
On Solar Flares and Northern Lights

12 May 2024

Blessed and beloved ones 🙏

I hope that you all are enjoying, and rejoicing in the peace of, the new era of light that this realm known as earth is now embedded in.

The light codes arriving in the form of solar flares, and via the resulting celestial lights aka the aurora borealis, are but a visible and obvious result of the recent realm-wide shift from geometry to infinometry, as well as of the falling away of the service to self path possibilities, as discussed by beloved Adamus in our most recent video release, which you can find below this post.

I can share about this shift for many hours and I do so in a video recording that will soon premiere on our YouTube channel. There is a LOT to share.

I intend to follow up that upcoming video with a Q&A recording to be released afterwards, so this is the time to send in questions that you would like me or another member of the ascended teacher body to get into.

Send in your questions and also your experiences with this grand shift that you would like me to share with all viewers by adding them underneath this post or via email.

And don’t forget to subscribe to us on YouTube so you are notified when these videos come out.

I belove in you
Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🤍

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