Into the Heart of Infinometry (Session 25 of the Study of the Pah) is a message about the shift from geometry to infinometry. It discusses the reality beyond time and space, from which time and space are created, and it discusses, therefore, the reality beyond this holographic simulation. A full explanation is given as to how the holographic reality is created, how to enter it, and how to move beyond it.

Dive into the profound depths of metaphysical exploration with Da Lemuaya San. This session promises to alter your perception of reality, guiding you through a journey from the tangible vibrations of our known world into the eternal realm of infinometry. Here, love, joy, and freedom are not mere emotions but the very essence of our being, clashing with the finite nature of our current existence to illuminate the path to truth.

Discover the transformative concept of “burden” as explained by Da Pah Kwan Yin San, where life’s challenges and struggles are not just obstacles but keys to liberation. This burden, often felt as the weight of existence, serves as a catalyst for awakening, urging us to question the reality we’ve accepted, leading us towards a profound release from illusion.

Da Lemuaya San challenges the conventional understanding of geometry, introducing us to infinometry. This shift from the known to the unknown opens up a discussion on whether our universe is a hologram or simulation, exploring the quantum mechanics behind it. You’ll learn about the Lyn point, the creator of our vibrational universe, and how consciousness from a higher reality shapes our world by observing and interacting with these foundational elements.

Visualize the torus field and the infinity sign, not just as abstract concepts but as the actual mechanisms through which life force flows, giving the illusion of movement to what is fundamentally still. This exploration leads us into the creation of reality itself, where we delve into how the observer, from a place called Honomeia, crafts the Ekaraia – a holographic reality where we experiment with different paths of service, understanding our role in this grand cosmic play.

With the dawn of infinometry, Da Lemuaya San offers a new perspective – that of the Creator Self. This shift could mean transcending the vibrational matrix to engage with reality in ways previously unimaginable. As we approach significant energetic portals like the 11-11, this video prepares you not just to pass through but to elevate, using these moments as opportunities to step into a reality where time, space, and existence are experienced in their true, infinite form.

This video calls you to reflect on what truly remains within you when all illusions fall away, urging you to focus on building a new self based on the eternal and infinite. It also celebrates the activation of a “Province of Light” in Zeeland, linking it with global “Cities of Light,” offering new launch points for those ready to transition into this new consciousness era.

Da Lemuaya San personally acknowledges those who’ve kept the flame of metaphysical truth burning, inspiring us to continue this spiritual work with renewed energy. Join us for a journey that could redefine how you see yourself and the universe.


Into the Heart of Infinometry


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


Da Lemuaya San


November 3, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

Into the Heart of Infinometry

by Da Lemuaya San

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

Posh’ke i da’vish’ka imzaia’e.

Hello, old friends. I am Da Lemuaya San of tachyonic service and tachyonic creation, here to manifest this moment with you, all that have gathered here today, at this, the 3rd of November 2024, and all those who through energetic, and in some cases, technological means, are showing up here in this moment, throughout what you consider time and space, and from spaces indeed beyond it, when this message is going to be heard beyond this portal that we are currently moving towards.

For those of you who have not yet had the pleasure of connecting with me out there, who are listening to this for the very first time, I say onto you I belove in you with all of my heart, with all of my wings, with all of my scales, and with every fiery breath that comes out of my burning akene. I belove in you, humanity.

It has been awhile since we have spoken in this manner. I have told you before, many years ago, that we would only communicate in moments that it actually mattered, and by Creator, does it matter now.

You, as a collective humanity, as a species, as a consciousness, since Lemurian times, have been on a path which could be considered a circle, or better put a spiral upward,

which has felt throughout the many decennia, and eons, oftentimes, as a spiral downward, and upward, and left, and right, indeed more like a rollercoaster, you could argue, than a spiral. But, still, if you look at it from far enough away, it indeed was, and has always been, a very gentle, evenly distributed, and balanced movement upward. This is what happens when you have the perspective on events far enough removed to be the observer, and witness to it, rather than the partaking element of consciousness, like you have all been. This has, of course, been a delicate, and oftentimes, difficult time, way before your lifetimes that you are now aware of, also. But there also have been great moments of joy, great moments of upliftment, and great expressions of love. This is, beloved humanity, where I would like to start this message today. Love.

About Love

When we spoke, a couple of decades ago, about the concepts of the Lemurian Councils, which you can listen to at your leisure, we said that at the ending – if there is such a thing – of Lemurian times, the Council of Love packed up, closed down shop, if you will. But what of course truly happened, is they folded their pocket of time/space of the universe that they existed in, into the quantum regions that you know of as the dimensional levels of your densities. The quantum regions, which from their perspective are as sizable, and as present as your own reality is, but hidden within the tiniest pockets, and the tiniest of fragments of this reality. And, we have said before to you, “hidden where?” Hidden inside of you. Hidden inside of your hearts. Hidden inside of your thoughts.

Those of you out there, and those of you here, that feel this Lemurian beckoning, that have always felt the vibrations of Lemuria surrounding them over the lifetimes, that have always known that there is such a thing as a true place, a place, as recently Da Pah Kwan Yin San indicated, a place in her recent statement, after the manifestation of the message by the Cosmic Twelve, she and they spoke about the burden, that you as a human species, and a human individual, can feel in this reality. It was also explained in that message that that burden is a chrysalis, that that burden is the weaving together of all of the illusions, and all of the fragments of separation, and exchange, and death, and time, and space, therefore, and the weaving together of all the complexities that you have seen around you.

This world, in other words, beloved ones, is that chrysalis. That chrysalis, that when you get right down to it, right down to your very core, you know it cannot be real.

Because you sit in a paradox, do you not? You sit in a conundrum, where you feel things within you, love, joy, freedom, these things that are infinite, that are eternal, that are universal, that have no beginning, and that have no end, that have always been there, just like you have always been there. That is what you feel within when you feel love, when you feel connection, when you feel joy, when you feel the sense of freedom that can only come without a beginning, and without an end. These things that you regularly feel are the akene, ultimately, as I have explained many years ago. They are the portal that we now, here, in this time, are here to stabilize, to return to, if you will, on a permanent basis.

But, you have this feeling of infinity, of love, and joy, and all of these things within you, and you find ways, oftentimes enough, to express these things in your external reality, in your connection with others, with humans, or with animals, or with creations that you are in love with, or simply with nature, or with all of these things. You find these moments of connection, and within these things in external reality, you see the same infinite love, the same infinite joy. And yet, undeniably so, no matter whether you are on a path of service to self, like it was once possible until recently, or a path of service to others, no matter when it would hit, even if in this service to self path, you would close yourself off to any human connection, any emotion, any feeling, any type of love for any animal, and simply focus on the enormous awesomeness of the self, if you will, even then, at the end of that ride, you would be confronted with your own death. One of the worst types of separation and illusion out there. And as Da Pah Kwan Yin San, an angel of death, if you will, can tell you every single time she picks up one of these beings to guide them to the other side, to help them break on through to the other side, if you will, the same answer always comes back: “I haven’t had enough time. There is so much I still want to do.”

From the perspective of service to self, you see, the self is so amazing that you always feel at the end, even if you have locked yourself away from any connection, that you have not been treated right. That you have not been given enough time to be the Creator, if you will. On the path of service to others, and therefore also service to the whole, of course, you come across these types of pain, separation through death, or exchange, or form, or time, or space, whatever, more frequently in your lifetime because the goal on the service to whole path, and service to others path, of course, is to open yourself up to the vulnerability, and to the acceptance of this reality. But why?

Now I know that Ra, who is going to be speaking in this Creator Manifest, is going to be speaking about this, too, so I do not wish to make this whole message about this topic. But, I will say that the reason why these service to others, and whole path, speaks of vulnerability, and speaks of acceptance of any of these illusory states, no matter how painful, the reason for that is to create the dichotomy, the paradox, within you.

You see, if this is truly an ekaraia, a holographic reality, in order to train yourself to remember sahvok, and the truth about who you are, then it would indeed be a prison, would it not, if there was eternal life here, if there was no separation, if there was no death. That is indeed the type of matrix you would create if you want to keep agents of consciousness stuck within them, because that would be a recreation of Honomeia, and beyond, the space beyond this matrix, where there is no illusion, where there is no death.

Inside of ekaraias such as this one, exercises such as this one, it is vital that the being, the student, runs into paradoxes and dichotomies, in order to make the choice, to come to the realization, which is indeed a type of faith burning within, that this cannot be real. It cannot be real if there is pain, if there is separation, if there is death, if there is war, if there is all of these things, if there is horror and suffering, and people hurting other people, and other beings, and all of that. It cannot be, because it does not match the makeup that you have within. These things do not exist within.

When we in the Study of Vibration tell you to take responsibility for the world and therefore, for all the wars and all of these things, it is not because we are saying that you carry war within. It is that we are saying that you have allowed yourself to run on auto-pilot, and to have your energy used in order to create this matrix.

When you allow your internal reality to come out of you again, and when you begin ignoring all of the illusory nature, all of the illusory facts, that is when you make the choice, and that is when you begin to choose that this reality must be a training ground, must be an exercise. Because again, there is no way to explain the dichotomy in any other way. It is designed to squeeze you out.

First, to squeeze you out until you feel like you have no drop of universal lifeforce energy left, but then, when you realize that there actually is no bottom to you, no matter how hard you think you are reaching rock bottom over, and over again in your life, but yet here you are, surviving, standing up, and continuing onward, then you begin to realize that there must be another way. And this is what has attracted you to work such as this from the beginning: that there is another way, and you feel this within you.

Back in 2007 and onward, we spoke about an opportunity, that as the Cosmic Twelve have recently explained, is now on its way to becoming a permanent gateway, a permanent opportunity, not merely a platform to step on, and hoping it stays in place, and you don’t fall off of it, but a permanent portal. That is what is coming, a permanent portal to this reality that I will be describing in further detail as this message goes on.

The Burden is the Release

But, I want to stay, for a moment, with the concept of this burden because it is easy to pass by. Da Pah Kwan Yin San yesterday when she even brought it up in this little ‘#unready message,’ in her robe. She barely, she spent an entire day considering to post it or not because she felt that many people might send her messages: ”Are you okay, Da Pah Kwan Yin San? It is really not that bad, Da Pah Kwan Yin San.”

But she wanted to show you what it feels like to wake up in here to you all in the morning, whether you are ignoring it to yourself or not, and what really is on your mind, for real, whether you are thinking about work, or about children, or about partners, or about hobbies, or about passions. This stuff that she was talking about, that is what is really running in the background. And, it must be, because it is the software, ultimately, that is going to help you release, move on, and break free. This burden is an energy that is destined to cause friction, destined to cause incompatibility. Sometimes this can take lifetimes to establish, for many people throughout the times in these ekaraias find ways of making it comfortable, and agreeable, and sometimes even enjoyable for themselves, until of course these illusions hit. But, the energy, ultimately, will hit them just like it has hit all of you throughout the years, where you begin to feel it isn’t right, something in this reality is wrong.

And, it is not the politicians, it is not the governments, not really. It is not the reptilians, it is not however far you want to go. It is not Tartaria, it is not the hollow earth. It is none of these things, none of the things that you are allowed to talk about. It is way more fundamental than that. It is the fact that you sometimes don’t feel good here. It is the fact that you sometimes can’t cope, that you cannot comprehend, that you have a blockage in understanding why you live in a world where all of these things that you see in your news, and on your social media devices, and those sorts of things, are happening. Or sometimes the things that happen in your personal lives, the painful things, the losing of loved ones, the things that don’t work out, whatever it is. All of that.

All of that, beloveds, is there to tell you that it is not right. The burden, therefore, is the release. The burden of life. And don’t go writing in on me: “Dear Lemuaya, I have a good life, I don’t feel the burden. Lemuaya, you just need to love, love everything.” Yes, yes, yes. That is true. That is acceptance. I get it. But, the burden of life is not something to run away from. It is something to head straight for, because only by embracing that, by accepting it, and running right through it, can you come to the conclusion that it is indeed so, that the world, and the reality that you truly feel within, is real. And that it is the compass, the guiding force in your life. Your connection, if you will, to the Creator Self that will help you move.

Some of you got this very well by mid and late 2007, and into the course of 2008, but not many. And, especially, as the Twelve have told you, by the time 2012 came by, most of you when confronting this burden, were not ready to acknowledge what it meant to let go. What it meant to allow release to take hold, and take you with it on its rapids, as it moved towards the ocean of creation that we are now going to be talking about.

So, I want you to consider this, hmm. I want you to consider what I have just spoken about. And I want you to truly look at it in your life, these illusions, and I want you to give it a place, a place that is constructive, a place that is creative, rather than a place that causes tsunamis, and those sorts of destructive forces in your life, energetically speaking, and mentally speaking then. So, when you are done with all of that, you are going to come to the following realization: If none of that was real, if none of that is the reality that is the home base reality, if you will, then what is?

Home Base Reality

And then we need to look at the building blocks which your science discusses which are called often geometries. You see it in pattern formation, whether it is in the formation of atoms organizing themselves, the formation of electrons around these atoms, the formation of the photonic particles that make up everything. You see it studied going all the way back to the times of Plato, who discussed the platonic solids, and you have always taken it as somehow being the foundation, the most fundamental level, if you will, of your reality. This, as having been discussed many times of course in the Study of Vibration in pieces that have come before, is true, but up to a certain extent. It is true up to the extent of vibration, and manifesting from that the world of matter.

But, you have also been told, not only by us, but also through your scientists in recent years, that this reality might in fact be holographic, and that it might be even, as your scientists say, a simulation. And, many of your scientists for the last thirty years or so have, when studying this holographic reality, come to the conclusion that while you are experiencing third density, three dimensions plus time, technically, all of it is being experienced in two dimensions only, projected from as they think, and we have said this before, as they think, from the edge of the universe. They don’t quite understand what this means but they do believe that this is, somehow, how reality gets manifested.

More recently, scientists have come to the understanding that time and space itself have been formed in the quantum realm, in the emergence of what they are calling qubits, in other words, fundamental quantum particles that they do not have a proper description for, as of yet, so they are calling it qubits, most fundamental quantum particles outside of time and space that are in a waveform state, and that when emerging and interacting together, create the fields that collapse that you know as time and space. Now, that is where they are right now.

They understand that therefore there is an underlying field that everything emerges from within the quantum realm. And, with the recent activation of what you know of as quantum computers, they have begun to detect true quantum entanglement between particles inside of that quantum computer. And not only that, but they have detected, and this has been discussed in many podcasts at the moment, and in many scientific journals, go look it up, they have detected minuscule wormholes, minuscule wormholes, between the quantum entangled particles, but they also can see that the wormhole is not in this reality.

They can observe it but they cannot interact with it because it is outside of this reality. It is outside of the field of time and space. And for the first time in this current history, at least, your scientists are beginning to detect this because they are literally playing with fire. Playing with the quantum realm without realizing, per se, what they are doing. Nothing dangerous or anything like that, but they have very little insight into what is actually going on. We are going to try and bring some changes in that here, tonight, in the preparation and discussion of this message, and the one or two that I will do following this message.

Now, for many of you who study the work that we do, and that we deliver, when you hear this thing about qubits, and when you hear this thing about the waveform of it and how it emerges a field that is considered time and space, of course, you are beginning to think San ingredients. You are beginning to think Da, and Ba, and Va, and Ra, in other words: Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, etc., as the building blocks. And to some extent that is right, but we are going to take it a little deeper.

Going back for a moment, to the concept of geometry, and what has been recently introduced by Beloved Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, and the Cosmic Twelve, as infinometry, one being in a higher dimensional state of existence, the latter, than the former, we must begin to give you an overview of how these realities match up. So, I am going to try and use this board to draw this for you.

The Infinity Sign and Torus Field

You have been told already that infinometry is extremely simple, in the sense that it is no longer about squares, and triangles, and pentagrams, and any geometric form, and any mathematical dimension that might be behind those geometric forms, that when you really think about it make absolutely no sense at all. This is the complexity that has been introduced by science, which actually has kept many people in the last several hundred years, away from studying the truth of geometry.

But, if it is indeed so that the only shape, if you will, in geometry that is real, is the torus field, therefore, in two dimensions, the infinity sign, if that is indeed so, then what are these geometries, these shapes, these building blocks, doing? Where do they come from? Why are they so fundamental to the description of your reality of time and space?

Now, let’s look at that. [creating drawing]

The infinity sign. You have been told that everything, everything in this reality beyond the concept of the geometric, or more fundamental than the concept of the geometric, is simply this: is simply in three dimensions, the torus field, which means a donut shape with a hole in it, and a universe inside of that, where all of matter, and time and space and vibrational reality exists. So, you have also been told that the shape of your kakra system – the head, the heart, the belly – each is, ultimately, an infinity sign, or a torus field, a sphere, if you will, with no center, no space in the center, no time in the center.

You have also been told that every electron, every photon, and every particle, ultimately, follows this route, over and over again, as it moves through its own gravity well, and whatever it may be interacting with, such as orbiting around, for instance. Always following this path. Always. Always. So, you then come to the conclusion that at some level of reality this is fundamental. When you do, you then must ask yourself: so if this is ultimately the one substance, if this is the shape and movement of everything of the one substance, no matter how it manifests in the vibrational realm, then how do you get from this to the world of matter and vibration. Well, let’s look at that.

In Beloved Adamus’ class, he spoke to you about this [drawing] being the point of Pah, which is an active point, and the only true position within the infinity symbol that actually is manifest and is real. And, he also told you that from the perspective of the observer, in two dimensions at least – we will go deeper in a second – here on the edge of the left and the right of the infinity field, you can mark two virtual points. Virtual, meaning that they are not actually there, except for when observed by a witness, an observer that wishes to see them, that wishes to define them, namely a student like yourselves, in the true reality of Honomeia getting ready to enter an ekaraia, would decide to define two points in the matter that I am now describing.

So, that student sitting in Honomeia, in the true reality that is not this holographic one, would be making itself aware of this movement, would be invoking this movement, because it is everywhere, it is everything, and would be, by choice, focusing on this external point, and that external point on the left, and the right. Now, from a third density or third dimensional, and higher, perspective this is a torus field. A torus field, you would think, is not silent. You would think a torus field is constantly flowing its energy around, because this is one of the mistakes about torus fields that some people that like to make documentary movies and such without actually doing the proper investigation and study, over the years have thrown out into the world. So now most people think that a torus field is a donut-shaped energy field, where the energy is raging constantly, from the top inside to the bottom, and outside, and in again.

Now, that is not exactly correct. A torus field, just like the two dimensional representation of it, is a stable field in which none of the particles that form up the torus move. They are all in perfect balance, all in perfect stillness, shaped, and remaining there, permanently. What is happening is that through those particles an energy rages. Once again, this is the energy of the observer. The lifeforce of the observer is that which is raging through the particles, and making it the appearance, have the appearance of movement, but the particles of the actual torus are in balance, are divine, therefore, they know no true collapsing of the field in time and space. So, we are going to get into that later, but from their perspective, they are not even in a collapsed state, they are in a waveform and they are everywhere at the same time. It is only when the observer collapses the torus field into presence, that the lifeforce energy of the observer is what makes the torus field move, but it is the lifeforce itself that is moving through it, not the torus field and the particles of the torus field itself. They are merely conductors of the lifeforce that is focusing.

So, that is why also in two density, in two dimensions, we can say, the particles that we focus on here, are on the left and the right. They are the same particles that from the torus field’s perspective in third density, are stabilized on the left and on the right of that torus field in three dimensions also. We will get back into this at another point when we discuss the torus field. This is enough about that for today. But, from the infinity sign perspective in two dimensions, you have the left point and the right point.

Now, this point I already said can be considered the Pah position. These points are in the Ra position, similar to the point in, as has been taught by Da Pa Kwan Yin San, in your head kakra, the same point that you access there, and that sahvok tries to circumnavigate in order to get into the heart kakra. But, if you want to hear more about that go back to a class called “Remembering the Rivers of San,” I think.

Creating the Ekaraia

Now, the student in Honomeia is observing this field, has invoked it, and is focusing on the Ra points, which are again, virtual points. They are virtual not only because they are observed, and then only exist, but also because they are in a state of quantum entanglement. There is only one Ra point, after all. You are merely observing it in two different positions of itself. Now that is going to get worse as you go deeper into this. Hang on. So, this Ra point in a quantum entangled state projecting itself twice because of the focus of the observer, now creates two new points, and I am going to show them to you. This happens, by the way, because the observer that has invoked this particular exercise is moving its consciousness within it. At that point, a sort of projector gets created, which as you will see, is in the shape of a pyramid. It creates a pyramid, a further quantum entanglement of itself, a further collapsing into complexity is what is taking place here, but, all the points here, is still a copy of the Ra point. Here, you still have a copy of the same Ra point.

Now, as the student moves deeper into the exercise to enter the holographic reality that you know of as Honoleia, here, an ekaraia, as the student does this, the Ra point – and you must imagine this forward, not down, but I will do it down, for the… – creates the point known as Lyn, or One, the Lyn point. And, this Lyn point, to finish, is the creator of the so-called two dimensional disk that science knows is this universe. So, imagine a diffused field that is generated here, and here a sort of circular, oval-like disk. It is in here, in that pool, if you will, a type of pond, if you will, you know, if you can imagine the surface of a pond with waves and vibrations and that sort of thing, it is in here that you get the vibrational universe: matter. But how?

This Lyn point is the only thing that is real as the student passes into vibrational reality. Yet, once it is in vibrational reality, it is confronted with billions, trillions upon trillions upon trillions of particles – again, photons, electrons, atoms, quantum particles, every other particle that you still want to invent – as you keep focusing deeper and deeper into this pond, which I believe is the Greek tragedy of the narcissist, who looks deeper and deeper because he is so in love with himself, falls into the pond, correct? But anyway, so, one true point. A point of infinometry creating trillions, and trillions, and trillions, of versions of itself. Now has does it do that?

In this position here, at the Lyn position, the point is not what you think it is. It is not in a collapsed state. It is therefore not in one point of time or space. It is in a waveform state, meaning that it is still everywhere as a field, not collapsed into this point here, or this point here, or this point here, or whatever the many points making up this body, or the chair on which I sit, or all the atoms making up this board, all of this, is that same Lyn point. The same point.

So, if you consider for a second, (I will use just the same color) if you consider for a second the Lyn point collapsing itself from a waveform state into every single point known to vibrational reality, all these billions, and billions, and billions of atoms, and particles, and photons, and what have you not, then it does this by using the illusion of time and space.

So, how do you get from a Lyn point that is in a waveform to a Lyn point, for instance, that is making up the geometry of a triangle. This point, this point, and this point of the triangle, as well as every single point along the line of the triangle, and every single point inside the triangle, is all the same Lyn point, yes? But, each point is slightly out of phase in temporal, and in spatial dimensions, compared to each other point. It is the Ra truth that Da Pah Lao Tze San has told you about. Each point is the same, yet slightly different. So, you could argue that in the… if you have a universe here, that is as you now suspect, because that is what you are creating, thirteen billion years old, thirteen billion linear years, then that means that Lyn has thirteen billion years of moments, of microscopically small moments. I am talking about billions of these moments fit in one second, alright? Billions of them, with which Lyn places itself as a mosaic of time and space itself, in all of these different positions, until a shape manifests: a triangle, a square, or in the higher, or in the more vibrational, and material levels, a photon, an electron, an atom, all of it.

Now, it is because, it is because of what I have just explained that we have always said throughout the years, that every single particle, every single point in time and space, everything, from the smallest photon to the biggest tree, is ultimately a way in and out of this reality. Because each and every particle, each and every point, is ultimately nothing else but a black hole that is generating a wormhole, that I just explained, outside of time and space reality, in its own quantum entanglement with itself as Lyn, yes? And that is simply how the entire thing is made up.

The Perspective of the Creator Self

Now, this area, the vibrational universe, is where you have always put your focus, because that is where your senses are telling you to focus. In this area is where you get to experiment with service to self, service to others, service to the whole, all of that, because all it is, is a holographic reality in two densities. It is what is called in the study of the Pah the field of Lavat. It is in there that you explore sahvok, the concept of mind. But, this period is coming to, not really to an end for humanity, because there are always going to be those that need to explore this field as they come and study it, but because of the recent shift into infinometry, and the release of the service to self perspective that was forced as one of the two opportunities, the student now has the opportunity to begin observing and interacting with the Lavat field, which is this reality, as an observer, and a witness, at the point of the Creator Self.

For many eons it was not possible to have a direct awareness of the self outside of the exercise, to simplify. And, it will be again soon. That time is coming. Now, before I go on, I still want to add here, that – just for those that like the technical side of this sort of information – that the Lavat field, the hologram, the holographic reality, uses the concept of vibration and frequency, the vibration and frequency movement, in order for the Lyn point to be able to place itself in three different locations, or four, or five, or thousands, billions, it doesn’t matter. It is therefore the vibration and the frequency of the field, the waves if you were to think of the pond, the waves of the field, that give the Lyn particle the opportunity to position itself in all of these microscopically slightly different points in time and space, and therefore to form the geometries to begin with.

In a field of stillness beyond it that is not possible. That is why there is no such thing as virtual particles outside of the Lavat field, the holographic reality, and in the field that is beyond the infinometry, where the student – the field of Honomeia – where the student is generating the infinometry. For that place is still. That place is in balance. That place is not vibrating and creating, therefore, the opportunity for a waveform, a field, to collapse itself into particles.

And, it is funny for you to consider this because your entire lives, and everyone that studies science, your entire education, you have been told that the fundamental field is the geometrical field, and the quantum field. But, none of these fields, ultimately, are real because they are all simply projected from the Lyn point. So, for those scientists out there that are currently exploring the hell out of reality – the ones that are actual scientists – with names such as Donald Hoffman, is just one that comes to mind, this Lyn point, Donald, is what you are studying right now. And if you want to talk about it with me, I am always available. But this is what you are studying, because science is discovering that there are those things beyond time and space, that are more fundamental than time and space, that are manifesting, creating, time and space, from which time and space is emerging from. And this is how it is done.

But all of this is happening because of an observer, a witness, a Creator Self, an agent of consciousness, whatever you like to call it, that is in the reality known as Honomeia, the Pah reality, where infinometry is the baseline. And it is that baseline that the student, in what you would consider meditation, an exercise like you sometimes do here too, is focused upon in order to generate this entire reality.

Now, beloveds, a glass of water. Everything I have just drunk is an illusion made of the same particle, by the way. So, don’t charge me for it. I am only paying for one!

Right. Yes.

The 11-11 Portal

As an explorer of consciousness, as an ascension student, your entire life, as I said before, you have been focused on the field of geometry and the so-called portals. The 11-11 portal, the Lion’s Gate portal at 8, and all of these portals, the precessions, all of these things that make up the momentum, the forward flow of your experience, within this universe. Also, the energetic ones like these portals that you will be traveling through again, you have been traveling through, since the end of Lemurian times, as I said at the beginning, in a vibrational way. This means that you have used these portals to keep your momentum through the holographic reality going, the spiraling circles, as we have discussed before. You have used that momentum. And as I said earlier, every point, if you look at this triangle here, for instance, with all of its points, every single point, every photon, every plant, no matter a collection of points seen as one whole, everything, is ultimately a way in and out of here.

That is why it is so easy for us to come in here, for ascended life to come in here, to manifest light bodies, as you call them, and that sort of thing, because everything is a gateway in and out of it, because everything is the same gateway, the same Lyn particle. Therefore, whereas previously, as a collective species, you have traveled through the portal in the vibrational way, now, with this new change that has occurred, you will be traveling through it, and out of it. So, this time, the 11-11 portal is not going to be used to continue generating the momentum that you as a student have needed in order to continue your study, but instead, to lift up out of the field, and into the higher perspective of infinometry.

We will discuss this in great depth in the next two classes that I will be presenting in the next four or five days or so, and what this entails. For now, I believe it might be enough to contemplate these things, to consider these things, and to see where you get with it. As always of course, in the next days, if anyone has any questions for me, please do send them in, and I will address them in the classes going forward.

That is all.

Beloved humanity, we are excited to assist you in this shift. We are excited to see what you are going to do with it, as always, but most of all, what matters most, is your focus on that which you want to generate now. For if it is so, that beyond this portal lies a manifestation of your own making, then I would suggest you start building. You use the next few days, in the course of these following messages, to define for yourself what is the infinite path, what are the infinite building blocks, and you cut away further than you already have, further than you think may be comfortable, all of those things about yourself that you know to be an illusion, that you know to have been generated in the field of geometry, and not the field of infinometry, and what lies beyond it. And then I am not per se talking about physical and material things: I am talking about the things that attract or repel you to these physical or material things. The things that addict you or repel you, in other words.

These… what is pushing you further towards it, and what is pulling you further from it? These are the questions that would do well to be asked within you in the next few days, because, ultimately, if we currently, in this moment of being, were to pull the plug on this density if you will, you would be in a state of shock how very little of you, that you think right now is you, that you consider important about you, would actually remain from the perspective of the Creator Self. Of course, it is understandable that it is hard from this perspective that you are currently in, to truly imagine why, and what, and how, and all of these questions, of a reality that would have no geometry, and therefore, no real physical substance, and therefore, no real separation, no real beginnings and endings, no real gains and losses, no real need for being alone, or a desire to be together. So, what is left then? And what is all of that?

That is what I want you to think about, because that will be you. And when you do so, do not get discouraged by the potential friction, or discomfort, or any of these things that you might feel as you contemplate these things. Because what is beyond that are the things that are eternal, and the things that are infinite.

As you will progress out, partially, at least, of this particular Ekaraia that you currently find yourselves in, you will, and this is what we will talk about soon, you will hear more about the work that is ahead at the next level of tuition, but for that I will return soon.

This will be the conversation about service to the whole, and what it truly is about, and how that ties into the journey from geometry into infinometry. I look forward to that moment. I look forward to receiving your questions and your commentary, as always, and I look forward to seeing you again.

Now, before I go, I have two rather disconnected points, in a way, to make.

The first one is I would like to address my beloved Keeper, Da Thea’e San. I am happy you are holding on, old gal, and I am looking forward to seeing you soon, because we have a lot of work to do in all the densities.

And secondly, I wish to address all of those people out there in this planet, who have for all of these years held on to the faith, to the truth of the metaphysical, and who have done their best with the tools they had to create beacons of light, beacons of hope, to create work and places for those out there that were lost. And particularly those of you, who out there, have been responsible throughout the entire planet, for generating what you call “the Cities of Light.” These have been, and continue to be, of such great value and importance. I will talk about this in my next message as well, but I want everyone to know that here, at this place of recording, I, today, have not activated another City of Light as you call it, but a Province of Light. We have, based on this information, altered the density of the province here, known as Zeeland, for it to become a place of comfort, a place of balance, for those that come and seek tuition. We have connected this Province of Light to all of your Cities of Light out there, and these points that you have generated out there, to the many other points in the cosmos, where these same efforts exist.

This diamond-shaped geometry, based on the one Lyn element, will for those that want to take up the effort, move into the heart kakra in the hours after becoming aware of this message, and will give you a renewed sense of purpose, as these locations that we speak of, will become the so-called lift off points, launching points, where it will be gradually easier and easier for a student, to step into the world of infinometry. And yes, as a last hint, I will say, it truly is a different world. But, with that, it is a world that is not attuned to the senses as you are aware. It is for this reason that I have asked you earlier to step away from those things that the senses are attracted to or repelled, to step away from all of those needs, and desires, and wants, that keep you locked in here, because it is all going to be now, beloveds, about the subtle fields. The fields that have nothing to do with vibration and frequency, with emotion and dichotomy, with beginnings and endings, with finiteness, and with illusion. But then you must also be honest with yourselves, and step away from those things because otherwise all you are saying is that you truly do secretively desire them. And that is fine, too. But, then do know what you want, and make a choice.

I am Da Lemuaya San of Tachyonic Service and of Tachyonic Creation, and I love you with all of my heart. May my wings embrace you, and may my breath keep you warm, and may the fire in my chest be the fire in yours.

And so it is.

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