A Chat about your Ascension Path | Imzaia Clips

Some call it a cult...

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Is Imzaia a cult? Are people being scammed? Or are things quite different from what some keyboard warriors insist behind anonymous accounts?

Is Imzaia a project born from a love beyond this realm? A love that is bigger than most dare to allow?

Your heart already knows the answer. Watch this video and let it speak.


The imzaia mission is a simple one: to offer free ascension study & training in person and in the digital realm, without any obligations or restrictions.

Essentially, this means that everything that is offered on the website comes with no financial barriers and with no restrictions or obligations of any kind. It is given to you with open hearts and open arms, in Love and in Freedom.

“When they drag you through the mud, thank them for the beauty treatment.”

— Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Hi beloveds, it is me.

I guess that for the purpose of the audience that will listen to this video, I don’t think I have to explain the actual definition of a cult. If you don’t know it, look it up in the dictionary.

For the same reason, I don’t think I have to explain my conviction and, yes, you may call it a belief, but in my case it is a belief that I find proven by experience, the belief that most of our society, and other societies that preceded it, at most of the larger perspectives of society on Earth, as well as in the micro concepts of societies: businesses, families, you name it, that indeed, I believe that those are the actual cults on this planet.

In fact, I would dare to go as far as to say, that the entire Imzaia project, the video of which you are now listening to, was created to help others escape this societal cult, and come home to themselves.

As the project grew, some chose to join, some chose to walk away from the lives that they knew, a private and therefore honored choice, if anything. And yet, throughout the years, and recently once again, our project has been attacked by those that believe exactly that. That we are trying to trap people in a belief system, that ensnares them, and they say that the reason for doing so are financial, but I will come to that later.

We also get accused of choosing to live the lives that we want to live, with the expressions, names, etc., that we want to use. This is part of why some call it a cult.

So, let us explore what Imzaia World, and therefore myself, and the crew, actually stand for. We feel a calling in our hearts, in the deepest, deepest center of our hearts, that this world is based on love. That everything that is created in this world is based on love. And we feel this calling so strongly, that eventually, we as a group, created a place, that we like to call the Ascension Training Grounds, where we come together, to discuss these things metaphysically, to study them, and to practice them.

In fact, we feel this calling so strongly that we have opened this place up, both in the physical reality, and in the digital reality, to be freely accessible to all beings, and to join in this tuition, and in this discussion, freely, with no restrictions, and no obligations.

We feel so strongly about it, in fact, that I offer the entire world free private sessions, to discuss with Ascended Master Teachers, their path, and to provide them with practical help. We do all of this at no cost. We also offer free events for anyone that wants to join. These are recorded, and are put out on our website, freely, for anyone that wants to watch them, or find them.

We give people the opportunity to ask questions freely, and we provide to the best of our ability answers to these questions, that fit the flow of our heart.

When I say that all of this is done without obligation, or restriction, I mean this.

Some, as is the case with any school, feel drawn to move to the area, and come and study directly. These people then get free access to the daily tuition which happens here, and which is also recorded, and released freely on our website.

So, from my perspective, all I see is a group of beings with a passion for love, for joy, for freedom, for ascension, for truth, and a passion, specifically, to make this available to all that wish to learn from it.

You can call that a cult, I call it a gift from the heart to all beings.

Often, the crew around me is attacked for the choices that they have made in life. Everyone listening to this is adult enough to know that these things happen.

Everyone, listening to this understands that if you make choices in life, you should indeed watch out to not cause harm to others, but it is impossible to cause no discomfort sometimes when making choices. That is the nature of this thing called life.

In conclusion, I do not call this a cult. I call this Imzaia. And in this call, all are welcome to join, and stand together for love, for truth, and from the heart.

And so it is.

“Only of a place of conscious, unified expression can we create unified experiences in life.”

— Da Pah Kwan Yin San

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Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
1 year ago

A very nice video. It felt so beautiful and touching that finally this truth can come out! Could not stop crying.
much love to everyone. 🌸

Klaudia de Mür
Klaudia de Mür
1 year ago

Thank you FOR BEING who you are. 🙏

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
1 year ago

Da’ka’ya, meaning : Thank you 💕

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