Move Beyond the Finite States
14 November 2024
Hi beloveds!
I just got back into body after recording “Sunrise of the New Age,” today’s new channeled transmission by the Cosmic Twelve. 🙏
This feature length and very joyful presentation by the Cosmic Twelve shares deeply practical insights and methods to navigate one’s consciousness beyond the field of space and time and, especially, how one can become aware of consciously creating reality in service to the whole as one moves beyond the finite states that we once considered our baseline reality.
I’m now running to the editing bay to prepare the 1 hour and 20 minutes long message for upload! 🥰
I expect the video to be available on YouTube in about 2 hours.
I belove in you!
Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏
Watch it now on Imzaia World
(available soon)