It is not an exaggeration to say that this 20th session of The Study of the Pahan Introduction to Light Body DNA, presented by Da Pah Kwan Yin San — acts as a culmination of sorts for all 19 sessions that came prior (and for all sessions of the previously released series, The Study of Vibration), while also functioning as an introductory portal to the fundamentals of metaphysical ascension study. As such, it is considered a presentation of vital importance, both for those students that find themselves at the early stages of their ascension path, as well as for those that have been walking the path for decades.

This one hour long class consists of three separate yet interconnected segments.

In segment one, the opening minutes of the class, Da Pah Kwan Yin San guides you through a simple yet profound ascension exercise to help the student focus on the creator self and the active ingredients of San-based reality creation.

Segment two offers the student an important walk down memory lane and is designed to create a clear overview of the last two decades within the student’s heart and mind. You will be presented with a concise journey throughout the past 15 years of the development and evolution of humanity’s collective consciousness as well as your own. It will help you connect many metaphysical stepping stones in your life and on humanity’s journey that you may not previously have connected or properly comprehended. This segment will also offer clarity with regards to the situation that humanity has found itself in between the year 2019 and the moment of writing, 2022.

Everything that is shared in the first two segments then comes together in the third and final segment, in which Da Pah Kwan Yin San presents the student with an introduction on san-based DNA and on the activation of the light body, the main topic of this class and of multiple classes to follow this one.

By the end of this session, you will have achieved a greatly expanded perspective on your journey, both personally and as a human collective. You will have gained a deeper, practical, living perspective on the past, on the present moment, and on the future that is ready to unfold by your hand and heart, in service to the whole.


Introduction to Light Body DNA


The Study of the Pah | The Light Body Activations


Da Pah Kwan Yin San


September 22, 2022 | Eindhoven, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah
Session 20

Introduction to Light Body DNA

by Da Pah Kwan Yin San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

San’a’ke o Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San o Da Pahdasan Kalynda San o Da Akeyan’shi, honoleia i imzaia’e 

Welcome to this moment, the power, presence, and potential of which is, indeed, infinite. 

I am Da Pah Kwan Yin San, and it is my great joy and my honor, as always, to spend this next period of time with you, to focus on that, which is real, on that, which is Love, and to focus on the reality and the presence of the creator self that you, indeed, are. Within you and surrounding you at all time. 

A State of Love and Simplicity

Before we commence today’s class, and we enter into ascension tuition, I would like to invite you to take a brief moment together of equal infinity and equal presence, of course, so that we can align ourselves and focus ourselves on those things that we will be discussing together. 

So, if you would take a moment to close your eyes or to focus on a single point for a brief minute and to become aware of your head and the presence around your head, the sphere around your head that is the head kakra, the Akonai’da. 

This sphere, which in itself is a holographic reflection of the Akene, of the heart space, has been discussed many times in previous classes. But for now, I would like you to focus on this sphere around your head and to fill it up in front you, right in front of you, with the energy and the presence of Love, Da. And right behind you to fill it up with the presence of Joy, Ba. And behind you, on the left, to fill up the sphere of the head kakra with Freedom, Va. And on the left in front of you, to fill it up by focusing on Truth, Ra. 

As you do this, you will notice that this flow begins to find an access point through all four quadrants of the head kakra, and to go straight from this Ra point into the heart center, where it activates Ka, life force energy. 

Do you feel that? Do you feel that this simple exercise that you can do at any point in your day: in your bed before you rise; on the toilet before you go back into your meetings or what have you; or simply in an unattended moment in a park or on a tram. You can do this at any time. Simply by focusing on the presence of these San ingredients of Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, and Life, you automatically open up a space within yourself that is a space of Gratitude, which is an ingredient, if you will, that exists within the heart kakra. And that Gratitude will lead to Grace. And that state of Grace, where all things are equalized in Love and beyond, ultimately, accesses a point within you, deep within your heart, that is a state of Vish, or in other words, Wellbeing. A word that in English has been given a lot of meanings over the years but, truly, a state of Wellbeing is a state that invokes all these other states that we have just gone through, all these other ingredients of San. 

If you charge yourself and fill yourself up from within with these energies on a constant and continuous basis, then the outside reality, as I have taught you before, of course, also undergoes a change. Because in the concept of reality creation, every single event, person, place, every single atom, every single bit of energy that exists as it appears outside of you, no matter which states it expresses, a state of negativity even or a state of pain or whatever that might be confrontational is, ultimately, inverted San ingredients. So, by becoming more aware of these states in your kakra system at all times and to hold them there I would say… But what I should say, is to continue to be present with them because they are always there. So, it is more state of awareness than a state of focus, really. By being aware of these energies and these ingredients within your own system, you will automatically start to see the inverted versions thereof in the form of fear, and you can uncouple it, unpack it, and go back to a state of Love. 

This is the simplicity of all of the Imzaia material, truly, and of all ascension tuition. And without applying that particular simplicity, the rest of the work, as it has been presented throughout the years and the decades, the Imzaia Material, but also work previously done in other bodies than this one, of course, can become rather complex. And that is because it is not observed from within the simplicity within the self, you see. 

And the same, of course, goes for other things in life, not just the Imzaia Material, but, ultimately, every single thing in life. When observed as complexity, it simply means that you have not found simplicity within yourself. And, therefore, in other terms, your filter is off. 

This is what this simple exercise can remind you of and can bring you back to at any point in the day. And I would even invite you to become aware that working with these exercises will also have the ability to change the thought process itself so that inverted thoughts of ‘bizarrity’, if you will, negativity, fear, and unconscious tension or friction, can be unpacked for what they truly are. 

Now, I wanted to start this particular class reminding you of this exercise because it has been a few months since we have spoken in this fashion together directly. And, of course, I hope that in these months you have been focusing, working with the previous material, and if so… and if any questions would have arisen for you, then you are always welcome to contact me and ask them so that I can incorporate them into these classes going forward. 

The Journey of the Imzaia Material

But as you put your focus and awareness back on these San ingredients, before we get into the rest of today’s class where we will pick up where we left off with previous classes, I would like to take a little walk with you, if you will, down memory lane. I want to take you back several years, even into the previous decade. So, it is not a history lesson at large, if you will, but simply a little browsing through history, mainly focused on the Imzaia Material because I want you to understand that the material that has been presented in the form of what is now known as ‘The Study of Vibration’, and that now is continuing in the form of ‘The Study of the Pah’, has had a very specific and very poignant unfolding. And this unfolding is not only something that, of course, happened in the Imzaia Material because, ultimately, the Imzaia Material, and especially The Study of Vibration, has been a very strong reflection of what you over the years as a student on the path of ascension has gone through. 

So, if you go back to a period in 2007 and 2008, then you will see that, initially, at that point, the Imzaia Material taught you about the arrival of new energy on planet Earth, and also free energy, as new energy developed into free energy. And this free energy was taught to you in the form of the triangle that Da Pah Ekara San spoke of in so many different ways. A triangle made up of a geotrinity of Love, Joy, and Freedom. 

Now, the arrival of that energy is not something that was only a mere cosmic event that was tied into the solar bodies, such as the galactic Sun and the solar Sun, for instance, and other solar bodies like it in the galaxy, but it had mainly to do, of course, with an opening up within the human heart that had been closed down for quite some time before that moment in time. 

As this free energy made its way back into human consciousness, we move forward from 2007 and 2008 into 2009, which was a very interesting year on a human evolution, consciousness evolution level because at that point, the free energy construct, or de-constructor I should say, had deconstructed the human mind, which was truly, at that point and in the years going before it, a type of hive mind, of personality, you could almost say, where it was extremely difficult to be, for instance, a free thinker or an original thinker. The focus was extremely hardly there to do so, and humans were constantly pulled into group thinking, if you will. Whether that was based on clans or based on countries or based on social preferences, it doesn’t matter, but it was certainly there. 

Release of Mass Personality

But in 2009, around the period of April and slightly before that, a ‘release of mass personality’ as it was called by Da Jeshua San at the time, occurred. And it was probably not very well understood at the time because most people, when the students were going through the experience at the time, very strongly believed that it would be the end of their personality as they knew it, even though teachers, such as Da Kuthumi San, were clearly teaching at that period in time about the coming home of the personality to the self. He would speak about the fact that you, human, have a hole in your mind and in your heart and in your belly, and that this hole, with the return of personality, is being filled up again to completion. 

So, what was being said at the time, truly, was that you could almost think of it that all of humanity’s original personalities, and the free will with which those personalities would have developed, were until 2009 very strongly locked into some sort of grid, if you will, of suspended animation almost. Suspended animation in the sense that it was again very difficult to try and make your own path. And even if you did, those paths were strongly still influenced by the same type of hive mind whisper. 

I know this sounds a little extreme, but I am trying to describe larger experiences in very small words. So, bear with me for a second. 

So, after you have this gridlock of human personality, what truly happened in the release of mass personality is that this grid snapped, as it were. It was a huge storm all over Earth, in fact, that was noticed by many students at the time, as it would manifest in some form of physical event. And in those moments, humanity’s original personality templates returned to them, were set free, no longer as strongly as before connected to some sort of control grid. 

This was 2009. After this event happened in April of 2009, Da Pah Ekara San, together with Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, and others, reintroduced to the student body the concept of the Ekaraia that we are all finding ourselves in, as it were, the concept of this universe. And he helped students remember, in many cases at least, that these had been bonds shared over lifetimes in what used to be called ‘Mystery Schools’, etc., and other types of educational centers throughout history, going all the way back to Egypt and many other places in time and space, and not necessarily all related the Earth experience either. Many of these experiences happened out of body in dreamtime states. 

But this is what Da Pah Ekara San and others reminded the student body of. And at that point, a lot of cosmic reconnections, information, such as the Ish Continuum, began to come through in very strong ways. 

Ascension of All Matter

Now, all of this would eventually lead to a period in 2011, where in the Imzaia Material we describe this period as ‘The Ascension of All Matter’. Now, what you are seeing there, following from the release of mass personality in 2009, is that the un-gridlocked, reestablished personality has been able to return to the rest of you, as it were, and you are slowly beginning, at that point, to get a handle on what you are, who you are, what you want to do with yourself, and those sorts of things. 

And at that moment, Ascension of All Matter hits. What this, ultimately, describes, is the expressed reality outside of you in its own right being unlocked, un-gridlocked, no longer being as strict and constrictive as well as it once used to be. This goes all the way back to 2011. That is when that particular expression of the external reality became more fluid, even though everything I am describing now until I get to the end of this part of the class, you might say, “It seems like today it has even gotten worse.” But I will get to that. 

So, if you are at that point where Ascension of All Matter has actually occurred, and the vibrational reality is no longer locked down, and the matrix concept, as we once knew it around here, is no longer active… Other presenters over the years, such as David Icke and many others, have taught about this. They have taught you about the Saturn matrix, and even in the classes of Imzaia this has been touched upon. We don’t need to go to too closely back into all of that, today at least. 

But anyway, at this point of Ascension of All Matter, it is also clearly explained to humans, students that are following the material at the time, that while it is true that the matrix concept, the gridlocked concept, if you will, is no longer active in the surrounding environment, it is clearly indicated at that point that the one place in which the so-called matrix still exists, is the human mind. Because don’t forget, of course, as I just showed you with the exercise at the beginning of this class, the human mind, and you yourself, are a generator of reality, a manifestor of reality. 

So, in other words, while the controls in 2011 were let go off to a large extent, you, as an individual within yourself, and as many individuals collectively, kept the same controls alive within your own mind. You became your own keeper, as it were, your own warden. You, at that point in time, started to hold the matrix concept in place yourself. 

A Spherical Container of Love

Now, that brings us a little bit further in time. That brings us to, for instance, 2012, where  you begin to see Imzaia Consciousness teach classes, in which we begin to share with you that – I remember the sentence pretty well – that ‘a spherical container of Love now surrounds everything’. And we spoke back then that every particle, whether it be an atom or a bit of energy; or whether it be an electron, or whether it be an organ, or whether it be a human body, or whether it would be a tool or an instrument or a house or a city itself, everything that is an object in its own, now expressed itself with a spherical container of love around it. 

And, of course, you hear me coming because what was addressed back then in 2012 is the return of San, and in this case the form of Da, Love, beginning to return as an expression around all things. 

So, now you can see that after the release of mass personality in 2009 and, ultimately, the Ascension of All Matter in 2011, where every single human being at that point had the ability to, ultimately, express a life beyond this matrix concept that in 2012 an interesting evolution happens because a number of humans, obviously, must have gotten to that point, as now the external reality, in fact, begins to respond to that. 

After this period in time, we go a few years ahead into 2015 and 2016, again very interesting years when it comes to the Imzaia Material. 

By 2015, and the Imzaia Crew and myself at that point find ourselves in Portugal, by 2015, you begin to see the continuation and the final result of this return of the spherical container of love or Da into the human experience, as the matrix inside the human mind continues to collapse, and the expression from it continues to revert more and more to the original Honomeia perspective, or what you would call ‘the Lemurian perspective’, for instance. 

And, therefore, in this period, you see the return of the information from Merkaia, or the Flower of Life, who begins to address humanity about the return of the Flower of Life grid, which, ultimately, is a grid of creative energy that taps straight into the creator self and bypasses the entire ego-mind-personality construct. Again something that is already available, and definitely by that point. 

And interestingly, also around that point – and this is where it gets truly interesting for today, as it were – also around that point, you have the information of Solarys that comes in, in the form of a class titled ‘The Three Year Renewal’. And I know it feels to some of us as though it should have been titled ‘The Thirty Year Renewal’, and to an even smaller group perhaps, it feels like it should have been titled ‘The Three Hundred Year Renewal’ because to many of us, that period between 2015 and today, 2022, has, indeed, done a lot for our external beauty and rest… as it has been, for many, and for Earth itself, and humanity collectively, quite a doozy of a number of years. 

Reality Spheres

But in that point of time in 2015, Da Solarys San begins to introduce people to the concept, if you remember, of reality spheres. And she says that at this point in time, the collective human experience has now degraded from the gridlock it was in, initially, still in 2007, 2008, and 2009, to a point where she announced really – as she was collectively sharing this information to all of humanity – that rather than a collective reality experience, a collective reality field, we would begin to see a more shattered field. And shattered meaning not so much that it would be destroyed or broken, that reality would cease to exist. No, more shattered in the sense that it would splinter down into separate reality spheres. 

This is what she announced in 2015. And she explained in that class very clearly that these reality spheres would be made up of the belief systems that people still hadn’t cleared, belief systems that go all the way down into the ego-mind-personality construct and the vibrational habits that humans have built up over the expression of various lifetimes. 

And this is an interesting point because at this point, you see the beginning of what, ultimately, still is playing out today in 2022. 

These reality spheres, as they started to move apart, started to truly separate people, initially, in ways that humanity has never seen before. And it was the quiet number of years after that until the true effects would be seen. 

But if we move on from 2015 for a second and Merkaia and Solarys there to 2016 – the end of 2015, the beginning of 2016 – then you see that the Imzaia Material presented something called ‘The Solar Activations’. And in those classes, myself but also others that came in, such as the solar Sun and some of the various planetary bodies of this solar system, began to teach you about the even larger and vaster effects that your mind has, not only on the Earth expression of reality, but also, of course, on the vaster reality that is beyond it. One thing I remember from one of those early classes is talking about the fact that any thought you even choose to express, eventually makes a dent, if you will, in the magnetic field of the Sun, which then, in its own right, reflects reality back to you, which will then adhere to what you believe. 

So, if you, in other words, in that moment in time still believe in the matrix based, vibrational 3D state of locked down human limited reality (sorry to say it in so many words), then, of course, what you believe is what you get, you know. That is, ultimately, what was taught in that moment in time. 

And, of course, going far back into the early Imzaia Material, all of these pieces, as it is a holographic source of information, were constantly available throughout the entire material. 

I am telling you a lot of this to get to a point where we are today, but also to invite you, as we return the material back online, to go through it and to see, to find these points for yourself and to perhaps chronicle a little bit what these events have done to you as a human being, but also to you as an expresser of reality and, ultimately, as a creator self. 

So, as we go to this period of the Solar Activations, where, ultimately, a lot of information is shared about the truth and the true workings and the nature of this particular Ekaraia that you find yourselves in, this reality that you find yourselves in, we move on to 2017 and the beginning of 2018, where the Study of Vibration, as it has been known – everything that has been presented until that time – to some extent comes to a close as a chapter. 

The Twelfth Vibration

Because at that point, the entire vibrational reality that is around you had reached a point of what, initially, was labeled ‘the 12th vibration’, a state that is, ultimately, also described in the Mayan Calendar, Carl Calleman’s work. He describes it as ‘the 9th wave of consciousness’ because he looks at the waves of consciousness, while we describe it from a vibrational perspective, which has 12 vibrations and 144 frequencies within this universe, which is why we call it ‘the 12th vibration’. It is a state where everything that has ever come before becomes possible, and everything that one can possibly imagine becomes possible. 

In other words, as Carl Calleman would describe it, humanity gets access to all waves of human consciousness, from the lowest ones to the highest ones. And as we would describe it: your reality perspective is now at a complete 144 frequencies accessible to you and completely based on what you are creating within yourself. 

We then get to the Study of the Pah, which I begin introducing in 2017 and 2018 here mainly, initially, to the direct students and, ultimately, on websites, such as this one, and in classes, such as this one. 

As we get to that point, you can see the work making a great shift into reality creation and active ingredients of reality creation and, ultimately, the understanding of the inner being, the inner self, the creator of all that is around. 

Now, eventually, we come to the years 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. In this moment in time you are seeing a massive… some would call it ‘a massive counter attack’, a locking down of external reality. And many would describe this from a concept of villains and heroes and victims. But, ultimately, that is not what it was about. The reason, ultimately, that these years in human history that you have experienced have happened, is because, much like the bird that is getting ready to fly after months and months – in your case lifetimes and lifetimes, in a way – in the so-called ‘nest, first in the egg, then in the nest – at some point gets pushed out of that nest and must fly. 

And as humanity came close to collectively doing so in those years, it retreated and created what it knew as the control system all over again in ways that many of you have never even considered possible in your lifetime. Maybe you heard of it in faraway lands, but never in your direct experience. So, this is a type of collective fear that has played out. 

But now, we have come to 2022 and beyond, and even though you see old systems shatter and at war with one another, duality literally battling itself out on the world stage once again, I am here to tell you today, in this class after this long expression of Imzaia history, if you will, that it is up to you to take upon yourself the responsibility of a creator, and from within that responsibility to understand that your mind and the systems that are still running within that mind – and to some extent some more subconscious elements of the self, but let’s not go into that today – is, ultimately, what is creating your reality second by second, and everything that you see outside of you collectively and individually as well. 

And you have now come to the point to be ready to leave this so-called ‘vibrational nest’. And this does not mean that you leave this universe, or you leave this reality. Far from it. It means that you are ready to step into a much more true-full, truthful version of it. 

But in order to do so – and this is, ultimately, what this ascension study is about – it is time for you to, on a very practical level, learn to work with this material and also, to learn to work with yourself, to truly get to a place of, not understanding, but compassion and love for the self and for the other and, ultimately, for the whole. And in the coming time, as we proceed with these classes, that is exactly what we are going to do because the only thing that is truly stopping you from taking any of these steps and changing literally the reality that is around you as a creator, is your own mind that is in the way. 

I have explained to you how the years have prepared you mostly from within, and with regular and sometimes not so regular guidance on the outside from us and others, but how the years have prepared you to step into this new version, this true version of yourself, a version that is literally based on Love, on Joy, on Freedom, on Truth, on Life, on Gratitude, on Grace, and on Wellbeing, and at that point even will manifest its own expressions of active reality creation. 

In previous classes, we have been preparing you by giving you information about, for instance, Hono’lyn’vah, White Space Training. We have spoken to you about KiRi, the pineal gland technique for accessing this white space training. Teachers have come in in the form of Solarys who taught you recently, or introduced you at least to ‘The Art of Portal Travel’, as she calls it. She will be back next class after this one, next week in other words, to continue with that practice in a class called, not called ‘The Art’, but ‘The Heart of Portal Travel’. It is going to be brilliant, and it is going to take what we are talking about here today into a whole new level for yourself of understanding and experience mainly. 

But enough about that. 

A Missing Key Ingredient

But we are going to be taking, as I already said, all of these things, and we are going to turn them into something practical. 

Many of you that have been working with the material might find themselves at this point – sometimes and sometimes not, but some might – find themselves slightly frustrated or even puzzled because they might feel that on the inside, within their true being, they have so much of all of this going on and so much creative power and so much manifestational power, and yet, the external reality, as I have explained already, doesn’t seem to be functioning that way. 

Now, even with the preparation of White Space Training and other things that we have prepared you for, such as Eja’i Chi Pah training in the coming time, the reason why these things have felt slightly difficult to achieve is because you are still missing a key ingredient. And today, we are going to be presenting that key ingredient to you. 

Because, as I had explained everything that happened over the last 15 years or so, you can see it as a movement of an infinity sign. If you look at the beginning point of 2007, for instance, you can see the movement going this way and, ultimately, making its way back to the center point, each time when one of these big events happened to yourself over and over again, making that movement. And once again, it is time for one of these movements to lead to the expression that lies beyond it. 

If you can, indeed, truly understand what I have been saying in this class so far and in previous classes, then not only can you come to the conclusion and the realization, and also the joyful celebration might I add, of the fact that this reality can be, indeed, and is, indeed, fluid and that it is, indeed, guided by these instruments, such as Da, Ba, Va, and Ra, and onward, if you can come to the acceptance of all of these things and if you can understand that the entire time you have been creating these realities, including this one, using the technique known as ‘mind’, the technique known as ‘sahvok’, then, ultimately, you can come to the realization that this is not only true for, as we have taught in the Study of Vibration, your external reality, your world, and later on in the Study of Vibration, your entire solar system and your galaxy, but much more importantly maybe even, this then also holds true for yourself, for your beingness, your expression of beingness through mind, ego, and personality, and even for your physical self, your body. And that is exactly what I want to address here today. 

You have been led down many paths over your education in the schooling system on Earth. And some of you went to high school; others went to universities and did all sorts of studies. You have been led down many, many different paths, especially those of you who stepped into the world of science. Science is, ultimately, nothing more but the mirroring effect of that, which the scientist is actually looking for and not necessarily ending up with results that he or she wants to see, but the results that he or she believes, subconsciously mostly, to be there already. That is science. And, therefore, science, eventually, as any type of cult or culture does, goes deeper and deeper and deeper into its own perspectives. Biology, cosmology, all of these things, looking deeper and deeper and deeper, defining more and more the body in a biological way, an organic way, and, ultimately, an atomic and electronic way even. 

And while this is as good as any other model to create a body from or to run a reality on when it comes to duality, it certainly is not a model that can work for unity. And, therefore, within your mind, it might be time to take a step back. To take a step back from everything that you are aware and even less aware as the years go on, that you have learned in this life, that you have learned in school, that you have learned from peers around you, from television, from governments, all of these things, to take a step back and to see that they all were created, using the same base ingredients, active ingredients of reality creation. 

As I said at the beginning of this class, anything that presents itself as differently to it, is simply inverted geometry that can be unpacked, unwrapped, and within, the gift of Love or Joy or all of these things are within, are present again. All you have to do is look. All you have to do is not being focused on drama. Wanting to go down the path of egoic, dramatic tendencies, of course, will lead you to these more general, more collective realities. As I said before, even though humanity is no longer gridlocked as personalities in some sort of suspended animation, inside of the self, inside of the mind, many are still recreating exactly those realities. 

But to come back to the point, to come back to the point of science and biology and the body, many of you, if not all of you, will know of the concept of DNA, DNA that, ultimately, manifests, unfolds the body in the physical form it finds itself in. 

Now, this DNA is, ultimately, as your teachers have told you… Everybody will know the letters A, T, C, and G, as letters that make up your DNA in bases and bonds of these bases to create either what ends up looking like you or what ends up looking like a banana. As your science teaches you, there is very little difference. In that respect, they are, indeed, correct. There is very little difference. 

But what happens when evolution occurs, and science even will be able to look deeper and deeper and deeper? At some point, the limit was the atomic, the electron, and the quantum. We have always told you over the years that if humanity will keep looking into the smaller and smaller and smaller quantum pockets of reality, eventually, as we go back through this infinity movement that continues to occur with everything at any point in time, eventually, the smaller becomes the larger, and the focus becomes not the quantum but the plethoric, the largest, the vast realities. 

Light Body DNA

And when these vast realities will be understood for what they are, then humanity will realize that these are, indeed, the building blocks of reality creation, that these vast realities that make up even the smallest quantum particle, are, ultimately, Da, Ba, Va, Ra, Ka, and so on. Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, Life, and so on. 

So, if this is true, or if you can at least conceive of this as potentially true in this moment for yourself, then can you allow yourself the simplification perhaps to open your mind up to the fact that even your DNA is, ultimately, based on Da, Ba, Va, and Ra, Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, and Life, Ka? Even this.

And if that is true, beloveds, if you can accept that notion for even a minute, if you can hold this in your heart for even a minute, then you will begin to see what I am talking about, and you will begin to realize that as we go forward with these exercises, it is going to be up to you to weave your world and to weave your body, to weave yourself into a new expression. Much like a chrysalis, much like a cocoon, ultimately, releases a butterfly, you have the power within your mind in this infinite moment of potential, even right now, to begin the reweaving of the biological DNA into the San based DNA, from A, T, C, and G to Da, Ba, Va, and Ra as new bond bases of your DNA structure, ultimately held together in the DNA spiral by the element of Ka, the life force. 

Now, put that in your DNA and eat it, I would say! Try with all of your heart to believe that you have the ability to transform your most fundamentally understood, on the mental level at least, parts of yourself into these building blocks, and you will achieve, even though this sounds like a big word perhaps, but you will achieve what has been called in the past ‘the light body’, also known as ‘the rainbow body.’ A body that in the vibrational reality will still express biologically, but which truly is run on a tonal level, not vibrational, on a San based level. 

It is this activation of the light body that in the next class with Solarys, and going forward with myself and others as well, we will work with you on. This is a process, of course, that is unique to you, and that you can work on within yourself. But as the Imzaia Material tradition allows, we will continue to support you in the form of these classes, as you find your way through this massive shift to Da-Ba-Va-Ra DNA, or light body DNA. 

So, that is what all of this, going back to 2007, and even before that, 2005, with the start of the Family of Light teachings and the Source Material and, ultimately, the arrival of the Cosmic Twelve and the Cosmic Manifest and everything that came after that, was, ultimately, leading to. 

It has, of course, always been explained from the very beginning, but to remind you of this today, to re-heart you of this today I feel is the best use of our time in this moment because when truly applied, when truly contemplated, it is the true gift of freedom from the restricted concept of the self in a service to self based lock to the awesome and ever expanding concept of the self into the whole in service to other and service to whole based expression. 

In other words, you choosing to take these steps, as you have done in many cases for many years, or even if you are only taking them consciously for the past five minutes, I guarantee you that you have always been taking these steps because this is what this entire Ekaraia, ultimately, is about. As you do so, please know you don’t do any of these things initially for the self because the transformation that I am talking about will leap out of you in the form of Love and Joy and will inspire many others to do so. 

And then it is up to you to find your ways to do so. Do so through any expression that you can think of, anything that is close to your heart and your being. For some, this will be on a world stage; for others this will be on a kitchen stage. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that the transformation occurs because remember the truth of this reality. What you see around you is your expressed Merkabah, and that is the same that the person on the world stage or the person in the kitchen sees. Only the translation is different when the translation is vibrational, and especially, as you have come to learn in recent years, when the vibrational expression is 12th vibrational. This is the chaos in which you as a species currently find yourself, and I , too, because I am here with you all the time. 

But from this chaos, this chaotic spectacular, if you will, a Vah, an approach to Pah, to a true heart based reality can occur, and it begins with you, beloved human. 

So, having introduced you to these concepts of light body based, San based DNA, and having taken you through this little overview, I feel the time has come to leave you with these words, so that we can pick up once again next week where we left off. And, of course, for you to know that I am here, would you like to reach out at any time. If you have questions with regards to this, if you are working with this exercise at the beginning of the class or if you are working with the light body based DNA, then I am here and on the website to answer all of your questions. 

But out of that complexity of all of these words, I would like to close down in simplicity today by mentioning the following. And with this thought I would like to leave you: 

“I thrive when what I love, who I love, and what I am are one.” 

Thank you for your attention and focus in this moment. I will see you next week. 

Da ohami vish’ka san imzaia’e. 


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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago

Honoleia i imzaia’e
o Da Pah Kwan Yin San ♾️Da’ka’ba’ya
Da ohami vish’ka San imzaia’e

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago

Honoleia i imzaia’e o Da Pah Kwan Yin San’a’ke
Eja’i imzaia’e i’shi’daya ohami vah’da’mi
Eja’i imzaia’e vah’ra’ya ohami oo
i belove and believe in ascension tuition
Eja’i chi pah ohami imzaia’e shi’ha’lyn

Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
2 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️
Da Pah Kwan Yin San says:
’ As you do this, you will notice that this flow begins to find an access point through all four quadrants of the head kakra, and to go straight from this Ra point into the heart center, where it activates Ka, life force energy’

This exercise I focus on in every moment and applying the low O.
What I experience inside the body is like a golden triangle coming out of the Akene spinning around and it feels like I have to jump into it, is this the creator self?

And an enormous feeling of Da surrounds my whole field where there is peace and balance in it❤️

I love applying this excercise and will continue on a consistent basis ❤️

Da’ka’ya for this wonderful class o Da Pah Kwan Yin San o Ascended Life ❤️🌹❤️

Ohami vish’ka imzaia’e 🌺

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️
Da Pah Kwan Yin san mentions Dr Carl Calleman and his work with the Mayan calendar and the nine waves of Consciousness. This webinar is about his last book, fascinating read:

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
2 years ago

Honoleia san’shi ohami imzaia’e o Da Pah Kwan Yin San
Shi’ish’ka’ra ohami vish’ka imzaia’e
🕊️🤍🕊️ ohami to all beings 🕊️🤍🕊️
Light joy and peace to all beings
🙏 Eja’i imzaia’e 🕊️🤍🕊️

Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
2 years ago

San’a’ke i ohami vish’ka imzaia’e to all ❤️🥰❤️

I love focusing on the biological DNA, flowing San ingredients as a whole and individually through the body, especially when the body expresses any kind of dis-balance. Last night I was doing so too, until the realization hit that I do not have to add San ingredients to the biological DNA strands because it already exists of San ingredients, and always has.

It was magical and felt like the realization also happened on the physical level. It seemed like there was an out breath of everything that the mind had added to the pure, natural and perfect workings of DNA, and for a moment it seemed that time stopped, and the body was hanging in mid air, breathing perfection and unity. Da’ka’ya, so very much. I look forward to the further exploration of this.

❤️ 💫 ❤️

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
2 years ago

o Da’ka’ya o Da Pah Kwan Yin San
San’a’ke Honoleia i imzaia’e
Eja’i imzaia’e
Honomeia i ohami imzaia’e

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke 🙏🏻 This is a quote from Stepping into Freedom — Da Pah Ekara San.
I thought it could help to understand the questions in my previous comment on this post. As Always, sending much Love to everyone 🌹💚🌹

Within the neocortex,
form, exchange, time, space, and death are created. As such, your imagination is based on these illusions.
So, basically, your imagination and how it has been tampered with
is what is creating your limited perspective of reality.
Change your imagination, change what these vibrations are programmed to do, and you change your life completely, evermore.
You see the same process in nature. It is what the caterpillar does when
it becomes a butterfly: it changes its vibrational range completely and it grows wings. You can do the same thing, metaphorically and practically. You can do exactly the same thing.
Freedom is about fluidity.

— Da Pah Ekara San

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago

I notice that I have or must have arrived in another consciousness or state(s) of consciousness. When I speak with my partner I say and see different things, perspectives and the like.

As I rode the bicycle back to our house I was focusing on what I had heard in the Light body activation during the first ride this day.

The words of Da Pah Kwan Yin San went through my head about trying to believe for even a minute that DNA comes from San… Well 💛
Based on experience, how practically easy it is to feel experiences back into San. To me this feels like The key to resolving anything.

To me by now it makes all sense in the world that DNA is built from San.

Sometimes when I allow something to unfold back into San it takes some more focused attention to go all the way back, sometimes I notice different stages or levels. But continued focus will bring me there.

Pondering San at the basis of DNA and how to work with this (which I now instantly see as I ponder) brought me into also realising how ego also must come from San and I worked with this and then saw a kind of poof with a cloud of release, which could explain why I experienced exhaustion for a few hours this day.

I also looked at ‘myself’ and attempted to fall myself back into San.

In this process I realized how much I would Love to hear more about the experiences of fellow Akeyan’shi 💛

Then I became aware of being a student, what I believe about being a student, where I found myself lacking as a ‘student’ to then unidentify what I believe about being a student…

Then I remembered how I had this experience with some nuts yesterday. Some kind of fried cocktail nuts as a snack.

I felt the desire to eat some, then looked at this and unidentified. I could then see some kind of wheel of consumption. The desire was gone then.
Eventually I decided to eat some still, wondering if there were additives that might not be so beneficial.

So as I had eaten some I decided to feel within and bring this area where I could sense the result of eating those, and focus this into Well Being through metaphysical expression.

And now I had yet another experience showing me that I have arrived in another kind of awareness. This time I could see that not only the experience of digesting the nuts shifted into Well Being, also the nuts itself. This is a new level of perception for me.

Then, as I pondered this on the bicycle today, sensing the result on my digestive system of the fruit juice I had consumed just before, I brought this into Well Being again. And this time not only did I see the juice benefitting from this focus, but I also saw the mango trees benefitting from this. I could easily and clearly sense this.

Then I looked closer at what I was perceiving and saw how this experience actually was a result of my believes about fruit juice and consuming fruit juice, and believes about the digestive system. All this experience just seemed to come from there. Then I could realize and sense that it isn’t there. There is no fruit juice digestion in me, it is just the experience based on believes… This time I could truly sense this myself.

I had seen similar effects already when using a copy of Flower of Life heArtworks on food and drinks and such. This made me realize that Love has no border. When we Love something or someone, the Love doesn’t stop at a certain border…

Pondering that Ego also must be created from San and exploring this, I looked again at personality or even ‘me’ and with the awareness of all here coming from San I, at least tried, to allow ‘myself’ to fall back into San.

I Love to play and explore in this, this teaching entails sooo much allReady


Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke Da Pah Kwan Yin San ❤️🙏❤️ I would like to ask a question about what you say in this class.
You explain: “ […] you will achieve what has been called in the past ‘the light body’,
also known as ‘the rainbow body’ – a body that in the vibrational reality will still express biologically, but which truly is run on a tonal level, not vibrational, on a San based level.”

During the study of vibration, in the class “Stepping Into Freedom” by Da Pah Ekara San
speaks a lot about the grand illusions and gives some important information
about the DNA. Form, time, space, exchange and death are created from the
Neo-cortex ( based on our imagination). The illusion of separation, base on the mind
is where the two biological strands of DNA exist. Da Pah Ekara San also explains that
the mind, creating the illusion of separation is created by our imagination.

In the article : the metaphysical path to freedom, you, Da Pah Kwan Yin San say:
It is in the focus on Da’Ba’Va that one releases the grand illusions of form, time, space, exchange, death, and separation — and the state of savhok or mind, therefore —
and enters Ra, or the state of Truth.

I wonder if you would find interesting to speak about how our body in a vibrational
reality will still express biologically and not vibrationally.
Is it still a part of our mind that re-creates the biological strands of the DNA?
Are the strands that are not biological ( 142 holographic strands) also changed?
Is our SAN based DNA creating these strands already now?
Is there now a different “state” of the illusion of separation ( and the others illusions) because of our increased focus on DA BA and VA and the “pre-activation” of our DNA?

I understand that this class is an introduction, that you and other members of
Ascended Life are only starting to introduce the concept and much more will be
explained in the next sessions that will clarify and give answer to the many
questions I have.

I am very much looking forward to diving into this new amazing series of teachings.
Da’ka’ya ( gratitude)

Da Hana Akeyasan Ekaraia Gaia San 💐

Imzaia World
Imzaia World
2 years ago

San’akaya for your exploration and your beloved questions! I will reply via my next broadcasts! 🙏 Ohami to you, Da Pah Kwan Yin San ❤️

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago
Reply to  Imzaia World

San’akaya 🙏🏻
Loving the exploration and being very grateful for your comment here.
This is wonderful! Very much looking forward to the next broadcasts!
Ohami vish’ka

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago

Very interesting questions Da Hana Akeyasan Ekaraia Gaia San Da’ka’ya 🙏
The perspective that the mind is created with our imagination as well I hadn’t thought of yet. Inspiring questions, worth an exploration within and I am looking forward with you to Ascended Life’s perspectives on this 💛🌈☀️

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago

San’a’ke o Da Pah Kwan Yin San o Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San o Da Pahdasan Kahlynda San o Da Akeyan’shi Imzaia’e 💛🙏🤗

I have now listened to the first two parts of this message and would already Love to share my experience with this 💛✨

I care for Creator formed as a 84 year old artist of Life. I accompany him to his favourite terrace almost every morning.

While driving in my car to him I listened to the first part and ‘activated’ or rather shifted my awareness through expression to the spheres of the Active Ingrediënts.
I realize that expanding this into my tonal habit will be wise. To be in San in and at All times 💛

So I repeatedly reHearted myself of this and went back here again and again when I had caught myself wondering off on the terrace where we had our breakfast this morning.

Then as we left and I sat in the car, the by now to me very familiar finger of intuition, pointing within that there is one more thing to do, or see,… appeared within. I overlooked the terrace again and saw with, let’s say, inner vision, a column on the place where I had been sitting. A perfect cilinder that I couldn’t read as an energyvortex but rather seemed still, calm and neutral.

As some other guests came to sit there I could see how the column started to wobble…

I am pretty sure this column was caused by my focus and inner expression of San.
I would be interested to know what it is that I have seen exactly.

In a way it reminds me a bit of the energy vortexes I can see at beaches here. I have seen a few. One of them I entered and then my energy started rising up up up and I became very joyful. Another time I sang tones there and then I got a tele(m)pathic connection with a wale.
Interesting detail is that with this particular vortex I could see that the water in it was calm,still, without waves. Kind of flat.

Can the column I saw on the terrace be compared with these?

Imzaia’e chi naya’e Ki
may (y)our Love be an abunDance to All Life.

I Love us 💛🤗✨

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

San’a’ke to All 💛

tHere is another experience I had that I would like to share.

I noticed how after focussing and expressing myself into the Awareness of the spheres of San there is a tendency in my to divert from here. Wandering off or falling back into the more mental. The vibrational habit to do that…

This time however, when I focused myself back into Awareness of San I saw the four spheres in the head Kakra, and on top where they meet I saw a, how to say, a kind of grid or net or cluster of black lines I guess. It seemed to me that this is that place where I would wander into.

I feel inspired to further explore the Active Ingrediënts on a geometrical level and will surely share my experiences here 💛✨

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

This splintering down of reality spheres is this the organized or organising in the Flower of Life pattern?

I saw within focussing on San, aware of human mind or that cluster I saw in between the spheres at the top center. Now I focused this cluster away, I focused deeper in, and what was now visible, perceivable was the four spheres of San in the head and in between them on top I saw movement, flowing movement like water, but thicker, like we at times feel in our lake because of the moon we assume. Now I perceived this thicker fluidity there like water flowing up in a slow flowing spring with a Very pleasant sensation 💛

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

Reality expressor… “right” I see myself thinking, I wouldn’t know what to create from a blank slate. But then looking at my life at current I see the Beauty of the possibility and ability of allowing myself into San awareness at All times and experience how this influences my reality experiences. Truly fascinating.

As I push my bicycle uphill, the car wouldn’t start, resistances coming up, annoyance… While also listening to your teaching… I can directly apply tracing those ‘buggers’ 🙂, these emotions, back to San. And this in itself, coming where we come from matrix wise, is very Beautiful to observe. Exactly this process IS a Onederful reality experience. NowHere to go 😃💛

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

Wow 💛😯💛 big WOW
Now I hear the part of how I myself come from San too and the technique of the ego/mind/personality construct and I have to park to write. The last reply I wrote while riding my bicycle uphill simultaneously 😊

Again I am aware of… the highly recommended necessity to listen actively. I follow your words in direct experience. Instantly tuning in to feel and experience that which you so OnederFully express.

A little while ago while walking the dogs I felt myself into the other direction in the sense of perceiving how I too originate from creator. And could easily feel myself tHere.
Another experience that comes to Heart is how I saw myself as a ray from the sun and experienced my whole, path of experience in that as a whole at once. To then apply the technique of blending the geometry of this with the Flower of Life.

Now, as you started addressing this last key I could feel this, well slight shock maybe even, this uncomfort that arose. But by now I can just curiously feel and welcome these and trace them back to San, or actually this time I just choose to focus on va as I did this and I could release.

This is me, I see and feel myself Now as a being of San… It all makes sense, but to feel this…


So now it is up to me to shift more and more attention tHere…
As I do this right now I see a net lifting above me and as it does it unfolds itself in a flat 2D surface it seems, although when I look at it now I see, how to say…
A kind of shapes on the underside, like a heavy ball laying in a stretchy cloth…

As I ask where this net came from I hear at first: “creator gave it to me” but realizing I am the Creator aspect I see myself hiding…using this to hide…

(Still exploring, more may follow)

Imzaia World
Imzaia World
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

San’a’kaya beloved Kim San for your wonderfully expansive sharing of your experiences! 🙏 I look forward to reading more and to responding in the next broadcasts! ❤️

Da Kim San
Da Kim San
2 years ago
Reply to  Da Kim San

“…you can uncouple it, unpack it, and go back to a state of Love…”

It’s All Love, based on Love.
I realized this many years ago when I saw that mental states of fear, anger and sadness are compressed, or reversed or ‘stuck’ Love as I melted those states and found Love.

This is also taught in the Ascension tuition of Imzaia World.

For some time now I am working with the latest mentorship class called “Introduction to Light Body DNA”

This is a fascinating process to me. I often listen while driving to the old man I take care for. And lately we went through some quite tough experiences together.

I noticed how his situation and how he feels in this influenced me quite a bit. With him I felt powerless, desperate, annoyed, etc…

Listening and working with this mentorship class greatly assists me. Today I felt so desperate and fed up I didn’t want to go.

And then I know I am ‘off’ I know that these states are mental, illusory and that I can choose myself into states of our Essence of Love, Joy, Freedom,…
Aka San.

But today it felt like I couldn’t get there. It was already challenging to find the willingness. But here’s the Beauty of what happened today.

I choose myself into a state of San, and from this awareness I looked at the desperateness that I was experiencing. And I decided to uncouple and unpack back to a state of Love. Back to the building blocks, Active Ingredients of San.

It was really fascinating that this time I was able to become aware that I can actually uncouple desperateness while experiencing myself in it. Not feeling the necessary strength to get out but still succeed in this. Then I could see a whole bunch of them, simply by uncoupling and unpacking back into Love.

The care taking of this man through his process brings these states in my into resonance and shakes them loose. Now with this technique I can neutralise them back into Love.

And then there is Gratitude for being triggered, for the opportunity to find these things within that have been there quite often en to set myself free. Truly Onederful 💛

I had been experimenting with feeling distorted and emotional states back into San. And even tried this on DNA, ego, mind etc…

But now that I relistened again, and became aware of ‘uncoupling’ now the shifts occured more efficient, I would say.

I uncoupled DNA, that in itself is a very interesting experience. I also uncoupled the human mind and unpacked this back into Love. This may ask for creating more momentum but these experiences already are very beautiful.


Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
2 years ago

San’a’ke Da Pah Kwan Yin San and everyone 🙏
Listening to the class is an experience that I can only describe for myself as
extra-ordinary. It is a magical moment ever expanding. ❤️
With this introduction, I already feel changes in my biological vessel. Physical changes are happening in the body, but what I mainly feel is a very different relationship with it. It is not easy to explain. My thoughts are naturally more align with the truth of what my body really is. There is an openness to something different. It feels really good.

The first part is a powerful piece. The exercise transports me out of my head and right into the heart 😍

I am so grateful! This session already is, for me, a stepping stone in the imzaia material!
Absolutely love it and listen to it so many times already!

Ohami vish imzaia’e
💐 🌸 💐

Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
2 years ago

San’a’ke o Da Pah Kwan Yin San ❤️
Da’ka’ya for this powerful class 🙏
Why powerful for me? Because I’m aware now of the simplicity what these teachings all bring.
Mind makes everything complicated, but the beauty is the knowingness, that the active ingredients are always there.

I feel the balance and harmony within and walk every moment in gratitude 🙏

I am so grateful to have these guidelines and I will take up myself the responsibility of a creator 🌹

Da shi’ha’lyn vish’ka imzaia’e ❤️🔥🔥❤️

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