Lemurian Creation

Da Jeshua San

Welcome to a journey into the heart of Lemurian wisdom with this guided metaphysical exercise titled “Lemurian Creation,” part of the ancient martial arts practice known as Eja’i Chi Pah.

Recorded on April 5, 2008, by the beloved Jeshua, during a spiritual seminar in the Netherlands, this powerful experience invites you to connect deeply with your inner crystalline energy, the living essence of Earth, and the vastness of cosmic consciousness.

Designed to usher in a transformative shift, this exercise guides you to awaken your creative power and unify with the divine family of the universe. Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, a lover of ancient traditions, or simply curious about the mysteries of existence, this video offers a profound exploration of self and cosmos—grounded in the timeless teachings of Lemuria.

The journey begins as Jeshua, your guide, welcomes you to tune into the water within your body, a holographic and crystalline force that makes up over 90% of who you are. This water, pulsing through your DNA and linked to Earth’s crystalline grid, becomes a sacred conduit for energy, which you’re invited to let flow across your skin, forming a shimmering film that envelops you in divinity.

Accompanied by the ancient tones of the Lemurian language, Jeshua speaks words of profound love and belief in you, affirming that your veins are portals of infinity, beauty, and simplicity. The angelic energies of Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel flow along your spine, transforming into dolphins and whales—symbols of eternal life and creation—while your heart and soul are called to merge once more, dissolving all separation. Cosmic presences like Lemuaya and Solarys join the experience, their names echoing as aspects of your own infinite being, reuniting you with a universal family.

From this intimate connection, the energy expands outward, touching the wood, rocks, and water of the Earth as you attune to Gaia, the living consciousness of our planet. Her voice pulses with love, joy, freedom, beauty, awareness, innocence, and a playful nonsense, setting the stage for a monumental shift—from the “Old Lemuria” of ancient memory to the “New Lemuria” of renewed unity and creation.

To weave this transformation, Jeshua guides you to blend geometric concepts, beginning with love, through a meditative dance of hand movements. You’re encouraged to feel every moment of love you’ve ever experienced—words spoken, hopes held, or affections received—letting it flood your akene, the sacred heart space.

This vibration ignites a natural rhythm, your hands tracing patterns as you dance with the geometry of love, cultivating compassion for all living things and radiating beauty in your every gesture.

As love fills you, it blossoms into joy, a vibration that transcends duality and pulses through your DNA, casting rays of light that envision a planet where every particle smiles.

Then comes beauty, a swift and free-moving energy that flows through water—from oceans to raindrops—birthing a flower in your hands. You’re invited to name this living creation, witnessing its gratitude as it promises to embody beauty for all who feel love’s joy, passing from hand to hand across time.

Picture yourself in a moonlit forest, a crown of these flowers gracing your head, until a rainbow—not a mere wind—sweeps the flower skyward. Your consciousness merges with it, traveling through space, scattering seeds of love, joy, and beauty across planets, stars, and nebulae.

In this infinite journey, freedom awakens within you, its essence becoming airborne, a gift inhaled by all on Earth, connecting every breath to your creation.

In the final phase of the exercise, the beloved Jeshua calls on you to touch the face of god—your own divine reflection—and leap beyond linear time into emergence, where Earth emerges from its chrysalis state. Opening your eyes, you see the heart, grounding this rainbow-like energy into the Earth through your heart space.

Enhanced by the soulful melodies of “Here with Me” by Els de Schepper and “So Much Magnificence” by Miten and Deva Premal, you’re invited to recognize your magnificence mirrored in all around you. The experience closes with an opportunity to physically express this energy into the Earth.

Rooted in Lemurian tradition, “Lemurian Creation” is a transformative practice that blends vibration, geometry, and movement to awaken your divine essence and align with Earth’s cosmic evolution—a journey of unity, play, and eternal becoming.

Join us in this video to experience the full depth of Lemuria and Lemurian times, and please feel free to share your experiences with this exercise in the comments below. Namaste.

About Lemurian Eja’i Chi Pah

Eja’i Chi Pah is a Lemurian / Polynesian concept, which can be considered the root seed of all metaphysical forms of movement art.

Created during Lemurian times, the art of Eja’i Chi Pah has been lost to modern-day society and only taught throughout the ages to ascension students.

Translated from akeneic metaphysical expression, which also was last used and spoken during Lemurian times, Eja’i Chi Pah can be considered the art of “stepping into infinity” a.k.a. “being here now.”

As part of the Meaning of Life events, Da Jeshua San brought Eja’i Chi Pah out of the shadows and returned it to the public arena:

Episode 1 – Return to Lemuria introduces this metaphysical form of movement art.

Episode 2 – The Missing Piece is a journey of experience, beginning at the tree kingdom, and on from there.

Episode 3 – The Dance of Manifestation is a journey into your infinite ability to create reality.

Episode 4 – The Twelve Vibrations is a cosmic journey of the senses and the soul.

The page you are currently on is the fifth Eja’i Chi Pah experience that was recorded.

Presented & recorded on April 4, 2008

This transcript will be added here soon.

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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
1 month ago

San’a’ke 💖 I am so enjoying this beautiful and expansive journey every time I dive into its experience. All my gratitude for restoring it for all to partake in this eja’i chi pah and, therefore, enhancing and expanding it with their own unique essence 💖🙏💖

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