Imzaia Excerpt May 6 2019

Different Reasons To Be Here Now

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

For many technical reasons that I will not go into here and now, human personality is done processing and digesting itself; it has reached the end of its linear timeline, finally allowing those within the ranks of humanity, those that listened to the call and that took up the baton, to let go of their “coats” and codes of personality, of ego, and of mind, in an effort to begin embracing a new and different self.

Meeting yourself and stepping in line with who you really are is nothing but a stripping away of all of the layers of have to’s and to do’s and what you are left with is simply your core identity, your core persona, which is the spark that you took with you when you came to Earth. Within that spark are many hidden gifts, which could not be unpacked in an old energy reality, but can be accessed from within this new energy realm, where your soul is prepared to take upon itself different tasks, different meanings, attributes, attitudes, and capabilities, all of which can start to emerge in tonal space, if you choose to allow that to happen, which means that you must understand that a release, once again, is needed: the release of the old personalities, the old habits, and the old attitudes.

I am not telling you to throw it all away, but to check with yourself: which aspects of the self, which things on your to do and have to lists, which of these things are actually in line with what your soul and the core of you truly is all about.

If you can strip away those things that don’t matter and only leave those things that make your heart sing, the things that make your belly burn and that make your head spin in this jazzy way that comes when all of the downloads are happening for you, then you will move on the right track, then you will start to find for yourself that there are different reasons why you came to planet Earth, different reasons to be here now. Discover those reasons. Throw away all of the grit of the many things you will discover are no longer necessary.

It is an exciting time to be on planet Earth, because not only can you completely reinvent yourself – which is a spiritual right of every being, at any point in time – but you can let this “newness of you” emerge and arrive on this planet, knowing that you are finally supported in those things that you took with you and deemed of the highest importance, those things that are the very motivation behind your choice to incarnate into a human vessel.

Source : The Study of Vibration | Supporting Videos | The Meaning of 11:11 for Human Evolution
Image credit : Da Hana Akenaya Ekaraia Gaia San

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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
3 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️

I am pretty sure that all of us here have always known that we were here for a very different reason than what we were made to believe. For the longest time, however, I, for one, truly had no idea what that different reason would turn out to be. Allowing my inner guidance to lead me to this Great Work, lovingly returned to us by Ascended Life, my very own purpose for being here now finally became clear: to start the amazing journey back to my core self and be in service of the whole.

And yes, that does entail becoming a blank slate again by stripping away layer after layer after layer of grit: outdated belief systems, vibrational habits, and every last bit of the ego/mind/personality construct until there is nothing left but the pure core self.

Exciting times, indeed!

San’a’kaya i ohami imzaia’e
Da Hana Akeyasan Chachi Ram San

Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
4 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️
Everything changes once we identify with being the witness of the story, instead of the actor in it.
Da’ka’ya Da Pah Kwan Yin San
Imzaia’e ❤️

Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San
4 years ago

San’a’ke ❤️ It truly is an exciting time to be here now to let newness in every moment to emerge: God meeting God, in expression and experience, throwing away all that is no longer necessary. Da’ka’ya, Da Pah Kwan Yin San and a big Ish to this!

San’a’kaya i ohami imzaia’e,
Da Hana Akeyasan Amber Adams San


Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
4 years ago

San’a’ke 💞

“Within that spark are many hidden gifts, which could not be unpacked in an old energy reality.”
If you choose to allow that to happen your life is going to be very very different. You will remember…
“You will be finally supported in those things that you took with you and deemed of the highest importance, those things that are the very motivation behind your choice to incarnate into a human vessel.”

This such a gift to be able to help others in this way. Understanding your motivations behind the scenes is at first almost scary because of the complexity created by the mind trying to come up with some defence mechanism in order for you not to have any recollection with the information. If one does not give up to the thoughts, it then changes to something really exiting. You are here now.

Eternal Ohami in San,
Da Hana Akeyasan Ekaraia Gaia San 🌺💗🌺

Da Ava Salya San
Da Ava Salya San
4 years ago

San’a’ke i ohami imzaia’e ❤️

I love this piece. Two sentences in particular stand out to me:

“human personality is done processing and digesting itself”

“If you can strip away those things that don’t matter and only leave those things that make your heart sing, the things that make your belly burn and that make your head spin in this jazzy way that comes when all of the downloads are happening for you, then you will move on the right track, then you will start to find for yourself that there are different reasons why you came to planet Earth, different reasons to be here now.”

Exciting times indeed! Da’ka’ya, so much!

San’a’ke ❤️🙏🏻❤️

Da Akeyasan Amy Makai San

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