This card just came up for me as an imzaia card in the synchronicity engine. Quite the powerful statement.
To let go of the past, to let go of it all, the names, the places, the events etc., shared all those years ago in 2007 by beloved Adamus, and now, in 2024 or early 2025, with the Queen’s Chamber exercise now available permanently for all via beloved Isis of ancient Egypt, a direct pathway to achieve this – and then some – has now been provided alongside the rest of the infinometry info in the Creator Manifest.
Da’ka’ya for highlighting this, and ish, an absolute magical time ❤️
I am also loving how the holographic nature of the Work is undeniably showing itself every time. Any card, any Session, any bit of information, deepens the understanding of other parts of information, no matter the moment it was recorded.
This card just came up for me as an imzaia card in the synchronicity engine. Quite the powerful statement.
To let go of the past, to let go of it all, the names, the places, the events etc., shared all those years ago in 2007 by beloved Adamus, and now, in 2024 or early 2025, with the Queen’s Chamber exercise now available permanently for all via beloved Isis of ancient Egypt, a direct pathway to achieve this – and then some – has now been provided alongside the rest of the infinometry info in the Creator Manifest.
What an absolutely magical time.
Love in Sankara,
Da Pah Kwan Yin San
Da’ka’ya for highlighting this, and ish, an absolute magical time ❤️
I am also loving how the holographic nature of the Work is undeniably showing itself every time. Any card, any Session, any bit of information, deepens the understanding of other parts of information, no matter the moment it was recorded.
Indeed 🥰 Metaphysical truth is cool like that 😍