The Garden of Eden (The Study of Vibration, session 204) is a masterpiece of metaphysical tuition by the beloved...
Author Archive for: Imzaia World
Welcome to the final installment of Mastering the Grand Illusions, a series in 14 parts that deals with the...
In "How Peace Came to Earth" (The Study of Vibration, Session 202) Da Solarys San of akeneic service and...
This presentation by Da Jeshua San, Da Gaia San, and Da Pah Ekara San, "The Story of Creation and...
In "Poetry for the Soul" (The Study of Vibration, Session 200) Da Pah Ekara San creates a moment of peace...
"The Truth about Love" (The Study of Vibration, Session 199) introduces the ascension student to Da Solarys San of...
"What's In a Hug?" (The Study of Vibration, Session 198) is an important metaphysical presentation by Da Pah Ekara...
"A Pleiadean Meditation" (The Study of Vibration, Session 197) is a beautiful gift to the ascension student, and to...
"To Begin Again" (The Study of Vibration, Session 196) is an intimate metaphysical discussion between Da Jeshua San and...