Bending the Rules

Bending the Rules is a collection in three parts, created by Da Solarys San and Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, a.k.a. Adamus St. Germain, who respectively presented two metaphysical talks over the course of two days, titled Bending Light and Blending the Senses.

The collection is a blend of theoretical information, by Da Solarys San, and a metaphysical experience by Da Adamus San.

In Bending Light 1 and 2, Da Solarys San, the voice and consciousness of the Central Sun, discusses the nature of holographic reality and shares many insights into photonic light and photonic energy, gravity, the nature of constant and relative forces interacting with one another, the interaction of all of these concepts with the elements, and so much more.

Solarys also discusses the power of imagination as well as its scope and its functioning as a threshold into exploring the unknown. But most importantly, this piece is about understanding that rules – on all levels of reality – are not fixed, and that they are meant to bend with the expression and experience of consciousness itself as you evolve on your ascension path.

In Blending the Senses, which sits in the middle of part 1 and part 2 of the presentation by Da Solarys San, Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San presents a transformative and uplifting ascension meditation exercise, in which Da Adamus San invites you on a journey to explore how to “blend” your senses.

Existing in human bodies, as we do, we typically experience a world of separation, in which we believe to be separate from everyone and everything around us. Our five biological senses are partially responsible for generating this illusion. In this exercise, Da Adamus San takes you with him on an ascension adventure to unify your inner and outer universe, so that all that remains is Love, Balance, Peace, and Oneness.

Many that have come before you to enter this space with Da Solarys San and Da Adamus San have found time and time again that clarity rises from it where one previously did not even know one needed it. We hope your experience will be the same.

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Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
1 year ago

San’a’ke ❤️ Da’ka’ya for this most wonderful Collection, containing three very special Sessions, in my humble opinion. I still have a vivid memory of how these pieces impacted me, when they were recorded. Driving back to our place afterwards, reality felt so very different, because of the perspectives given to us in these Sessions. It felt like being able to see and feel the fluidity of it all. I am so grateful that they are now available to all ❤️🙏🏻❤️

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