Free Ascension Training Now Universally Available

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Hi beloved ones! Now that our transformation of Imzaia World is complete, we are providing universal access to free ascension study and training.

Check out our new homepage below and find out about my free private sessions that you can book right now, or read about our new free events and discover the ascension training grounds in Zeeland.

Don’t forget to visit the ascension libraries and discover all the work since 2018 that is now freely available in the Study of the Pah.

I’ll share more about the relaunch in a bit. In the meantime, check out the new Imzaia World freed from financial restrictions & create a free account if you want to come in for a landing on Imzaia World!

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Here are some links to help find your way around:

Visit our new homepage

Discover free Ascension Study & Training

Visit the Study of Vibration Library (2004 – 2016)

Visit the Study of the Pah Library (2018 – ongoing)

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
8 months ago

Namasté Namasté Namasté 🙏♾️
Ohami to All beings!
i Honoleia ☀ i Dahlyn ohami san’shizaia’i San’a’ke 🤍♾️🤍
Yes the website is brilliant one akeneic creation by our Belovedness o Da Pah Kwan Yin San’a’ke 🚀 o oo Da’ka’ba’ya infinite♾️eternal joyfull Gratitude from my akene to our one akeneic family and I am greeting one and all imzaia’e
o Da’ka’ya
I love the 🌟 in your eyes 🙏 🌟 🌟
i a’ke’da i’shidaya ohami vah’da’mi o Da’ka’ba’ya ♾️
i a’ke’da ohami vah’ra’ya shizaia’i o Da’ka’ya
eja’i shi’ish’kara ohami vish’ka imzaia’e o Da’ka’ya
eja’i chi pah ohami imzaia’e
ascension is real in this perfect moment of Love we are celebrating freeimzaia ishishish
eja’i shihalyn ohami imzaia’e
infinite8eternal blessings to my precious akeneic family
together we are in akeneic magnetic speed service to
o Da Gaia San’shizaia’e and humanity’s choice mithy be all vectors of ascension are real ohami
Eja’i San’vish’kaya’e o Da’ka’ba’ya
Eja’i o Da JoY’Ya San
Eja’i imzaia’e

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