New Gatherings & Celebrations
of the Ascension Path

20 July 2024

Hi beloved,

It feels wonderful to reach out and connect to you, heart to heart, in this moment of time we are sharing.

I hope that, yesterday, July 19, you created and enjoyed a blessed Akeyasan day, which I shared some more about, yesterday morning, on my Facebook page.



July 19 is a day that was chosen a long time ago to mark a moment of celebration of yours – and everyone’s – ascension path. We here at imzaia celebrate it every year and call it Akeyasan day.

Akeyasan is a Lemurian word for “ascension student.”

As such, to all ascension students and explorers, anywhere in the world, on July 19 we celebrate your ascension path in our individual and collective ways.

This year, I was drawn to celebrate mostly in my heart and connect with you all in that timeless place. I hardly shared any time with anyone in the physical and focused within, while the ascension students here connected together.



However, I also felt an idea emerge when I did so, and that is to invite any and all ascension students reading this, wherever you are in the world, to join the ascension students and myself, here in the ascended master school in Zeeland, the Netherlands, for an Akeyasan day celebration, next year, July 19, 2025.

We will bring in channeled teachers, I will teach as well, and we will conclude with a barbecue in our garden.

There are b&b’s and other accommodations in the area for anyone that has to come from further away and needs to stay the night.

Details will fill in as we get closer to the moment, but for now, if you are interested in joining us in the physical for next year’s celebration of the ascension path, then mark July 19, 2025 in your calendar and let us know that you’re interested by sending us a little message via the usual ways.



It’s official! On top of the invite I shared above for next year’s ascension path celebration on July 19, 2025, we are also starting monthly gatherings again, as soon as next month already.

These will be simple, Lemurian style imzaia gatherings that develop in the moment, however that is, with ascension study and training, metaphysical tuition, channeled via the beloved ones you know from the imzaia material, such as Ekara, Kuthumi, Adamus, Lemuaya, Solarys, and many others, as well as some new and important voices such as beloved Ra and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. I, too, obviously, will teach from both a theoretical and practical angle as well.

But, sometimes, we’ll also just gather, chat, connect, hang on the grass, have a bite, and make music together. It will depend on the flow and the truth of the moment.

Once a month at first, on Saturdays or Sundays, with the possibility of making it twice a month once we are properly rolling with it again.



Since we are near the end of July already, the first gathering will be this August, on Saturday the 24th, I’ll share the exact time and more details soon, when we will also update our Events page.

As always, we offer everything free, with love, from our hearts, with the possibility of supporting our work with a donation if you feel called to do so. These new gatherings will be no different.

I look forward to sharing more details soon, both about the monthly events starting this August and about the Akeyasan day celebration in July 2025.

I love you so very much,

Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🤍


PS. Additionally, for anyone seeking in person, free, personal sessions with me or the channeled ascended master teachers, these are the days (during or after the monthly imzaia gatherings) when we will have these take place. So you are welcome to join these free gatherings and have your personal sessions happen.

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