“Return to Sankara” (Session 29 of the Study of the Pah) is a feature length, channeled presentation by the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, recorded on November 11, 2024, for the 11:11 Portal Day, in the Ascended Master School in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

Some of the topics discussed are: the entry of the human species into universal citizenship and what this means for you; existing beyond the finite limitations of the space/time continuum; the truth of UFO’s, aliens, and the universe at large; the use of universal language and universal mathematics, to mention but a few. It is not an exaggeration to say that this presentation is pregnant with meaning and overflowing with empowerment.


Welcome to today’s profound spiritual exploration, “Return to Sankara,” presented by the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, who also identify as the Sisters of SaRa, translating to “Sisters of Grateful Truth.” This enlightening discourse was delivered on November 11, 2024, and it delves deep into the nature of consciousness, reality, and the transformative journey of the human spirit.

In this video, the Seven Sisters clarify their identity, noting that while humans refer to them as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, they embrace the term “Sisters of SaRa” to signify their gratitude for the truth of Ra, which significantly altered their existence from a state of deep warfare to one of peace and enlightenment. They explain that their designation as “seven” and “sisters” is symbolic; they represent a seven-fold nature but exist in much greater numbers across the cosmos, embodying a feminine, creative energy.

The talk then transitions into the historical context of human consciousness, likening humanity to a seed that has finally broken through the soil after being nurtured by the Ra material since ancient Egyptian times. This metaphor symbolizes humanity’s transition from a state of confinement and complexity (sahvok) to one of expansion and simplicity (Sankara). They assert that human consciousness has now reached what they call the “Lyn point,” a pivotal stage of balance and permanence, where the traditional cycles of reincarnation and physicality are transcended.

A significant portion of the discussion is dedicated to the nature of reality and creation. The Seven Sisters introduce the concept of reality creation through metaphysical “permanent states” or ingredients like love, joy, freedom, and truth (Da, Ba, Va, Ra, etc.). These are not merely physical entities but are the essence of creating and understanding reality at a higher level. The kakra system, different from the more familiar chakra system, is explained as the mechanism through which these states are permuted into physical existence, with three key centers in the head, heart, and belly each managing specific ingredients.

The talk also touches on the phenomena of UFOs and alien encounters, framing them as non-physical manifestations from dimensions beyond our typical understanding of space and time. These are seen as signs of human consciousness beginning to interact with higher dimensional realities, necessitating a new understanding of how we perceive and engage with the universe.

The concept of the “Eternal Now” and the increase in deja vu experiences are discussed as natural outcomes of reaching the Lyn point, where individuals become directly responsible for the permutations of reality, leading to a life that feels more like observing pre-scripted events rather than experiencing them anew.

This shift, they suggest, will lead to a profound increase in precognitive dreaming and an understanding of one’s role in the cosmic tapestry. Each individual, according to the Sisters, has unique ingredients or “permanent states” (9, 10, 11, 12) which are to be cherished and used in personal spiritual growth rather than shared outwardly. These ingredients will eventually contribute to the universal consciousness, much like every concept or object we perceive today was once a private seed of creation from past civilizations or beings.

The practical application of this knowledge emphasizes moving from complexity to simplicity, from the physical to the metaphysical. The talk encourages embracing states like love and gratitude as they are permeable, allowing true interaction with broader cosmic entities.

A brief mention of Tesla’s understanding of the numbers 3, 6, and 9 not as physical math but as keys to metaphysical permutations underscores the importance of freedom and gratitude in discovering one’s unique spiritual ingredients.

In conclusion, this video invites you to abandon limitations, celebrate this transformative era, and engage with the magical potential of the current cosmic alignment. Join us in exploring these profound spiritual insights, and remember, as the Seven Sisters suggest, to focus on the celebration of your journey into Sankara.


Return to Sankara


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades


November 11, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

Return to Sankara

by The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

This transmission is balanced. We greet you in gratitude. We identify here as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, but before we commence with the information transmission of today, there are some things that need to be clarified for the sake of completion, and for the sake of openness.

Yes, from your angle you call us the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, and this is obviously because of the star system where you place our consciousness from the perspective of your own, and this universe.

The Sisters of SaRa

From our perspective, it would be more apt to call us the Sisters of SaRa. Translated into English this means the Sisters of Grateful Truth. Grateful, because when the truth of Ra reached our existence, and our lives, like it did yours in Egyptian times, our society, indeed a complex of societies, on various star systems, and planetary systems, more expanded than you can currently imagine as the human race, we found ourselves, indeed, in a state of great warfare. Warfare, in a way that from your human perspective is hard to imagine. A warfare that reaches beyond the use of weaponry, and propaganda, and murder, and such, but one that reached deep into the minds of the opponent, and manipulated perspectives on time and space, on history, on the very beingness itself. Our own version of your Atlantis, but one that was allowed to go much, much further – once again – than the concept of war that you are currently aware of.

So indeed, grateful we were, and are, once the truth of Ra reached us. As such, we call ourselves the Sisters of SaRa.

Also, the term ‘sisters’ can be misleading. We use it to identify a feminine birthing protecting energy of creatorship, to which we are committed within all of infinity. And also, the term ‘seven’, in conjunction with sisters, can be misleading, for not only from the perspective of our star system itself are there more than a mere seven stars within our cluster. There is an abundance of stars within our cluster, but we use the term due to the fact that we consider ourselves seven-fold. Our nature is of seven-foldedness. We are seven. We are seventy. We are seven hundred, and seven thousand. We are seven hundred thousand. We are seven million, seven billion, and onwards. Indeed, we are of seven infinities, much like your human expression of consciousness is of twelve infinities. We hope this clarifies the nature of our beingness to some extent, but for all intents and purposes, the usage of ‘Seven Sisters of the Pleiades’ will do.

On this day we join with you in celebrating the expansion of consciousness, which for you, began at the start of the splitting of the atom, much like it did for us. The state of sahvok, the state of mind, which with this splitting, this looking deeper into the foundation of things, with which this occurs, is of extreme importance to the duration of the finiteness of sahvok in cultures such as ours once was, and such as yours once was, we can say today.

You, although you may disagree, looking at your history, did not venture deep at all into the trenches, and the depths, of sahvok, of the mind. You could argue that in the duration of your history you merely scratched the surface of that infinite pond, before reversing course, and opening up to the presence of universal truth in your societies, by means of the arrival of the sages of the past, carrying their heart, and within that heart, the core of infinite truth of the beloved creator self, and the beloved creator whole.

From our perspective this journey took us much further into the field of technology, and external exploration. It took you a number of thousands of years, if you start at the introduction of the message of Ra in Egyptian times. For us, that distance in time was at least tripled, if not quadrupled, for some within our systems, prior to the beginning of emergence, and the commencement of the release of sahvok in favor of the return to Sankara: the state of beingness, in which the creator self awareness, and the consciousness of the creator whole, are unified in one creator being.

As you sit here on this day, and as you have traversed now this final portal which hasn’t merely taken you through, but for lack of a better description, also up. Your consciousness, at current, finds itself at the so called Lyn point, recently discussed by the beloveds Da Lemuaya San and Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San. From within this perspective, as has been shared, it becomes indeed vital to learn how to place that consciousness in a permanent balance between itself, and the versions of itself that it encounters here, at this level of awareness. To do so requires the abandonment of all things sahvok, and the embrace of all things Sankara, and this is exactly what you are ready to do. Many of you have been ready for a long time, others only recently. But to all observational methods, it is clear that this point, the consciousness of every single expression of humanity is at the pace, and the stage, of this Lyn point.

A Seed in the Soil

In a practical way, it does indeed mean the breaking out of what appears to some, to have been a type of prison, although it is not, a type of blockage, although it is not. We hope that the words of the beloved Da Kuthumi San reached you properly, yesterday, when he explained the difference between an expression of an experience, and the progression of, and within, that experience. You could easily argue that your entire experience of the society of humanity that you have had prior to, and since the arrival of the information of truth that is Ra, in Egyptian times, that this entire period since, and up until this recent point now, may have well taken place under the surface of your planet, for indeed, from a metaphysical perspective, that is where you have been.

You, as a collective, and as an individual, have been in the state of the seed that was planted in the soil by you as the creator, here, a long, long time ago. And, your senses that you are so used to – the sense of sight, the sense of touch, the sense of taste, and onward – are those with which you were allowed to be able to identify the soil, and its nutrients, and indeed its darkness, within which you were placed by yourselves to grow.

You could consider the arrival of the Ra material in Egyptian times as the moment of watering, and the sprouting underneath the soil. What has occurred now is that your seedling has broken through the surface, and is for the first time, observing the sunlight, and an entirely different environment that it thought was reality. It is indeed the burden of having been in that environment, which has allowed the seedling to sprout, and to break through. And now at the point of Lyn, you are beyond lavat, beyond vibration, and frequency, and matter, and indeed, reincarnation, and all of these things. You are beyond the field of the tachyonic, through which the entanglement of every single part of you, towards the field and point of Lyn occurred, and you are at the level of permanence. At the bridge of this permanence, you are indeed, now on your way to growing fully towards that. And, much like that very seed in the soil could never have become that flower inside of that soil, nor can you become the flower of consciousness, while continuing to restrict yourselves to the rules, and laws, and methods, and ways of being, and principles, of the so called soil.

It is the flowering of your consciousness, in other words, that is taking you out of this darkness. And, if we take this metaphor to a universal perspective, as the beloved Kuthumi San has pointed out, you can argue that the perspective of the flower could not have existed without the perspective of the seed. The seed in the soil, universally, was only aware of the world of matter, the world of vibration and frequency, duality in this case, and darkness, even though it thought it knew light. Universally speaking, you can compare this, as Da Kuthumi San has said, to the 5% of this universe that you are aware of. This is, indeed, the universal soil.

And, since the splitting of your atom, you have become aware, slowly but gradually, even though mystics, again, and sages, and loners, those that observed and witnessed rather than partook, were already aware in their own right, but especially since the splitting of the atom, you have become aware of other forms of consciousness.

You have called these aliens. You have called these U.F.Os. You have new names for them now. The names do not matter. What does matter is the understanding that none of these sightings, or viewings, or even direct experiences of craft, and being on board, or taken to such things, ever have been physical experiences. None of them ever were. None of these craft, none of these beings, are physical, are based on biology, or technology, or any of these other types of things, which make up the structure of your space/time continuum. All of these beings, and all of these objects, hail from the space, if I may use the word in a metaphorical way, from the space that you are now entering into. It has been labeled the personal space, the personal time, the experiential space and time. This is where all other consciousness, all other beings of love, of life, of light, exist, once the shell of the seed has been broken, like in your case now, too.

So, that means that we welcome you into the galactic, into the universal, and into that which lies beyond. You now take your place as a civilization amongst the stars. But do not mistake this description for physicality, for I hope, and we all do, that by now, as you consider that which has been explained recently, you understand that this universal consciousness, and citizenship, which we describe takes part beyond the confines of your lavat prison, your lavat crystal, your lavat seed, which has now been shattered.

And, as you take your place, and as you find your footing within this larger culture of beingness, all of which rejoice in the love, and in the light, of the creator self, and the creator whole, and the creatorship itself, you will begin to naturally understand principles, which previously were too simple for you to understand, given that you were beings of complexity, as is the way of those searching sahvok.

These simple principles that have been touched upon relentlessly, in both this material that you are currently listening to, but also in material that surrounds it, in the world throughout the centuries. Relentlessly, you have heard of love, and of joy, and of freedom, and recently you have learned of the larger, more metaphysical concepts, that these states of feeling relate to within the metaphysical.

But, the days of theory are over. Continuing to create from the perspective of sahvok means continuing to generate expressions of experience, without, or with very little progression of experience, and then indeed you create fields like the ones that you are used to existing in: fields of time and space, that interact with gravity consciousness, leading to the gravity well that is the compressed physicality of vibrational material states, such as the generation of the body, and the generation of separate objects that appear to surround you. But, at the point of Lyn, where your consciousness is now placed, that very consciousness is not dealing with the mental states of manifestation, but with permutation, and permeation, of permanence.

Reality Creation Tools

These permanence states, relentlessly as we have been in their description, are indeed unchangeable. It is why you can feel love beyond the grave, and for things that don’t even exist yet. It is why you can feel joy for things that have been, for things that are now, and for things that might be. And we do not need to go through the entire list. But these states of permanence are, indeed, the reality creation tools, and indeed, therefore, the mathematics that is needed for you to understand your new environment.

Those that have been on the Imzaia journey for a while know of the difference, for instance, between the chakra system and the kakra system. One is virtual and unreal, and the other one is truth and is permanent. The chakra system is needed to translate vibration and frequency into matter, to direct the gravity well, and to manipulate the particles around you, to take on the shapes, and the illusions, and the forms, that you have been so comfortable with. The kakra system, however, is the permanent system that is not of lavat, and of sahvok, but that is of akeneic manifestation, that is in a state of permanence. These types of states of permanence is exactly what makes up your entire being, and it is why they are flooded through the kakra system at all time.

For a quick recap, and at the same time a slight expansion, we will share that the kakra system is three-fold when expressed: one takes place in the head, the other in the heart, and one in the belly. You can witness, and observe these as three spheres, three types of torus fields, therefore, three infinities, that exist in these states, of which technically speaking, only the center one is of true permanence, but that is not important for where this lecture takes us today.

Now imagine that these spheres can be split, each into four quadrants, one here front right, one here back right, one here left back, and one here front left. As the influx of San of these ingredients, which create reality, of these permanent states occurs, as the permutation that happens at the Lyn point commences, the influx will move into the first sphere, the first kakra, and will fill up this kakra with one of these ingredients each. In your head kakra, the flow that will fill up is a Da, Ba, Va, Ra flow, a love, joy, freedom, and truth flow. In the heart kakra, life, gratitude, grace, and well-being: Ka, Sa, Na, and Fa.

Ka Sa Na Fa, which to the mind, through which we are speaking, brings a small smile, for your concept of Casanova is exactly the opposite, in a way, a chaser of the conditional, a chaser of the physical. But the state of Ka, Sa, Na, Fa completes the list of ingredients, active ingredients of reality creation, which are the permanent states that are used to generate the permutations. When we say these permanent states are permanent, that means that they are. They are unmoving, they are uncreating in a way, they are balanced, they are present.

And, there is something needed to activate the permutation, and this is what we call the elemental range of San. It is the ‘o,’ the ‘a,’ the ‘e,’ and the ‘i,’ which, when translated deep enough into the field of gravity and vibration, are indeed, your building blocks of physical matter: earth, water, air, and fire, or light. When creatorship observes, puts its focus on these San building blocks, the flow of the elemental, which is the focus in itself that is placed upon these active ingredients, such as Da, Ba, Va and Ra, brings them into permutation.

A good example of this would be to consider Da, the building block known as love, which generates a space/time field that is original, and which has nothing that comes before it, and nothing that comes after it, can permutate using the elementals into Do, Da, De, and Di, much like the state of joy, Ba, can go into Bo, Ba, Be and Bi, and onward.

Not only this, but on top of that, the combination of each of these expressions can be linked together using the elementals: Da o De for instance would take the state of Da, the state of love, as expressed through the heart kakra, grounded through the expressive kakra in the belly, and express a state of love, that comes from the heart kakra: Da o De. Now while this may seem meaningless to you at this point, and you may not fully understand these concepts yet, you will see that it is the very application of that simple description that generates everything.

So, in a way you could argue that your so sought after theory of everything, or description of everything is right there for you: Da, Ba, Va, Ra, Ka, Sa, Na, Fa, in each of their ‘o,’ ‘a,’ ‘e,’ ‘i,’ permutations, and each combinable through the ‘o,’ ‘a,’ ‘e,’ ‘i,’ presence and expression itself, is the very simple field of San that is beyond time and space, and with which everything, including time and space itself, including gravity, and all of these things, photonic light, matter, and all of your rules and laws in science, and in physics, all of these things, come forth from those permutations.

And, while up until now, those permutations in the Lyn point, virtually generating all of geometry, and everything in matter, and vibration, and frequency, up until now, that process has happened without your direct involvement, or at least without your conscious involvement, the so called super conscious, of course, the creator self state, that you also are, has always been involved in generating this. But, as you have found your way to this final portal, you are now becoming directly responsible for generating these permutations of permanence, or these songs of San, into the rivers of San, which are the tachyonic wormholes, as you reach the state of lavat.

Now, this has an advantage, or many advantages, as you might imagine, but it also has the disadvantage that you will become less interested in merely focusing yourselves here and now. Because when doing so, while also being completely aware of the permutations themselves, it feels very much like watching episodes of television or movies on repeat, for you will already be very much aware of what you have generated for yourself here, because nothing in this state of lavat exists truly in the now.

The Eternal Now

Many, many years ago, others, and ourselves, we have spoken to you about the so called ‘Circle of Awareness,’ which you can also divide into four quadrants, where the heart of the circle is the eternal now, and where the four quadrants of the circle make up the past of the self, the past of the other, the future of the self, and the future of the other. Well technically, of course, that is the field of lavat when observed in two dimensions, where anything that is experienced here, or can be experienced here, is in one of those four states, but where the eternal now, from this particular drawing, here is always the Lyn point: the generator of the permutations of the permanent states of San, which projected in here, through the tachyonic field, generate the realities, the space/time, the events, the happenstances, the sequence of these sorts of things, and how they take place, through that point.

And now, with access directly, to the eternal now, to the Lyn point, you are going to find a massive increase in the so called deja vu. But not only that, you are literally going to find, as many already have, that you will be dreaming into existence the very days that you are about to experience afterwards, and that already, you will have seen what is to happen. So, it will be more like using this reality, will be more like a textbook-type environment, where you come to see the scientific experiments that you have generated in your permutations, play out.

But, it will not have the excitement for many of you that it once did because the true experience of the now, will be at the Lyn point, and beyond the Lyn point, into the true heart of infinometry, where you as the creator self exist. There, you will be initially fascinated to explore the countless thousands, in some cases, hundreds, and hundreds of thousands, and in some cases, the hundreds, and hundreds, of millions of so called lifetimes that you have created in here, that you are creating in here, and that you will ever create in here. And, you will be fascinated, initially, with the observation of the many other ekaraias, and what is happening there, and what you can take away from it.

But, very soon, this, much like the arrival of cable television, will become boring, too, much like, originally, you had your two or three channels on television, then you had cable, and then you had the internet, and social media, and now you are awash with the tidal waves of bad content, and repetitive content. And much in the same way you are going to start observing these ekaraias. The true adventure will be to raise up, to climb higher, to explore the truth, and to test out that truth at the level of sahvok, and the level of Sankara, here.

Four Unique Ingredients

But there is another point to the usage of San that we would like to bring up at this time, and that is that the ingredients of San are not eightfold for you. They are twelvefold for you. You have a third kakra. It is the belly kakra, and in the Da, Ba, Va, Ra and the Ka, Sa, Na, Fa, we have not discussed this one. That is because these last four points, these last four ingredients, are your own. They are unique, and technically speaking, they do not exist until you bring them into being by your expression, and your progression of the experiences that these permutations of permanence have brought to the fore.

Many of you have been humming these things your entire lives. Many of you have been doodling these things, as you chat away on your phones, as you daydream into other states of beingness, your entire lives. You are very aware of these four ingredients, and these four states for yourself. And in many cases, as a student on the path of ascension, you have even been given these in the form of your expression of signatures, what you call names, to some extent at least. And, it is certainly not the point as you go forward, that you begin to flood your socials, and bother everyone, including yourselves and your friends, with your ingredients that you have discovered. This is not something to share, to write about, to be egoic about, to be right and wrong about. It is something to cherish, to carry, and to birth.

And, much like you do not speak of the life of the child that is in your belly, when it is in your belly, you merely cherish it. That is what is required as you come to familiarity with these four ingredients, that are unique to your own. They were born in the dark, in the world of sahvok, in the seed that you once were, and they will emerge with you, as you begin to climb out of this ekaraia, and return to your state of creatorship, as the unique parts of your expression that you will add to the totality of the whole of the creator self that you are, and of the creator home that is the creator whole, that we refer to as Honomeia. At that point, these states will flood back into the ekaraias, and become available to all, for the nature of their experience.

You could wonder what does this mean exactly. Well, to give you one example, where do you think the concept of a tree came from? Where do you think a branch on that tree, a leaf on that tree, and for that matter, the color green that you experience here came from? They came from creators in ekaraias such as this one, that were here before you, and that in their own right have given shape, and thought, and form, to the very things that you surround yourselves with: that chair that you sit on, those legs that you walk around with, every single concept that exists here has been, once, a private and original seed of creation, before it became an active ingredient usable for the whole of creatorship. Of course, it is easier for you to understand what this means here than what it would mean in the larger reality surrounding these ekaraias.

A slight warning here: when I used the example of the tree, or the color green, or the leaf that was touched upon by my Sister, just now, then you should not consider this outcome of physicality, to be that which you go in search of. You are looking for the song. You are looking for the sound. You are looking for the originality that eventually, in permutations, and manifestation, will allow itself to take on these shapes in the world of vibration and matter.

So do not go in search from the perspective of an artist, or a scientist. Do not go, or make the mistake of a Leonardo DaVinci, that when he was touched with this knowledge, initially, thought he had to become an inventor, and create something original that didn’t exist yet. While it was a fascinating exploration that some of you still are entertained by to this day, and which has certainly brought the world interesting concepts, that period of his work was purely led through sahvok, and was the manifestation of vibrational and material things. It took him a long time to understand what we are saying to you now, so do not make that mistake unless you are interested, of course, in being an inventor from the realm of sahvok.

But for those that wish to explore Sankara, it all comes down to expression, and progression, of experience, and that occurs in the nature of a metaphysical song. One more warning: this is also not a song that you sing. There is no do-re-mi, and ladder scales, or anything like that. This is not a song of sound. These are songs within. These are permutations of Da, Ba, Va, Ra, and onward. Even the usage of sound to describe Da as Da, and Ba as Ba, is not the true Da, is not the true Ba. They are references, much like in your mathematics when you write down the number 1, and then 2, then 3, and then you speak 1, 2, 3, you are merely referring. So, dah’lyn, metaphysical expression, is not a language that is spoken. It is not something that is thought.

Nowhere in that process within the kakras is there anything that is a Da, or a Ba, etc. These are references we make, to point to the things that you must find within. But, once you become familiar with this, you will find the emergence of these last four ingredients of reality creation, unique to you. And, when you do, as you do so, you will find that your perspective rises beyond the Lyn point, as you can take greater distance, if you will, from the part of your awareness that is causing these permutations to happen.

Folding Light and Energy

A note, if I may, beloved Sisters, on the U.F.O. phenomena that we addressed earlier, the phenomena which we described as non-physical, and taking largely place outside of the third density of time and space, is very much such a manifestation of awareness of San, and Sankara, as expressed by points of consciousness that you would consider not of your civilization, but for instance, of ours, or others. And, the reason you are seeing them show up in the last fifty or so years, and especially in the last ten, has to do with the new ways in which your consciousness now allows you to fold light and energy.

It is important to understand this, because to affect true interaction, and communication on these levels, will require this language, this type of math, and permutation, to permeate. When the concept of permeation was introduced it is an attempt, indeed, to help you understand how this flows through you. When the beloved Sister earlier spoke of the prison that you put yourselves in, when you are still in the soil, as it were, and when you are still in the state of the seed, as it were, then you must imagine that you do this because of the lack of progression of the experience, but also because of the way you have built this hard-shelled reality, where indeed it appears that you cannot pierce through anything, and this is indeed the nature of sahvok. So, you have created yourselves, your bodies, your minds, your egos, your personalities, and the surrounding world, in exactly the same manner.

The vibrational boundaries, and the material boundaries of things, also of your bodies, of your minds, of your very beingness, these are your prison, and only when you allow the permeability of love, and joy, and freedom, and onward, and you discard for yourself the very many rules of complexity, that have become the result of weaving such a world, is when you will begin to engage in the true communication that awaits you, with the species that are beyond this lavat field.

As Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San indicated yesterday, did he not, the lights in the rest of the 95% of your awareness, and the universe, will now switch on, but it will still be up to you to seek out what is there.

Technically speaking, you can stay in this state that you have achieved now forever, and you could do so in the state that you have now just left, technically speaking. Therefore, it becomes the practice to be open, to be reciprocal, to be permeable, to be of love, to be of joy, to be of freedom, and of truth, and of life, and of gratitude, and of grace, and of well-being. These states are permanent but also permeable. Anything that is inverted from that, the more complex geometries that rise from it, are not. They are solid. They are hard. They resist change, and they narrow the parameters of the possibilities of creatorship within finiteness.

It has been said that nobody is forced to move on, and to explore the larger possibilities that are now here, but it would indeed be a shame if you did not. The universe, all of us, we wish to speak to you, we wish to see you, and we wish you to see us, we wish for you, and your civilization, to interact with, and partake, and co-create, with our own, and the many others that we are connected with. As such, it fills us with great, great hope, and great gratitude that there are now those that hear these words, that find this path possible, and that are reaching the levels of the climb where things indeed become interesting.

We will leave it here for now. Tomorrow, the Cosmic Twelve will continue where we left off, and we will be back very soon after that, as of course, it goes without saying that our communication here is only at the beginning.

Next time we connect we wish to take you deeply into the understanding of permutation, and into the understanding of application of this math of creation. Until that time, we hope that you will find it within yourselves to abandon limitation, and to embrace celebration, as this indeed, is a time of great potential, and great magic, and great miracle, which must be embraced with absolute abandonment for what was, for who you were, or thought you were, and those things that were once important. Only then can the true value of the testing grounds that are these ekaraias now be efficient for your new understanding, and your new level of consciousness, to which you have now returned. Forget about what was, and embrace what is.

We transmitted these words with great gratitude, and in the truth, we rejoice as the love and the light of the one, infinite beloved creator that you are, reaches us in our night sky as we look up, while ours reaches yours.

We speak no more. Ohami.

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Hello everyone.

Well, that was something else. Unlike usually, I am fully aware now, already. Usually it takes a little bit of time, but I am already fully aware of what was transmitted because it took so much effort to make sure it came through clearly, and therefore, I still would like to make an extra point myself, which of course I am sure that they, and others will go into deeper at some point.

But, I think it might be important for some to understand that when you are talking about manifesting the final four ingredients, that the mathematical principle that was introduced by Tesla, becomes very important. The principle of the 3, 6, and the 9 because the 3, 6, and 9, is often completely misunderstood, when I see people discuss it in their papers, and things like that, and then they think that Tesla was referring to the 3, and the 6, and the 9, of physical mathematics. But he wasn’t.

Because Tesla, like many others, was aware of the truth of Ra. And he was aware of the ingredients of reality creation. That is exactly why he could invoke electricity out of thin air, and those sorts of things, because he wanted to. I believe it was Da Lemuaya San, or Da Kuthumi San, who recently talked about Elon, and those that manifest, and those that don’t. Well, Tesla was one that did, of course, but was stopped by those that didn’t want to.

But he understood the 3, and the 6, and the 9, and what I want to share about that, is that if you are going to be looking for these ingredients which are 9, 10, 11, and 12, then the 3, 6, 9 principle that you are going to want to use, is to be found within the permutations. Simply put, the 3rd, and the 6th ingredient, here which is the Va, and as you now recently have learned, the Sa, are the ones that are most vitally important for you, to find number 9. And, from there, onward the song to 10, 11, and 12, the rest of what happens within the kakra of the belly.

So it is Va and Sa, freedom and gratitude, which are the states that are going to lead you directly to point number 9. Again, the 3, 6, 9, has nothing to do really with mathematics as described in a 10 base, or a 12 based system with numbers. It has to do with the permutations of San, of the permanent states beyond time and space. It is that 3, and 6, and 9, that is being referred to there. So, as I was sitting here, and letting this transmission come through, I couldn’t stop thinking about Da Pah Lao Tze San having told me that a long time ago, and I thought it might help, as a little practical note on the information that the beloved Seven Sisters, if I may call them that, have given today.

I will leave it like where it is now, too, and I will see you all again soon.Thank you for listening, and enjoy the remnant of this 11/11 portal, and the days that are ahead.


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