And So It Expands!

2 September 2024

Hi beloveds! A blessed day to you all! ❤️

I’ve been a little quiet online in the past few weeks because we have been busy behind the scenes with the final steps of the private purchase of our beloved ascended master school in Zeeland, NL.

Due to it being a monument and a 100 year old nunnery it took us about two years to complete this purchase.

About a week ago, that journey successfully completed!

As such, I am so happy to share that we can now get fully going with the creation and sharing of the imzaia material in exactly the way we have always intended: free of any financial exchange, flowing abundantly from our hearts into yours and from there into the world, with no preset structure, expectation, or restriction, in any way.

The manifestation of this school is a dream that started over 17 years ago in the heart of beloved Jeshua, and one that I – and all of us here – can say with Love and Joy that we made a reality in Freedom and in Truth for all of Life.

Many of you reading this have travelled some or even all of the way with us during these last two decades as we worked on manifesting this next stage of the imzaia project. And here we are today.

Our Gratitude to you all for walking this path with us up until now is infinite.

In Grace and in Well being we promise to you, from our hearts, that we will work diligently, effortlessly, continuously, and consistently, to bring you the next phases of Truth and ascension study and training that is what the imzaia material is all about.

Watch this space. I can’t wait to share with you all what is next!

I belove in you with my heart and with all that I am,

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

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