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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
9 months ago

San’a’ke 🙏 every time I read this card, I am touched by its poetic nature. It exemplifies the beauty, grace, and spontaneous flow of creation. No complexity but simplicity.

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago

ish’ka vish’ka imzaia’e
Da’ka’ba’ya ohami a’hani
eja’i imzaia’e

Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
2 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

Wow, da’ka’ya for this powerful message. Especially the sentence: “Never knowing its next move but always knowing it is the right one” really hit home hard and made my heart skip a beat. I can sense the freedom that will come with applying this at all times. Da’ka’ya ❤️🙏🏻❤️

Da Pah Kwan Yin San
Da Pah Kwan Yin San
2 years ago

“Renewed in each moment, in the absence of predetermination. Never knowing its next move, but always certain it is the right one.” 🙏 Wonderfully expressed by Da Jeshua San and a state of being I wish to all reading these words on this page right now. 🪷🌸🪷

Da Amber San
Da Amber San
2 years ago

ish’ka vish’ka imzaia’e ❤️May we all fully embrace the creator self in San, which has no predetermination, always.

Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
2 years ago

Da’ka’ya o Da Pah Kwan Yin San ❤ Ish. A beautiful quote out of a very empowering teaching by Da Jeshua San. “Never knowing its next move, but always certain it is the right one.” That, to me, is being here now, completely at ease with the moment and in the flow of San. ❤

Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
2 years ago

San’a’ke o Da’ka’ya o Da Pah Kwan Yin San o Da Jeshua San for this beautiful quote ❤️
Shi’ish’kara ❤️🙏❤️

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