Hi beloved ascensioneers! 🥰🙏 A blessed day to you all. I hope you are having an awesome time exploring...
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Hi beloveds! Happy 22/11! 🥰 I just got back into body after a 1,5 hour long channeled transmission by...
Hi beloveds! I just came out of channel after a 1,5 hour long transmission by beloved Ekara. It was...
Hi beloveds! I just got back into body after recording "Sunrise of the New Age," today's new channeled transmission...
Hi beloveds! Blessings to you all. It's a beautiful day of portal energy here in the Ascended Master School...
This transmission is balanced…” is how the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades started their message yesterday, followed immediately by...
Hi beloveds! Yay! We just finished recording the channeled message for this 11:11 Portal, featuring the Seven Sisters of...
Blessed 11:11 Portal Day to all of you, my beloveds! I am preparing to lock on to the precious...
Hi beloveds! Kuthumi was here and just left after recording a message of about 1 hour and 20 mins,...