Call It What You Will, But It Works

25 November 2024

Hi beloved ascensioneers! 🥰🙏

A blessed day to you all. I hope you are having an awesome time exploring the blessed truth of the material that we have shared this November so far.

As I am preparing for the next transmission of the Seven Sisters as well as preparing to make space in this vessel for beloved Ra, I am considering creating an in between recording myself with a practical exploration of all that has now been shared. And to help get you underway on your first little trip, as it were, if you haven’t done so already that is.

Call it portal travel, call it healing, call it breaking the matrix, lol, call it what you will, but it works and I can’t wait for you to discover it for yourself fully and embrace and embody it completely once again.

We will see which recording happens first! 🥳  Around here, you never know when Adamus or Kuthumi or Ekara or others drop by for a spontaneous recording in between as the inspiration to do so hits them.

Either way, get ready, because we will be back with our next video release in the next couple of days. Looking forward to creating and sharing the moment with you!

I belove in you!

Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏

Ps. Pardon the ascensioneers, lol, Kuthumi made me do it… 😁

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