Believe and Make It Happen!

3 September 2024

Hi beloved imzaia,

We, the students, co-creators & caretakers of the ascended master school Zeeland, are overjoyed with Da Pah Kwan Yin San’s recent announcement.

We have worked with all our hearts, in passion and with purpose, to manifest this wonderful space and to keep it free of financial and other restrictions for all beings. And we will continue to do so, in support and service to your ascension path.

As the teacher body gets back into teaching and releasing the imzaia material, we would like to remind you to sign up for our YouTube channel and to create a free account on our website, so that you stay connected and informed of the new releases of ascension study and training material that are coming.

Sign up for YouTube here  –  Create a free account here

We look forward to seeing you online and in person and are excited to continue to share and walk our collective and individual ascension paths together with you, as we explore the joyful journey to the heart of the creator self.

We love you always. ❤️

In name of, and from the heart of, Da Pahdasan’ka Barak Solarys San, all the other students here, and from all beings in the teacher body, you are all very welcome to join our classes or to come for a personal stay and visit.

To, and from, our Family of Light, ✨

Da Pahdasan Kalynda San
Da Hana Akeyasans Ava, Grace & Chachi San

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