On Mastering Linearity and Linear Time

25 October 2024

I was meditating / daydreaming / browsing through our collection of imzaia cards yesterday when I came across these two statements by beloved Adamus Saint Germain, which felt appropriate to share with you here, in this moment.

In these two pieces, beloved Adamus discusses linearity and linear time, which, one can argue, is one of the strongest utensils in the toolbox of separation, making us experience reality from a finite and limited perspective.

Adamus says that once one understands the true nature of linear time, the experience of it, or at least the way it is experienced in the usual way in this linear reality, ceases to be. One discovers that the movement of planets, suns and stars, of galaxies, of the universe, and of time itself, is all dependent on the linear interpretation of reality that is created through the observation of one’s mind.

In other words, when the perception of reality, observed through the mind, changes and/or ceases to be, the experience of linear time comes to an end.

This does not mean the end of experiencing reality itself. What is meant here is that time is no longer observed as a river flowing in one direction. Instead, imagine standing in the center of that river of time, which comes to a stop, and every drop of water in that river moves out of its current position and, instead, forms a sphere of droplets around your being, a perfect and shimmering sphere of droplets of water, which, for the purpose of this metaphor, each is one unique moment in time, usually flowing by linearly one moment after the other, but now accessible from this center position that you find yourself in.

We experience this reality typically through the vessel known as the body, with its senses that act as a type of filter with which we experience this realm.

To seek the perspective of the divine means to move beyond these filters so that one regains access to the conscious perspective of the creator self and the creator whole.

You can use exercises such as the metaphor I described above to train your mind to shut down its linear interpretation of events, which, when done successfully, given enough practice, will allow you the perspective on reality that is generated by your merkabah field instead of the mind field.

The metaphor of the river, water droplets, and sphere, I described above is a perfect way into experiencing the description of the merkabah and its interaction with photons as described by beloved Adamus in the second imzaia card.

With practice, you will learn that as you enter this state of divinity and as you access these water droplets aka moments in time, you will not merely be able to access that one singular moment, but as one enters it one enters an entirely new universe based on that one moment.

So, instead of one reality, which is made up of one moment of time after another, in this state each moment of time is a reality in itself.

If you are interested in exploring these concepts deeper, I highly recommend diving into the imzaia library and into our archives with the Cosmic Manifest and the Divinity Manifest being two very good places to start.

The metaphysical ascension study and practice material that we offer on our website, Imzaia World, is sovereign and free to access for all beings. There is much more material beyond the Cosmic & Divinity Manifests available on the site, but those two combined already offer over 150 classes and are a pretty good place to start.

I love you very much,

🤍 Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🤍

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Da Chachi Ram San
Da Chachi Ram San
5 months ago

San’a’ke 🙏 what a great metaphor of the river of time turned into a sphere filled with gazillions of realities packed into water droplets. I can very much relate to that. It turns linearity into a completely different animal and basically takes linearity out of 3D. Hard to describe, but it makes all the sense to me. Da’ka’ya 🙏

Da Ekaraia Gaia San
Da Ekaraia Gaia San
5 months ago

Thank you for this inviting contemplation.
Enjoying the very helpful metaphor of the river, water droplets, and sphere.

It took me to wonder if there is such a thing as linear space as well and, if so, I would be happy to know more about this ❤️
ohami vish’ka i imzaia’e

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