Be Blessed and Rejoice

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Happy New Year beloved!

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Welcome to 2024, which we entered, in numerological terms, as an “8” year.

A year of high presence of and opening to Christ Consciousness.

A year focused on the infinite, on that beyond the linear, and on ascension itself.

A year of Grand Transformation is inviting you to take center stage and become truly and metaphysically alive.

As you enjoy these first days of 2024, in preciousness and in presence, I wish for you, and for all the ones you cherish and love in your hearts, and for all those in this wide world that are alone, in pain, in sadness, or in conflict, that the Christed Light of consciousness may spring forth in your heart and begin to pour out of you and out of all the hearts that surround you.

Each heart, each being, has a choice, which we each make individually at some point, yet collectively holds the vision and the manifestation of the world of peace and prosperity that we wish upon all beings.

I pray that this collective moment of choice emerges from the Now moment as I envision each human, each animal, each being, just for a moment, to close its eyes, finds its way to its heart, and there find the same light and love that is the one infinite creator God that rests, waits, and patiently prepares to shine within us all.

May you be blessed and rejoice in the love and light of the Beloved, Infinite Creator, whose eternal celebration of Life gives birth to the heart space where we are One and where we can find One another, always.

I belove in you,

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago

San’a’ke o Da Pah Kwan Yin San ♾️ Da’ka’ba’ya

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