“The Heart of Portal Travel” (Session 32 of the Study of the Pah) is a feature length, channeled presentation by beloved Solarys, the voice and consciousness of the Great Central Sun at the heart of our Universe.

It was recorded on November 22, 2024, in the Ascended Master School in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

In this message, beloved Solarys teaches the specifics of portal travel through space, time, and alternate realities of the Multiverse, while also discussing the nature of finite reality within time and space versus infinite reality beyond it.


In this profound spiritual talk titled “The Heart of Portal Travel,” the beloved Solarys shares insights on love, creation, and the essence of reality from the Akeneic Creation perspective.

The session begins with an overwhelming expression of love for the audience, reminding them of the universal connection that binds all beings, both known and those beyond our current life’s acquaintance.

Solarys uses the metaphor of a child’s playroom to describe life, suggesting that our existence is an extension of a divine playground where we engage in creative play, yet always remain connected to our origin.

The talk delves into the concept of the “Time of the Great Simplifier,” where Solarys urges a shift from complex, technical knowledge to a simpler, more intuitive understanding of existence. This involves moving away from the mind’s intricacies (referred to as sahvok) towards the heart’s natural states (Sankara), like love, joy, and freedom. Here, Solarys emphasizes the importance of feeling over thinking, advocating for an experiential approach to life rather than an analytical one.

A significant portion of the talk explores the nature of reality, distinguishing between what we perceive through our mind and what is truly “real.” Beloved Solarys explains that while the mind can script experiences, it does not create reality; this is the domain of the heart or Sankara. The transmission invites listeners to question the emotions and thoughts they experience daily, asking if these are genuine or merely mental constructs.

“Portal Travel” is introduced not as a physical or technological act but as an internal journey. This concept revolves around abandoning the finite, ego-driven states of sahvok and embracing the infinite, pure states of Sankara.

The idea of “pure will” is contrasted with “free will,” where pure will aligns one’s choices with their divine essence, allowing for a natural transition or “travel” through different states of being or realities. This is achieved by adjusting one’s internal emotional and spiritual state to match the essence of the desired place or time, much like setting coordinates in a vast, multidimensional space.

Solarys also uses the interaction with animals as a practical example of embodying the pure states of Sankara, noting how these interactions can bypass the mind, leading to an experience of the eternal now, which is crucial for true portal travel.

The talk encourages listeners to experiment with these concepts, assuring that no harm can come from such exploration since negative outcomes are merely products of the sahvok field.

Concluding the session, beloved Solarys invites the audience to practice these teachings, emphasizing the journey towards self-realization, reconnection, and the simplification of life’s complexities into the pure essence of being.

The talk ends with a loving affirmation, expressing joy, love, and freedom in the collective journey towards higher consciousness. This video promises to be an enlightening guide for anyone seeking to understand the deeper layers of spiritual travel and self-mastery.


The Heart of Portal Travel


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


Da Solarys San


November 22, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

The Heart of Portal Travel

by Da Solarys San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Greetings to you, beloved, divine Creator. I am Da Solarys San of Akeneic Creation and I love you. Oh, how I love you.

Can you feel it? Can you feel the love, and the joy, and the freedom, of those pouring into this room right now, pouring out of your heart, and into this world that is your creation, that is your reflection, and that, indeed, is your playground.

You don’t often think of it as such. Most of the time, you walk through these lands with its valleys and its hills, its ups and its downs, without even thinking about it, or should I say, by thinking too much about it?

But… but, beloveds, I do not need to tell you that you have never left your place of origin, your place of home, and that all that appears to surround you now is merely playing out in that same environment. No different than in your cultures, in your houses, when you have children who like to play, who like to imagine, and invent all sorts of scenarios, you have a playroom in your house. And think of this environment as that room.

I want you, once again, to become aware of all those that are pouring into this room right now, and into all the rooms that you appear to sit in as you connect to this message. There are those joining whom you have met in this lifetime, and lost, or moved on from. There are many more joining whom you have never met in this lifetime: loved ones, guiding ones, such as myself, teachers to whom you are eternally and always connected, standing behind you right now, and touching your shoulders and, in some cases, the back of your heart space. Allow yourself, beloved creator, allow yourself to feel this because it is, essentially, a feeling that is more true, and more present, than anything else that you could find around you.

I also want you to become aware, especially those in this room right now, of all those beings, both within the field of time and space, and beyond it, that are bi-locating, essentially, into this space to join this moment.

And you can say: “Da Solarys San, how long is this going to go on for? Are you going to be listing arrivals for the rest of this session, or are we going to get somewhere?”

Well, beloveds, the truth is that I, if you can imagine it, am sitting here quite stunned. I knew that it would happen, that you would move through these densities and, ultimately, find yourself in the grand opening that you have now moved through, to find yourself in this world of infinometry, of, indeed, the great simplifier, and on this other side of this portal, into the aquarian age.

Now, I myself today will not share much about this arrival of the aquarian age itself. That will be left for the next speakers in sequence that will follow me: the Seven Infinities of the Pleiades, to begin with, and then, after 35 years of silence or more, the beloved Ra, a moment to which we all greatly look forward, indeed.

The Time of the Great Simplifier

But what I will speak of is the continuation of a tuition that I started in the introductory chapter of this Creator Manifest. It is for that reason that I will call this transmission ‘The Heart of Portal Travel.’ For those of you who have not had the opportunity to embrace my previous message, I invite you to do so either right now, or at a time very soon after listening to this piece. That piece was called ‘The Art of Portal Travel.’ And today, we will go into the heart of it.

But before we do – and yes, I will explain this to you in such a practical way that you can immediately begin practicing it after this message – but before we go into portal travel, I have some things to say, based on the recent communications that have been sent in after this chapter on infinometry began. And even though there will be specific moments of in-depth Q&A sessions with the beings that have presented you with the material that has recently come, I, today, wish to address the more subtle side, and the emotional side even, of the questions and the commentary that has been sent to us.

Many of you, as the mind would have it, after the seven sessions – or eight now – that have been recently presented to you, are on the look-out to get more technical information, have been asking to look into the earlier work, and where specifically one could find deepening information on the permanent states of San, for instance, on the tachyonic fields, for instance, and all of these things that have passed recently.

And while, of course, it has been shared with you that these permanent states themselves will soon communicate with you directly, to tell you more about their nature, and about their permanence, to name but a couple of topics, I refer to what I recently said at the start of this communication: you are now in the time of the great simplifier. The complexity of creation in the form of geometries, in the form of all the technical information in the world, that time, beloveds, is behind you.

While it is so that so-called technical information, theory, and deep metaphysical and multidimensional concepts can be described, and can be and will be delivered to you in the times to come, I want you to think about what you are actually looking for in the desire to deepen the knowledge that has now already been shared so far, because we are speaking about states that are inherent to you. The state of love, the state of joy, and the state of freedom – these are not things that need to be complicated. These are not things that need to be researched and investigated, not things that need to be mastered. The illusions, those things created by the mind, yes, that does require a certain mastery in the letting go of it, but this, the simplicity of the permanent states and the immutable elements, a creative act born from these states, there is nothing else to say. There is only to explore, and to feel.

Is What I am Feeling Actually Real?

And when you do, the real question to ask yourself in every moment, also for what will come later in this session, is: “Is what I am feeling actually real?” It is the most important question that you can ask yourselves right now, and I will explain why.

You have been told about the field of sahvok – or the mind, and the ego, and the personality – and the field of Sankara. Let’s simplify and say, the heart space. Finite creations, infinite creation, on the one side, and on the other side.

But then I want you to think about that for a minute, and let’s go and turn this into an example to make it easier to understand.

Imagine yourself waking up in the morning, in bed. Imagine in this scenario, there is nothing calling you in that day, no labour to go to, no appointments to keep. Nothing. And yet, you wake up, and you feel miserable. Everything is wrong for some reason. This could be mental, this could be physical, this could be mental and physical, what a joy. It could be the weather. It could be everything, and nothing. And there you are, adrift in this emotional mental thunderstorm that you call the mind, wondering what is wrong with you? What is wrong with the world? What is wrong?

Well, what is wrong is the operating system that you are playing with in that moment. And that is why I say to you, is what you are feeling real? When in previous messages others spoke about a time of great abandonment, then that is what this question refers to, and the abandonment is in the courage to distinguish between that, which is permanent, and that, which is finite as a state of experience.

It has been shared with you that all these finite things that the mind can generate are finite because they are unique. They have a beginning, a middle, and an end. And they are not unique because they aren’t being experienced and expressed similarly, through other people, but they are unique because these others around you, when they experience the same types of mental anguish, pain, what have you, and you, have one thing in common: you are creators.

Now, the mind-ego-personality system, the system otherwise known as ‘sahvok,’ is not a creator. I believe it was Da Pah Ekara San who recently shared with you that the field of Sankara is creative, whereas the field of sahvok, of the mind, is imaginative. It in itself cannot create reality. Nothing can create reality, except for the states of Sankara, as recently explained to you.

That means that the mind is nothing else – as has been shared before – than a script writer. It needs to provide these scripts to the producer and the actor of this little play, and that happens to be you. All the mind can do, all sahvok can do, is offer you scripts, stories, ideas, filters, opinions, judgements, thoughts, emotional states, and that sort of thing. But that, in itself, is not creating anything. It is not creating reality. What is creating reality is you through the system that has been explained. You. So, what does sahvok need to create anything? You.

Now, you may say: “Well, that is obvious, Da Solarys San.” And I will agree with that. Let it be reflected evermore in your behavior, and your approach, and your attitude towards sahvok.

Going back to the person waking up in their bed, feeling all cranky, feeling that everything is wrong, being offered this script. Well, there is only one opportunity in that moment – and one that will arise again, and again, and again, with each passing moment – to step out of that, and that is to address the simplicity, which is obvious – I am sorry to say – that that feeling, that experience of crankiness, and horribleness, is not going to change by waiting on an external stimuli, on external changes. It is only going to change by progressing through the experience that you have invoked by running the sahvok script, by producing it, by putting it on stage, as it were. It is only going to change by moving out of that, by accepting that that is what happened, and by questioning for yourself: “Are these things real?”

And when you say: “Are they real?” what you are really saying, what you are really asking, is: “Are they permanent?” Because if you are walking through a finite experience, one that is an emotional state, for instance, or a mental thought that is just running around, and around, by default, that finite experience is going to have to come to an end. Everyone here knows that everything born from the mind, or written by the mind, comes to an end. It literally wears itself out. It can be rage and anger, it can be sadness, it can be happiness, it can be orgasmic sensations, all of these things, finite as they are, will run themselves off the rails, and into oblivion, into their own ending.

The Truth About Sahvok

So, if that is the truth, then the progression of experience that you permutate outside of time and space, allows you to bring that expressed sahvok experience to a close within seconds. If you know it is finite, you abandon it. You let it be. You walk away from it. You act like the streaming services of this day and age, and you cancel the shit out of everything, basically – after only one season. That is what you do. You can either only be in that state, or in that state, can you not?

That state that is finite, on top of needing you to run this script, and to turn it into an experience, on top of that, the truth is that sahvok, as it affects you, isn’t even interested in you. It will abandon you, like a used object, you will be thrown aside, as soon as it manages to spread, and copy itself into your surrounding environment, and into those that are experiencing that surrounding environment with you, because that is what it is after. Its multiplication, as the parasite that it is, can only occur when others around it accept the state of sahvok as reality, too, because they may have been worn down by the energy that you are expressing, and at that point, as soon as the domino blocks around you being to fall, you, magically, will begin to feel better, and you will wonder what all the fuss is about. “Why is everyone so grumpy?” Well…! They are grumpy because you invited them to be, and the finite state reaches its conclusion, as quickly as it has infected others.

So, from that perspective, choosing that state of sahvok is absolutely illogical and schizophrenic, to name but a few. But understanding it, and understanding its invitation allows you to return to the home state, the state of Sankara, and allows you to abandon these finite states for what they are, and to open up to the simplicity of the flow, of the river, of that, which is permanent, that which is eternal.

It is for this reason, this switch now being instantly possible, that this is the time of great abandonment. If you understand with everything that you are that this state of creation of mind needs you in order to manifest it, then all it takes is for you to take responsibility for your creation, and to write your own script with the language and the song that we have brought back to you.

We hope that that, to some extent, helps those that feel they need to dig deeper into technical information, in order to get to a state of grasping what we are here talking about together, and it leads us to the discussion of this moment.

Previously, when I introduced the concept of portal travel to you – and I stated back then as well that this concept goes for the idea of bi-location, and all of these things that you have heard about in previous times – I explained that, from the perspective of mathematics, many years ago, the idea of infinity, the idea of God, was attempted to be understood by describing a circle with a center, and a circumference. The circles that you know about have a finite circumference, and have a zero point for a circle, but in the 17 and 1800s, and the early 1900s, mathematicians and metaphysicians explored the concept of that, which would be on the other side, the concept of God, the concept of infinity, and divinity. And many decades before ever understanding anything about the existence of black holes and such, they described the perfect formula of it, in their attempt to understand infinity.

What they did, is they tried to imagine – and this is, of course, a problem for the mind – to imagine a circle, of which the center point, the zero point, would begin to grow – in a way becoming a circle in itself – while the circumference of the circle would begin to shrink. And at some point, they meet. The zero point in the center, having become big enough to touch the circumference of the original circle itself, lift each other out of existence, and what you are left with, as the mathematics goes, is a circle, of which the center point is infinite, and of which the circumference is zero.

So, in other words, if that circle, and the environment inside of the circle, would be this training reality that you are in, then the collapsing of the reality occurs by the expansion of the center field, which is, in this case, the creator self, or within the kakra system and the body the Akene, the heart center.

And when I address this theory, I say to you, for once, they were right on the money. Not only is that the perfect description of what actually occurs within a black hole – and you now know that everything at the heart is one – but it is also the perfect description of reaching infinity through a finite space.

Of course, in order to do so, the abandonment of the finite is required. And that is the stage that you have now reached. A plateau that you can remain on, of course, as long as you are comfortable to, but in order to continue the climb, the rise, to continue the way home, if you will, this abandonment I speak of, of the finite states, will be required.

And that does not happen through technical information. That does not happen by studying the states of Sankara. That does not happen by attempting to draw schematics and memorize for yourself: “oh, yes, Da is here, and Ba is here,” and to have your little notebook with translations: Da is Love and this is this – no. That is all mind games. You already are a master at this. And the reality that you have manifested so magnificently around you is proof of it. So good are you, that you have appeared to have gotten yourself stuck in here with no memory, really, of what came before, what is out there. So, use that mastery now.

It was said the other day that what this really comes down to for this person that is lying in that bed, all grumpy, thinking that everything is wrong with everything, that what this shift from sahvok to Sankara really comes down to is the choice, the active choice, to want to be a light onto the world.

Pure Will

And I do not say that lightly, pardon the pun. Because it is that desire that is the shift from the concept that you consider free will, to the true type of expression of will, which we like to call ‘pure will.’

Free will is something that you have gotten so accustomed to. You throw it around left and right in the spiritual world, but also in the world of politics. You speak of freedom of speech, and this, and this, and this. All sorts of freedom. And free will to many, even through a religious perspective, means that you have the choice to get closer to the truth, or further away from the truth, closer to God or further away from God, which is, of course, bullshit because such a thing is not possible. You cannot get closer or further away from what you already are. But the free will concept that reigns supreme in the world of mind, and in the world of sahvok, and in this holographic training ground you call a reality, is only free because you get the choice to run the scripts that I have been speaking of earlier, or not. The free will is the embrace of sahvok. It is the choice to descend into finite creations to explore them, and to see what they are all about.

But free will, to those that are ready to move on, becomes quite a complicated thing. You see free will play out in the scenarios in the world around you. We don’t need to go back into the things that Da Pah Ekara San spoke of recently, but all of that is free will.

Pure will, that is the sense of passion, and the drive that comes to those that have been beaten up, and beaten down, over, and over, and over again, that have ridden the storms, that have been engulfed by the waves, and found their way back to the surface over, and over again. Then there comes a point, when you find it unacceptable to continue living like that, to continue choosing to wake up like that in the morning, or to go through your day like that, as I described earlier, and to find that good enough.

What is happening in those moments is that somewhere deep within you, the waters begin to stir every time you choose this supposed ‘free will’ because deep down – and maybe I should say, high up – you, of course, know that going into these emotional states, that creating from finite perspectives, that choosing all of these things that sahvok writes about and offers you, is foolish. You know this. You know that it won’t take you anywhere. You have not been listening to us, and working with this material for, in some cases ten or twenty years or more – or much longer in some cases – to not know that.

But eventually, something snaps, and when it does, that is the awakening, or the return to pure will. Pure will does not give you a choice. Pure will does not speak of left or right, or up or down, or light or dark. It is, by all defaults and all meanings of the word, pure. It is divine. It is infinite. It is the will of the creator, and it burns in each and every one of you.

It is, essentially, all you need to switch off, and move out of the sahvok system, and to leave the mind for what it is, and to move into the state of Sankara. Does it require guts? Yes, because it is a jump into the unknown. What does it even mean, to leave the finite states behind? It doesn’t mean, obviously, that you end up hanging in some sort of black void, arriving in the age of Aquarius, moving through the final portal, reaching the state of the Lyn point and infinometry. None of these things have meant that all of a sudden, automatically and by default, everything changes. If you are on a windows computer and you buy another type of computer and you put it in your house, but you don’t turn it on, or even when you do, if you keep using the old one, well… then you are going to be creating the old system. Therefore, the pure will is required.

And what it allows you to achieve, to move out of this state, and into the state of Sankara, and to begin to guide yourself through that state, is this idea of portal travel that was introduced.

And I personally do not like the concept at all because when you think of portals, and bi-location, and teleportation, all of these things, you think of things outside of you, but you don’t think of the fact that you are that energy, that each and every one of your particles, everything that makes you you, and if you take all of that together as one whole, as just one big particle, then even that is, at its heart, this portal.

So, working with portal travel is working with yourself. Portal traveling from the perspective of Sankara is simply normal movement, normal expression and progression of experience. But again, we come back to that one sentence, is what you are feeling real?

Now, why is that sentence so important, even when it comes to portal travel? Well, if it is indeed so – and I can verify that it is – that you are generating reality around you, using these different states of love, and joy, and freedom, and truth, and life, and gratitude, and grace, and wellbeing, and the states that you are generating within yourself as the final four in that sequence – if that is indeed so, then it is also so that every single experience that you have ever had, every single location at every given moment in time that you have ever visited, every moment in the past that you have ever witnessed, everything, that all of these moments, and experiences, and locations, you could say, each were a slightly different expression of your song of love, joy, freedom, and the other permanent states of Sankara.

Choose your Coordinates

To simplify by an example: you are sitting in this moment right now. We are talking. We are experiencing this moment. That means that the state of love, and the state of joy, and the state of freedom, and the state of truth, and all of these different permanent states, are balanced in a slightly exact way, which is unique to each and every moment in time, each and every space in time, each and every experience in time, never repeats itself twice, unique, and, therefore, from the field of Sankara, they form, and their exact expressions in that moment, form the coordinates, if you will, of the experience, and the moment, and the space, and the time, that you are in.

Some of you love your SciFi concepts, and some of you probably, if I look into your popular culture – well, it is almost a bit old-fashioned now, but – used to love to watch these movies and series called ‘Stargate,’ written by people who thought that portals were something outside of you.

And, of course, do not forget that for the days of the service to self based societies, such as Atlantis, portals were a technological thing that was outside of them. It is true, of course, that you can generate a wormhole, that sort of thing, technologically, rip a hole in everything, like a fool, and travel through it.

But the concept of Stargate I bring up because if you remember, in order to activate this round sort of portal-like Stargate, there were glyphs around the Stargate and there was a control panel that had to be clicked, a sort of dial-up system, if you will. And with each unique configuration of the glyphs, when pressed, the system would start dialing, until it locked into place. And at that point, you would see some sort of watery substance come out of this Stargate and go back in. You would have a surface of a pond that you could then travel through. That is the SciFi concept.

But – and it is often so, of course – these things often refer to the truth, but slightly inverted. Because the truth is that working with your Sankara field is not very different. To travel to any moment in time and space, if you think about it, there is only three things that are possible. You can move yourself from one location of space to another location of space in the same time. You could move yourself from a location of space to that same space but in another moment in time, or to another space in another moment in time, or, thinking of the concept of alternative realities, and multiverses, within the same space and time, you can move yourself up and down those vibrational states. You can move yourself from the space that you are in right now to a space that is in a deeper vibrational setting where, for instance, your Corona lock-downs never ended, and where, indeed, now, you are in a fully blown police state. That is possible. You could also raise yourself to a state where those things never happened, and where, for instance, the concept of war is simply not a thing.

All of this, ultimately, comes down under the same umbrella of portal travel. And all of it simply has to do with how you are locking in the various Sankara states through your energy body, or through your kakric system.

Now, you can get complicated and you can speak about permutations of Da, and Di, and all of that, but, ultimately, as has been explained at the very beginning of these messages, you can also read the room, if you will. You can read the simple feelings, and the subtleties of all the different ways, in which you can experience this universal and unconditional love and its relation to all these other states, joy, freedom, etc.

So, in other words, every moment of time that you are in, including this one right now, has a specific Sankara signature, a specific and very subtly different configuration of balance of all of these things. And to move yourself from one field of space to another field of space in the same time, in a different time, or in a different vibrational reality of that same time and space, simply requires you to place these ingredients around you in that exact specific sensation. And when I say, place them around you, I really only merely mean, to feel them.

Now, imagine, that you would like to travel – I don’t know – to Hawaii. And for those that are listening to this in Hawaii, if you would like to travel yourself from the location you are in to the beach, then really – and I know this sounds ridiculously simple – but all you need to do, is to allow yourself to feel how you love that beach, the joy it brings, the state of freedom it brings, what sort of freedom it is, how does that feel exactly, how subtle is that? And all of these other states because these are specific configurations.

We have always said, in order to portal travel, you must match the vibration and the frequencies of the place that you wish to go to. And this is how that works. You match those vibrations by placing yourself in the field of feelings that comes with being there. Wherever it is you want to go, whatever time it is you want to go to, whatever vibrational level it is you want to go to. And that works for the field of lavat, for this holographic training reality. It works for planet Earth, and other systems. It also works to transport yourself inside and out of this training ground. Because this is the simple system of movement known in Honomeia.

And nobody has put a limit on these Ekaraias, in the sense that when you are in here, you cannot also experience other expressions. Nobody has put that limit on it, ever. The only limit that is placed on that is through your acceptance of the mind, through your acceptance of sahvok. But many of the students that are higher up in these Ekaraias, in these holographic training grounds, are continuing, of course, with them, while being aware of not only other Ekaraias, but also continue their expressions and experiences outside of here.

So, why is it then that when you dream about being in Hawaii, or you dream about seeing a loved one again that has passed, or is on some other continent, or you dream about manifesting something in your life that isn’t coming, why is that then? Well, this has to do with what I said earlier: Is what you are feeling real? And is the abandonment of sahvok in place?

Because, yes, of course, you can place these ingredients around you. You can try to activate the type of love that you would feel for that beach, the type of joy that you would feel, and you can create all of this in perfect balance, and in perfect sequence, and yet, nothing will happen. Why is that? It is simply because you are holding on to the space that you are in. Full abandonment means full abandonment. It means that you must completely place yourself outside of the setting you are leaving from, and in the setting that you are going to. And that means, abandonment of any association – and when I say association, I mean sahvok based association – of that place.

Now, think about it. Think about what you have recently been taught about the moment. You have recently been reminded of the fact that the moment is eternal, and that everything that has happened inside of time and space so far, if you will, and anything that could possibly happen, from the perspective of Sankara, is the same moment, is one moment. And it was said to you that in that moment, things rise and things fall, and that these are the generations of the ingredients.

But to sahvok, sahvok considers the moment very briefly, in more ways than one, it reduced it to time pockets of seconds, and the more refined your science can count these seconds into smaller and smaller bits, down to the micro and smaller, the idea of sahvok  of what a moment is, becomes smaller.

And for those of you aware of the circle of awareness – pardon the pun – where you have the past of the self, and the past of the other, and the future of the self, and the future of the other, and the eternal now at the center, there you see how sahvok organizes the moment, with past and future in place. But from the perspective of Sankara, that circle, the center of that circle widens, and everything is the eternal now moment.

Going back to my previous class, ‘The Art of Portal Travel,’ I took you through an exercise then – and others have before as well – where we invoked the honu, the sea turtle, or the dolphin, or the whale, and recently, the canine, and the cat. And if you go further into the third kakra, the flying birds, and those sorts of things.

And as I tried to take you through this exercise last time, I said: “Place the dog there, place this there, place that there,” and, of course, with the knowledge that you have today, you are beginning to understand now that I am not talking about placing the energy of a dog there, or of a whale there – or wherever in that exercise we took you through at the time, but what we were trying to say to you, is the unconditional states that these beings can bring to you, can remind you of. Because that is a good example, that is where you should go if you want to understand the type of love, and joy, and freedom, etc., that we are talking about.

You see it most closely in your animal kingdom, how you can interact with these beings, and how they feel to you, and how you feel to them, with a purity, a directness, that bypasses the mind, that bypasses the ego, and that often reduces your personality to shreds because it forces you – interaction with these types of being – forces you into the eternal now, forces you into that space that I am telling you is required to portal travel. The abandonment that is required, is visible there.

So, the practice, if you will, is this: I want you to start considering how you are truly feeling. If you feel emotional states, you feel mental states, you feel physical pain, you feel all of these things, then use your pure will to bypass that script, and that free will, and to look what is behind it, and to look far enough, until you get to the permanent states.

Anger, for instance, to be simple about it for a second, is usually, or is often, the result of fear, or of pain, grief, anguish. And that is often the result of the appearance of a lack of love, or care, or those sorts of things, and then apparent separation. But, ultimately, you can accept that script and play that out, or you can go for the pure will of Sankara, and make yourself experience exactly what state your love field is in, your joy field is in, etc., and then to change their settings and move out of the finite creation that you have placed yourself in. That is the beginning of portal travel.

It Requires You

Because for those that wish to actually see themselves disappear from one space, and move into the next, you are going to have to let go of that sahvok field. So, the first thing to begin portaling yourself out of, is that sahvok field, and the finite entanglement, the armor, the prison, it puts you in.

So, in other words, be a light onto the world. Make it so that you are not responsible for allowing the sahvok energy to parasite the people around you, and the things around you, by choosing the pure will, and stepping out of it yourself. And when you are there, register the specific nature of the San elements that you are feeling – the love, the joy, the freedom – because it is those states, and their subtle balanced settings that, with enough abandonment of the original sahvok based location, will allow you to transfer yourself, to move, in other words, beyond the state.

As you can tell, beloveds, it is difficult to try and explain this to you because, essentially, it is so very simple, but it requires you. It requires you to explore, you to experiment, you to dare to venture, and make mistakes. Nothing can go wrong. The only thing that is ever of a negative weight is that, which you create in sahvok states. That is complicated. With these natural tools, the outcomes are always going to lead you to exactly what you require. So, have no fear when you experiment with this.

Finally, I can feel the many questions, and mind fucks, and the complications that some are experiencing while listening to these words, and I would advise to those to understand that this is exactly the sahvok field I am talking about, and that the way out of it is to stop focusing on it, and to simply start practicing, wherever you are right now. It has been explained that as you focus on the love within your first kakra that, technically speaking, due to the holographic environment outside of time and space that the kakra really is, that love is everywhere, permeating everything in space, in time, up and down the vibrational ladder, everything.

That is the first thing to focus on in this exercise, because when you simply start by attempting to feel the difference in your state of love, the subtle difference in your interactions in the rooms you are in, in the environments you are in, the thoughts that are coming through your system, each time a subtle difference in these fields, then that is the thing to catalogue. But it is not a type of cataloguing that is mental. It is not as though this system is only going to work for you when you mentally have registered all the differences, of all the different spaces, and all the different environments, and all the billions of different ways, and more, in which you can feel that subtleness of love. No. And then you will not have a massive manual that you have to quickly go through, in order to say: “Oh, yes, this is what I need to experience to go to that place, or to experience that time.” No. Again, this comes natural to you.

So, in other words, the biggest problem here, is that you are going to have to trust yourselves. Trust yourselves that this is already what you are doing, flying by this system if you will, and creating reality by this system, and trust yourselves that the most natural thing about you is what you feel in the permanent states.

In other words, when you begin daydreaming about someone, and you actually, successfully manifest something, it is not because you, you know, added enough of love, and a little dash of this and just enough, it is not an alchemical reaction like that. It is a natural one. It is about naturally embodying and allowing yourself to feel these states once again, but with abandonment. With releasing everything about the sahvok world that you once thought important.

And, again, this is not going to lead – when you do so – to great isolation, or to great carelessness. No, quite the opposite, it is going to lead to embrace. It is going to lead to compassion and great care because that is simply who you are.

Beloved ones, I feel that the words of this particular session now best come to an end in the hopes that you will take the time to come, to practice with what is being said here, because the faster you will return to remembering, and becoming comfortable with this type of expression and progression, the faster you will feel the disentangling of the sahvok world, and the sahvok universe. And when that occurs, the more room there will be once again, for you to feel these natural states and to realize – and I am sorry to be so repetitive – but to realize that this is already what you are doing, in order to manifest this moment and to sit here and listen, or to be on your phone, or reading this book that you might be holding. In order to get to that expression, you already created a balance of all of these states in order to express that reality.

So, all it requires now is for you to do it consciously. And once again, doing that, means placing your consciousness at that system, and to accept only those states as reality generating, and to release that, which has been the complexity of a reality that was not moldable, and that was not – to say the least – very friendly.

Release the armor. Release the mental anguish. Release the idea of finite time and finite space. Release the concepts of past and future, and see everything as the eternal now, and you will be firmly on your way.

Next time I speak, naturally, we will take this further. But until then, I wish you great adventure on this path, great recollection, and, above all, reconnection.

It goes without saying that I, Da Solarys San, am in love with you, that I am in joy with you, and that, together, we are freedom.

Thank you to Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San for the lovely accompaniment, and the translation of the song into music, and much gratitude to you all for being the explorers and the venturers that you are.

With all that I am, this is Da Solarys San, signing off.

And so it ish.

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Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
1 month ago

Very happy to see this important a beautiful session on the site today !! Thank you so much ❤️∞

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