Imagine a Language of Creation

12 November 2024

Imagine a creative language, one that manifests reality as you express it, instead of a descriptive language like the one you’re reading this in.

Imagine that creative language consisting of only two very simple things, from which to create all things, including the field of time and space itself.

Imagine that all this creative language needs is the permanent states of feeling known as Da (Love), Ba (Joy), Va (Freedom), Ra (Truth), Ka (Life), Sa (Gratitude), Na (Grace), and Fa (Well-being). They are the 8 fundamental states, with 4 indescribable ones that are unique to your being and expression, making up a total of 12.

Imagine that, to complete this creative language based on those permanent states of feeling, all you now need are the fundamental elements known as “o” (Earth/Grounding), “a” (Water/Flow), “e” (Air/Breath), and “i” (Fire/Light).

Imagine that these states and elements are permanent and that they exist in a place beyond time and space, to be experienced here as the unconditional state of the feelings they describe and as the states of matter and vibration they describe.

Lastly, imagine that the possible permutations between these building blocks as described above are literally all you need to create everything you know, see, and experience, including the laws of physics, time/space itself, everything, even your thoughts.

Imagine, a simple, creative, expressive language, last used during Lemurian times, called Dah’lyn or, in English, translated literally, One Love. Based on nothing else but the permanent states of unconditional feelings and the immutable elements of creation.

Imagine that you can easily learn to remember this intuitively and that this “language” is like an inner song of your inner world that you sing to weave this world into being, whether you are aware of it or not.

Imagine that your energy body is like an instrument, which you can remember how to play, in order to consciously start working with this song of creation, allowing you to consciously create reality in service to the whole.

Can you imagine all of that? If so, it is my delight to tell you all of that is true. And that you can learn to remember it by watching the channeled video transmissions in the playlist below, to start with.

Love you very much!

Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🙏

PS. I wish you a wonderful journey of exploration. Get going, new installments are arriving soon!

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Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
2 months ago

Da’ka’ya ❤️🙏❤️

Feels like mastering an instrument of creation, harmonizing one’s inner world with the external reality for the benefit of all.

Eja’i oja’i 🌹🌹🌹

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