“Tantra of Transcendence” (Session 28 of the Study of the Pah) is a feature length, channeled presentation by beloved Kuthumi lal Singh, recorded on Sunday, November 10, 2024, in the Ascended Master School in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

How does one exist when the field of time and space are no longer the baseline and what exactly lies beyond it? In this 1 hour and 20 minutes long message, Kuthumi presents some first, practical steps beyond this holographic reality simulation and helps you remember how to navigate the reality beyond this space/time continuum.


Embark on a profound spiritual journey with the beloved Kuthumi lal Singh in this enlightening talk titled “Tantra of Transcendence.” This video delves into the essence of tantra, not merely as a practice centered on sexuality, but as a broader concept of weaving together different elements of existence. Kuthumi explains the Sanskrit origin of the word ‘tantra,’ meaning to weave or unite, offering listeners a deeper understanding of how this applies to transcending our current state of consciousness.

In this session, Kuthumi explores the idea of transcendence beyond time, where ‘trans-ended’ signifies moving past the end of temporal existence. He introduces the metaphysical concept of our being as composed of black holes, each leading to a singularity or a Lyn point, symbolizing the unity and the point of consciousness.

The discussion then pivots to practical methods for achieving these elevated states of awareness, crucial for navigating the complexities of modern spiritual challenges. The talk further elaborates on the distinction between the ego-mind-personality construct (sahvok) and the consciousness of the creator (Sankara), where love, joy, and freedom are not just emotions but structural, mathematical elements in the universe’s fabric.

Kuthumi stresses the importance of permeability in manifestation—how being open to change and progress allows one’s dreams and intentions to materialize, contrasting with the resistance or closed-off nature of some individuals.

Beloved Kuthumi then guides the audience through an interactive meditative exercise, aiming to visualize and experience infinometry in a meditative state. This practice is designed to help participants move their consciousness through certain points to understand manifestation from a Sankara perspective, which transcends the physical and temporal constraints.

Philosophically, Kuthumi challenges the notion of duality, advocating for a shift from service to self or others towards service to the whole. This shift dissolves traditional dualistic views, leading to a more integrated, non-dualistic experience of reality. He hints at forthcoming revelations, including insights from the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, which suggest humanity’s expansion into a broader universal citizenship and the acknowledgment of other forms of life and dimensions.

This video culminates with an invitation to awaken to Sankara, urging a conscious choice to progress beyond mere expression into a state of being that embraces the interconnectedness of all that exists. It serves as both a spiritual bedtime narrative and a wake-up call to a new way of perceiving and interacting with the universe.

Prepare to have your understanding of reality expanded and your spiritual practice transformed through this profound discourse on transcendence and unity. Join us in this journey beyond the self, into the heart of creation, and awaken to Sankara consciousness.


Tantra of Transcendence


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San


November 10, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

Tantra of Transcendence

by Da Ejakasan'da Kuthumi Valen San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.


Looks like we made it

Look how far we’ve come, my babies

We might have took the long way

But we knew that we’d get there some day

I’ve read, some said, we’d never make it

But just look at us holding on

We’re still together, still going strong

I am glad we didn’t listen

Look at what we would be missing!

Hahaha! Namaste, Namaste, Namaste!

It is I, Kuthumi lal Singh, known to Imzaia as Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San. And that is a bit of a mouthful I know. Believe me, it is. So, you can just refer to me as auntie, or uncle. Whatever state of consciousness you would like to place myself in, I will be there for you. Gender, body, no body, none of that matters. What matters, is the heart, and the heart is what we will be discussing here tonight.

Ah, beloved Imzaia, it is so good to see all of you, here, and out there, in whatever time, in whatever moment you are connecting to this place here. It is wonderful to be back with all of you.

And look, look at what you have accomplished lately. It is quite something. And because of it, I am going to talk to you today about very practical ways, in which to achieve these states that have been extremely complicated here, on this board, due to the force of the dragon, recently.

But let’s simplify things because, ultimately, what you are dealing with here, is nothing else but what you could describe as ‘the Tantra of Transcendence.’

Now, you may think: “Tantra, that is all about sexuality,” and yes, in some practices, tantra and sexuality are blended together, in order to find a union. Because the word ‘tantra,’ for some of you who may not know this, it is originally a Sanskrit word, which means, to weave together, to weave worlds together, to be woven together. That is the meaning of tantra in Sanskrit.

Moving Beyond the Essence of Time

So, when we speak here about the Tantra of Transcendence, then we are talking about transcendence, both in the concept as you know it – to reach higher ground, to observe from a higher perspective – but also, in a way, the word can be interpreted as ‘trans-ended.’

And no, no, no! This is not my plea against the wokeness in the world. There has been enough shit that has been thrown my way since the wokeness started. And they all say, “Oh, what is with the voice? What is with all these voices in a white body?” And then I say to you, woke bastards, “I, Kuthumi lal Singh, identify in this voice!” Boom! Computing error!

Anyway, trans-endance. Nothing to do with the current popular word, but the reaching beyond, the trans-itioning beyond the end of things. And what other end is there, when you speak of endings, than endings in time? So, moving beyond, in essence, the end of time.

Now, doing this with each and every particle of your being, as Da Lemuaya San tried to explain here, because each and every part of your being, at its core, as he explained, is a black hole, and a black hole, as you know by now, leads to a singularity. And you know that that singularity, each time, is the Lyn point, the point of One, the point of consciousness.

So, moving beyond that, taking all of you, everything that you are, every particle, if you will, that is you, not only now, but also in every state of your expression, and of your being, and moving that beyond that point of singularity, beyond the point of when time comes to an end.

It is very simple, of course, if you look at this universe from the perspective of what was explained here, by beloved Da Lemuaya San, because then you have your big bang, your entrance into the Ekaraia, ultimately, the compression of an infinite consciousness as it goes through the eye of the needle, and it goes, “weh, weh, weh!” The universal sound of arrival, translated only in Dah’lyn as, “What the actual fuck did I get into!?” Yes, read the small print, bitches. Indeed.

So, that compression of consciousness, as it comes into a finite expression, which is an illusion of itself, that is, ultimately, what is happening, and that is also what can be, once again, moved out of.

Now, we are going to be discussing this today. Because as you move out of the state of ego-mind-personality, in metaphysical language labeled ‘sahvok,’ and as you move into the state of Sankara, which is, ultimately, the creator awareness of self, and of the whole, and of the combination of that, in unity, you are going to have to learn to play by different rules, as it has been explained.

The Active Ingredients

The software of sahvok and, if you will, the software – which isn’t the software, but just for the metaphor – of Sankara, are two different things altogether. Sankara is why we have been blabbering on, and on, and on, to you over the years about San, about the active ingredients. Why we keep talking about love, and joy, and freedom, because, as you have now begun to see, these things are actual building blocks, mathematical building blocks, like your 1s, and your 2s, and your 3s, and all of these things, mathematically build a waveform, or a vibrational state, or whatever it is.

And in order to get used to that particular state of being, you must understand that when Da Lemuaya San was saying that you will have to let go, and also the Cosmic Twelve were saying, that you would have to let go of everything that you know, then this isn’t a joke. This is not an exaggeration. This is a full-blown, all-in type proposition, except for the fact that letting go does not mean, saying goodbye forever. That was also explained. You will continue to have awareness, and access, to this particular Ekaraia and lifetime, but also to all the other ones, all the other expressions of your lifetimes, and to your higher consciousness, or your original consciousness, as it were itself, hm?

But being in those states requires a different remembrance of what it means to be, to do, to exist, to move even, because you are not dealing with physical matter out there. You are not dealing with gravity. You are not dealing with photons. You are not dealing with distance, and time, as you know it, and you are not dealing with space as you know it.

So, if all of these things, as recently explained – physical time, physical space – mean nothing out here, beyond this field of lavat, then how do you move? How do you exist, once you find your first moment of reawakening in that state?

And that takes us back to what beloved Da Lemuaya San stated about the formation of geometry through the field of Lyn. He spoke about distance in time, and duration in space, causing the ability of Lyn to form each and every point inside of this illusory reality, inside of this field of lavat, of every single geometry, of every single photon ever to exist in this infinite multiverse of things, and complexity.

Duration in Space, Distance in Time

He explained that it is particularly this concept of applying duration to space, and distance to time. And then he sort of moved on from it, and today we are going to take a moment to go deeper into this, because it will become very important for your own beingness, and your own navigation, not even only when you are focused out of here, but even in your own meditation states, and things like that. But remember for now that applying these two techniques is what causes the virtual points of geometry to be placed, within this reality, out of phase with one another. Remember that.

Now, it might get a little bit more complicated for a second, but it will also get simpler because of that.

Now, think of it this way for a second: try to understand that the duration of a field of space, such as the field of space that you are sitting in right now, the duration of a field of space or, in other words also, the duration in that field of space, the length of its existence as a field of space, is dependent on the distance in time within that field of space, as seen from the consciousness of the Lyn point, and its expression of experience, as well as its duration of experience.

In other words, the duration of an expression of experience is dependent on the distance traveled in the progression of that experience.

If you translate that down into the world here, where you have the experience of physical time, and physical space, as well as personal time, and personal space, you could say from an often used spiritual platitude that, your experiences will repeat themselves, until you learn from them, until you master them, until the catalyst has been mastered.

So, if you know that Dah’lyn is a metaphysical language, which is a creator of reality, not a describer of reality, like the languages you currently have here on Earth. When the last time in Lemurian times Dah’lyn was uttered – Da, Ba, all of that – that literally manifested reality. That literally means, you know, a Lemurian walks into a bar and orders a beer. And there is no bartender because the beer will appear – unless you want to go chat with a bartender. But that is literally… A Lemurian wants a house, and describes the house in Dah’lyn, and the house will appear. Yes. Eat that, Rothchilds and Rockefellers. Because that is what you are capable of. And once you are returned to the point of Sankara, to the awareness of Sankara, and you can apply not only that awareness there, but also here, you will begin to see the changes that will come in human consciousness. But more about that another time.

Back to personal space, and time, and physical space, and time. So, here where you are experiencing physical space and time, which is clock time, let’s say – a second is a second, a minute is a minute, everyone is in agreement about that, and yada, yada, yada, and you have time zones, and all of that nonsense – that is what moves independently from you as it appears, but your personal time, which can happen when you are mesmerized, hypnotized by your television, or reading a book, or simply meditating, or thinking about something, or daydreaming, or driving a car in the mist, let’s say, or those sorts of things, when you are in that personal time, that is a completely different experience.

In that experience, and that is the point here, that experience, which is expressed through Dah’lyn, the expression of experience does not evolve, until the progression of experience occurs. That means you create the experience for a reason, and if you do not partake of the experience, it will remain your experience, and that will be your personal hell. Welcome to the Ekaraia.

Until you say: “there is now a progression of experience because I have engaged with the experience. I have mastered the experience, using the San ingredients, the expressions of love, and joy, and freedom, and truth, and life, and gratitude, [and grace,] and wellbeing,” and the other ones that you generate for yourself, which is also part of being in these Ekaraias. And once you engage with the experience, and there is a progression of experience, therefore, which is in personal space and time, your passage of time, the progression of the experience that you are making, then the expression of the experience can complete, and evolve. Otherwise you are just constantly singing the same song, in other words, the same refrain over and over again, which is something that spiritual people, and early people on the path, tend to do.

And then you wonder to yourselves, “Why am I being spoken to by ascended life 10 years long about the same thing?” Well, because you are singing the same song. And you are expressing that experience of being on the path, but you are not choosing to sing the song of progression, the Vah’lyn of the Dah’lyn, you see?

Now, when you are in this tantric space of transcendence, which is the field, or the consciousness, or the awareness, of Sankara, which is beyond the field of infinometry, but which is invoked in order to generate the Ekaraia, but from where the field of infinometry can be observed from the other side, much like later in this talk, I will take you through an experience of observing the field of infinometry from this side first, where you are now, but the same is, ultimately, done on the other side.

From that side, you observe all of this through expression and progression. Once you are there, you will, let’s say, pop into a room (to make it easy), like the room that you are now sitting in, you will manifest an expression of an experience, a field of space as you are used to it here, but to get from here to that door is not going to be dependent on muscular structure, or on physical energy, or how much oatmeal you had that day, or anything like that. It is not going to be that, it is not going to be distance the way you… It is not going to be 7 meters, or 8 meters. The distance between you and that door could be 8 meters, it could be infinite. You could be walking towards that door in an expression of space, of experience, forever, until you progress in the experience of walking to the door. I know this sounds like a stupid example, but until you allow yourself to progress in the experience of walking to that door.

In other words, you cannot be passive. You must be in the action. You must be in the experience, and you, and your choices of experiencing things, is the progression of that experience that moves the expression forward. Those are your muscles, and your senses, inside, or outside of here, and inside of Sankara space.

Math of the Universe

Now, I say this because as you will become aware of manifesting the field that you see created here in the form of a pyramid – and most of the time it will be a pyramid you will manifest, but in higher levels of training, this entire structure can be avoided. But we will talk about that another time. – For the sake of this particular discussion, once the focus has been manifested and, therefore, the Lyn point has been generated in order for the Ekaraia, the holographic reality training grounds, to literally be projected from a 2D surface, and then to be experienced in a 3D environment, to manifest all of that. Da Lemuaya San spoke of ‘permutations of permanence.’ And he said, this is a type of math.

Now, the good thing about this ‘meth’ is that it doesn’t smack you in the face, and knock all your teeth out. This math is both not a drug, nor an incomprehensible, and absolutely incorrect type of calculus that you have here in your limited system of 10, or whatever types of mathematics you want to apply. This is the mathematics of the universe, and everything that is beyond. And as Da Lemuaya San has tried to explain to you, it is based on the feelings that you can experience here, because those feelings of love, and joy, and freedom, are the remnants, the remnants, that which remains after the processing, and the permutations, and the manifestations, and the tachyonic fields, and the placement of photons, and the geometries, and the – fphfr – the turning on of the engine, and the turning on of the ego, and the turning on of the mind, and the turning on, and the big bang of your reality, as you arrive here. What remains of these permutations is your field of feeling, not the sense of conditional love, and happiness in a conditional state, and all of these things, freedom, because you have the ability to buy something that you like, or the ability to wear a hijab, or to not wear a hijab, or what have you, all of these things. None of that freedom I am talking about.

I am talking about the building blocks of reality, the mathematics, which you still can sense here as the field of love, the field of joy, the field of freedom, the field of truth, the field of life, etc., as Da Pah Kwan Yin San, in the presentation prior to mine, has attempted to explain to you in the Da’Ka Principle, before the arrival of Da Lemuaya San. Go back to it. Those sensations are still within you as the only truth that is not the illusion that is around you, for you to be able to still be manifesting reality, whether you are aware of it, or not. They are the remnant of your permutations that are running, as you are generating the geometries that, ultimately, manifest your reality. It really is that simple.

So, what confuses the mind is that love doesn’t seem to be a number. And joy doesn’t seem to be a number, etc. But math doesn’t have to be about numbers. It is about structures, these feelings that you experience as love, etc., these are structures, expressed into experience, which we call Dah’lyn, that you manifest, and with which you manifest a reality.

So, it is, ultimately, pretty similar to what you are used to in here, from the perspective of the platonic ideals, and the platonic geometries, and that, ultimately, manifesting vibrational reality, but it is very different because these structures, such as Da, Ba, and Va – love, joy, and freedom – are not virtual. And, therefore, the structure itself is not out of phase with itself.

First of all, none of these structures, if you were to attempt to draw Da, it would not happen with points, it would not happen with geometries the way you are used to. These are structures that you cannot imagine with your minds, so, I cannot draw them on this board. What you would see is nothing that would make any sense to you. You would see merely a toddler scratching on a board, ultimately, because that it how it would translate to your mind, because there is too many dimensions needed to imagine the structure of a Da building block, or a Ba building block, but not, of course, from the perspective of Sankara. There, you will be able to observe. But even then, when you place your consciousness back here, you will not be able to draw it, or explain it. The only way you can work with it here, is to use these feelings of love, and joy, and freedom, and truth, and life, as Da Pah Kwan Yin San has described.

And when I say, love, again, I don’t mean just merely the love that you can feel in your heart, but the fact, for instance, you could be with your child, or with a lover, or a friend, and in that moment, have such a connection that there is nothing that comes before, and nothing that comes after. That level of experience is what you can bring here, when it comes to Dah’lyn.

About Permeability

And then the next thing that is very important to understand here, is that once these things kick in for you, and you are now very close to the manifestation of the 11th, and beyond, of course, once these things kick in for you, it won’t merely be about handling these permutations on a conscious level, it will also be, in order to reach this state of tantra of transcendence, if you will, it will very much become not only about permutation, but about permeability. Permeability. Because every single human, and every single animal, and every single mineral, and every single tree, and rock, and what have you not, they all dream. They all imagine. Everyone imagines things, and everyone wants to see certain outcomes, and everyone believes certain things that some people seem to be manifesting effortlessly. Elon Musk, good example. “Catch a rocket with two little chopsticks, please.” Done. Manifested. There are many people out there who probably had the same idea once. That they were just sort of having a joint, you know, and thinking… “Oh, wouldn’t that be cool!” And somehow for them it then doesn’t manifest. Maybe because they don’t have a space company, but you know. That also is a manifestation that he went after.

Now, these are big chunks of manifestation, but also the little things. For some people it happens, and for others, it doesn’t. Even going all the way back to the most spiritual of ideas, and the most new age times, in 2001, when you were speaking with Kryon about your parking angels. “Oh, parking angel, give me a parking spot, please!” Some people managed to do so all the time, and others were like, “Fuck you, parking angel, I am not talking to you anymore!” After a thousand attempts, you know? “I am not inviting you to my birthday party any longer!”

But the reason one happens and the other doesn’t, is permeability, your ability to allow permeation, permeation of that expression. So, in other words, are you a stone brick wall, or are you in a state of osmosis? Are you allowing porousness through? Yes. Think about that. I love those ideas. Allowing yourself to break into a sweat, you know what I mean? Permeate, bitches, for once in your goddamn lives! That is what I say. And stop living up here. Stop imagining up here. Stop thinking it can all be different. Start making it different. Start manifesting it different.

That is the difference between one and the other, and not because of physical work per se – that may be part of it, depending on what we are talking about – but mainly because of willingness to be open, willingness to change. Again, to go back to what I said earlier, the willingness to progress in your experience.

And now we could, of course, hold a six-hour chat in the new age realm, and in the psychological realm, as to why people don’t want to progress, and that people like to stay in their shit. Because it is easier to be a victim, it is easy to complain about it, it is easy to stay stuck because then you can’t fail when you try. When you stay the seed it is safe to say that you could one day be a flower, but you can’t fuck up and become a fucking bush! Or a Kamala! Or any of those people. Although I thought she did a good Bush for her time on the stage. Go Gaia! She did that very well. Yes, that was a manifestation of Da Gaia San. But more about that another time when Da Gaia San speaks. Believe me, that is coming. If you want the political update for 2024, and 2025, wait till Da Gaia San is on the stage here. But that is coming.

Anyway, so as I was saying, it is your willingness to move into progression, and not just expression of an experience, that is the permeability.

So, the ability to allow your dreams to come through, and not again by physical “Arbeit” – We are close to Germany – physical work, physical hardship. Not because of those sorts of things, but simply because it is so in here, in here, and especially, in here. Three black holes, of which the top one, and the center one, are bi-directional, but the bottom one, the belly, is one-directional. It can only manifest things.

That is what you must remember. You must do that manifestation. If you just get stuck up here, or in the center here, then, yeah, then maybe there is a little bit of a pfft, pfft, pfft once in a while as something splurges out, splutters out, you know. And then, here and there you might have a moment that you think, “Oh, a parking spot!”

But that is not what we are talking about. We are talking about the trantra of trans-endence. We are talking about weaving together, and taking together all of these points of your being, and all of these wormholes, as Da Lemuaya San described them. The tachyonic pathways between the true point, and the virtual points, are in entanglement if you remember, virtual entanglement, through these wormholes.

Now, imagine that you take all of these strings together, and take them together. That is the state of tantra because now you are aware of all the states, all the particles, all the pathways that are responsible for the creation of the field around you. That is the state of tantra. That is the state also of kundalini, but ‘Kundalini of Kuthumi’ didn’t sound as good as ‘Tantra of Transcendence.’ So…

But anyway, that is the state of this tantra, where you bring all of this together. And when you progress that into experience, you take all of these particles, and you bring them to an end point of time, so that the next expression of experience can occur, and the song can commence that rises you out into the state of Sankara, if you will.

So, permeation beyond the permutation is extremely important. You can calculate and imagine, but you must live. You must be. You must express and progress.

Sorry to spend so much time on this, but when you are in that state, you will understand why, because I hope in that moment, everyone, you will remember my words. You probably will, because it is how you will move. It is not dependent on a heartbeat, on a breath, on muscles, on shoes, on feet. You will manifest the idea of feet probably, and shoes, because you will initially manifest, you will express an experience that you are used to. And it, of course, is very possible here in Sankara space, in Honomeia space, to create the exact same environment than the one in here, in temporal space, of course. And that is what you will do initially.

I mean, there might be some that are such experienced travelers on the substances, and the out of body experiences, and what have you, that might instantly go for a bit. But even then they will, ultimately, manifest a more astral state. Still not the actual state of Honomeia because that will be something that will come a little bit later. It is not time to fully exit this exercise yet. That is the next manifest, after the Creator one. Hint, hint..

So, as we have explained, all of this, and what I have attempted to touch upon now, will become clearer to you, as we will attempt in the continuation of this Creator Manifest, to take you through these states, to the point that you can feel comfortable invoking them yourself.

An ‘Amuse Bouche’

Let’s take a moment, before the end of this, and take you through a very small sample, a taster, an ‘amuse bouche,’ if you will, of what is coming. And again, this invoking the awareness of all of these states at the same time, is something that is going to happen continuously, so you are not usually going to be doing this, an exercise as to follow, with your eyes closed, but I do advise for perhaps this one time – and maybe a few times more – to do consider closing your eyes for these, because it will assist you initially in manifesting some visuals that you might want to use. So, perhaps close your eyes for a bit.

Now, for many of you, as you close your eyes, immediately, you might see in front of you a manifestation of an infinity sign, or an infinometry that is floating around in there. If you don’t immediately see it upon closing the eyes, then I suggest moving your eyes a few times in the shape of an infinity sign, behind your closed eyes, in order to invoke the vaguest of references of this infinity sign, of this infinometry.

Now, for many of you, when you are invoking this visual, you might see it move, and spin around, and even disappearing in to the distance, and that sort of thing, but just let that happen. Let that happen. In many cases you will see many dozens upon dozens, an entire field of infinity signs, faint lines, some are silent, some are twisting, whatever it is. Focus on the one that you that you feel most comfortable with, that is easiest for you to visualize, to imagine, and, indeed, to invoke.

When you are focusing on this, then I invite you to allow this infinity to become still, to stop spinning perhaps, and to come to you. And as it hangs there, on the left, and the right, of that infinity sign, invoke two points, the Ra points, and move your consciousness through these two points. On both sides move your full consciousness through these two points.

And as you do, you will feel yourself drawn towards what is beyond it, the Lyn point. There, you stay with your focus. All of this is happening in the head kakra.

I want you to now to awaken, and bring into the equation your heart kakra, your akene. It is from within that place that you will invoke your song, your permutations of the permanent states of San. And when doing so in the quiet time after this exercise, when you do this, if you will, properly, without my words, in the stillness of your own heart, and your own head, as these permutations of Da, Ba, Va, Ra, Ka, and the others, begin to sing through your heart, and affect this Lyn point, then you can begin to observe the geometries that are being created, and from there, push yourself through those into the reality that you have just manifested through the song. And truly, it is as simple as that, to then collapse that geometrical reality into a physical one, one of apparent matter and energy, in time and space.

When you flip the observation of time and space, and no longer observe from the Lyn perspective the duration of space, and the distance of time, but, as one would have it here, the distance in space, and the duration in time, which is exactly what will trigger the coat of personality – known as the ego-mind-personality-construct – that is best fitted for that reality that you have created.

Now, there will be few that managed to do much with your eyes closed, and while listening to my words. So, I invite you, after this, later on, to listen to this a few times, and to get used to the flow of this experience. You will learn that it is very quickly achieved, and that you can only make it harder than it truly is by thinking about it, by considering what is happening, and that sort of thing.

What for many of you already will have happened at the start of this experience just now, is that when you closed your eyes, many of you will very quickly have immediately seen the presence of the infinometry, the infinity sign. And that is only going to increase after passing through the 11th portal, the so-called ‘Final Portal,’ because from that moment forward is when exercises such as this one, and the many others that will follow, will truly kick in with an ease, and an efficiency, and a swiftness, that might throw you out of the experience, initially.

But, from the perspective of Sankara, you better get used to that because manifestation is easy. Permutation, permeation, and manifestation – publication if you will, if you want another ‘p’ – is easy. It is as easy as saying, one, two, three. It is as easy as saying, love, joy, freedom, as easy as saying, Da, Ba, Va. There is no difficulty in manifesting these Ekaraias from the perspective of Honomeia. The difficulty is getting out of them. And, as I have just explained today, the main reason for that is not the Dah’lyn, not the expression of experience, not the generation of the space itself, but the Vah’lyn, the progression of the experience, the time, therefore, duration, in which the field of space that you have generated exists.

And you can see it for yourselves. Even your best scientists over the years, such as Einstein, have said, “Yes, time and space, they are illusions, but very persistent ones at that.” Because even when you know mathematically, and scientifically, that they are, that doesn’t mean that you can feel that they are. And that is because the heart is missing. And, ultimately, where the little experience that I let you sample for a second, will take you, of course, is the belly, the actual manifestation of the event, of the thing, of the experience in general, that you are wishing to focus upon.

So, maybe these were just a bunch of ideas, and words, and concepts, that I have thrown at you now, but as you go forward in the next few days, and until we speak again – I speak again to you – I would really like to invite you to begin to understand and, therefore, also experience, that your sahvok state, the state that is your ego, your mind, and your personality, is not necessary here, inside of these Ekaraias. It is, indeed, the state you are trying to free yourself from, and to cast aside, like the shadow that keeps following you around.

The Sankara Perspective

So, the best way to prepare yourself overnight, and into tomorrow, and onward, is not merely to make the decision, “I am not going to be like that anymore. Those days are over. They are gone. I am going to operate from this Sankara perspective now, from a space of personal time and personal space, where the mind, and the ego, and the personality, are not constructs based on geometry, but the awareness of the creator, the expression of the creator, and the progression of the creator that you are.”

And because of that awareness that you will reach, and that you will bring here, and that you will carry here, allow yourself to permeate the transformation into the being that you truly are, and give up the need for the disassociation that is described here, as your Ekaraia has been, and that the being known as Luke has deemed unnecessary at this time, and allow yourself to bring home here, the true values that you know deep down you are based on, and be love, and be joy, and be freedom, and be truth, and be life, and be gratitude, and be grace, and be wellbeing, and in that journey find those final four building blocks that are unique to you. Literally the pieces, the four new pieces of yourself that you came into this exercise for, to pick up in this virtual place, and to bring back out into the field of Sankara, to expand your creator awareness, your creator consciousness, your creator being, and to expand, indeed, the creator whole, the Pah of Honomeia, of our home reality itself.

Because these exercises, these Ekaraias, these holographic realities, they are not merely entertainment, obviously, and they are certainly not merely personally advantageous to the student experiencing them, and not even merely collectively advantageous to the student body as a whole, and the education that is this, and that is beyond this, in Honomeia, in your training there. They are also building blocks that you bring out of here, and that become available to the entire beingness.

Because, of course, it is not so that in Honomeia, every single being that is born becomes a student of the Pah either. There are many other beings, and there are many other paths, and ways, for beings that are not focused on the expansion of the Pah. You know, just like here, you have bakers, and you have butchers, and you have hairdressers, and you have all sorts of different people, and then you have the ones that study certain things, and take realities forward. And then, the people that are the bakers, and the butchers, benefit from that because new ideas are born, and new concepts are born. We call beings that are not Akeyasans on the path, Hono’shi, celebrators of the Creator.

And, of course, we are talking about an infinite realm, so, these experiences, over time, can change when beings like such feel ready to step onto Vah’lyn, and become students of the Pah, and expand the Pah. And what you do in here, benefits not only your own understanding of sahvok, and finite creatorship, but also benefits the ability to create reality, and expand reality, from the perspective of the whole in the home base reality that you would describe of as Honomeia, where Sankara is the way, is the norm, much like here, in Honoleia, sahvok is the way, and is the norm.

Honoleia, therefore, is this side of the field of lavat, and of the black holes, and Honomeia is that side, the home base. The only thing you have done is flipped your consciousness in the generation of this exercise in Honomeia, to create this field here. But as I sit here, talking to you in this room, talking to you five years from now through this camera, talking to anyone in this moment, anywhere on world as you are watching this, I am just observing you from the perspective of Honomeia, and I have only very temporarily, in this moment, in order to come through here, generated this field that you see summarized here, in order to join in. And I am using, in order to do so, and to find myself in here, if you will, my very own four building blocks on top of the San ingredients, the eight San ingredients, that I manifested here, in order to find my anchor in here, to be of service, and to be of tuition to those seeking it. And that will be the same for you. You will continuously access these Ekaraias for the students that are here, training.

But that is something for an entirely different time.

For now, remember these things. Remember that it is absolutely unnecessary to continue on the path that you have so far this entire lifetime, with your sahvok settings. You could argue that until tomorrow, the appearance of the 11th portal, that it made sense to work via the field of sahvok, but after, it truly does not. And I hope that for many of you, the truth of the return to Sankara beckons, and that you are excited in exploring, and remembering, what it takes to exist, what it takes to move, to be, to do, to create when you are not here, and when muscles, and feet, and heartbeat, and breath, and hands, are not a thing.

We told you, it was going to be difficult to let go, even if you know that you do not truly have to abandon the principles of the mind, which have become, every time you are in here, so important, and so valuable.

But this is the way with childcare, isn’t it? When you create a baby, and you spend those first few months with it at home, and then you have to go back out into the world – whether that is working, or you have to be out for a while, whatever it is – it is not as though the baby is forever taken away from you. You will return to it, but still it feels as though it is a heartbreaking departure.

And for many of you, even though you say: “Oh, I can’t wait to expand consciousness,” and all of these things, you will see that you, too, are emotionally attached to much more than you think you are. Because it is easy to think: “I am emotionally attached to joy, or to loving things, or to things I like to eat, or do, people I love, or animals I love. or things I like to watch on television, hobbies,” but you are as emotionally attached to pain, to suffering to war, to detriment, to death, to all the horrible things that you would categorize in that area of reality. You are as emotionally attached to that.

Beyond and Without Duality

The greatest observation, and the first observation, you will make when in the coming days you will reach the state of Sankara for the first time again, if you will – that you remember at least, right now – will be what it is like to be beyond, and without, duality.

Because as the state of Sankara is descending into the field of lavat – because that is how the Ekaraia is changing, you will be bringing this in here – and as all of these virtual points that were only once connected to the Lyn point, will interconnect, will do the same, will become reciprocal, but not permanent in here – temporal and spatial, but reciprocal – when that state of trinity returns, this is the disappearance of the possibility of the service to self path, as has been addressed by beloved Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, earlier this year. It is at that point that the option of service to self completely falls away.

By now, since April, since he said these things, you all – every single one of you – must have seen many, many examples of the masklessness that he was talking about, beginning with the world stage, with Trump, and Kamala, and with what is happening in your wars, and how so many companies, and institutions, are being shown for what they truly are. But more importantly, how deep down within, how everyone is looking at all of that on their phones, and their TVs, and their socials, and are saying, “Fuck that shit!” And that is where you are right now.

So, beloveds, as you move beyond the ability to manifest service to self and, therefore, duality here, all that will be left is service to the whole, because service to other is only a reflective point that is generated because of the need for duality, as the service to the whole falls apart in two states. Service to other is as virtual, and as unreal, as is service to self. Service to other is only needed if there is something as a self and an other, that is not connected, and that is separated. And service to other is only needed when there is such a thing as service to self as an option. But when both of these options, when this option collapses, that option, because of the nature of entanglement, also collapses. And what is left is the service to the whole. That is why this pathway becomes accessible, and that is what you are going to have to bring to the world. That is what you are going to have to allow to permeate.

So, having said all of that, I think it is best that I leave it here today, and that I put you to bed, and tuck you in, so that you are ready for tomorrow. I have told you a story now, a little fairytale, to put you to bed, and to give you good dreams. The fairytale is real, the place from which you will sleep is not.

As you return to body tomorrow, and the 11th commences, do not expect fireworks, and golden skies, and golden oceans, huh? Don’t be that person, but expect that you will have the possibility to disentangle the sahvokery of the self, and to awaken the Sankara of the self.

Do so, and never look back. You have ventured in the depths of this Ekaraia for long enough. And when I say, the depths, believe me, this, your latest experience in the last whatever years, your lifetime, is the surface of that depth. There have been many deeper states than this one. And every single time, you have taken this step closer to Sankara, as you ascended out of the state of sahvok, with each of these passing states of the Ekaraia.

Now, we are here to move through this final portal, this final state, that is one that you have generated yourself, this portal. It is not as though there is a parkours planned in for these sorts of things. As you have seen, the expression of experience, and the progression of experience, is extremely important. Potent enough that one being, as Luke has shown, can choose a progression to such an extent that it impacts the expression of experience for all beings.

So, don’t underrate the power of the force, huh, because it is potent, and it is real, and it is coming home to you.

So, awaken tomorrow and choose the field of Sankara because it will be about choice, initially. You can linger in the state of sahvok for as long as you want, and in that expression as long as you want, but a new, authentic, original expression is now available to you, and I suggest, you return to it.

When your day commences, it will be our great pleasure, and our great honor, to present to you the energies of our beloved Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, as they like to be called. And their message to all of humanity will be a welcoming one, as you return to the state of universal citizenship, and as you will begin to realize that you are not so alone out there, and that everything that you have shoved into the corner of your awareness – scientifically speaking, as black energy, black matter, or these days you have to say, ‘dark energy’ and ‘dark matter’ (woke much?) – everything that you have shoved away there, all those pockets of the rest of your so-called universe, that you could not understand, that your science says, “Well, there is 5% that is us, that is light, and that is matter, and that is vibration, and there is 95% that is… yeah, god knows what it is. Probably belongs with that junk DNA that we threw away the other day.” Yes. But it is those parts of your universe that will light up, where the light will go on, as you will become aware of the cities, and the ships, and the beings, and all of these things – all of them – that belong to the land of myth, and the land of the mythological, and the land of the fantastic, and the land of imagination, and the land of the metaphysical.

So, as the light will go on in here, as you will go ‘click, click, click,’ room by room, ingredient by ingredient, as you will turn yourself back on. And then you will do the same in your heart, and you will do the same in your belly, so will the universe around you light up, and become present, and you will see more of it for what it truly is.

There is a lot that can be said about these Ekaraias. They are not running on some server somewhere, but you could think of it like that, and if you do, then you could imagine, if you will, that the algorithm – bla, bla, bla, it is just a description, this is not how it really goes – is designed in such a way that all of these individual pockets of reality that seemingly exist as you climb higher towards the return of the space of Sankara, merge together into one full program if you will.

So, those that have spoken over the years, such as the Pleiades, and other races, and beings in other dimensions, even the ghosts, and the afterlife, and all those sorts of things, all of that is packed in that 95%, and all of that is life, and all of that is reuniting. And reunification and reprocicity is near.

So, go to bed, dream your dream of separation, and wake up, and weave together the bits and the pieces that you have willingly allowed yourself to separate.

All we are saying, is give Lyn a break! Because when the structure of all of this will be explained again, you will see the transformation, particularly here, in the Lyn point. But that is for another time.

For now, again, sleep well, awaken well, and enjoy the Seven Sisters, because they have a lot to tell you about your universal heritage, and about the place called ‘home.’

All I am is love for you, and joy, and freedom. I will see you again soon.

And so it is.

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