This is the Creator

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

You have been mistakingly and, yes, even deceptively taught to define all objects outside of you and within you, and you will say “this is a flower, this is a tree, this is a chair, this is a person, this is a lover, this is an enemy, this is unfortunate,” or “this is beloved, this is joy, this is success.”

Yet I will tell you, this is a lie. However, where you see me defining things as lies, in my heart I truly define them as the infinite, beloved creator.

The lyrics of my words only match the song in your heart, but the song in mine is always and eternally flowing in one direction, and only in one direction: the infinite, beloved creator.

To find the same song instead of your predefined definitions, as you look around you and within you, try this: with everything and every one you see, forget, forego, and forgive all past definition, and instead say silently within yourself: “this is the creator, this is the creator, and this is the creator.”

Make this your new definition for all things, all thoughts, and all beings, and I guarantee you that the frames, the illusions, and the shells will quickly fall from your eyes, your heart, and your belly, for you will see, feel, and emit the Love for the one, infinite, beloved creator that you are, that all are, and that everything is; the one that is the truth beyond all concepts within the embrace that is your consciousness.

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Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
1 month ago

What a nice surprise to find and read this post today after what is share now in The Creator Manifest. Love this!
Thank you so much for everything o Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏

Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
2 years ago

Honoleia san’shi ohami imzaia’e o Da Pah Kwan Yin San
o Da’ka’ba’ya ohami vish’ka imzaia’e
Da imzaia’e ohami shi’ha’lyn shi’ish’ka’ra o vah’da’mi
Ya’ra honomeia

Da Amber San
Da Amber San
2 years ago

San’a’ke o Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏 ❤️ Da’ka’ya for this incredibly beautiful teaching. With even a little focused expression and practice already, this truly is an empowering, very feelable practice to release illusion and to consistently and continuously express San, in the embrace of the love that is the one infinite creator that “we are, all are, that everything is; the one that is the truth beyond all concepts within the embrace that is consciousness”. I will surely keep going and I am grateful beyond words. Da imzaia shi’ha’lyn o vah’da’mi ❤️ 🙏 ❤️

Last edited 2 years ago by Da Amber San

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