Applying Compassion on All Levels

18 October 2024

In our contemplation of this moment, I would like to offer you this quote by beloved Ekara, which, upon first impression, can appear to be an easy practice, but there is a catch:

I’ve always loved this quote personally, however, in my conversations with people I often notice that working on this metaphysical practice is blocked for some, due to a lingering, conscious or subconscious judgement on the so called lower vibrational levels and judgement on the so called limitations of the individual and separate ego/mind/personality complex, in favor of the level of experience that is the creator self. Mainly the judgement is the result of separation fatigue and a deep desire for oneness and unity.

When practicing what is suggested above, we must apply the perspective of compassion first and foremost for the ego/mind/personality and it’s unique point of view.

And we must remember that the level of the one infinite creator self creates these vibrational levels willingly in order to learn and discover.

Once we accept that all these perspectives are of one and the same value to the whole, we can begin to comprehend what is suggested in the practice above by beloved Ekara. And our practice of it can come into true and full effect.

I love you,

🤍 Da Pah Kwan Yin San 🤍

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Da Grace Gayasha San
Da Grace Gayasha San
4 months ago

San’a’ke ❤️
Important to read that we create these vibrational levels for ourselves to learn and discover because it s always easy to fingerpoint and judge the other self and don’t take responsibility for your creation❤️
If we accept that every particle contains the whole, and we are one and the same being and express from that point of view, then I believe it will change also our opinions and perspectives on what really means to be in unity and then there is only room for compassion indeed❤️
The practice is a constant focus in the now moment and you have to remember that in every moment because it s so easy to fall back in human patterns ❤️
We are here on earth to experience and learn in a human vessel and to bring love back into our beings❤️

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