“Children of the New Earth” (The Study of Vibration, Session 193) is a potent, pivotal – to some perhaps edgy – addition to the metaphysical study content on the mastery of the grand illusions of form, time, space, exchange, death, and separation, which precedes and follows this Session.

Presented by Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, this Session is a creation between him and the imzaia audience in attendance. Da Adamus San discusses in great openness and frankness his insights about the state of freedom that exists (or does not exist) on planet Earth at the time of recording. The discussion dives into a great many topics, such as “big pharma” and the effects on, as Da Adamus San puts it, the children of the New planet Earth and the way life is understood and lived on Earth in general.

This, and more, is discussed from the perspective of the larger context of the grand illusions and the human heart and mind.

This Session was recorded during a series of events in Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, held under the banner The Meaning of Life. The full series and videos of these events are available and are streaming free forever on this Collections page.


Children of the New Earth


The Study of Vibration | The Cosmic Manifest

The Meaning of Life | Mastering the Grand Illusions


Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San


Retie, Belgium | November 25, 2007


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of Vibration | Session 193

by Da Ojadasan'ka Adamus Valen San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

I am that I am, Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen Saint Germain San. Oh, that was a long time ago to use my old name, Adamus ‘Saint’ Germain. Hello, ‘Saint’ Imzaia. How are you all doing? 

Akeyasans: Fine. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Fine? Are you getting the information that Da Pah Ekara San has been providing you with? 

Akeyasans: Yes.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Okay, that is good.

Well, I want to help you understand this on a more practical level because obviously, as I have been telling you a very long time, I am also attending these Free Energy Classes that Da Pah Ekara San has been giving all of us and some others have been giving us as well. At the same time, as an Ascended Master, everything that comes to me is immediately brought into my reality. So, already I have the experience that I can share with you how this new way of living, this new way of existence actually works. Because you need to know, my beloved Imzaia, that it isn’t just you who are undergoing change. It is us as well. This type of change is happening not just in the 3D physical realm. It is going on in all the realms of time and space and beyond those realms. It is going on with Da Babaka San or God or Spirit him/herself. It is a change of All Things. 

So, let us bring you now the more practical based on experience information, and I would like to do that through a in depth Q&A session. So, who has a first question? 

You want to have the first question? I’ll take you next, honey. 

Please, sit down. Hello. 

Akeyasan 1: Hello. What I want to ask you, is, my seven year old daughter, before with my husband when he left the room to leave, she had a very heavy emotion. She was very angry, yelling, screaming, very hysterical. And I would like to know if you could say something, what is going on in her because she couldn’t tell me. She said something like, “There is something inside of me I can’t get out.” But it was so heavy. I have never seen her like that before. And I would like to understand it more and how I can support her.  

The Children of this Planet

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, I am not going to talk about that specific topic in relation to your specific life. I’m going to make the concept a little bit bigger. Because there is a lot going on with the children of this planet, and that is what I would like to talk about then. 

As you know, the children of planet Earth are bringing in a lot of new energy. They actually have that which you call the ‘akeneic energy’ right within their bodies, you see? With a lot of these children these days, what you find is that there is a certain… How shall I call it really? There is like a crash, a colliding, a clash of two different types of energy that are coming into them and that are trying to come out of them. Children of that age oftentimes are already starting to let go of their own divinity. They are starting to come into the dualistic world. 

Now, as this process of change is going on on the planet, they and their dualistic process is halted and they are brought back to their own divinity core. This to them is much more intense, to the children of this Earth it is much more intense than it is for you because for you it is going to take longer to get back to that authentic core. Children that were just a little bit removed from it and are now thrown back in to that. And it seems as though there is coming a type of greater separation between parents and children because of that. Because the children are the first ones, especially of those ages, are the first ones to be thrown back into what is basically a good state. 

So, what I could say to these parents that are undergoing that process is, that it will happen when the parent is going away from them especially, because they feel very alone. They feel very alienated all of a sudden, like they are going to be left behind because to them right now it feels as though they are no longer invited to be part of this world. And obviously that is true because we noticed that so many children kept moving forward and being manipulated to be a part of this world, and that is basically a redundant use of energy. Because as this world is coming to an end, at least the way we know it, there is no more point for children to be trained and educated to know the rules of the world as we know it today, as you all are knowing it today. So, it feels very alien for children right now, especially those that have a strong connection to that which you would call ‘source’ and that are now seeing things again in a different light. They don’t understand their parents, and the parents are not understanding them. And that is what is going on with a lot of families these days. It will get better. It will get better for everybody. Does that answer the question?

Akeyasan 1: Yes, thank you.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, thank you. 

You had a question?

Akeyasan 2: Can I sit here?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: No you can’t and you’re going to use the mic.

The Akene, Earth & Merkabah

Akeyasan 2: Then I am going to stand here because this is what is happening to the electromagnetic field of the Earth [points to drawing]. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, also.

Akeyasan 2: Yes, also. Has the Earth an Akene of its own?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: The Earth has an Akene of its own. Yes, yes. 

Akeyasan 2: That is the reason why.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Actually, the three fields of the Akene, the three points are…

Akeyasan 2: The three kakras…

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, yes.

Akeyasan 2: In Den Helder, we activated the heart kakra.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes.

Akeyasan 2: And at the same time started the Akene of the Earth with these changes in… That explains it.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Indeed! Yes! Well, thank you for giving the answer as well.  

Akeyasan 2: I can’t do this, but I will get better at it. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Of course. 

Is there anyone else who has a question? Yes, please come up.

Akeyasan 3: You were talking about the Merkabah.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, the Merkabah.

Akeyasan 3: How is the Merkabah connected to the Akene?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, the Merkabah and the Akene are connected because of the electromagnetic field. The Akene literally is a type of inner Merkabah, while the big Merkabah is taking place outside of the body. Do you understand that?

Akeyasan 3: Yes, thank you.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Thank you. 

Anyone else has a question? 

Yes, Da Maya San… I dare you to make it quicker than her!

Medicine & Separation

Akeyasan 4: I also have a question about the children. I have a few grandchildren; they are going onto older children. What happens to them when they get all those injections? Are the children affected by this or can they have it?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Oh, this is a very important question indeed about what is happening to children being injected in schools and everywhere these days. 

Akeyasan 4: And with babies.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Babies even, indeed.

Well I am going to broaden the scope again and I am not just going to talk about the injections. I am also going to talk about all the medicine that children are given when they are supposedly ‘ADHD’ or ‘autistic’ or whatever. Actually, I am going to talk about all medicine, which is a big topic, but still. 

If you consider the body and the natural healing process, the natural transformational process that the body has, then in effect it is a very unnatural thing to try to heal the body in a chemical way. Because always, even though you have medication that is going to the root of the supposed ‘physical’ problem, none of the physical problems showing up in the body are ever physical. They are always energetic. Always, always, always energy based. There is never something that goes wrong with the body that wasn’t an energy pattern before it started going wrong physically. 

So, as long as you keep feeding medicine to yourself, you are basically acknowledging the separation of the body towards the Earth or towards energy or towards divinity because you are saying you need something from the outside that is going to heal you. You don’t. Never ever! 

And I will remind you now of the Pleiadean Principles that Satya has brought you a while ago, in which she spoke about the penetration of the body during operations and such and how this actually cuts through the dimensions of your own universe that you have within, you see? It is really a… a very intrusive process. It is not a process that you should be proud of as a human race to have on your planet, but anyway, let that be said about medication. 

What happens now? At a certain point, medication was something that you didn’t just use to get better, but it became something that you already started taking before something was wrong, you see? And that is because people think that the body is frail and that the body is going to die eventually. 

So, what is happening with these children? Right the moment they come into planet Earth, they are injected.

Akeyasan 4: They have no choice.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: I know. I know they have no choice because that is what society wants. They do have a choice. You have the choice not to do it, but then you have to be very careful because they are going to try to take your children away from you then because you are supposedly not nurturing them well enough, not being a mother or a father or a parent to them. 

The World of Duality

Yet, what does this do to the body of the child, especially the child that comes in with such an akeneic quality at first? It actually introduces the child to the world of duality. It is not the medicine itself that is so bad. It is not that. It is not the medicine. It is the energy that comes with it because as the parents inject the child – and it is done through a doctor, but it is the parents doing it and society doing it – the child is introduced not to unity consciousness, but to unity mind, and the child basically is planted in the field of mind to be harvested later on, you see? 

And all of this is obviously leading to the disempowerment of humanity. It is leading to taking people’s power away so that they would be ready to be used when the time comes, and that is what is going on right now. It is the reason why children are being inoculated and everything. It is a terrible, terrible process. And even though you might run into problems with your government, I would strongly suggest that you don’t let this happen to your children. Please know that their bodies are well enough and that their bodies can heal themselves! It is all about control. 

And I know that we are actually carrying a lot of responsibility here by saying that because others would say that I am crazy, that I am crazy for saying this, and how could you say this to parents who might put their children at risk, who might put their children in danger? I am saying that you are endangering your children ‘this’ way, by making them a victim of society, and that is not something that you want to do. It really isn’t. It is not what you want to do. 

You want to let your children gain their sovereignty, especially those that come into planet Earth in the last few years and are still coming into Earth right now. Their field of divinity is much more strong, and that is also why some are showing up with ADHD, etc. because the vibration is so very high and it is going so quickly. Then pills are injected and injections are put in the child so that it will start vibrating lower. But what they don’t know is that they’re damaging the system, not just the biological system, but also the connection to the akeneic energy is damaged. Because what happens when you get these types of injections is that it starts to break down the akeneic cells and it tries to make from the akeneic cells just dualistic cells, which would mean that if that process happened, you could even potentially – because this has never happened on this Earth yet – but it could lead to the full loss of the connection to that which is called ‘the Akene’. And to restore such a loss – the last time that this actually happened was Atlantis – and to restore such a loss, a lot of work is necessary and a lot of intent is necessary. 

Akeyasan 4: Is there a possibility for us to motivate those doctors? I have a granddaughter and her father is a doctor. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: As long as these people are in mind energy… No, I’m afraid not. You could talk about all the science that I am giving you right now, but they would probably just laugh at you because they would say it would be crazy. It would be crazy to think about more strands of DNA than two. They would say it would be nuts. And if you start asking about the junk DNA. Well, you know, they really have no answer for that. But anyway, they will not accept it, no. Most of them won’t. All we can hope for – and that is also something that this organization here, Weave Your World, is going to be doing – is to open this platform, to open a connection between science and spiritechnical information because there will be those scientists who will be stimulated to look deeper. There will be scientists who will be stimulated to do that. 

Akeyasan 5: There are already organizations that are coming together to promote this. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, I know. 

Akeyasan 5: Me myself, my mother never gave me injections and I also never had cancer consults. And had to sign a lot of papers.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: It is all how you perceive your reality.

Akeyasan 5: It is about how you are acting, how you are believing what is good or bad. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: That is right. 

Akeyasan 5: And you do what feels good. And what you do with those papers in your mailbox. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: That is right. 

Akeyasan 5: I have it from my mother, that is easier. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, but even these days, parents still have no choice. They are actually forced by law to inject their children. 

Akeyasan 5: Yes, us too were forced, but I don’t give in. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, I know. So, what you could do is… You know, you could actually try to not fight it, but use a different potential to place against it. Let’s give you an example as 2008 is going to be the year that we and you and so many others are going to declare their independence and their sovereignty on planet Earth, we will obviously take this point as well. 

There is No Liberty

There is no liberty, ladies and gentlemen. You are believed to live a life of liberty, but you are not actually living that liberty. Because you are born in a nationality within country boundaries and then after that, you are told how to live, while everybody is pretending that you are not being told how to live and that you have a supposedly ‘free’ life. It’s not true. You are continuously told what to do, how to act, what to eat, and even finding different things to eat than the things that society is giving you is becoming harder and harder. You are told to put chemicals in your body at such an early age. You are not living a free life. If you want to find a stimulation to master your illusions the way Da Pah Ekara San was telling you about, then this alone would be enough: You are not free! You think you might be free and you are free as long as you are playing the game, as long as you are responding to the rules that are being put on you, but free you are not! 

Akeyasan 3: I believe in Holland it is possible, you have the freedom to not inject your child it feels to me, but there’s so little information for the parents. So they are still afraid. And also, for example, the mother doesn’t want to inject the child but the father does, then there is a struggle. That’s in Holland. That’s the problem, so you have a choice.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, you have the choice, but still. Still you are strongly forced to do it anyway because they will tell you that your child is going to get sick. And what happens in a mind based reality? You hear that information and you are actually going to create it, so you don’t have a choice actually, you see? 

You are not living in a free world and if you want to start mastering your illusions, that alone should give you the premises to do that. So, this will change because we will no longer stand for it. Thank you for bringing up this question. It is very important.

Akeyasan 4: Thank you.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Thank you.

Akeyasan 6: It is the same for animals, of course, to make it clear?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, it is the very same for animals, too. Definitely. They are already being chipped these days.

Akeyasan 6: Yes, because for animals you also have to put in medicine to, you know…

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, to be alright with the law, actually. I know. 

Anyone else who has a question? Yes? Please, please, sit down.

Akeyasan 7: I meant to be present and would like a hug. It has been a long time. I missed you. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, come here, I know! Hello, angel. Me too. Sit down!

Akeyasan 7: Thank you all for the key that you… 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Hold this a little closer. 

Akeyasan 7: I don’t like these things. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: I know, but otherwise you won’t be recorded. 

The Teachings Are Helping Me

Akeyasan 7: I want to thank you for the key that you offered me last week, or the week before. It feels like a puzzle coming together in one. I traveled last September to Italy. It was for me the last part of my journey. A lot of things happened there. And I was back one week and I had an amazing journey, an out-of-body experience. It was taking for hours. I was shaking afterwards, when I woke up, I was shaking. And when I closed my eyes, then I was back in the energy. And I was thinking, “Oh, what is happening this evening, this night?” And three or four weeks later, the channeling of Da Lemuaya San was coming. And he is entering, the energy is entering, and for me it was the key, and also the very beautiful meditation, the meditation of experiencing the Big Bang. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Oh, that, yes! 

Akeyasan 7: It’s a very beautiful one, and I invite everybody to listen again, more than one time. It is also my dear friend Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes. Oh, don’t start about him! He will come in! 

Akeyasan 7: He said the week before, it is good to repeat and hear the channelings again. I was doing this before and my experience with that is that you have other information. It is more intensive.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, deeper. 

Akeyasan 7: Deeper, and you make other connections. And what I did with the experience in my body was make the connection with the five elements, yes, and I invite my consciousness to go in, to make a journey on the vertical axis.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes.

Akeyasan 7: Yes, and I step through the portal of the Central Sun. And I go deeper and deeper and deeper. And I feel hands on my body. So, you are not alone. And then… bang! My room, or space was full with colors, beautiful colors, 144 and more. I see planets and stars. I was in my own universe, I think I would know. And I was swirling around, making eclipses. It was beautiful. It was beautiful. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, this to me is a very normal experience.

Akeyasan 7: Use the five elements, use your inner voice, talk to yourself, guiding yourself to make a journey within. It’s working! You can believe me. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, thank you!

Akeyasan 7: It’s an amazing journey!

But now, my question is: I know I must do it again twice. It is about the vortexes. They must be opened in Peru and the other one…

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: New Zealand, yes. 

Akeyasan 7:  So, I was feeling and thinking, not with my brain, but with the brain of the heart, that the journey, the big bang experience… It is the connection, the link between the three portals that must be opened? Am I wrong?

Vortices & Portals

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: The link between the Big Bang experience and the…?

Akeyasan 7: It was after that journey that I was somewhere. I created a vortex somewhere. So, I know it has happened two times this year.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes.

Akeyasan 7: So, I think, I feel I this link happening with the Akene between the planetary one and…

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: … and the personal one.

Akeyasan 7: Yes. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, that is what is happening, and what you are actually doing as you are opening those vortexes, is, you are preparing, paving the way for those who are going to further the process, those who are going to turn the vortex into a portal, you see, because that is what is going to happen. It has already happened to Den Helder and it is going to happen to Peru and it is going to happen to New Zealand and actually, it is going to happen as Hawaii shifts back from that space of neocortex energy to pineal gland energy, as it becomes a full portal for constant and immediate manifestation. 

So, the vortexes and the journeys that you are doing, the inner journeys and the vortexes that you are opening, is basically pinpointing the space for the cosmic energy to start coming in. That’s what you are doing.

Akeyasan 7: And what about Africa? I know it is opening there also.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Africa. Yes, Africa is going to be very, very strong in the second half of 2008. You are going to see that the first ones to start picking up the pieces after the chaos hits the planet – and I am not talking about disasters or anything. I am talking about personal chaos as new life experiences are going to come in. Africa, always having been so close to the natural state of existence, although it was also corrupted obviously, is going to be the first continent to start picking up the pieces. A very strong leader who is not going to think from the concept of ‘leader’, but also going to have the sovereign service concept in mind, is going to stand up there, and it is going to be very revolutionary.

I am telling you this that that which you call ‘hunger’ will no longer be there in the continent of Africa. So, that is a big thing that we are saying right now. It is because they are going to find natural ways of making sure everybody is fed. That is all I can say about it. That is a lot, isn’t it?

Akeyasan 7: It is an invitation for all the gatekeepers to be present and do the job, to see each other in oneness.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes. It is not just an invitation to the gatekeepers. It is an invitation to all of humanity. So, yes, obviously.

Akeyasan 7: It is working and it is amazing, with all the channelings. They are beautiful gifts, and it is available for everyone. And with practice and listening more than one time, don’t listen to the words. Feel the energy. Hear the words behind the energy. That is all you must do.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, that is right. 

Akeyasan 7: I was hearing your singing – ohh, ahh – and you were all singing ‘eee.’ I was there, outside, and I hear the winds coming in, and I was crying, so hard. It was beautiful, beautiful.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: I know. I know. It is because you are allowing yourself to see what reality does when you activate these things. So many people don’t see that because they don’t want to see it and they find themselves in other spaces when these things are happening. 

Akeyasan 7: And it was so strong. It’s coming in. Yes! 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes! Thank you so much. 

Anyone else have a question? You? 

Akeyasan 8: Hi. I just felt pushed to sit here and speak. I need to ask about the previous question about the children. So there is movement?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Definitely, definitely yes. I know there is, yet, the problem won’t be solved by not doing it anymore. The problem will be solved by taking away everything that is part of the current medical world, except for a very few things that are actually working like interacting with the elements, which is what homeopathy is doing for instance. Interaction of the elements, the herbs and that sort of thing. That is actually working with the elements to make sure that your body, your vessel is more fluid, is more open to receive energy. But all the chemical things are working against that.

Akeyasan 8: I also want to ask for us because there are a lot of people who we think we can’t reach because they are stuck in mind and who do things from their point of view, like giving their children injections. So, I believe – and I hope I’m right – that the only thing we can do is just take care of ourselves, being in our center, in the now and on the axis. So that has to be our energy so that we can radiate and lift them up in that vibration as well. So, I hope that this helps these children who are given these injections.

Biological Energy Sphere’s Defense

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, obviously working on yourself is the first requirement that you need to do if you’re going to do this work. That is right. 

Children are very flexible these days. They are very much aware of what is going on, on planet Earth, and I guess that you will notice how many children aren’t really grafting onto the reality that you see around you. There are a lot of children these days, and I am sure that most people here can agree, that are almost appearing to live in their own reality, have a world of their own. And it is a protection system that they have created. There are children also who are naturally immune to the effects of the vaccines. It is very interesting to see that a lot of children are just creating it from their own body, a self-defense mechanism to not let those injections harm them again. This is just a type of energetic mutation because once the energy system gets attacked for enough generations, it is going to start to defend itself in the biological energy sphere.

And this research never gets out almost because people don’t want it to get out because, as usual, there is an entire industry behind it, and the industry must go on. Let’s say it like that, and that is what I have been referring to and Da Pah Ekara San has been referring to and as ‘the period of chaos’ where you will see many changes going on. At the same time, you don’t know what is happening and you are trying to fight it. So, that might be a bit weird that period, but it is going to, it is going to improve. It will be impossible to have any type of disease.

Akeyasan 6: Yes, that is what I am thinking.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, there you go.

You also need to know that there is different levels of speaking here. If you were speaking from that perspective from where talking about right now, then you obviously need to see that you are still talking within the field of 3D reality. You can also speak from a different perspective where none of these things can harm you because you are not seeing them as real. It is very interesting to talk about all of these things but at the same time it can be gone like this [Snaps fingers]. Never forget that. Never forget you can talk on many different levels and you can try to find the solution within the 3D world, but the solution to all problems, to all 3D problems, is just stepping outside of that box. As you said it yourself, it is just a moment.

Akeyasan 8: And I have those moments also by myself when I am in total joy.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Thank you.

Akeyasan 8: Thank you.

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Well, I guess we have space for one short question. Is there anybody who wants to ask one more? 

Yes, please. Very happy to see you again, hello!

Pyramids, Magnetics & Sound

Akeyasan 9: It’s a very short question. It is not about anything we talked about. How were the pyramids in Egypt made? Are the stones lifted by a kind of energy?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes.

Akeyasan 9: And is that energy coming back?

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes. It is created by the magnetic field. People in Egypt, actually they, all the way back to the Atlantean and the Lemurian races, where it was very common to work with magnetic energy so that you could lift things. You see, I will tell you how the process worked really quickly. People here in this organization in their seminars have done it before as well, but they were just with a small group of people. Now imagine a thousand masters, a thousand people who are aware of magnetics, coming together around a huge pile of rocks, huge rocks that could be 200 or 300 tons, more, thousands of tons. And they all stand there and they start working with geometry and with magnetics as I’m doing right now and they start opening those frequencies up and they begin to place their intent. Right? And at a certain point, they start to point that energy towards the center of their circle in which lie the rocks that need to be moved. And as they open that up, and this is an exercise that we could do, as they open that up they start creating vibrations, frequencies. Specific frequencies of sound can lift anything. It is just magnetics combining with the geometry of sound. That is the energy that is required to move any object basically – within a 3D world at least. Magnetics, which is the field of potential and sound, which is vibration. So, at a certain point, when these interact in the right angle you create an anti-gravity field. That is how they did it. Actually, it is going to surprise you, but most of these pyramids were built in less than a week. 

So, what are you going to do with the month of December?

Akeyasan 9: I don’t know. Flying? 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: This is a potential possibility, and it will probably manifest as so many of you are having that dream of doing that, so why not create it? Definitely, definitely. Thank you so much for your question. It is very good to see you again.

Akeyasan 9: Okay. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: Yes, come here. 

You Are God

So, anyway, my beloved Imzaia, as always, it is and continues to be a pleasure to come into groups such as this one and to interact with you.

Know that great changes are occurring at this time on planet Earth, and you are the ones who are responsible for doing that. We are very, very pleased and we know that you are at a point of great, great frustration because of all the changes that are happening, because of all the new information that you are processing and also because of the duration it seems to take for all of these things to come in. I want you to know, however, that you are right at the brink right now. You are standing near that edge and you are getting ready to step into all of those things that you have been speaking and dreaming and writing and reading and talking about for all those years.

So, again, find the pleasure of letting go. Find the pleasure of that peeling away of all the things that society has been telling you. Know that you are God. Know that you are in the right space, at the right time, and that this is still a very, very unique space on this planet Earth right now. 

You are indeed the lucky ones, the ones that can be here in a body, that can be experiencing when the illusion falls away and when liberation once again sets in. Even though all space is infinite, there is a finite number of energies, which then would be the people who are experiencing this. So, please understand you are sitting in the front row of all of this. It is an amazing experience, and even though you have been sitting in that front row for a very long time, just be aware of the fact that very shortly you are going to be asked to stand up and to step onto the stage and to act out that grand change that you have been looking at for so very long.

So, although the information that Da Pah Ekara San has been speaking about in the last few days seems to be pretty complex, it is a process that is already going on within your body. All you are doing as you are listening to the information is becoming aware of it, you see? That’s all. 

And with that I wish you a very goodnight. I thank all of you, my brothers and sisters, my family, my loved ones, all of you that you are undergoing this process. Know that you are loved beyond comparison and that there is blessing that lives within you. Know also that no one, no one can give you that which you already own: your mastery, your divinity, your infinity, your uniqueness, and yes, your lovely, lovely smile. Nobody can take that away. 

So, please find the child’s play. Find that ease of life and give yourself the gift of December. I can tell it to you again: give yourself that gift. It is a very important gift if you should do that. It is a challenge but it is one that is going to be worth the while.

And with that my beloved Imzaia, again I bid you goodnight. I will see you in your dreams tonight because I will be showing up to do some more work with you. In the last few nights actually it had been Da Jeshua San himself and Da Pah Ekara San and some others who showed up to do some work with you, to rewire some of your systems. Tonight, it will be myself and Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San showing up, so get ready for that.

Akeyasan 10: I hope to see you in my dreams. 

Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San: So you will find us, you will find us. Thank you again, I love you always and you are the joy, the sparkle that is within my heart. I am that I am, Adam G.

Da Ambika San: Wow, this was a beautiful, bold gift. Let’s enjoy it. 

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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
11 months ago

San’a’ke 🙏 What a wonderful addition this is and how very in the now! Love the frank way Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San talks about big pharma and answers some burning questions that are just as relevant today as they were the moment this session was recorded. Da’ka’ya for restoring it 🙏

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