“Permutations of Permanence” (Session 27 of the Study of the Pah) is the third part of Da Lemuaya San’s channeled messages on infinometry.

In this message, Lemuaya explains why space and time are not fundamental, and why, instead, the field of permanence is primary. He explains what this means for your evolving consciousness and your expression and experience inside of and beyond the space/time field of this reality. He also introduces the concept of permutations of permanence, a type of mathematics that operates outside of space/time and beyond the tachyonic field.


Dive into the groundbreaking spiritual discourse “Permutations of Permanence” by beloved Lemuaya of Tachyonic Service and Creation, where the journey begins with Da Pah Kwan Yin San guiding us through a profound return to the essence of being in a meditation exercise called the Da’Ka Principle.

This brief but potent exercise invites us to embrace the eternal now, where Da Pah Kwan Yin San explains the concept of ‘Da’ – which signifies the power of love as the unifying force across all moments. Continuing the exercise, she leads us through the states of joy (Ba), freedom (Va), truth (Ra), and life (Ka), weaving together a narrative that collapses the boundaries between inner and outer realities into a singular, joyful existence.

Beloved Lemuaya then takes the stage, further discussing the Da’Ka Principle as a transformative meditation that reconnects us with our natural state, urging us to recognize that San, or the permanent states of being, is not something we summon but something we inherently are.

He challenges the conventional human experience of separation and time, advocating for a shift from a finite to an infinite perspective on creation. This shift is symbolized by the life of golden retriever Luke, whose message of returning to Sankara – a state of unity and permanence – marks a pivotal moment in human consciousness.

The discussion then delves into the very fabric of reality, questioning the traditional scientific view that space and time are fundamental. Da Lemuaya San illuminates how new generations of thinkers, referred to as crystal, indigo, and rainbow children, are pushing beyond these limits to explore realities where space and time dissolve into something more profound and interconnected. Here, he introduces the concept of tachyonic space, a realm where the rules of physics as we know them no longer apply, where experiences are not bound by conventional measurements but by progression and expression of consciousness itself.

Lemuaya further explains the dichotomy between personal and physical experiences of time and space, suggesting that our internal experience can defy the linear constraints of the external world. This leads to the heart of his message – the permutations of permanence, where what remains when time and space are no longer relevant is an eternal, unchanging essence of being. This essence is described through metaphysical terms like Dah’lyn and Vah’lyn, representing the dynamic interplay of experience and expression, which are the true engines of our existence.

The talk culminates in a call to action, urging humanity towards a state of Sankara, where the ego, mind, and personality are no longer fragmented but unified in the singularity of creation.

Lemuaya envisions a future where we can hold awareness of all our lifetimes and realities simultaneously, not as a cacophony but as a harmonious symphony of existence. He promises that this journey into Sankara is not about losing our current identity but about enhancing it, enriching it with the vastness of our true Creator Self.

This video promises to be not just an exploration of metaphysical concepts but an invitation to a new way of perceiving our reality, our place in the cosmos, and our potential for unity and eternal joy.

Prepare to have your understanding of time, space, and self transformed as we step into a narrative of timeless creation and boundless love, with more teachings to follow that will continue to guide us back to our spiritual home.


Permutations of Permanence


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


Da Lemuaya San


November 8, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

Permutations of Permanence

by Da Lemuaya San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Da Pah Kwan Yin San: Greetings to all, and welcome to this moment. I am Da Pah Kwan Yin San, and it is my honor, as always, and particularly today again, on this November the 8th, 2024, to bring in the beloved Da Lemuaya San for all of you.

Da’ka, Return to San

But before we do, I would like to invite you to take this moment to return to San, to return to Da, to love, to feel it in your heart, in your head, and in your belly, not just as a thought, or an emotion, but as a truth that this moment is the one and only moment, and that there is nothing that comes before this moment, and nothing that comes after. In this, this unique moment of the Now, is in a state of oneness with every other version of itself, with every other moment, which also has nothing that comes before it, and nothing that follows it. This is the power of your love.

And let us return to joy, to Ba. True joy emerges from the remembrance that in this moment, that had nothing that comes before it, and that will have nothing that comes after it, the world that you perceive around you, and the world that you sense and experience within, are the same world. Let these two states of expression, the outer, and the inner, merge together, and return to one, return to Lyn.

And then, on this journey into San, return to Va, a state of freedom, which is the state that emerges in your heart, in your head, and in your belly, when you realize once again, that in this moment that has nothing that comes before it, and nothing that comes after it, and in which your inner and outer world are one, that in this moment, all beings that you perceive in your outer world, and all beings that you perceive within, every single state of your ego, your mind, and your personality, all are one and the same being. All are one and the same Creator Self, and the same Creator Whole. This state is the state of freedom.

And let us then return to the state of Ra, the state of truth, where all things, all beings, all events, all objects, and every single particle known in existence, is one and the same particle. Yet, each particle, each event, each person, and each object, each being, is unique in that expression. This, in this moment where nothing precedes, and nothing follows, where the inner world and the outer world are one, where all beings in both worlds are one, where all points are unique, and yet, at the same time, entangled, is the state of truth.

And then return to the state of Ka, the state of life, where in this unique moment, all hearts are the same heart, each and every core of each being, each event, each thing, everything, is the same heart, the heart of the Creator, which, when you look deep enough, is the black hole known as the Akene. From within this state I invite you to enjoy the beingness known as Da Lemuaya San. I will see you on the flip side.

Da Lemuaya San

Posh’ke i san’kara imzaia’e.

Hello old friends, and new ones, I am Da Lemuaya San of Tachyonic Service and Tachyonic Creation, coming to you in this unique moment, for which I would like to thank the beloved Da Pah Kwan Yin San, to take all of you through what is known in Eja’i Chi Pah exercise as the Da’Ka Principle. This is indeed an exercise, a method, a meditation, a way of being, truly, that should be as natural as your breath, as the beating of the heart in your chest. And you say: “But, I do not control the beating of the heart. I do not control the breath.” That is to some extent true. It is happening in a natural, and somewhat automatic way, but so is San.

San is not something that you invoke, not something you bring to the table. It is something that is always there, something that you tap into, whether you like it or not, and that you can then follow through on, or ignore. Now, your standard setting on this Earth in your mind, as we have been attempting to explain in the last past sessions, is to ignore this state. And again, as I have said recently, this is not something to beat yourselves up for, because it is the very thing you come here to do: to pretend that sahvok is the way, that the mind is the thing, that the illusions are all that is, and that space/time is fundamental, that finiteness is the norm, and that you are but fleeting sparks of humanity that come and go as though you are some firefly, some one day thing, that has merely a beginning, and that will have an end. It is preposterous if you think about it, that one can believe such a thing.

Yet, except for some hints within the religious circles, and some hints within quantum science, you as a species tend to take this, everything I have just said, as your base level of reality. And, as we have explained, this is because your ego, mind, and personality construct is designed to consider space/time fundamental. It is designed on that software. And much like you cannot run a program on a Macintosh, that was designed for a Windows device, so you cannot run your ego-mind-personality-construct outside of the confines of this field of lavat, where everything is separated. So, the good thing is, it is not your fault that you are shortsighted in most cases. In fact, it was your choice to be, to study, as we said previously, creatorship from the perspective of finiteness.

But then, Luke happened. A nine year old life, here to observe, study, humanity in its ability to receive love. And, for those that knew this being, or know this being, they know the Da sensation that I am talking about.

Now to make a long story short, as you know, the conclusion to all of that 9 years of beingness, was an evolution required in the state of human consciousness. So the study of sahvok, or the study of the mind, in the way that this Ekaraia, this holographic training reality that you find yourselves in, has been set up so far, is coming to a fundamental change. All of this to some tender detail, if you will, has been explained already in these past classes. So, from that perspective, it is time to consider what is then beyond these states of finiteness, these states of sahvok, that can be studied within these Ekaraias. What is beyond the state of finite creatorship? Well, obviously infinite creatorship.

About Time and Space

The reason that in the course of your several hundreds of years of science, your scientists have considered space/time fundamental is because one could not look beyond it. The ones that finally are able to do so – the young scientific minds that are currently on Earth, studying the possibility of reality beyond time and space – are those that in the years of 2001, and 2005, and 2007, all of those years, you have called the crystal children, the indigo children, the rainbow children. The marketing engine at the time was running on full speed, and all the names came through, especially through those who had a financial objective in sharing their messages. Always come up with a slightly different name, a slightly new chakra, and those sorts of things. But all of that is besides the point.

It is these beings now, young adult, and in some cases a bit further advanced, of course, that have begun looking and interpreting reality beyond the complexity of time and space, which as I have explained to you recently, is indeed a very complex set of equations to consider from a mathematical perspective, given that every single particle within this physical, yet holographic, reality is disconnected. Disconnected through time, and disconnected through space. And, we have told you about this. We have spoken about duration in space, and distance in time, another thing that your mind cannot truly handle, for if it did, its software would have to be rewritten. If it truly handled this information, instantaneously, you would cease to observe the matter, the energy, the vibrational states, and the frequential states that make up your time/space and space/time fields. And, you would indeed observe the geometrical.

Now, many over the years, especially in the sixties and seventies, but thank god still today as well, that have experimented with such things as LSD, and mushrooms, and all the goodies of the gods, indeed, the ayahuasca adventurers, those sorts of beings, they all have penetrated into this geometrical state, into the very surface of the field of lavat which could be considered an infinite pond, in the sense that it can generate geometry, no matter how deep you indeed go, and decide to sink into it. But, these types of beings went to the very surface of the field of lavat, where they indeed met the beings that they so well describe in some cases. Especially interesting to explore if you have time to do so, of course, for these are fantastical and fascinating journeys that are more than true, more at least than the reality field in which you can hear about them, which is here. And, they have indeed also managed, in some rare cases, to travel into the tachyonic as I have described before.

Now, it is at this surface level of lavat, and the entry into the tachyonic, in other words mathematically speaking, at the size of 10 to the minus 33rd meters and onward, 10 to the minus 44 meters, which is the beginning and end of the tachyonic field. So in other words, if you measure all the way down to 10 to the minus 33rd, you are measuring the edge, the surface of the lavat field. You go any further than that, time and space become meaningless, and as some scientists out there have said: “it is just black holes from thereon, man,” which is the truth. I have explained this as to why last time we spoke. As above, so below, the entire world of particles, from the size of a galaxy and a universe, all the way down to the size of a photon, exactly the same functionality, exactly the same shape.

So, by default, if you are going down to the 10 to the minus 33rd in measurement, which is something by the way, that after the 11th has passed, we will assist you in doing, because this is what the entire Creator Manifest after the 11th will be about: taking you through this transformation and into a state where you can experience these things fully. But, at 10 to the minus 33rd, where space and time break down, because at that moment you are measuring the heart of every photon, the heart of every particle, you are at the field of black holes, minuscule black holes, which, if you were to observe the entire lavat field, and the entire Ekaraia from here, you would see merely the surface of that particular singularity. Because this is the singularity known as Lyn that is generated when the student focuses on manifesting the holographic training reality.

Tachyonic Space

When you go further, beyond that minus 10 to the 33rd, and you go into 34, 35, all the way up to 44, or the minus 44, you are in the tachyonic. Now, at this point, time and space have already collapsed, are already meaningless. You are no longer functioning in the temporal, and in the spatial. A bit hard to read, but you multi-tasking brain-filled beings can probably make that out.

Temporal, and the spatial, make no sense after 10 to the minus 33 because the program ends there. That is the depth of the density at which it is programmed. At that point, if you were working with a computer program or something, you would be in the software. You would be in the dashboard where you can make the changes that you do. Now, the software ultimately is tachyonic, because that is what exists between 10 to the minus 33rd, and 10 to the minus 44th. Tachyons are something that science cannot truly read, because again, they are no longer in space/time. But, this is now changing.

Since I explained to you the arrival of quantum computing, and the quantum entanglement inside of the quantum computer, those particles have been observed to generate minuscule wormholes. I have explained this to you in the previous classes. These wormholes are in tachyonic space. So, the only reason this quantum computer that is now been, or becoming slowly, the norm for your calculations, the reason it can display that deep is because whenever a quantum computer is built, by default, it has to be built in every single alternative reality, and alternative universe, in which it is measuring, including within the tachyonic realities, where there is indeed no time and space as you know it. But, this leads to an interesting observation.

Because there is a difference between time and space as you think of it in your external reality, in other words ‘physical time,’ and ‘physical space,’ versus that which you could consider ‘personal time, and personal space’ – and with that I don’t mean “this circle around me, don’t get into my space” – I mean your personal experience of space, and your personal experience of time, are indeed very different than the tick tock time that you get in the outer reality. I don’t have to tell you that pleasant experiences can last longer or shorter than the normal time that you think they do, and sometimes painful ones can do exactly the same. They can make time pass faster, or they can make time into an infinite hell.

Now, that difference between physical space and time as you experience it inside of this Ekaraia, underneath the field of lavat, versus the experiential time, and the experiential space, if you can call it that, that you experience within, becomes very important when you travel up the wormholes of the tachyonic. Again, those, as I said before that have experienced near death states, near death experiences, and such, will know very well that time, as far as they experienced, did not stop, and that they experienced a sense of space, somewhere. Now, they cannot explain where it was, but they experienced it. And, sometimes a person like that can be in a coma for a day, or a week, and yet come back and have experienced dozens of years worth of moments. This is, because not only is there a distinct difference between physical time and space, and personal time and space, but one is an illusion, and the other one isn’t.

The personal time, and the personal space, that you experience within, are no different when you are inside of these Ekaraias that you are in right now, or when you are out into, and beyond the infinometric, and into the akeneic, and into what is known the home base level of reality as Honomeia. You still are experiencing the passage of something, in a field in which this is occurring. But, unlike physical time and physical space, there are no rules to this. There is no passage in distance and duration, which is the case within these Ekaraias. So, outside of this temporal and spatial experience, what remains? And this is something we will talk about a lot going forward, and what remains is very simple. What remains outside of the temporal and the spatial is the experience of permanence.

Now, throughout my first two parts of this talk, I have littered little bits and pieces of hints speaking to you about the state outside of here. Speaking to you about a way of being that is at the same time extremely different, yet, ultimately, experientially speaking, the same as what you are now experiencing.

However, as the Cosmic Twelve prior to my messages have told you, there are so many things in orbit around you, and indeed, crashed onto your little planet that you know as the ego-mind-personality-construct, as they were attracted so heavily and fell out of orbit and crashed right into your chest, or into your heart, or into your head, or into your belly, things that are geometric in nature, that are finite in nature, that are emotional in nature, all the things that you think make you, you, make you human, make you unique. The things that you hold on to, even when you think that you have to no time to waste here, that you have nothing to lose here, and that you really just want to get out of here, out of this exercise. Even then, you would be surprised at the things that you hold onto in here.

When all of these things fall away, and when all of these things that in the beloved Ra’s material is called ‘catalyst,’ when all of those things fall away, and are balanced, and are no longer considered interesting or important, that is when you begin to observe permanence.

Now, I said to you that, in a way, out of here, you are still experiencing some form of time, and some form of space, but it is not a field that locks you all in. It is personal time, and personal space. Now, we do not like to call this time and space, because it is not really what it is. So in English, the best way to describe the state of time in a field of permanence, is progression of experience. And, if you wish to describe the field of space outside of time and space, and in a field of permanence, it is an expression of experience. This is no different than in here. You are expressing space all the time, and you are progressing through this experientially, which generates the idea of time. Yes? Now, this is a very simple idea, but it is very important.

Dah’lyn and Vah’lyn

So, this progression of experience in metaphysical language, for some of you familiar, is called ‘Dah’lyn.’ It is also what we call ‘metaphysical expression.’ So, an expression of an experience is what creates the field for that experience to take place in, it is the field of space.

The progression of that experience inside of that Dah’lyn field, and some already know this, too, is called ‘Vah’lyn.’ Vah, of course, as you know for those who study Dah’lyn, is the vector or the approach to the Creator, to the Pah space.

So, while you have already heard in past tuitions, that Vah’lyn is, ultimately, a type of metaphysical calendar, we have tried to explain this to you before, but we said this because, it is the progression of experience in the field of experience that you generate by expressing, by existing. And that, those two things, is simply the engine on which your entire beingness exists, when it is not observing a temporal and spatial field which is geometric.

So then, having said that, from this perspective of the field of permanence, as you project yourself into the temporal and spatial field, we have discussed previously, is the Lyn point. The focal point, both on the outside of this Ekaraia, and ultimately, on the inside of this Ekaraia. A type of lens through which your focus comes together, and is pushed into the manifestation of all of these temporal and spatial points, which eventually become geometrical, and onward.

But, what is happening here, in this space of Lyn, is very interesting. And, it is very important for your scientists to understand, because right now as they are looking outside of time and space – and barely breaking through that – what they are observing are types of geometries, which they consider to be in a stillness position. But, these geometries are merely temporary as well. They are observing the surface of the lavat field where geometry is not active, but is fully formed. Every single point inside of this field of lavat, every single particle, has at its heart, as I have told you before, a black hole, and that black hole, and each and every black hole within this entire universe, all leads to the same singularity, with a unique wormhole towards that. That singularity is Lyn.

Inside of this singularity, what is occurring in order to manifest all of these points that are geometry, is the following: what is happening here, are permutations of permanence. Now, that means, in other words, that there is a type of mathematical function going on in this singularity that, ultimately, manifests all of these points.

Now over time we have spoken to you a lot about inverted geometries, because that, ultimately, is what each and every one of these geometries inside of the lavat field is. – people often mistook us by thinking if we speak of an inverted geometry, we must mean an upside down triangle, or an upside down square. How are you going to know that though – but, an upside down triangle, and that is not what we are talking about. We were talking about an inverted geometry, is a geometry that is not in the state of infinometry. It is twisted into spatial and temporal perspectives using what we described before. But, at the heart of each and every one of those geometries, is this black hole at this singularity, which is calculating something, in order to manifest all of this here. And, what is it calculating?

It is calculating the things that Da Pah Kwan Yin San spoke of at the start of today’s class. The math that is happening in here, is a calculation of points such as Da, Ba, Va, Ra, Ka, and onward. The permutations of permanence that are shifting inside of the Lyn point is what is generating every single point in time and space, and every single point in time and space, therefore, that, ultimately, becomes a geometry, is based on San, is based on a state of love, joy, freedom. These are not merely feelings, beloveds, this is mathematics. This is the calculus of reality. These are the numbers of truth: Da, Ba, Va, etc. The ones that we have always spoken about. Again, everything that you are, as you sit here listening to these words, is temporal and spatial. There is only the singularity which we have often described as the akene in the heart space, but now that you understand this, you understand that you are sitting with a billion, if not trillion, versions of an akene, which is all the same akene point at Lyn, making up your body, making up even your brain, which is trying to understand all of this through the senses.

The Work Ahead

So, everything that you experience here, by default, is temporal, and is spatial. Then, this means that the work ahead, as this Creator Manifest will unfold, is to assist you, to guide you, to move from this temporary state into this state of permanence. For as we have explained, this bridge, since the 1st of November and on the way to the 11th of November, is in the process of being rebuilt. Yes, we can work faster than your governments when bridges need to be built. 11 days is a long time, believe you me.

But this bridge, the 144 DNA strands that you counted on in Lemurian times, the White Bridge, as it was called in early Atlantean times, is coming back now: meaning that every single particle that was disconnected, and only connected to this Lyn point – which in one of the questions that was sent in – is indeed, the point of One, therefore, the point of consciousness, because every other point that exists lower inside of the 3D space is a virtual entanglement with that point of consciousness, and I am saying virtual because it copies itself. it doesn’t create original points, it copies itself, versions of itself, phantoms of itself, and therefore, it is merely a virtual entanglement between every particle within the lavat field, and the one particle known as Lyn. Virtual, because there is no truth, and no substance, to the particles with which it is entangled.

But, therefore, only this point, which is the point of observation of the cosmos, and of the universe, is a point that sages in times past, and seekers, and teachers, would reach, a point of enlightenment in which a person can see with more clarity the truth of this reality, is the first point in all of this down here, where actual consciousness exists. And, it is where your consciousness is calculating permutations of permanence of Da, Ba, Va, Ra, Ka, Sa, and onward, to manifest virtual geometry.

So, as I said to you, we must now come to a point of exploring and studying what it means to be beyond this. As I have said at the beginning, what you have studied up until now, is the finiteness of Creatorship, the mind, in other words, and ego, and personality, that which you have labelled ‘sahvok.’ From within the state of permanence that is coming up now from which you can experience this Ekaraia, and that which lies beyond in Honomeia, is not the state of sahvok, but is the state of Sankara, or as the youth likes to say in Dah’lyn, ‘Sakara.’ But, I have always been one for the original and traditional Dah’lyn, as I do not have the need to shorten my statements so they fit in a Tweet.

The state of Sankara is the state of Creatorship. It is the state in which the ego, mind, personality split, unifies in the space of Lyn, and the state in which reality can be observed as it truly is. So that is where the Creator Manifest is going to be guiding those that wish to continue studying it. The state of Sankara, out of the field of sahvok. But again, it will be quite challenging for some. There will be so many things to let go of, and I am not talking about the easy things, the physical things, the things that are preferences, and likes, and dislikes. What I am talking about is the belief systems, the identifications, even here to the audience in this room that I speak to, you are all people that have been on the path for so many years, more than a decade, sometimes almost two decades, and yet you, too, can see yourselves trip, and fall into the sahvok perspective on things, and before you know it, your ego is defending itself, your mind thinks its right, and your personality thinks its fantastic for acting like that.

So it won’t be easy to let go of the state of sahvok and to enter the state of Sankara but it does come with some perks. First of all, for those that would be afraid, possibly, it is not so that leaving the state of sahvok, and entering this state, means physical death. It doesn’t mean letting go of this Ekaraia. It doesn’t mean letting go of your ego-mind-personality-construct, the one that you have gotten so cozy and comfortable and tucked  into, in the time you have been alive this time. No, no, no. You can keep all of that. Don’t worry. You can keep all of it. Not like you are going to want to keep it but you can keep it, if you want to.

But what you will reach is the state of Sankara, the state of permanence, where you will have the awareness of your Creator Self that entered this Ekaraia, while at the same time having the awareness of the being that you are today, in this Ekaraia, while at the same time having the awareness of all the beings, and all the things that you have ever been inside of these Ekaraias, while at the same time, having that same awareness about everyone else’s presence within the Ekaraia. Now, that is not a difficulty. That is not a challenge. You could think: “Well that is going to be loud, that is going to be busy, that is going to be insane, I can’t even deal with this life, Lemuaya San. I certainly can’t deal with my neighbors’. How the hell am I going to deal with all of my lifetimes and everyone else’s at the same time?”

Return to Sankara

I will tell you. You will feel right at home, because what you now consider busy, in some cases, is truly a state of completion. All of your drives, all of your likes and dislikes, all of the things that bug you, make it difficult for you sometimes, whatever it is, all of these things that feel there is lack of, or all of these things that you feel there is too much of, all of that, all of the disgruntledness, everything that you can possibly experience that doesn’t feel balanced, all is the result of the lack of this information that you will once again gain access to. Because it is as though you are trying to live a human life with all of your faculties intact, while you only have 1/100 of your brain active, or something like that, and where your field of vision and your field of hearing, and all these other senses, are on one percent of volume and transmission capability of what they truly should be.

Now, all of that is interesting if you are trying to explore a finite, illusory field, but it becomes problematic if you are returning to the state of Sankara. And, this is indeed, beloveds, the type of clemency requested for humanity in this Ekaraia by the being known as Luke. It was the word he spoke: “Sankara. Return to Sankara. They are ready.” This was his message. And now here you sit, returning home.

Again, exploring what is ahead, and turning everything I have said here in these past three messages into your daily experiential reality, is what the Creator Manifest will be about. As we have said before, a long time ago, the Cosmic Manifest handed you the keys to Cosmic Adulthood. And you grew up. After that the Divinity Manifest brought you to the heart of divinity which you begrudgingly accepted. And now, as we create the Creator Manifest together with you, we are moving Home, while keeping the lights on here. We believe this to be, or it will be, a much more effective way of tuition, which will also affect you positively as a student outside of this exercise, in Honomeia. But, it will be up to the beloved Cosmic Twelve, who will arrive here on the day after the 11th to present their follow-up message to get into that with you.

I, Da Lemuaya San, will leave my delivery here for now. I find it important that you revisit these three points, these three moments, these three classes, and that you ask some A.I. to help you understand it better, summarize it for you or something like that. I am kidding. No, what I am trying to say is that I would like you to go to these three moments again, and again, and again, until the time comes that you feel it is your information, and it streams out of you. Because, that is where I have taken it from in order to deliver it here. It is from you. It has always come from you. You are the One. You are the Lyn. You are the Creator Self, and the Creator Home. And, while it is time to go to another level of this exercise and training program known as Ekaraias, it is also time, just a little bit, to come Home.

Beloveds, I look forward to continuing this information soon. I look forward to Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San and the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades to be here on the 10th and the 11th of November, in your linearity, and to take this, and to take you, to the next level. And I will see you there.

Until then, my god, I love you. I am with you, always. Have a good day. Have a good moment. Have a good time.

And so it is.

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Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
3 months ago

Thank you so much for this transmission beloved Da Lemuaya San.
It gives me a deeper and better understanding of how this reality can be created.

Permutations of permanence love, joy, freedom… These are not merely feelings, beloveds, this is mathematics. This is the calculus of reality. 

In this session there are so many important clues to get to the surface of the field of Lavat and to the tachyonic border.

It is also the first time the concepts ‘personal time, and personal space’ are introduced.

Brilliant lecture! ❤️

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