The Practice of Being Here Now
Da Ojadasan'ka Adamus Valen San
When you unify yourself and the other, there is no more looking from the outside in. Then, everything you see occurs from within, and expresses itself on the outside of you, which is just energy, but still a part of you.
“Being Here Now” is not merely about being in your body, nor is it about being here, in the space that you sit in. It is not just about being in the universe.
Being Here Now is about BEING HERE, inhabiting this universe, understanding that you are the complete universe.
This is the Metaphysical Art of the Practice of Eja i’ chi Pah – Being Here Now.
Each now moment presents an opportunity for conscious choice.
We can choose to let go of the past. We can choose to be here now.
We can choose to awaken. Or we can choose to remain asleep and unconscious.
Da’ka’ya Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San.
Eja’i Oja’i
San’a’ke ❤️
Da’ka’ya Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San for this powerful explanation about what Being in the Now really entails.
I can absolutely confirm that my challenges with staying in the Now, mostly were connected to practical details of ‘the world out there’. Of course this was completely disregarding the fact that I am the creator of all of it.
Lately, my understanding of the distortions which get created by connecting to a situation ‘out of the now’, thus from a mental space, has grown. Connecting to this Quote today, brings this home even more.
Da’ka’ya i Eja’i San’zaia’e
Da Akeyasan Amy San
San’a’ke 🙏
Another ‘translation’ of Eja’i chi Pah, given to us by Da Pah Ekara San, is ‘stepping into infinity’. When we step out of linearity with its ‘past’ and ‘future’ moments, we start inhabiting the eternal now fully and completely and thus step into infinity.
And yes, Da Akeyasan Amy San, the more our understanding grows about the distortions we create by dragging a past situation into the now because we are worried about a future event, the easier it becomes to be here now. We can feel where we are really because dwelling in mental and, therefore, vibrational realms, just feels darn uncomfortable. Once we feel and realize that something is ‘off’, we have another chance to make a different choice.
Ohami i vish’naya’ka imzaia’e
Da Akeyasan Chachi Ram San