is an illusion.

Da Pah Ekara San: What? 

Akeyasan 5: Creating those spaces. 

Da Pah Ekara San: It is not an illusion. It is a portal within an illusion that could lead to the outside of the illusion. So, you might have to build within illusion, but only in such a way that you are trying to get out of it. You see? Creating a neutral space and going to that type of infinity is not an illusion. The illusion is not in matter itself. The illusion lies within the definition of all things. It is very different to ‘define’ everything or to ‘express’ everything, you see? It is a completely different ballpark. Here in the head, you are defining, and here in the heart, you are expressing. 

So, find ways of expressing those things within this world and you are going to find the solution that you are looking for. 

Akeyasan 6: You spoke about the body and that it is not real. I always feel that my breathing is connected to fear. I have had a depression the last year and got some anti-depressiva…

Da Pah Ekara San: Anti-depressants.

Akeyasan 6: I always feel like I if would leave my body, but instead I want integrate my body so the control about the body, being in my body, being here, and not somewhere over there. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes, what is the difference?

Akeyasan 6: It is connected to fear, I feel, to all things… the emotions, especially of fear. This is the point [in the body] in which the fear is, I feel. It is difficult to tell. I hope you understand what I mean. 

Da Pah Ekara San: I do understand, but all fear isn’t real. 

So, actually, you see we are missing the point here. Let me ask it in a different way. What is the story that is attached to what you are saying now? Either one of you?

Akeyasan 6: I think I feel it myself now. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Okay, what is your story?

Akeyasan 6: I think I want to remain in the same story as what I know and I am scared of going to the other story. That is the difference. That is the turning point. Now I feel it.  

Da Pah Ekara San: There you go. There you go. So, do you see that the question that you had wasn’t really important? 

Akeyasan 6: Yes, now I see it. 

Da Pah Ekara San: There you go!

Akeyasan 6: It seems so simple, now? I feel much more joyous. I am laughing at myself now!

Da Pah Ekara San: Hallelujah! You need to worry because some people could end up laughing like that for fifteen years! 

Akeyasan 6: It is okay! Don’t worry, be happy!

Da Pah Ekara San: There you go! Do you see?

Akeyasan 6: Yes, I see!

Da Pah Ekara San: And what is that spot about now? Is that about fear or is that about joy?

Akeyasan 6: Joy! 

Da Pah Ekara San: So, Cocky, do you want to do something? Are you ready to freak out?

Akeyasan 7: No, I am not because the questions, the things that have been said, it makes me feel drift away. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Drift away? Where to?

Death of Personality

Akeyasan 7: Into silence. I don’t understand it. 

Da Pah Ekara San: The things that were said over there?

Akeyasan 7: No, not that, that is okay, but the people sitting here and the questions make me feel confused. 

Da Pah Ekara San: And why?

Akeyasan 7: Because, because my inside is very silent and I ask my question to you because I got a feeling that when you are dying, you have reached the point that you are talking about. But my question stays: how can I reach it? That is it, that is it for me. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Well, how can you find that space? How can you go into that silence? 

Akeyasan 7: I don’t know, totally feeling…

Da Pah Ekara San: It is about a supposed ‘death’ of personality. That is what you need, and that is the letting go of the story. Now, in my point of view, what you are doing now in the last few days and the steps that you are going to take probably are going to lead to that death of the personality. It is also about going into that neutral space. It is what I actually said to Da Peter San at the beginning of this trinity talk, that if you just let go of the mental and let go of the situational and then let go of the energetic, you can be in an energetic neutral space. That is what happens when you die because the psyche goes. The psyche is just fired up by the brain, and the body, which is generating the situation around you, is also going.

So, if you can just do that, if you can just find that neutral space… But I wouldn’t worry about that. Because you are doing that. You are going there. You are going to that space. It is happening. You are going to that space. 

Akeyasan 7: I asked for it, but I asked God. I still don’t know what to do. Just let it happen.

Da Pah Ekara San: What do you think you need to do? Is there anything that you need to do?

Akeyasan 7: That is what I don’t know! 

Da Pah Ekara San: Well, let me tell you this: you don’t need to do anything. There is no… In your case, there is no internal action required. Internally, within, you are fully wired up for what needs to be happening. 

Akeyasan 7: I know. 

Da Pah Ekara San: You feel that. 

Akeyasan 7: I felt that.

Da Pah Ekara San: But like I told Da Peter San at the beginning of this gathering, at the beginning of this conversation, what you need now is to make sure that you are taking the actions that are required, the actions, in the external world the action. And that is what you are setting yourself up to do now. So, once that happens, the rest is going to be a natural ride. 

Akeyasan 7: Okay. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Okay, great. Thank you, come here. 

Akeyasan 8: Is that the same for me then? Because what I keep on thinking about is that you say that ‘you have to go through that door’. 

Da Pah Ekara San: Yes? What is your door called? There is a name on that door for you. There is a name on that door for everybody. On yours is a four-letter word… ‘Fear’. Don’t you remember you and Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San sitting here for a chat the other day about fear? And him telling you that actually all would be well, if you just keep walking through that fear? So, that is what you need to do. Do you understand that?

Akeyasan 8: Not really. 

Da Pah Ekara San: The major change is coming in your life and it is upon you. It is very close, and you don’t understand it. You don’t see it happening. You haven’t input that command into the blank slate of your DNA so it may manifest. It is a desire and it is a wish, but you haven’t input it into your reality yet because there is something that is keeps you from believing that it can happen, and that is your fear. And that is why Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San told you, “Keep stepping through that fear,” you see? That is the only thing that will help you. Keep stepping through that fear because your door has that label on it. And to everybody it is the same door, but to everybody it is a different label. Do you understand that?

Akeyasan 8: But I still remain with the question ‘how’? Because I think that I am doing it. 

There is no How

Da Pah Ekara San: Listen, and this is not just for you, this is for everybody. ‘How’ tells you that you don’t know. If you don’t know something, then you close yourself off from your higher self and from all of your energetic ability. You don’t need to know how, you just need to do it. There is no ‘how’. ‘How’ only takes place when you are in a time/space field and you need to move from a linear perception to another linear perception. Do you understand that?

There is no ‘how’. There is just action, intent. The intent to act is the ‘I Am’, always bringing energy into action. The only thing that you need to do is to let go of your story. And I have told you this: that is your personality, it is the life that you have known because for all purposes and intent, the life that you have known was an illusion and the loves that you have lived were conditional. So, you can either choose to stay within that conditional love, within the box of family and friends and folly, but if you really want to go  for it – and I know you do – then you just need to step into that place of divine action where you just do it without asking ‘how’. Because there is only one way. There is only one way, you see? And the moment you ask ‘how’, you are creating thousands and thousands of potential ways leading nowhere. 

You get it now, I see it. 

Akeyasan 8: Yes. 

Da Pah Ekara San: But we will continue this. The days aren’t over yet. Thank you so much. 

So, anyway, my beloved, this has turned from a very scientific explanation about DNA into the very depth of your soul, what the soul is all about. I hope that you have found some truth and that this truth can help you in the coming days to find your steering wheel even better. 

I must say, however, that the actual intent that we had in setting up this trinity talk, hasn’t been fully manifested yet. So, we will keep coming back in, we will keep giving you this information, until you finally are finished with it. 

Also, there is no point in continuing today, if you don’t allow that information to integrate. So, instead of going into a break now and then throwing the next bit of information your way, I am going to ask you to first take some time, let’s say about an hour, to be in silent meditation and to let that energy fully integrate. It can happen relatively quickly, as you know. And I know when it will be integrated, as you will know as well because that will be a moment of universal love and joy and then utter, utter freedom that comes with that. It is that simple!

Did you know, by the way, that that lady over there that was just sitting here? That was the laugh of God. 

´So, I hope that you will use the coming hour to be in that stillness. I would say not to go into another room. I would suggest nature, not because nature is better than a house, but because nature offers a more positive intent because you have always placed upon nature more positivity that you have on walls. So, that is why I should encourage you to go there, but you can go anywhere. And after an hour, maybe you should decide to come back here and have a forum amongst yourselves, where you can talk with yourselves – literally – finding out what you have learned in either the last weeks or the last two days. And tomorrow, I will ask this group to continue because right now, if you do not further integrate this information, there is no point in going on. 

All I want you to know is that you are no longer tiptoeing around that door. You are once again standing still and firm on the ground, making yourselves ready to step through it now. And that is an improvement. Let’s make the time of tomorrow the time when you create for yourselves those steps that are necessary. 

Do know that there is abundance and bundles of joy waiting for you and that all the boundaries can fall away so you can find that universal freedom. 

I want to thank all of you for the steps you are taking. I want to thank you for the attitude that you have towards life. I know that you want to wake up fully and that you know that all of life is but a story. Now, I hope that you can find the last bits of the story within. Like we were telling Da Begga San there, they may be very abstract sometime, but find those bits of the story, and you will find liberty, utter liberty, without boundary, without definition, without any type of illusion, any given moment of the Now. 

So, my beloved Imzaia, I wish to acknowledge that you are all aspects of God, all aspects of divinity, and I wish to acknowledge the power that lies within you. I hope that tonight you will find the pearl, the pearl that is within your heart. In that moment that you find that pearl, you will see yourself again, smiling as a very, very young, newborn baby because that basically is what you are at any given moment. 

Thank you for what you are doing. Now take the next step, and we will be there again, waiting.

And so it is. 

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago


Da Amber San
Da Amber San
2 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

I highly enjoyed the many metaphysical and practical moments regarding ascension in this session with Da Pah Ekara San, and wherever one is on their ascension path, I highly recommend listening to it and incorporating the very helpful tuition and trinity talks into one’s daily life and ascension practice.

Da’ka’ya o Da Pah Kwan Yin San o Da Pah Ekara San for being here showing us the way and what really matters.

❤️ 🙏 ❤️

Last edited 2 years ago by Da Amber San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️
This session is an important one for many reasons. The information about the DNA is fascinating and the connection with Da Pah Ekara San from no-space is very unique. I really like when he says: There is no how… you just have to do it!
and much much more .

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