This little, five minutes long installment of the Meaning of Life Virtual Seminar collection, brings us to the midway...
Author Archive for: Imzaia World
Welcome to the start of the second day of the first Meaning of Life event in the Netherlands! We...
With the Meaning of Life event in the Netherlands now well underway, the end of the first day of...
After an extended stay on Hawaii, Da Jeshua San and the fellowship travel to the European continent and land...
This is the fourth installment of a 60-part Virtual Seminar video series, recorded between November 9 and December 16,...
Welcome to this precious moment. You are about to embark on a journey, together with Da Jeshua San and...
This is the second installment of a 60-part Virtual Seminar video series, recorded between November 9 and December 16,...
This is the first of a 60-part Virtual Seminar video series, recorded between November 9 and December 16, 2007,...
Abundance, by many people, is considered as something that should come to them. In the seventies, the notion of...