You and God Belong Together

Da Pah Kwan Yin San

Ascension Updates are short videos and written pieces by Da Pah Kwan Yin San, providing moments of conscious focus, created as an invitation to celebrate who you truly are, with the goal to elevate your life and your world into the masterpiece of Love that exists within your heart.

They are released on our social media channels and on our website, Imzaia World, a free metaphysical library focused on ascension study and training, with a free and private Ascended Master School located in Zeeland, the Netherlands.

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Music by Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San.

This message is for those that might sometimes struggle to see the forest for the trees.

Therefore, this message is for every human being that is alive at the moment.

Given the possible judgement you, or maybe not you but another, might have had upon finding this text, simply in reaction to the suggestive title and the choice of a three letter word so potentially divisive in today’s world than the word God, it is not much of a reach to state that we often cannot see the truth with crystal clarity.

There is no shame in admitting that we most likely see what we want to see, or, what we have been trained to see.

Trained by society, trained by media and corporations, trained by nudging governmental influencing, trained by the filters that we were taught to use by others and those that we taught ourselves to use.

By observing others, as well as ourselves, we all know that these filters can trigger us severely.

It is one such filter that I want to address today, and it concerns our subjective experience of being separated, as human beings, from not only others, but also from God.

The truth I wish to bring into the light of focus is your eternal oneness with, and everyone’s unbreakable bond with, the beloved, infinite, divine, creator God, whose love and light you rejoice in with every breath and with every heartbeat, whether you are aware of it or not.

It is often complex for a person to both understand that they and everyone else are one and the same being, yet each is a unique expression of consciousness. It can be complex to hold in the mind both apparently conflicting ideas that we are all one yet you experience individual consciousness from the perspective of the I Am, which places you at the heart and center of your universe and your experience of life itself.

The complexity can be easily lifted however, when we look beyond the duality of the self and the other, because when we do, we discover that which binds and creates both states, namely the whole.

I propose, for the purpose of the remainder of this message, to refer to this whole as none other than the beloved creator God itself.

To an observer as yourself it then becomes easy to see that the unification of consciousness and oneness between the self and the other occurs within the realization that both are creations and expressions, and, therefore, experiences, of the same being, which is the divine, beloved, creator God.

If you imagine a triangle for a moment, floating in space, and you imagine the beloved, creator God to be at the tip of that geometry, with the self and the other flowing out to the left and right remaining points, then you can take the next step in understanding and remembering this relationship, which leads you to consider the notion that the full field of experience you witness and take part in every day, namely your world, your life, this universe, and this entire reality, is the space inside of the triangle itself, created and projected and experienced by the consciousness of each of the three points individually and collectively.

In other words, this place we call the world and that we call the experience of life and of consciousness itself, is the outward projection of the inner world that is God, the other, and you, combined.

The journey of love we are all on, then, is the road to unification at the heart of the triangle that each of the three points is on at the same time: God itself, the other, and you. The moment of ascension is the arrival at that central point, which can be seen as the heart of all things and all beings, including your own.

It is a journey we are each seemingly making on our own, and we all seem to arrive at that central point in our own time, from a linear perspective at least, but metaphysically speaking the truth is all of us are on the same journey, meaning that from the perspective of the central point of truth we all arrive there exactly at the right time. The meeting and unification between God, the other, and you, happens at the same moment for everyone, therefore, although the journey, both in distance and in timing, may seem unique to us when we are still on the road.

Knowing all this, we must come to appreciate the brilliant and divine nature of what we are remembering here, as we share this moment together with the creator God.

One way to see the divine hand in this plan is to observe the immersive and complete nature of it.

As you arrive in this lifetime with no memento nor memory of who you, the other, and God, truly are, it is easy to get lost in the completeness of the experience called life, the powerful, mirroring nature of this world, and because of this, to start to think of the finite nature of this journey as everything there is, to completely lose track of the infinite and of the divine, even. In the completeness of the divine nature of this experience, that itself is even part of the journey, and a wonderful part at that, especially when one gets to wake up to the truth yet again.

The body that is currently delivering these words believes itself to be 47 years of age. We think of insects as having a short lifespan of days or weeks, but we do not see the shortness of our own when we experience the fullness of divine immersion into this world.

47 years amounts to no more than 17.155 days.

That is only 17.155 times that the consciousness experiencing this body woke up in a day very similar to this one. Only 17.155 times it went to sleep, fully trusting that it would wake up here as itself again the next morning.

Only a divine, infinite creator God, with the help of its own reflection within the creation of an expression of a self and an other, can create an experience that is so immersive, so whole, so complete, that once it starts it does not take long to believe it is the only reality that is real, not long to start grappling with the notion of finiteness as a reality that boggles and often frightens the mind, and not long to be so overwhelmingly direct in the experience of the so called evidence of the finite nature of existence, that one mistakenly thinks one can find in the reflection of finiteness and separation that one can see everywhere surrounding the self.

In the experience of it all, therefore, in the nature of the very existence of this reality itself, one can easily see the hand of the divine, beloved, creator God, because no matter how deep we may believe, fear, or perhaps in some cases even hope, that this finite experience is all there is and all there is to ever be, the moment of unification between the beloved creator God, the beloved other, and the beloved self, is ahead for all of us, and it will happen for all of us at the same time from our own vantage point.

No matter how much our mind, our ego, and our personality tries to keep the truth hidden from us in our daily lives, in the end these three are part of the same finite creation we just discussed and they operate as a smaller holographic fractal version of the triangle we imagined our relationship to God and the other to be earlier.

All of us are washed away by the waves of daily life that keep coming at us, but in the quiet moments, when meditating, when contemplating, when waking up, or just before falling asleep, can feel the presence of this truth: that we willingly accept to believe that this life is all there is, that we make ourselves believe our nature is temporary and that we spring forth from a finite world, in order to have the experience of unification and ascension that is the journey of love we are all on.

Think of how brief the total amount of days you have been waking up here and going to sleep in so far have been, truly. Think of how amazing it is that in such a brief and finite, yet repetitive amount of time, you end up believing this world and your lifetime is finite and has nothing whatsoever to do with the divine or the infinite.

When you do, it becomes easier to open your mind and your heart up to the contemplation of the true nature of this reality, which is literally the goal of why you choose to be here: to remember God, to fully embrace the self and the other, because you are God learning to understand itself.

You, the other, and this reality itself, therefore, is made in God’s image, quite literally.

As I leave you in stillness now to continue your journey of contemplation, I hope I can say to you now, without encountering judgement within the self, that you are ready to understand that you belong to God, that God belongs to you, and that God, the other, you and me… that we belong together.

Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏

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Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago


Da JoYYa San
Da JoYYa San
1 year ago


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