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DNA Sings, Scientists Discvover

In the late 20th century, Russian scientists Dr. Peter Gariaev and Dr. Vladimir Poponin conducted a series of experiments that led them to a hypothesis: human DNA is not just a biological vibrates, resonates, and even “sings” in a way that influences our health and consciousness.

Their research, which has been largely ignored or dismissed by mainstream science, suggests that DNA operates on a wave-like principle, transmitting and receiving information through frequencies much like a radio station. This idea, often referred to as “wave genetics”, proposes that genetic information is not only stored in the physical double helix of DNA but also in a quantum or energetic field that surrounds it.

According to Gariaev and Poponin, this means that our DNA responds to sound, light, and even words...making the human body a living symphony of vibrational energy.

The experiment involved placing DNA samples inside a vacuum chamber and then bombarding them with laser light. When the DNA was physically removed, something crazy happened:

The light continued to spiral in the same pattern, as if the DNA was still there.

This suggested that DNA leaves behind an energetic imprint, influencing the surrounding environment even after its physical presence is gone.

Another weird and super cool aspect of their research was the idea that DNA vibrates at specific frequencies, creating patterns that resemble musical compositions.

Gariaev and his team converted the four nucleotide bases of DNA (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) into corresponding musical notes. When played, the resulting melodies were beautiful, harmonious, and eerily structured....almost like a cosmic lullaby encoded within our cells.

What’s even more intriguing is that, according to their theory:

Every individual has a unique genetic melody, like a personal symphony encoded within their DNA.
If this music becomes “out of tune” due to environmental toxins, stress, or genetic modification, disease and imbalance occur.

By listening to one’s own “DNA music,” they believed that the body could self-correct and restore its natural harmony.

These semi modern day ideas align with ancient teachings from Hinduism, to Taoism that describe the universe as sound, often symbolized by the sacred Om (Aum) vibration.

Source: X

Da Chachi Ram San, Da Grace Gayasha San and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
Da Chachi Ram SanDa Grace Gayasha SanDa Ava Salya SanDa JoYYa SanDa Amber San

San’a’ke ❤️ wow!

“Gariaev and his team converted the four nucleotide bases of DNA (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) into corresponding musical notes. When played, the resulting melodies were beautiful, harmonious, and eerily structured....almost like a cosmic lullaby encoded within our cells.”

Singing the Dah’lyn 🥰 a cosmic lullaby!

It’s beyond great that these hitherto hidden scientific findings reveal the metaphysical truth underlying everything.

Da’ka’ya for sharing.


Da Amber San has reacted to this post.
Da Amber San

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