When the Past comes a-knocking | Imzaia World

When the Past comes a-knocking

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Ascension Updates are short videos and written pieces by Da Pah Kwan Yin San, providing moments of conscious focus, created as an invitation to celebrate who you truly are, with the goal to elevate your life and your world into the masterpiece of Love that exists within your heart.

They are released on our social media channels and on our website, Imzaia World, a free metaphysical library focused on ascension study and training, with a free and private Ascended Master School located in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

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Music by Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San.

When the past comes a knocking, either because you chose to examine it within or because it invited itself in via a person or situation, take the opportunity to release yourself from the inevitable guilt, pain, shame, or blame you might find there.

Understand that you did your best at the time.

Remember the person you were back then and you will see that you came from a place of love as much as you could at the time.

Forgive yourself. Love who you were back then and allow who you are today to embrace yourself throughout all moments of time and space.

Forgive all the others actors as well. Love who they were back then and allow who you are today to embrace them throughout all moments of time and space.

The truth is that no one is ever good or evil, everyone just is, and in almost every case everyone thinks they are doing the right thing.

Even when acting from pain or fear or any of those filters, even when lashing out, when dragging up the past, when fabricating absolute lies about you, it doesn’t matter what, most people believe they are doing the right thing simply because deep down underneath all of it they are coming from love.

The filters might prevent them from seeing the inverted nature of their expression in the moment, but nonetheless the love is underneath.

This is true for every action you have ever taken and every action you will ever take.

Our collective experience of reality would evolve into tremendous harmony if all of us could individually forgive ourselves for our past and see that our judgements on it, and others’ judgements on us, are simply the best we/they could do at the time.

It is time for individual and collective forgiveness.

It is time that the unified consciousness known as humanity releases the past and the future and starts again, here and now, in the recognition that deep inside we are all the same Love.

Seek this Love in yourself and in all others in all moments and enjoy the invitation to drama when it comes, because it is each time a new opportunity and a new invitation to pierce through the filter or the veil and to return to Love.

We are all on the journey of Love.
It truly is that simple.

This is the moment, this is the time, to release the past, the present, and the future, and to release them into the Now.

This is the time for renewal and rebirth.

This is the instant that you begin to create reality individually and collectively foregoing the filters of the mind in favor of the perspective of the heart.

This is the hour the human species returns to Love.

This is the day you remember why you took it upon yourself to experience this lifetime.

Now allow the one thing that has been present underneath it all in each second of this lifetime that you have loved and lived up until this moment, allow it to emerge and let yourself be witness to the common thread that is woven throughout each and every one of your moments in this life.

This thread is your passion.
Now it is no longer buried under the rubble.

Pick it up. Run with it.

Create the life and the world that you know is possible.

Your vision of Love is a masterpiece.

Time to let it shine.

I belove in you,

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

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Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
1 year ago

San’a’ke ❤️ Da’ka’ya for wonderful explanation and practice.

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