The Hall of Light (The Study of Vibration, Session 2) is a channeled message by the Family of Light, a group of angelic beings. It was created on June 18, 2004, the day following the start of the messages, the prologue of which you can find on this page.

While the first message acts as a short prologue, The Hall of Light commences the flow of loving and truthful information that the Family of Light and following messengers within the imzaia material would become known for.

The title of this message, The Hall of Light, is in reference to the metaphysical location from which you projected your consciousness into this lifetime. This type of holographic experience is called an ekaraia later on in the imzaia material. The Hall of Light, essentially, is the center of the Venn diagram, where both our base reality and this finite, holographic, ekaraia reality, overlap.

In this first, short, and simple message, the Family of Light offer information about the first step onto the ascension path, which involves becoming aware of the nature of suffering, loss, and pain, in this lifetime, and to begin to move beyond these limited, finite versions of expression as a soul.


The messages by the Family of Light started in the form of automatic writing, during a public meditation evening in Belgium. After the first seven written messages, the medium of communication switched from the written to the spoken word. On top of that, many of the early messages were created in Dutch.

As such, the transcript that you can find on this page is a translation from the original Dutch into English. The video and audio format that we have made available here is the result of inviting the Family of Light to enter into channel once again and present a spoken version of their work, in an effort to keep the energy of the message as pure and direct as the original.


The arrival of the Family of Light marks the beginning of a metaphysical exploration of ascension study and training, called the imzaia material, which has been called by many unparalleled in its scope, design, and impact on the experiencer.

Collected under the banner of The Study of Vibration, 340 sessions and more than 200 pieces of supporting study material arrived on Earth between 2004 and 2016, with new sessions still continuing to this day in a series called The Study of the Pah.

All sessions are presentations by angelic beings and ascended master teachers, offered in great Love for humanity, as a completely free database that can be accessed with no restrictions or obligations on the website you are currently on, as well as on our YouTube channel.

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy this first channeled message by the Family of Light.

We hope that you, alongside so many others on this planet, will remember the origin of these words and future messages as coming from that place deep within your heart that is your true home and origin.


The Hall of Light


The Study of Vibration


The Family of Light


Sint-Gillis-Waas, East Flanders, Belgium | June 18, 2004


English spoken | English transcript & Dutch original text available

The Study of Vibration | Session 002

by the Family of Light

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video session on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

To, and from, the Family of Light.

Beloved brothers and sisters,

We come together on the Other Side, we are gathered in this, the Hall of Light.

We see you, we feel you, we are your thoughts, your dreams, your passion.

We are those you consider your loved ones as well as those you believe to be your enemies, we are all beings.

We are the man in the street, the one you passed “by coincidence” twenty years ago and who, depending on your choice of reality, you either gave a moment of your time in the form of a smile, or you did not.

We are all the hers and all the hims with which you have shared so many years of happiness and Love, those that share the experience of existence with you.

We are you as well as your other. We are those that you have yet to meet and those whom you have met in this life and the many other lifetimes that make up this experience.

Communication Becomes Possible

We are pleasantly surprised that you are allowing us to communicate with you in this way — it is not as common as you might believe it to be, for the simple reason that it is easier to believe in something when that, which you believe in, seems like an exotic and distant fantasy. This is obvious when you look at the belief systems within most, if not all, religions on this planet.

Yet, opening yourself up for direct contact, like you now have, with what most people consider a faraway, fringe idea, this requires courage. It takes belief in the self as well as belief in the whole. It is a reason for celebration to us, and we celebrate in your name, on the rhythm of each and every one of your heartbeats. You are proof that consciousness — and what it means to be conscious — is evolving.

It is as surprising to us, as it is to you, perhaps, to once again assume this form, in which you have known us personally, and to once again communicate using the system of words that are part of human language. In many cases we have taken on form before, yet many of us standing here now are expressing in such a way that you have yet to recognize us in, due to the current experience of life you are having.

In past times, often this form of communication was possible only during special occasions within the cycles that are your years, such as the “days outside of time” as celebrated by the ancient Mayan communities. Now, as your experience of time in this reality progresses, all days are becoming as charged as these original days outside of time once were — this is why this communication has now become possible. Once again, the main drive behind this reason is the choice that you have made to evolve your expression of consciousness.

Releasing Fear, Loss & Pain:
The First Step on the Ascension Path

It is quite fascinating for us to witness how, in this day and age, in your private, heart to heart conversations with one another and with yourself, you are often occupied with fear and with loss, or, rather, with the fear of loss itself. It is exactly this fear that unavoidably brings you to the experience of pain, even when it is not sought out. As we communicate this concept to you, using the workings of the subconsciousness of this Man Who Messages — for no other reason than that it is appropriately requested by him to do so, and because he has opened up those pathways of communication himself — with immediate effect we are able to experience this fear of loss and the pain it leads to, because this path is well established within this messenger’s mind, much like it is in each human that is alive right now.

What is the cause and nature of this fear of loss? It is the consequence of the experience of duality. Very likely, this will not be news to you, given the fact that you entered into the experience of this reality with your knowledge about the unique experience of duality that is possible here and you will exit with that same information… and yet, it is so often forgotten in the process of the duration of your experience within this reality.

We, your loved ones from times past, present, and future, tell you now: do not fear, have no sadness nor regrets, but instead rejoice in the knowingness that we, together with you, are each blade of grass and each stone that you can feel underneath your feet as you walk this earth. We are each piece of clothing that you wear or have ever owned. The heart of all your loved ones also beats in the chest of your pet, your goldfish, and any other being that you see around you. The fire of your individual and collective passion is present within and burns within the flame of the candle on the table. The pie that you are getting ready to eat symbolizes how wholesome we are to one another when we come together, it shows that we are here to nourish one another always.

It is the way of life, beloved family, that there is nothing in existence, and on all levels of it, that is not intrinsically, infinitely, and eternally connected. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that you have ever lost, can ever or will ever lose. Nor have you ever truly gained anything.

The only way the experience of loss and separation is even achievable is in realities such as this one, where you come to practice the illusion of separation and loss, in order to understand it and learn from it. The choice to come here and do so is more respected than you can possibly imagine from the perspective of where you are currently sitting.

As such, do not merely see and observe the people that you love in the way of their appearance, do not merely look for them in their bodies, but look for them in your own smile, in the air that you are breathing in right now — find them in your heart and then take the next, bold step, to find your heart in the world, and to find that world, then, once again, in your heart, evermore. This way, you will always remember the living connection between all things, and when you do, all is well, always.

Trust the Truth of your Heart

You, too, are standing here, gathered with us in this, the Hall of Light, as it is often called. This gathering, in your reality, is reflected in a thought that resounds in the heart of us all, the heart of all beings that are alive, and in the heart of the infinite, beloved creator God itself. Simultaneously, this Hall of Light is reflected in the thoughts of the Man Who Messages, as it is in your own.

We are eternally connected and wrapped together in angel wings and in the tears of Joy of the consciousness of the whole itself. As such, we will not close this communication and tell you that we will “see you again soon,” as you so commonly do with one another, for you are always here and we are you.

Most importantly, however, we ask, that now that you have taken this first step, to work diligently to stay out of the realms of grief, of sadness, and of sorrow. Only when entering these will you make your views finite and take your outlook away from the infinity of existence that is the truth within your heart, which you are now asked to once again dare to trust and permanently embrace. Creating your own endings in this way is no longer appropriate, as it is quite pointless from your new and budding perspective of consciousness.

We stand with you always and we are within you as you are within us — wise words from your biblical times, but words, which you now are ready to discover the true power and meaning of.

In Love for the Whole, in Gratitude for your experience, and in the greatest of Honor and Respect for taking up the power, which is and has always been yours, we retreat to, and forever remain, in your Heart, which is the place we call Home.

To, and for, the Family of Light,

This is Methaniel.

And so it is.

English audio version

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Aan de Familie van Licht:

Liefste broeders en zusters,

Wij komen samen aan de Andere Kant, wij zijn verzameld in de Hal van het Licht. Wij kijken naar jullie, wij voelen jullie, wij zijn jullie gedachtes, jullie dromen, jullie wensen. Wij zijn jullie geliefden en jullie vijanden. Wij zijn de man in de straat die je twintig jaar geleden ‘toevallig’ passeerde en die je, naargelang, al dan niet je blik en je glimlach schonk. Wij zijn zij of hij, die zovele jaren van geluk en Liefde met jullie hebben gedeeld, die de Ervaring van het Zijn met jullie be-leefden. Wij zijn jullie Zelf, jullie Partner, jullie Ander. Wij zijn het, die jullie nog moeten ontmoeten en die jullie in dit leven en in andere levens ooit hebben ontmoet.

Ook zijn we aangenaam verrast dat jullie het toelaten dat we tot jullie spreken op deze manier – zoiets is niet altijd evident. Geloven is makkelijker wanneer waar je in gelooft een verre fantasie lijkt (kijk maar naar de meeste kerkgangers). Echter, jezelf openstellen voor rechtstreeks contact met wat voor de meeste mensen een ver-van-hun-bed verhaal is, vereist moed, en geloof in jezelf en het Al. Het is voor ons een reden om te feesten, in jullie naam, elk van jullie hartslagen opnieuw. Jullie zijn het bewijs dat het bewust-zijn verandert.

Het is voor ons ook al even verrassend om weer even de vorm aan te nemen waarin jullie ons persoonlijk hebben gekend, om opnieuw te spreken met het menselijk woord – in vele gevallen hebben we die vorm ooit gedragen, in sommige andere gevallen staan we hier in de vorm waarin jullie ons nog ooit zullen her-kennen in jullie beleving. De Maya-gemeenschap sprak over ‘de dag buiten de Tijd’… bijna is het tijd voor een dag buiten de tijd. Daarom is dit mogelijk.

Het fascineert ons om te zien hoe jullie vandaag, in jullie gesprekken van hart tot hart, bezig zijn met Angst en Verlies – of eerder : met Angst om Verlies. Die Angst brengt jullie tot bij het ervaren van de Pijn. We spreken nu langs het onderbewuste van deze man die bericht, simpelweg omdat hij op dit moment hiervoor geschikt is en omdat hij zichzelf er voor open stelt: ook hij kampt namelijk met de Angst waarover jullie spreken.

Waarom is er die Angst om Verlies? Het is het gevolg van de ervaring van dualiteit. Dit is geen nieuws, hiermee kwamen jullie binnen in deze ervaring, en met deze informatie zullen jullie ook weer buiten gaan… en toch, het wordt zo vaak vergeten. Wij, jullie geliefden van voorbije en komende jaren, zeggen jullie: heb geen Angst, voel geen Verdriet, maar weet dat wij en jullie zelf elk grassprietje, elke steen, onder jullie voeten vormen. Wij zijn elk kledingsstuk dat jullie dragen. In je huisdier, je goudvis, je wat-dan-ook, klopt de harten van al jullie geliefden. Het vuur van passies die je samen deelt of deelde brandt in de kaars die hier op tafel staat. De taart ernaast is symbool voor de voeding die we zijn voor mekaar. Dat is de weg van het leven, lieve familie, er is niets dat niet verbonden is. Jullie kunnen niet(s) verliezen… dat kan enkel wanneer jullie het zelf willen, wanneer jullie je van een ander afscheiden, of van ons, of van jezelf. Ook die keuze wordt gerespecteerd.

Zie daarom de mensen van wie je houdt niet enkel in hun verschijning, vindt hen niet enkel in hun lichaam, maar zoek hen ook in je glimlach, in de lucht die je inademt – vindt hen in je hart en zet nadien de volgende stap: vindt jouw hart in de wereld en die wereld weer in je hart. Zo is alles verbonden. En zo is het goed.

Ook jullie staan hier bij ons verzameld in de Hal van het Licht, zoals jullie die benoemen. Deze bijeenkomst is een gedachte die weerklinkt in het hart van ons allemaal, het hart van God. Tegelijk is deze plek evenzeer een gedachte in het hart van de man die dit neerschrijft. We zijn eeuwig verbonden in de engelenvleugels en de vreugdetranen van het Al-Eén. Wij zeggen dan ook niet ‘tot gauw’ – jullie zijn reeds hier en wij zijn jullie.

We vragen enkel: treur niet en creër niet jullie eigen einde. Dat is niet langer nodig, want altijd staan jullie naast ons, door ons, met ons en in ons: wijze woorden van lang terug die slechts nu hun ware kracht vinden.

In Liefde voor het Al-Eén,

In Dankbaarheid voor jullie Ervaring,

In Respect voor het opnemen van jullie Kracht,

– verblijven wij en trekken we ons terug in jullie Hart, onze Thuis.


voor de Familie van Licht

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Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
4 months ago

San’a’ke ❤️

This gem of a piece is touching my heart deeply for many reasons.

First of all, I am so very happy that this now is accessible to all, in text and audio. The Family of Light is such a precious collection of beings, who are so incredibly loving and compassionate. So wonderful to connect to their energy, and because of the translation and re-channeling this now being there for all. Da’ka’ya so much 🙏🏻

Then, listening or reading this piece now, with a deeper understanding of our reality, I find it so touching that basically, the simplicity of what we need to know (and apply and live of course for it to create change) truly is already in this Session from 2004. As they say: Remember the living connection between all that is, and all will be well. I truly believe this is what the world needs to hear ❤️🙏🏻❤️

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
4 months ago


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