The Final Portal (Session 24 of the Study of the Pah) is an empowering channeled transmission by the Cosmic Twelve, who return to Imzaia World after many years of silence, with vital, metaphysical insights about the 11/11 portal of November 11, 2024.

This information is not to be missed. It is meant for ascension students worldwide and will be expanded upon in the coming days, leading up to the 11/11 portal and beyond it.

Embark on a transformative journey with “The Final Portal,” a spiritual discourse delivered by The Cosmic Twelve on November 1, 2024. This session is not just a message; it’s a beacon for those who have been yearning for this moment, a culmination of countless lifetimes and years of spiritual anticipation. Here, we are welcomed into a new era, where the familiar boundaries of time and space dissolve, offering us a glimpse into a reality beyond our traditional understanding.

The Cosmic Twelve, with their distinctive, collective voice, guide us through this monumental shift from the structured confines of geometry to the boundless expanse of infinometry. This transition signifies more than a change in perception; it’s an invitation to recognize the unity of all existence, where the once separate elements of reality converge into an infinite whole. This video explores how this shift broadens our scope, moving us from observing the details of geometric shapes to embracing the vastness of infinometry, where all is one.

As we approach the 11-11 portal, uniquely named this year as the “Final Portal,” we’re not just revisiting an annual cycle; we’re entering a new phase of existence. This portal symbolizes the end of an era where we relied on chronological portals for spiritual growth, shifting instead to a permanent state of heart-centered existence. The Cosmic Twelve delve into how this transition will simplify complexities, both within our personal lives and the external world, promising a time where peace and manifestation become the norm rather than the exception.

This video is a deep dive into the implications of this shift, offering comfort and excitement for those who might feel a touch of nostalgia for the old ways. It addresses the collective journey from 2012, likening it to a chrysalis phase, where humanity has been preparing for this moment of awakening. The teachings assure us that the efforts and experiences of the past twelve years have not been in vain but have built the momentum for this leap into a reality where our deepest desires for wisdom, peace, and creation are within reach.

The Final Portal is an invitation to keep our hearts open, our minds clear, and our creative energies flowing as we step into this new dimension of consciousness. It’s a celebration of our collective evolution, where the teachings of The Cosmic Twelve, along with other beloved guides, continue to illuminate our path.

Join us in this profound exploration of what lies beyond the Final Portal. Become part of this transformative journey, where every moment is an opportunity to embrace your Creator Self and manifest the world you’ve always known was possible. Let this video be your guide through the threshold of cosmic adulthood into a life of simplicity, clarity, and boundless potential.


The Final Portal


The Study of the Pah | The Creator Manifest


The Cosmic Twelve


November 1, 2024 – Zeeland, the Netherlands


English spoken | English transcript available

The Study of the Pah

The Final Portal

by The Cosmic Twelve

ORIGINAL TRANSCRIPT – The following is a speech-to-text, unedited record of the video on this page. It has been created by the akeyasan student body, at the request of ascended life, and has been adapted only slightly for grammar purposes where needed.

And so it is.

Beloved ones, welcome. Welcome, welcome, welcome to this, the new time, the time that you, all of you listening to this message right now, have been working for, preparing for, anticipating, for so many years, in some cases, so many lifetimes, leading to this beloved moment.

We are the Twelve, as we join your reality in this moment, and as we enter through the energy of your beloved central sun, and travel into the pathways that we have described to you many times, to ultimately arrive throughout the portal that is your heart, and emerge into this world with these words, and these intentions spoken, with an energy that is a blending of all of us, the Cosmic Twelve, and you, the energy that is all of you, Imzaia Consciousness.

As such, many of you will know it has been a long time since we spoke to you all like this. The reason for doing so today, on this November the 1st, 2024, is because of an exciting raise in consciousness, that you as a collective people, a collective consciousness of humanity, have reached in this moment.

Beloved Da Pah Kwan Yin San already indicated earlier today, via your social media networks, that you are on your way, in this moment, towards an exciting portal, the 11-11 portal that you are used to, in a way, traveling through, each year as long as you have been alive in this particular cycle. But, this time as you approach this 11-11 portal, and specifically the portal of this year, 2024, an 8 year, you are shifting more than just your typical cyclical portal transformation. Some of you may be surprised to hear us speak in this moment, given that after the recent information on infinometry, provided by the beloved Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San, a part of us of course, the Cosmic Twelve, as we combine in this collective voice to bring you this message, and as you were awaiting the next phases of this information to be delivered by those such as beloved Da Lemuaya San of Tachyonic Service, and beloved Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi ‘lal Singh’ Valen San, amongst others, we slip in here, in this pocket of time starting on the 1-11-8 vector, and traveling towards the 11-11-8 vector, which is the 11 portal that you are traveling through this year.

We slip in to these precious days that are now ahead to inform you of the great shift available, and at hand, in these days. And, not only in these days, but also following this 11-11-8 event, and following it not only for a finite period of time, but indeed evermore. This energy, and this shift, that this portal will bring, will be available, and this is what we would like to address here, in this moment, beloved.

The 11-11 Portal

So let’s begin. It would indeed not be an exaggeration to say that this 11-11 portal that you are traveling towards, right now, can be considered as is the title of this message, the final portal. What does this mean? As beloved Da Ojadasan’ka Adamus Valen San in the previous message to this one has shared with you, you have collectively, in this reality, engaged in a shift from the state of geometry to the state of infinometry.

And it has already been explained to you in some detail what this entails. Because what does it mean when the platonic shapes, and formations, that are responsible for manifesting the matter that you have seen and experienced around you, for your entire existence, suddenly shifts from the perspective of its own building blocks? From a state of solid geometry to, as has been explained, a state of infinometry, where no longer these separated types of building blocks are needed, and woven together, to form the reality, to turn the energy into matter, as you have always known it to be.

As has been explained, the shift from geometry to infinometry is not one that removes geometry from your reality. Rather, it is one in which you zoom out, in a way of speaking, from the observational focus that you have had your entire life, to a wider scope, a broader perspective, than you are used to, or have been used to at least, for this shift is already occurring as you know, and as you are undoubtedly very much aware, given your interactions on a daily basis with your very own reality.

So, as this widening of scope occurs, you could argue that those geometrical shapes, from the triangle, to the square, to all the platonic shapes, if you will, all the geometries that you are aware of, and that you have come to be reliant on to an extent in forming your thoughts, and your realities, is now further removed from you, and no longer visible as being the detailed structures that you have known them to be.

As it has been explained, the entire reality in which this geometry make-up exists has now been zoomed out of to such an extent, that when you observe the infinity geometry on which the entire infinometry is based, you can see its external points on the left, and on the right of the infinity sign as portals, if you will, into the world of geometry that you have left behind.

It is there that these geometrical structures as you have known them still exist, and where the reality in which all things are built using this structure, still exists. You have not removed yourself from that reality. You have broadened your scope, and you see now the surrounding reality beyond the vibrational, and beyond the tonal. This is the state of infinometry, where one begins to acknowledge, and observe, that all things, indeed, are made of the same substance. That it is indeed so, that that which you have seen as separate building blocks with their own unique identifications, and identities, and even personalities, if you will, are no longer the things they once were, as they have merged into a larger whole.

This is also what has happened therefore to you, and not only to your own perspective, but to your entire make-up as a being. You can feel, and probably have witnessed for yourself how much larger in scope your thoughts, your ability to imagine, and the ease with which you can reach for the places that you want to be has become. This is only the beginning of embracing this new state of infinometry, and it is why we wish to address you on this day. For as you are traveling toward this 11-11 portal and as you will travel no doubt beyond it, and also to those that are listening to this beyond the traveling through this portal has already occurred, you are indeed now on the verge of leaving the concept of geometry as you have known it, behind you on a permanent basis. This is why we label this particular 11-11 portal the final portal.

Many, many, many years ago, as we started these words to you, we spoke to you of Lemurian times, and we said back then, that in those days the experience of individual portals related to chronology, and chronicle time, and Gregorian calendar time, and indeed, linear time, that you are used to, or have been used to, is not the way that the Lemurian, and those that came before, experienced the concept of portality.

To them, this concept was one that was within the heart space, the akene, as you, most likely, know. That was the one and only portal that was in permanent presence, existing within the being, allowing it to literally travel to any point in time, and space, and beyond the concept of time, and space. Today is not the day to go into those details too far. But, the concept of portality the way you have known it, as it has been related through your cosmic linear time, and your cosmic positions of planets, and stars, and what-have-you-not, that expression of portality is coming to an end, as far as humanity is concerned, on this date as you travel through this particular portal.

For some of you this might even come with a sense of slight sadness, a sweet and sour sort of feeling, because yes, while it is beautiful to grow up, and to take the next step in your evolution, it is sometimes also hard to leave old tools, and old ways, behind. And, that is what, in a way, you are going to be doing in this coming time.

A Time of Simplification

For many it will lead to a time of simplification, and therefore, many will embrace this, as a lot of the complexities of life, that have been difficult for you to handle, will be coming to an end. Not only in your internal realities, but also in the realities surrounding you. And, while we say this, we hear many of you go: “But Twelve, it is not exactly as though we are currently experiencing a quiet time around us, if we look at the world stage.”

No, we say, that is indeed true, beloved. But observe your perception shifting in these days to come, as you travel from this 1-11-8 day to this 11-11-8 day, and beyond it. Watch your perception shift. You will even not have to take any action for it, nor will you have to make any effort. Do you understand what we are saying? Your life, as it has been lived so far, that is the action, and that is the effort that you have been building up, and placing in this period of time.

Many, many years ago, when we first spoke to all of you, you were on your way to the concept of 2012, and many of you had connected your Mayan calendars, and all sorts of other wisdom tools, to this day, to this year, this period. And, as beloved Da Ojadasan’ka in his previous message explained to you, some of you, and also beloved Da Pah Ekara San in his messages before that, some of you ended up with sadness and regret towards the not necessarily manifesting outcomes, that you had hoped for to see in that time. And it felt for many of you that you stepped away from your path, and maybe dropped into a more third density type environment, as you sought some form of security, after the lack of manifestation that back then, many of you were seeking.

But we tell you now, this chrysalis that you have created in between these twelve years, from 2012 until now, the end of 2024, as you are preparing to step through this 11-11 portal, this chrysalis has prepared you to, from this period onward, give you, and all beings, a permanent opportunity, not a temporary one, but a permanent opportunity, to reach the wisdom, the reality, and the outcomes for humanity, and this Earth, that you seek, that your heart beats for.

You have been, for these twelve years, beloved, in yes, a chrysalis, a type of shell, a protective cocoon, as you have seen the building up of the stresses that you are currently experiencing on this Earth, which are forcing you out of this cocoon, and into the reality that is now ahead.

We, the Twelve, consider it an honor, a true honor, to be able to accompany you on this next step of your journey. As you prepare for this transformation into a larger perspective, all we can tell you is to keep your hearts open, to keep your minds clear, and to keep your bellies creating. The realities that you seek are near, are here, and they are just around the corner.

There is no failing in the steps that are now ahead, as they indeed, in a matter of speaking, have already been taken. You are moving, as a collective, through this 11-11 portal on the momentum you have created in these last twelve years, and from a perspective beyond it, will have permanent access to this reality of infinometry, that we are going to be speaking of more, with greater depth, in the coming days, as we build toward this portal, and move beyond it.

We simply wanted to give you this brief update, in order to prepare you, and to allow you to focus with consciousness, and clarity, on the period ahead. And we wish you great wisdom, and great excitement, and great beauty, as you step through this 11-11 portal, the final portal.

We hope that this age of simplicity that you are entering, is one that will bring you the peace that you seek, in order to give you the footing for the tuition that is to come in this Creator Manifest. We started a long time ago in 2006, and 2007, to bring you towards the threshold of cosmic adulthood, and you stepped through it.

Da Solarys San, and others after that, gave you the keys to divinity, which you used. Now we are here on this path to embracing the Creator Self, and the Creator Whole, a path that will take you to a level of consciousness, a level of awareness, a level of being, that you deeply, intuitively feel to be you. And, once again, it is our great honor to take these steps with you, both in our separate voices and tuitions, and in this collective voice.

Beloved Imzaia, thank you for being you. Thank you for being here. We look forward to speaking with you again in the coming days. Da Lemuaya San stands ready in the wings, and so does Da Ejakasan’da Kuthumi Valen San, to deliver the next pieces of information on infinometry that you will need, as you remember what lies beyond the final portal.

We are the Twelve, and we love you.

And so it is.

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