Imzaia Quote for 17 April 2020
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Da Akeyasan James Madison San
Da Akeyasan James Madison San
4 years ago

San’a’ke Cosmic Twelve, Masters and fellow Akeyan’shi,
Da’ka’ya for this blessing. Already awareness increases that when I sleep, I am somewhere else. I am also here; therefore, the truth is where I am whether focused or incomprehensible there is a realization of fluidity, energy and shift to that being-ness. I am willing and ready. Let it be for me and all of life. And, so it is! Ohami to all! ❤️🙏🏻❤️
Da Akeyasan James Madison San

Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
4 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

Dai’ka’ya for providing me with a completely new perspective on how we could actually have made ourselves believe in the continued existence of the world. Quite a clever way to keep you stuck in illusions, but what a waste of energy!

Creating 8 billion versions of the self, using precious creational energy, just to keep up a completely illusory reality… This is quite the eye-opener indeed. – All the more reason to passionately keep practicing what we have been taught and consciously use our creational power for expansion of the self and the whole only. Consistently and continuously.

Eja’i San’zaia’e
Da Hana Akeyasan Chachi Ram San

Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
4 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️ As Ascended Life has always said, in multiple ways, ‘there is no world, only that which we create, and that which we are – here as creators to experience our creations’. How truly silly it feels that we even let ourselves identify with thinking otherwise, thoughts I and we all have the heart-based power and tools with which to transform our choices and expressions from San, again and again, until we change our operating and belief systems to align with the truth of who we are. That having been said, this statement by the Cosmic Twelve was a real eye-opener for me when I first heard it, having simply bought into the mind program that does not even consider anything beyond its programming — hook, line, and sinker. Da’ka’ya Da Cosmic Twelve o Da All Ascended Life for reminding us of the truth and who we are, consistently and continuously, My deepest gratitude and love, always.

San’a’kaya i ohami vish imzaia’e,
Da Hana Akeyasan Amber San

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