Do Not Give Up, No Matter What | Imzaia World

Do Not Give Up, No Matter What

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Switching topics from “ascension study” to “absolute insanity” for a moment, there are a handful of people out there that seem to think I am evil. 😎

They keep trying to convince people that the non traditional family unit that I am part of together with the 7 other people I’ve been living with for almost 20 years in most cases constitutes a cult. They are extremely small minded and judgmental about that, which is not the same as them, and don’t even see it, to the point that they cannot see good intentions even if it hits them in the face.

They cannot understand that sometimes people are forced to walk away from their lives, whether they like it or not, without being convinced into it as part of some evil plan, nor that the ones that are walked away from aren’t necessarily being truthful as to why.

They refuse to see that families aren’t always formed through blood ties but also through soul connections and simply because of love.

They keep writing anonymous posts on forums using my body’s “dead name” and labeling me as part of the male gender.

They have started flagging all my content on Facebook and other platforms as abusive, so my capacity to share becomes more limited.

They have started sharing the address of my private residence on all sort of cult forums online with the remark that it might be handy to know where I am in case someone “wants to put an end to my life.” They claim to actually welcome this happening.

They are people that literally have never met me, except for one who last met this body almost 20 years ago.

They are childish, jealous judases, hiding behind keyboards, pseudonyms, and blocks, that keep making the same mistake:

They think they can stop me in my mission of love.

Each moment of hateful, vengeful focus they put on me, and each attempt to block me, drag my name through the mud, and even an attempt on my life or the life of my loved ones, which they literally dream of and would be elated by: it will not stop me.

It will never stop me because I will never give in nor give up. Never. Let’s be clear about that. I am here to be of service to the whole of humanity and even if this body is stopped, I will find a way to continue being of service.

It will only make me more focused, more convinced of the need to continue with my work, more passionate, and it will only push me to push the imzaia material to all corners of this earth and offer it to the heart of all humankind.

Last but not least, I know thousands and millions of you are right there, with me, in my heart.

Now let’s get back to what matters.

I belove in you,

Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏

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