We Have Entered the Time

14 May 2024

We have entered the time that you have spent the entirety of this lifetime preparing for.

In the coming weeks, you will observe a wave of unexpected and previously unseen kindness emerging from the old energy based, mental & self serving systems.

It will permeate all levels and systems of society, government, structures, and the world.

It will be surprising for many but undeniable on both a global and individual level of experience.

This wave is not temporary and will continue to increase evermore.

Get ready to align yourself with it and become a conscious agent of change by letting it flow out of you too and into your actions, your choices, and let it touch and affect all aspects of your life.

I am so proud of you and so happy for you and for all beings that we have arrived here now.

We will go into detail on video about all this very soon.

I love you,

🤍 Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🤍

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Fernando Vossa
Fernando Vossa
10 months ago

Remember the old radio broadcast of H. G. Wells’ “War of the Worlds”? Now visualize the “Peace of the Worlds” webcast where we open with a quick series of announcements and reports from all over the world of the many events taking place of spontaneous expressions of abundance, kindness and philanthropy of love. These profound announcements would include children planting tree, corporations releasing trillions in wealth for free energy solutions, water, food, housing and bio communities. There would be changes in the climate to green deserts and animal migrations that would establish biosphere rainforests. The cascade of synchronicities and fractals of love have already began. Each one of us is an announcement that peace is the theme of this soundtrack and planetary liberation is our chorus of ascension in a supernova of journeys as creators/creatress awakened in a self realized energetic Eden.

Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
10 months ago

San’a’ke 🙏 Da’ka’ya for this grand update! Such exciting times! I have been imagining a shift like this since I have connected with ascended life and their teachings at Imzaia World. And now it is happening! Feeling truly blessed for being here now.
Da imzaia shi’ha’lyn o vah’da’mi ❤️

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
10 months ago

Very proud, happy and Love you too ❤️
Thank you 🙏

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